# en/docmessages/kdebase-runtime/khelpcenter_welcome.xml.gz
# wa/docmessages/kdebase-runtime/khelpcenter_welcome.xml.gz

(src)="s1"> 2009-05-09 4.00.00
(trg)="s1"> 2002- 01- 18 3. 00. 00

(src)="s2"> Welcome to & kde ;
(trg)="s2"> Bénvnowe dins & kde ;

(src)="s3"> The & kde ; team welcomes you to user-friendly & UNIX ; computing .
(trg)="s3"> L ' & # 160 ; ekipe & kde ; vos sohaite li bénvnowe dins l ' & # 160 ; infôrmatike UNIX amiståve po l ' & # 160 ; uzeu .

(src)="s4"> Welcome to the K Desktop Environment
(trg)="s4"> Bénvnowe dins l ' & # 160 ; evironmint di scribanne KDE

(src)="s5"> Information about & kde ;
(trg)="s5"> & kde ; , cwè çki c ' & # 160 ; est di ça ?

(src)="s6"> & kde ; is a powerful graphical desktop environment for & UNIX ; workstations . A & kde ; desktop combines ease of use , contemporary functionality and outstanding graphical design with the technological superiority of the & UNIX ; operating system .
(trg)="s6"> & kde ; est on poûxhant evironmint grafike di scribanne po les posses éndjolreces & UNIX ; . On scribanne & kde ; est åjhey a eployî , il a totes les usteyes k ' & # 160 ; i vs fåt dins ene éndjole d ' & # 160 ; ådjourdu , il est pår bea et , al copete do martchî , il est basti so & UNIX ; , li meyeu sistinme d ' & # 160 ; operance k ' & # 160 ; i gn åye .

(src)="s7"> What is the K Desktop Environment ?
(trg)="s7"> L ' & # 160 ; evironmint di scribanne KDE ( « K Desktop Environment » ) , cwè çki c ' & # 160 ; est di çoula ?

(src)="s8"> Contacting the & kde ; Project
(trg)="s8"> Atôtchî li pordjet & kde ;

(src)="s9"> Supporting the & kde ; Project
(trg)="s9"> Sopoirter li pordjet & kde ;

(src)="s10"> Useful links
(trg)="s10"> Ahessåvès hårdeyes

(src)="s11"> Getting the most out of & kde ;
(trg)="s11"> Po- z eployî & kde ; å mî

(src)="s12"> General documentation
(trg)="s12"> Documintåcion djeneråle

(src)="s13"> A Quick Start Guide to the Desktop
(trg)="s13"> Po- z aprinde al vole a s ' & # 160 ; siervi do scribanne

(src)="s14"> & kde ; User 's guide
(trg)="s14"> Li live di l ' & # 160 ; uzeu di & kde ;

(src)="s15"> Frequently asked questions
(trg)="s15"> Kesses Sovint Dmandêyes

(src)="s16"> Basic applications
(trg)="s16"> Mwaissès aplicåcions

(src)="s17"> Desktop Panel
(trg)="s17"> Li scriftôr

(src)="s18"> Control Center
(trg)="s18"> Li cinte di controle

(src)="s19"> File Manager
(trg)="s19"> Li manaedjeu di fitchîs

# en/docmessages/kdebase-runtime/visualdict.xml.gz
# wa/docmessages/kdebase-runtime/visualdict.xml.gz

(src)="s1"> The & kde ; Visual Guide
(trg)="s1"> Li guide vizuwel di & kde ;

(src)="s2"> The & kde ; Team
(trg)="s2"> L' nbsp; ekipe di & kde ;

(trg)="s3"> Pablo Saratxaga pablo@ walon. org

(src)="s4"> The & kde ; Team
(trg)="s4"> L ' ekipe di & kde ;

(src)="s5"> A visual guide to & kde ; 's interface . This is a very early version of the document . Eventually , this will be a graphical tour of & kde ; .
(trg)="s5"> On guide vizuwel di l' nbsp; eterface di & kde ; . Çouchal c' nbsp; est ene prumire modêye do documint . Çoula crexhre po divni on toû grafike di & kde ; .

(src)="s6"> KDE
(trg)="s6"> KDE

(src)="s7"> Visual
(trg)="s7"> Vizuwel

(src)="s8"> Dictionary
(trg)="s8"> Motlî

(src)="s9"> Guide
(trg)="s9"> Guide

(src)="s10"> & kde ; Visual Dictionary of terms
(trg)="s10"> Motlî vizuwel des mots d' nbsp; kde ;

(src)="s11"> This project was started to help unify the vocabulary used in & kde ; documentation .
(trg)="s11"> Ci pordjet ci a stî enondé po- z unifyî l' nbsp; motlî eployî dins l' nbsp; documintåcion di & kde ; .

