# csb/messages/extragear-multimedia/amarok.xml.gz
# hr/messages/extragear-multimedia/amarok.xml.gz

(src)="s2"> Felënk wëdowiédzé dlô tegò titlaThe value is not known
(trg)="s2"> The value is not known

(src)="s5"> ÒkropnyThe quality of music
(trg)="s5"> The quality of music

(src)="s6"> LëchiThe quality of music
(trg)="s6"> The quality of music

(src)="s7"> Z biédą tolerowónyThe quality of music
(trg)="s7"> The quality of music

(src)="s8"> TolerowónyThe quality of music
(trg)="s8"> The quality of music

(src)="s9"> W pòrządkùThe quality of music
(trg)="s9"> The quality of music

(src)="s10"> DobriThe quality of music
(trg)="s10"> The quality of music

(src)="s11"> Baro dobriThe quality of music
(trg)="s11"> The quality of music

(src)="s12"> BëlnyThe quality of music
(trg)="s12"> The quality of music

(src)="s13"> SnôżiThe quality of music
(trg)="s13"> The quality of music

(src)="s14"> LubòtnyThe quality of music
(trg)="s14"> The quality of music

(src)="s48"> Nalézë zùżëté title@ info
(trg)="s48"> @ info

(src)="s56"> @ info
(trg)="s56"> @ info

(src)="s57"> Title dodóné@ info
(trg)="s57"> @ info

(src)="s58"> Rëmniãcé lopków
(trg)="s58"> Obriši datotekePodcasts on a media device

(src)="s78"> Sztëcczi co je chcesz skòpérowac są ju na tim ùrządzeniu !
(trg)="s78"> % 1 traka je već obrisano s uređaja .

(src)="s88"> Jimpòrtëjë lëstã graniô
(trg)="s88"> Front cover of an album

(src)="s90"> Wiedno( Large front ) Cover of an album
(trg)="s90"> skladatelj( Large front ) Cover of an album

(src)="s99"> Strëga
(trg)="s99"> Tijek

(src)="s100"> % 1 - % 2
(trg)="s100"> % 1 – % 2

(src)="s103"> Grôj Aùdio CD
(trg)="s103"> Audio CD

(src)="s112"> ( C ) 2008 , Aaron Seigo , ( C ) 2009 , Leo franchi
(trg)="s112"> © 2008 Aaron Seigo , ( C ) 2009 , Leo Franchi

(src)="s113"> Aaron Seigo
(trg)="s113"> Aaron Seigo

(src)="s114"> Òridżinalny aùtor
(trg)="s114"> Originalni autor

(src)="s115"> Leo Franchi
(trg)="s115"> Leo Franchi

(src)="s117"> Abë winstalowac abò rëmnąc dzejôj na apletach winstalowónëch dlô wszëtczich brëkòwników. Do not translate < path >
(trg)="s117"> Do not translate < path >

(src)="s118"> Jinstalëjë apletë w < path > Do not translate < path >
(trg)="s118"> Do not translate < path >

(src)="s120"> Lësta zajinstalowónëch apletówDo not translate < name >
(trg)="s120"> Do not translate < name >

(src)="s122"> Bezwzglądnô stegna do spòdla paczétu . Jeżlë nie mdze wpisónô , standardowé katalodżi dlô ti KDE sesëji bãdą przeszëkóne .
(trg)="s122"> Apsolutna putanja do korijena paketa . Ako nije navedena , bit će pretražen standardni podatkovni direktoriji za ovu KDE sesiju .

(src)="s127"> Jinstalacëjô % 1 nie darzëła sã. No option was given , this is the error message telling the user he needs at least one , do not translate install , remove , upgrade nor list
(trg)="s127"> No option was given , this is the error message telling the user he needs at least one , do not translate install , remove , upgrade nor list

(src)="s163"> Ùstawë
(trg)="s163"> Postavke

(src)="s178"> Nie są nalazłé tekstë dlô tegò sztëczkaWhat artist is this track by
(trg)="s178"> What artist is this track by

