# en/docmessages/extragear-base/konq-plugins_babel.xml.gz
# rw/docmessages/extragear-base/konq-plugins_babel.xml.gz


(src)="s4"> 2006-02-26 3.5.1
(trg)="s4"> < 10 .

(src)="s5"> The Babel & konqueror ; plugin gives you quick access to the Babelfish translation service .
(trg)="s5"> & konqueror ; Gucomeka : Kuri i Umwandiko wahinduwe ururimi Serivisi .

(src)="s6"> KDE
(trg)="s6"> MukusanyaKDE

(src)="s8"> konqueror
(trg)="s8"> Konqueror

(src)="s9"> plugins
(trg)="s9"> Amacomeka

(src)="s10"> babelfish
(trg)="s10"> Uturango

(src)="s11"> translate
(trg)="s11"> translate

(src)="s12"> The Babel & konqueror ; plugin
(trg)="s12"> & konqueror ; Gucomeka :

(src)="s13"> Using the Babelfish plugin
(trg)="s13"> i Gucomeka :

(src)="s14"> Babelfish is a machine translation service provided by AltaVista .
(trg)="s14"> ni A Imashini : Umwandiko wahinduwe ururimi Serivisi ku

(src)="s15"> The plugin allows you to automatically translate web pages between several languages .
(trg)="s15"> Gucomeka : Kuri mu buryo bwikora : translate Urubuga Amapaji hagati Indimi .

(src)="s17"> If you have a portion of the text on the page selected , that will be translated instead of the entire & URL ; .
(trg)="s17"> A Bya i Umwandiko ku i Ipaji : Byahiswemo , Bya i & URL ; .

(src)="s18"> Not all languages are available from the Babelfish service .
(trg)="s18"> Byose Indimi Bihari Kuva : i Serivisi .

(src)="s19"> Machine translation is not a perfect science ! Babelfish will at best give you a rough translation , and at worst will give you a very funny read . Do n't base important decisions on things you have read from a Babelfish translated page , without confirming that the translation is indeed accurate .
(trg)="s19"> Umwandiko wahinduwe ururimi ni OYA A ! Ku Bihebuje A Bipfuye Kuboneka Umwandiko wahinduwe ururimi , na Ku A Soma . SHINGIRO By' ingirakamaro ku Soma Kuva : A Ipaji : , i Umwandiko wahinduwe ururimi ni .

(src)="s20"> You may only translate web pages that are accessible on the world wide web . To translate any other text , you should go directly to the Babelfish site itself , where you are able to paste in text for translation .
(trg)="s20"> Gicurasi translate Urubuga Amapaji ku i Urubuga . translate Icyo ari cyo cyose Ikindi Umwandiko , Gyayo Kuri i & Ipaji , Kuri Komeka in Umwandiko ya : Umwandiko wahinduwe ururimi .

(src)="s21"> Credits
(trg)="s21"> Inguzanyo

(src)="s22"> The Babelfish plugin is copyright ( C ) 2001 & Kurt . Granroth ; & Kurt . Granroth . mail ;
(trg)="s22"> Gucomeka : ni Uburenganzira bw' umuhimbyi ( ) @ kde . org

(src)="s23"> Documentation Copyright 2002 & Lauri . Watts ; & Lauri . Watts . mail ;
(trg)="s23"> @ kde . org


# en/docmessages/extragear-base/konq-plugins.xml.gz
# rw/docmessages/extragear-base/konq-plugins.xml.gz

(src)="s1"> The & konqueror ; Plugins Handbook
(trg)="s1"> & Agatabo k' Amacomeka

(src)="s3"> & Lauri . Watts . mail ;
(trg)="s3"> Bihinduka


(src)="s5"> & Lauri . Watts ;
(trg)="s5"> Bihinduka

(src)="s6"> This is the handbook for the additional plugins for & konqueror ; the & kde ; file manager and web browser .
(trg)="s6"> ni i ya : i Amacomeka ya : & konqueror ; i & kde ; Idosiye Muyobozi na Urubuga Mucukumbuzi .