(src)="s12"> We provide this for you here as an aid to learning your way around the & kde ; Graphical User Interface . These names have been standardized within & kde ; documentation , so that you will always find interface items referred to in the same way .
(trg)="s12"> Nos vs dinant çoula come ene aidance po vs afaiti avou l' nbsp; eterface grafike di & kde ; . Ces nos la ont stî standårdijhîs å dvins del documintåcion di & kde ; , po tofer aveur les minmes cayets lomés del minme manire .

(src)="s13"> The term Widget refers to the basic building block of a computer program 's interface .
(trg)="s13"> Li mot ahesse ( widget en inglès ) c' nbsp; est l' nbsp; no k' nbsp; on dene al brike di costrujhaedje di båze di l' nbsp; eterface grafike des programes .

(src)="s14"> Each widget operates in a similar manner each time it is used , but the effect that the widget has depends on its place within the program .
(trg)="s14"> Tchaeke ahesse si kidût d' nbsp; ene minme manire tchaeke côp k' nbsp; elle est eployeye , mins les efet d' nbsp; l' nbsp; ahesse vont dipinde di si plaece dins l' nbsp; programe .

(src)="s15"> Listing of Common & kde ; Widgets
(trg)="s15"> Djivêye des comonès ahesses di & kde ;

(src)="s16"> Currently , this guide consists of a table of the names of the graphical elements often found in & kde ; documentation , and an example of each one .
(trg)="s16"> Pol moumint , ci guide ci c' nbsp; est djusse on tåvlea des nos des elemints grafikes k' nbsp; on ndè cåze sovint dins l' nbsp; documintåcion di & kde ; , avou ene imådje d' nbsp; egzimpe po tchaeke .

(src)="s17"> Our hope , eventually , is to make this a much more complete document , which will take you on a visual tour of & kde ; .
(trg)="s17"> Nos vôréns fé d' nbsp; çouchal on documint bén pus complet , ki vs frè fé on toû vizuwel di l' nbsp; evironmint d' nbsp; buro & kde ; .

(src)="s18"> Button
(trg)="s18"> Boton

(src)="s19"> Check Boxes
(trg)="s19"> Boesses a clitchî

(src)="s20"> Color Selector
(trg)="s20"> Tchoezixheu d' nbsp; coleurs

(src)="s21"> Combo Box
(trg)="s21"> Boesse disrôlante

(src)="s22"> Context Menu
(trg)="s22"> Aspitant menu

(src)="s23"> Dialog
(trg)="s23"> Purnea d' nbsp; dialogue

(src)="s24"> Drop Down Box
(trg)="s24"> Djivêye disrôlante

(src)="s25"> Icon List
(trg)="s25"> Djivêye d' nbsp; imådjetes

(src)="s26"> List Box
(trg)="s26"> Djivêye ( a tchoezi )

(src)="s27"> Menu Bar
(trg)="s27"> Bår di menu

(src)="s28"> Progress Bar
(trg)="s28"> Bår d' nbsp; avançmint

(src)="s29"> Radio Buttons
(trg)="s29"> Botons radio

(src)="s30"> Scroll Bar
(trg)="s30"> Bår d' nbsp; acinseur

(src)="s31"> Slider
(trg)="s31"> Rîlete

(src)="s32"> Spin Box
(trg)="s32"> Conteu

(src)="s33"> Status Bar
(trg)="s33"> Bår d' nbsp; estat

(src)="s34"> Tab
(trg)="s34"> Linwete

(src)="s35"> Tabbed Window
(trg)="s35"> Purnea avou des linwetes

(src)="s36"> Text Box
(trg)="s36"> Boesse di tecse

(src)="s37"> Tool Bar
(trg)="s37"> Bår ås usteyes

(src)="s38"> Tree View
(trg)="s38"> Coxhlaedje

(src)="s39"> Window Title Bar
(trg)="s39"> Bår di tite d' nbsp; on purnea

(src)="s40"> Credits and Licenses
(trg)="s40"> Gråces eyet licince

(src)="s41"> & kappname ;
(trg)="s41"> & kappname ;

(src)="s42"> Documentation by the & kde ; Documentation Team .
(trg)="s42"> Documintåcion pa l' nbsp; ekipe di documintåcion di & kde ; .

(trg)="s43"> Pablo Saratxaga pablo@ walon. org

(src)="s44"> & underFDL ;
(trg)="s44"> & underFDL ;

# en/docmessages/kdesdk/kate.xml.gz
# wa/docmessages/kdesdk/kate.xml.gz

(src)="s1"> The & kate ; Handbook
(trg)="s1"> Live d ' & # 160 ; aidance di & kate ;

(src)="s2"> Anders . Lund ; & Anders . Lund . mail ;
(trg)="s2"> Anders. Lund ; & Anders. Lund. mail ;

(src)="s3"> & Seth . Rothberg ; & Seth . Rothberg . mail ;
(trg)="s3"> & Seth. Rothberg ; & Seth. Rothberg. mail ;

(src)="s4"> Dominik . Haumann ; & Dominik . Haumann . mail ;
(trg)="s4"> Anders. Lund ; & Anders. Lund. mail ;

(trg)="s5"> Pablo Saratxaga pablo@ walon. org

(src)="s6"> & Seth . Rothberg ;
(trg)="s6"> & Seth. Rothberg ;

(src)="s7"> & Anders . Lund ;
(trg)="s7"> & Anders. Lund ;

(src)="s9"> & kate ; is a programmer 's text editor for & kde ; 4 and above .
(trg)="s9"> & kate ; est èn aspougneu d ' & # 160 ; tecse po les programeus po l ' & # 160 ; kde ; 2. 2 et å dzeu .