(src)="s179"> Przez
(trg)="s179"> Podcast published on

(src)="s181"> Rechòwnik òdegraniô' Rating ' playlist column name and token for playlist layouts
(trg)="s181"> ' Rating ' playlist column name and token for playlist layouts

(src)="s182"> Pùnktacëjô' Source ' ( local collection , Magnatune. com , last. fm , ... ) playlist column name and token for playlist layouts
(trg)="s182"> ' Source ' ( local collection , Magnatune. com , last. fm , ... ) playlist column name and token for playlist layouts

(src)="s184"> Slédno gróné' Length ' ( track length ) playlist column name and token for playlist layouts
(trg)="s184"> ' Length ' ( track length ) playlist column name and token for playlist layouts

(src)="s187"> Dodôj do lëstë graniôReplace the currently loaded tracks with these
(trg)="s187"> Replace the currently loaded tracks with these

(src)="s200"> Nie są nalazłé tekstë dlô tegò sztëczka@ info
(trg)="s200"> @ info

(src)="s203"> Ùstawë
(trg)="s203"> Postavke

(src)="s205"> Aùtomatno
(trg)="s205"> Automatski

(src)="s211"> Sztëczk
(trg)="s211"> Zapis

(src)="s213"> Artista' Bitrate ' playlist column name and token for playlist layouts
(trg)="s213"> ' Bitrate ' playlist column name and token for playlist layouts

(src)="s214"> Albùm' Album artist ' playlist column name and token for playlist layouts
(trg)="s214"> ' Album artist ' playlist column name and token for playlist layouts

(src)="s215"> SztëczkThe location on disc of this track
(trg)="s215"> The location on disc of this track

(src)="s216"> Zladëjë znôù
(trg)="s216"> Ponovo učitaj

(src)="s217"> Anielsczi
(trg)="s217"> Engleski

(src)="s218"> Francësczi
(trg)="s218"> Francuski

(src)="s219"> Miemiecczi
(trg)="s219"> Njemački

(src)="s222"> Szérz
(trg)="s222"> Širina

(src)="s224"> Zwikszë
(trg)="s224"> Približi

(src)="s225"> Zmniészë
(trg)="s225"> Udalji

(src)="s226"> Dodôj widżetë ...
(trg)="s226"> Dodaj widgete & # 160 ; …

(src)="s230"> Zatacë menu
(trg)="s230"> Sakrij izbornik

(src)="s232"> KòntekstScore of a track
(trg)="s232"> KomentarScore of a track

(src)="s233"> Pùnktacëjô :
(trg)="s233"> Rezultat :

(src)="s234"> % 1 - % 2 ( % 3 )
(trg)="s234"> % 1 – % 2 ( % 3 )

(src)="s235"> Menu Amaroka
(trg)="s235"> Amarok izbornik

(src)="s236"> & Amarok
(trg)="s236"> O & Amaroku

(src)="s237"> Òdgrëwanié/ Paùza
(trg)="s237"> Sviraj/ Pauziraj

(src)="s238"> Klëkni abë zmienic
(trg)="s238"> Pritisnite za promjenu

(src)="s239"> State , as in , disabled
(trg)="s239"> Replay Gain state , as in , disabled

(src)="s240"> & WëłączonyItems , as in music
(trg)="s240"> & Isključi

(src)="s242"> & Albùm
(trg)="s242"> & Album

(src)="s244"> Twój kòmpùtr nie wspiérô apletów OpenGL. State , as in , disabled
(trg)="s244"> Vaš trenutačni postav ne podržava mogućnost ekvalizatoraEqualizer state , as in , disabled

(src)="s247"> Biéżnô lësta òdgrëwaniô
(trg)="s247"> Trenutna lista izvođenja

(src)="s248"> Wëbróné sztëcczi
(trg)="s248"> Odabrane trake

(src)="s249"> Zatrzëmôj
(trg)="s249"> Zaustavi

(src)="s250"> Achtnij biéżny sztëczk
(trg)="s250"> Zaustavi nakon trenutne trake

(src)="s252"> Achtnij biéżny sztëczkTitle , as in : the title of this item
(trg)="s252"> Title , as in : the title of this item

(src)="s253"> Miono
(trg)="s253"> Naziv

(src)="s255"> AùtorowieProperty , belonging to the author of this item
(trg)="s255"> Property , belonging to the author of this item

(src)="s263"> Sound System - Amarok
(trg)="s263"> A default password for insertion into an example SQL command ( so as not to print the real one ) . To be manually replaced by the user .