(src)="s7"> KDE
(trg)="s7"> MukusanyaKDE

(src)="s9"> Konqueror
(trg)="s9"> Konqueror

(src)="s10"> Plugins
(trg)="s10"> Amacomeka

(src)="s11"> Introduction
(trg)="s11"> Intangiriro

(src)="s12"> The & package ; package contains several plugins for & konqueror ; . Despite their small size , they provide additional functions and ease the use of some of the functions & konqueror ; already contains , by making them more accessible .
(trg)="s12"> & package ; Porogaramu ifite Amacomeka ya : & konqueror ; . Gitoya Ingano : , Imimaro na i Koresha Bya Bya i Imimaro & konqueror ; ifite , ku Birenzeho .

(src)="s13"> More information on the use of & konqueror ; and its built in functionality , can be found in the & konqueror ; handbook .
(trg)="s13"> Ibisobanuro : ku i Koresha Bya & konqueror ; na in , Byabonetse in i & kicker ; .

(src)="s15"> This is a list of the standard configuration modules provided by the kde ; addons package . Please note that there may be many more modules on your system if you have installed additional software .
(trg)="s15"> ni A Urutonde Bya i Bisanzwe Iboneza Modire ku i < Porogaramu Inshingano = " Porogaramu " > & kde ; < application > Porogaramu . Impugukirwa Gicurasi Birenzeho Modire ku Sisitemu NIBA yakorewe iyinjizaporogaramu .

(src)="s16"> Babelfish
(trg)="s16"> Uturango

(src)="s17"> The DOM tree viewer
(trg)="s17"> & Igiti

(src)="s18"> The & konqueror ; image gallery
(trg)="s18"> & konqueror ; Ishusho Ikirongozi

(src)="s19"> The Embedded Media Player
(trg)="s19"> Media Player

(src)="s20"> The Validators
(trg)="s20"> Amatariki

(src)="s22"> The Folder Filter
(trg)="s22"> Mushunguzi y' Ifishi

(src)="s23"> KHTMLSettings
(trg)="s23"> Amagenamiterere ya HTML

(src)="s24"> The User Agent Changer
(trg)="s24"> Umukozi - koresha

(src)="s25"> The Web Archiver
(trg)="s25"> Comment=Web Idosiye yo mu bushinguro

(src)="s27"> FSView - the File System View
(trg)="s27"> - i Idosiye

(src)="s28"> Credits and License
(trg)="s28"> na

(src)="s29"> Copyrights for each plugin are listed in the applicable chapter .
(trg)="s29"> ya : Gucomeka : in i Umutwe .

(trg)="s30"> IZINA RY' ABAVUNUZI

(src)="s31"> & underFDL ; & underGPL ;
(trg)="s31"> & underFDL; underGPL ;

(src)="s32"> Installation
(trg)="s32"> iyinjizaporogaramu

(src)="s33"> You should install the kdebase package which contains & konqueror ; before attempting to compile this package .
(trg)="s33"> Kwinjiza porogaramu i Porogaramu ifite & konqueror ; Mbere Kuri Gukusanya iyi Porogaramu .

# en/docmessages/extragear-base/konq-plugins_crashes.xml.gz
# rw/docmessages/extragear-base/konq-plugins_crashes.xml.gz

(src)="s2"> gbell72@rogers . com
(trg)="s2"> @ . com


(src)="s4"> 2004-07-21 3.10.00
(trg)="s4"> < 10 .

(src)="s5"> The crashes plugin bookmarks a list of websites that & konqueror ; has crashed on .
(trg)="s5"> Gucomeka : Ibimenyetso A Urutonde Bya & konqueror ; ku .

(src)="s6"> KDE
(trg)="s6"> MukusanyaKDE

(src)="s8"> konqueror
(trg)="s8"> Konqueror

(src)="s9"> plugins
(trg)="s9"> Amacomeka

(src)="s11"> Using the Crashes Plugin
(trg)="s11"> i

(src)="s12"> To use the crashes plugin point & konqueror ; to Tools Crashes . Here you can select to view the site that & konqueror ; has crashed on or clear the list of crashes , if any .
(trg)="s12"> Koresha i Gucomeka : Akadomo & konqueror ; Kuri . Guhitamo Kuri Reba i & Ipaji & konqueror ; ku Cyangwa Gusiba i Urutonde Bya , NIBA Icyo ari cyo cyose .