(src)="s10"> This handbook documents & kate ; Version 3.4.0
(trg)="s10"> Ci live d ' & # 160 ; aidance chal c ' & # 160 ; est pol modêye 1. 0 di & kate ;

(src)="s11"> KDE
(trg)="s11"> KDE

(src)="s12"> kdebase
(trg)="s12"> kdebase

(src)="s13"> Kate
(trg)="s13"> Kate

(src)="s14"> text
(trg)="s14"> tecse

(src)="s15"> editor
(trg)="s15"> aspougneu

(src)="s16"> programmer
(trg)="s16"> programeu

(src)="s17"> programming
(trg)="s17"> programaedje

(src)="s18"> projects
(trg)="s18"> pordjets

(src)="s19"> MDI
(trg)="s19"> MDI

(src)="s20"> Multi
(trg)="s20"> Multi

(src)="s21"> Document
(trg)="s21"> Documint

(src)="s22"> Interface
(trg)="s22"> Eterface

(src)="s23"> terminal
(trg)="s23"> terminå

(src)="s24"> console
(trg)="s24"> conzôle

(src)="s25"> Introduction
(trg)="s25"> Adrovaedje

(src)="s26"> Welcome to & kate ; , a programmer 's text editor for & kde ; version 4 and above . Some of & kate ; 's many features include configurable syntax highlighting for languages ranging from C and C++ to & HTML ; to bash scripts , the ability to create and maintain projects , a multiple document interface ( MDI ) , and a self-contained terminal emulator .
(trg)="s26"> Bénvnowe a & kate ; , èn aspougneu d ' & # 160 ; tecse po les programeus pol & kde ; modêye 2. 2 et å dzeu . Emey les fonccionålités di & kate ; i gn a èn apontiåve metaedje en evidince sorlon li sintacse , po des lingaedjes di programaedje come li C eyet C++ mins ossu l ' & # 160 ; HTML , les scripes shell ; li possibilité d ' & # 160 ; askepyî eyet manaedjî des pordjets ; ene eterface a documints multipes ( MDI ) ; eyet on ravalé terminå .

(src)="s27"> But & kate ; is more than a programmer 's editor . Its ability to open several files at once makes it ideal for editing & UNIX ; 's many configuration files . This document was written in & kate ; .
(trg)="s27"> Mins & kate ; est pus k ' & # 160 ; ene usteye po les programeus . Ci possibilité d ' & # 160 ; drovi sacwants fitchîs e minme tins endè fwait èn aspougneu d ' & # 160 ; tecse a l ' & # 160 ; idêye po candjî les fitchîs d ' & # 160 ; apontiaedje k ' & # 160 ; end a télmint so on sistinme & UNIX ; . Ci documint chal a stî scrît avou & kate ; .

(src)="s28"> Editing this manual ...
(trg)="s28"> Candjant ci live ci ...

(src)="s29"> Credits and License
(trg)="s29"> Gråces eyet licince

(src)="s30"> & kate ; . Program copyright 2000 , 2001 , 2002 - 2005 by the & kate ; developer team .
(trg)="s30"> Li programe & kate ; . © 2000 , 2001 , 2002 pa l ' & # 160 ; ekipe di diswalpaedje di & kate ; .

(src)="s31"> The & kate ; team :
(trg)="s31"> L ' & # 160 ; ekipe di & kate ; :

(src)="s32"> & Christoph . Cullmann ; & Christoph . Cullmann . mail ;
(trg)="s32"> & Christoph. Cullmann ; & Christoph. Cullmann. mail ;

(src)="s33"> Project Manager & Core Developer
(trg)="s33"> Manaedjeu do pordjet eyet mwaisse diswalpeu

(src)="s34"> Anders . Lund ; & Anders . Lund . mail ;
(trg)="s34"> Anders. Lund ; & Anders. Lund. mail ;

(src)="s35"> Core Developer , Perl syntax highlighting , documentation
(trg)="s35"> Mwaisse diswalpeu , metaedje en evidince del sintacse perl , documintåcion

(src)="s36"> & Joseph . Wenninger ; & Joseph . Wenninger . mail ;
(trg)="s36"> & Joseph. Wenninger ; & Joseph. Wenninger. mail ;

(src)="s37"> Core Developer , syntax highlighting
(trg)="s37"> Mwaisse diswalpeu , metaedje en evidince del sintacse

(src)="s38"> Michael Bartl michael . bartl1@chello . at
(trg)="s38"> Michael Bartl michael. bartl1@ chello. at