(src)="s265"> Brëkùjë Growl dlô dôwaniô wiédzëMiscellaneous settings
(trg)="s265"> Miscellaneous settings

(src)="s266"> Òglowé
(trg)="s266"> Žanr

(src)="s268"> Kòlekcëjô
(trg)="s268"> Kolekcija

(src)="s276"> Baza pòdôwków :
(trg)="s276"> Baza podataka

(src)="s298"> Jinicjałë artistë
(trg)="s298"> Inicijali umjetnika

(src)="s306"> Przeskanëjë znowa kòlekcëjã
(trg)="s306"> Kolekcija

(src)="s311"> & Szlachùje za zmianama w katalogach
(trg)="s311"> & Nadgledaj promjene u mapama

(src)="s317"> Titel' Title ( with track number ) ' ( track name prefixed with the track number ) playlist column name and token for playlist layouts
(trg)="s317"> ' Title ( with track number ) ' ( track name prefixed with the track number ) playlist column name and token for playlist layouts

(src)="s318"> Kòmpòzytor' Cover image ' playlist column name and token for playlist layouts
(trg)="s318"> Skladatelj' Cover image ' playlist column name and token for playlist layouts

(src)="s320"> Dopòwiesc' Composer ' playlist column name and token for playlist layouts
(trg)="s320"> ' Composer ' playlist column name and token for playlist layouts

(src)="s321"> Zort' Group length ' ( total play time of group ) playlist column name and token for playlist layouts
(trg)="s321"> ' Group length ' ( total play time of group ) playlist column name and token for playlist layouts

(src)="s322"> IgnorëjëPlease do not translate the % foo words as they define a syntax used internally by a parser to describe a filename .
(trg)="s322"> Please do not translate the % foo words as they define a syntax used internally by a parser to describe a filename .

(src)="s324"> Pòczątkòwi
(trg)="s324"> Početni

(src)="s325"> Ôrt lopka
(trg)="s325"> Vrsta datoteke

(src)="s326"> Numer diskù' Divider ' token for playlist layouts representing a small visual divider
(trg)="s326"> ' Divider ' token for playlist layouts representing a small visual divider

(src)="s336"> Amarok 1. 4
(trg)="s336"> Amarok 1. 4

(src)="s337"> iTunes
(trg)="s337"> iTunes

(src)="s338"> Banshee
(trg)="s338"> Banshee

(src)="s339"> Rhythmbox
(trg)="s339"> Rhythmbox

(src)="s342"> Migrowanié
(trg)="s342"> Migriranje

(src)="s345"> Fela : % 1Track has been imported , format : Artist - Track
(trg)="s345"> Track has been imported , format : Artist - Track

(src)="s346"> Zajimpòrtowóné % 1 - % 2 Track has been imported , format : Artist - Track ( Album )
(trg)="s346"> Track has been imported , format : Artist - Track ( Album )

(src)="s348"> Fela : % 1Track has been imported by tags , format : Artist - Track , from Url , to Url
(trg)="s348"> Track has been imported by tags , format : Artist - Track , from Url , to Url

(src)="s349"> Track has been imported by tags , format : Artist - Track ( Album ) , from Url , to Url
(trg)="s349"> Track has been imported by tags , format : Artist - Track ( Album ) , from Url , to Url

(src)="s353"> Pòdrëchòwanié
(trg)="s353"> Sažetak

(src)="s356"> Eticzétë' Last played ' ( when was track last played ) playlist column name and token for playlist layouts
(trg)="s356"> ' Last played ' ( when was track last played ) playlist column name and token for playlist layouts

(src)="s361"> % 1 wëkònywóné przez % 2 track on album
(trg)="s361"> track on album

(src)="s362"> % 1 wëkònywóné przez % 2 z albùmù % 3 track by artist
(trg)="s362"> track by artist