(src)="s13"> Credits
(trg)="s13"> Inguzanyo

(src)="s14"> The crashesplugin is Copyright & copy ; 2002-2003 Alexander Kellett lypanov@kde . org .
(trg)="s14"> org .

# en/docmessages/extragear-base/konq-plugins_dirfilter.xml.gz
# rw/docmessages/extragear-base/konq-plugins_dirfilter.xml.gz

(src)="s2"> gbell72@rogers . com
(trg)="s2"> @ . com


(src)="s4"> 2004-09-15 3.10.00
(trg)="s4"> < 10 .

(src)="s5"> The directory view filter allows you to choose which items are displayed in a directory .
(trg)="s5"> Ububiko Reba Akayunguruzo : Kuri Hitamo ... Ibigize in A Ububiko .

(src)="s6"> KDE
(trg)="s6"> MukusanyaKDE

(src)="s8"> konqueror
(trg)="s8"> Konqueror

(src)="s9"> plugins
(trg)="s9"> Amacomeka

(src)="s10"> dirfilter
(trg)="s10"> Kongeraho muyunguruzi

(src)="s11"> The View Filter
(trg)="s11"> Akayunguruzo gashya

(src)="s12"> Using the View Filter
(trg)="s12"> i

(src)="s13"> The View Filter plugin ( also known as dirfilter ) can be accessed in the & konqueror ; menubar under Tools View Filter . This plugin allows you to filter & konqueror ; 's current working directory in a variety of ways .
(trg)="s13"> Gucomeka : ( Nka ) Byagezweho : in i & konqueror ; . Gucomeka : Kuri Akayunguruzo : & konqueror ; ' S KIGEZWEHO Ububiko in A Bya .

(src)="s14"> Credits
(trg)="s14"> Inguzanyo

(src)="s15"> The dirfilter plugin is copyright & copy ; 2000-2002 Dawit Alemayehu adawit@kde . org .
(trg)="s15"> org .

# en/docmessages/extragear-base/konq-plugins_domtreeviewer.xml.gz
# rw/docmessages/extragear-base/konq-plugins_domtreeviewer.xml.gz

(src)="s2"> gbell72@rogers . com
(trg)="s2"> @ . com


(src)="s4"> 2006-02-26 3.5.1
(trg)="s4"> < 10 .

(src)="s5"> The DOM Tree Viewer allows a developer to view the styles , attributes and elements of a web document .
(trg)="s5"> A Mukoraporogaramu Kuri Reba i Imisusire , Ibiranga na Ibintu Bya A Urubuga Inyandiko .

(src)="s6"> KDE
(trg)="s6"> MukusanyaKDE

(src)="s8"> konqueror
(trg)="s8"> Konqueror

(src)="s9"> plugins
(trg)="s9"> Amacomeka

(src)="s12"> Using the DOM Tree Viewer
(trg)="s12"> i

(src)="s13"> To begin using The DOM Tree Viewer in & konqueror ; , select Tools Show DOM Tree . This will open a new window which displays the DOM of the current web page you are viewing . By default the display starts at the root node of the document , example : documentElement , all other nodes that you will see are children or descendants of the root node .
(trg)="s13"> ikoresha in & konqueror ; Guhitamo iyi Gufungura A Gishya Idirishya i Bya i KIGEZWEHO Urubuga Ipaji : . Mburabuzi i Kugaragaza : Ku i Imizi Bya i Inyandiko , Urugero : : , Byose Ikindi Cyangwa Bya i Imizi .

(src)="s14"> If you wish to manipulate the DOM tree in any way you will have to use an external script to do so .
(trg)="s14"> Kuri i & Igiti in Icyo ari cyo cyose Kuri Koresha external IYANDIKA Kuri

(src)="s15"> Credits
(trg)="s15"> Inguzanyo

(src)="s16"> The domtreeviewer plugin is Copyright & copy ; 2001 The Kafka Team/ Andreas Schlapbach kde-kafka@master . kde . org schlpbch@unibe . ch
(trg)="s16"> kde .

# en/docmessages/extragear-base/konq-plugins_fsview.xml.gz
# rw/docmessages/extragear-base/konq-plugins_fsview.xml.gz

(src)="s1"> Josef Weidendorfer Josef . Weidendorfer@gmx . de
(trg)="s1"> < > < / > < Aderesi : > . @ . < / Aderesi : >


(src)="s3"> 2006-02-24 3.5.1
(trg)="s3"> < Itariki : > - 10 - 22 < / Itariki : > < > 3 . 2 < / >

(src)="s4"> The & fsview ; Plugin for & konqueror ; is another view mode for objects of mimetype inode/ directory for local files . It can be viewed as an alternative to the various iconviews and listviews for browsing the content of your local file system .
(trg)="s4"> & fsview ; ya : & konqueror ; ni Reba Ubwoko ya : Ibintu Bya UbwokoMime / Ububiko ya : Bya hafi Idosiye . Nka Kuri i na ya : Gushakisha i Ibirimo : Bya Bya hafi Idosiye Sisitemu .

(src)="s5"> KDE
(trg)="s5"> MukusanyaKDE

(src)="s7"> konqueror
(trg)="s7"> Konqueror

(src)="s8"> plugins
(trg)="s8"> Amacomeka

(src)="s9"> & fsview ; - the File System View
(trg)="s9"> & fsview ; - i Idosiye

(src)="s10"> Introduction
(trg)="s10"> Intangiriro

(src)="s11"> The unique property of & fsview ; is its ability to show whole nested folder hierarchies using a so-called tree map for graphical visualization . Tree maps allow for displaying metrics of objects in nested structures : each object is represented by a rectangle whose area is proportional to its metric . The sum of the children 's metrics must be equal to or smaller than the parent object 's metric .
(trg)="s11"> Cyo nyine Indangakintu : Bya & fsview ; ni Kuri Herekana % S Ububiko ... ikoresha A - & Igiti ya : . Amakarita Emera ya : Bijyanye n' ipima Bya Ibintu in : Igikoresho ni ku A Urukiramende Umwanya ni Irenganiye : Kuri . Igiteranyo Bya i Bijyanye n' ipima bingana Kuri Cyangwa Gitoya i .

(src)="s12"> For & fsview ; , sizes of files and folders are chosen as metric , where the size of a folder is defined to be the sum of the sizes of its subitems . This way , big files even deep down in the folder hierarchy can be spotted easily be looking for large rectangles . So & fsview ; can be looked at as a graphical and interactive version of the & UNIX ; du command .
(trg)="s12"> & fsview ; , Ingano Bya Idosiye na Ububiko Nka , i i Ingano : Bya A Ububiko ... ni Kuri i Igiteranyo Bya i Ingano Bya . , Idosiye ATARIIGIHARWE Njyakuzimu Hasi in i Ububiko ... Ikurikiranyanzego ya : Kinini Urukiramende . & fsview ; Ku Nka A na Biganira Verisiyo Bya i & UNIX ; command .

(src)="s13"> The integration of & fsview ; as part of Konqueror allows it to use the standard features like context file menus , and mime type sensitive actions . But it was chosen not to implement automatical update of file system changes by watching : if you delete a file shown in & fsview ; outside of & konqueror ; , you have to update manually by & eg ; pressing F5 . The reason for this decision is the potentially huge amount of files which would have to be watched for changes , and thus , could put an unreasonable pressure on system resources for a small feature .
(trg)="s13"> Bya & fsview ; Nka Inzira % s Bya Kuri Koresha i Bisanzwe Ibiranga nka Imvugiro Idosiye Ibikubiyemo , na Ubwoko : Ibikorwa . OYA Kuri Ihuzagihe Bya Idosiye Sisitemu Amahinduka ku : NIBA Gusiba A Idosiye in & fsview ; Hanze Bya & konqueror ; , Kuri Ihuzagihe N' intoki ku & eg ; . Impamvu ya : iyi ni i Binini ( % 1x% 2 ) Igiteranyo Bya Idosiye Kuri ya : Amahinduka , na , Gushyira ku Sisitemu Ibikorana ya : A Gitoya Ikiranga .

(src)="s14"> Visualization Features
(trg)="s14"> Uturanga Ugukora