# cs/messages/extragear-multimedia/amarok.xml.gz
# si/messages/extragear-multimedia/amarok.xml.gz

(src)="s2"> O této skladbě nejsou dostupné žádné informaceThe value is not known
(trg)="s2"> The value is not known

(src)="s3"> Neznámý
(trg)="s3"> නොදන්නා

(src)="s5"> HroznéThe quality of music
(trg)="s5"> The quality of music

(src)="s6"> ŠpatnéThe quality of music
(trg)="s6"> The quality of music

(src)="s7"> Jen taktak snesitelnéThe quality of music
(trg)="s7"> The quality of music

(src)="s8"> Celkem dobréThe quality of music
(trg)="s8"> The quality of music

(src)="s9"> DobréThe quality of music
(trg)="s9"> The quality of music

(src)="s10"> PříjemnéThe quality of music
(trg)="s10"> The quality of music

(src)="s11"> Velmi příjemnéThe quality of music
(trg)="s11"> ඉතා හොඳThe quality of music

(src)="s12"> VýbornéThe quality of music
(trg)="s12"> The quality of music

(src)="s13"> ÚchvatnéThe quality of music
(trg)="s13"> The quality of music

(src)="s14"> OblíbenéThe quality of music
(trg)="s14"> The quality of music

(src)="s17"> % 1 - Zastaveno % 2
(trg)="s17"> % 1 - % 2

(src)="s23"> Stahuje se vzdálený seznam skladeb
(trg)="s23"> වාදන ලැයිස්තුව සෙවුම

(src)="s24"> Seznam skladeb _ % 1
(trg)="s24"> වාදන ලැයිස්තුව _ % 1

(src)="s48"> Oblíbené skladby@ info
(trg)="s48"> @ info

(src)="s55"> Vybrané skladby
(trg)="s55"> සුරකින අයුර

(src)="s56"> @ info
(trg)="s56"> @ info

(src)="s57"> Skladby přidány@ info
(trg)="s57"> @ info

(src)="s59"> Podcasty
(trg)="s59"> පොඩ්කාස්ට්

(src)="s60"> Načíst zařízení
(trg)="s60"> උපාංගය එක් කරන්න ...

(src)="s61"> Proxy sbírka
(trg)="s61"> එකතුව

(src)="s69"> Nelze uložit seznam skladeb .
(trg)="s69"> වාදන ලැයිස්තුව සෙවුම

(src)="s79"> Změnit seznam skladeb
(trg)="s79"> වාදන ලැයිස්තුව සෙවුම

(src)="s81"> Seznamy skladeb pro multimediální zařízení
(trg)="s81"> වාදන ලැයිස්තුව සෙවුම

(src)="s83"> Sbírka Nepomuku
(trg)="s83"> Nepomuk එකතුව

(src)="s87"> Místní sbírka
(trg)="s87"> ප්‍රාදේශිය එකතුව

(src)="s88"> Importované soubory seznamů skladebFront cover of an album
(trg)="s88"> වාදන ලැයිස්තුවFront cover of an album

(src)="s90"> Napořád( Large front ) Cover of an album
(trg)="s90"> ( Large front ) Cover of an album

(src)="s100"> % 1 - % 2
(trg)="s100"> % 1 - % 2

(src)="s117"> Pro instalaci nebo odstranění , pracuje na appletech nainstalovaných pro všechny uživatele. Do not translate < path >
(trg)="s117"> Do not translate < path >

(src)="s118"> Nainstalovat applet v < path > Do not translate < path >
(trg)="s118"> Do not translate < path >

(src)="s120"> Vypsat nainstalovaný appletDo not translate < name >
(trg)="s120"> Do not translate < name >

(src)="s127"> Instalace % 1 selhala. No option was given , this is the error message telling the user he needs at least one , do not translate install , remove , upgrade nor list
(trg)="s127"> No option was given , this is the error message telling the user he needs at least one , do not translate install , remove , upgrade nor list

(src)="s133"> Alba od % 1
(trg)="s133"> ඇල්බම % 1 මඟින්

(src)="s135"> data
(trg)="s135"> පොඩ්කාස්ට්

(src)="s157"> Odstranit applet
(trg)="s157"> සේවා තොරතුරු ( සක්‍රීය සේවා නැත )

(src)="s163"> Nastavení
(trg)="s163"> විකිපිඩීයාව

(src)="s165"> Videoklip
(trg)="s165"> විකිපිඩීයාව

(src)="s167"> Nastavení videoklipů
(trg)="s167"> විකිපිඩීයාව

(src)="s168"> Přidat do seznamu skladeb
(trg)="s168"> වාදන ලැයිස්තුව සෙවුම

(src)="s173"> Informace o přídavném modulu
(trg)="s173"> ප්ලගීන තොරතුරු

(src)="s178"> Pro tuto skladbu nebyl nalezen žádný text. What artist is this track by
(trg)="s178"> What artist is this track by

(src)="s179"> Od
(trg)="s179"> Podcast published on

(src)="s181"> Počet přehrání' Rating ' playlist column name and token for playlist layouts
(trg)="s181"> ගෙවිමේ ක්‍රමය : ' Rating ' playlist column name and token for playlist layouts

(src)="s182"> Skóre' Source ' ( local collection , Magnatune. com , last. fm , ... ) playlist column name and token for playlist layouts
(trg)="s182"> තිරය ( r ) :

(src)="s184"> Naposledy hrané' Length ' ( track length ) playlist column name and token for playlist layouts
(trg)="s184"> ' Length ' ( track length ) playlist column name and token for playlist layouts

(src)="s187"> Přidat do seznamu skladebReplace the currently loaded tracks with these
(trg)="s187"> වාදන ලැයිස්තුව සෙවුම

(src)="s188"> Nahradit seznam skladeb
(trg)="s188"> ලැයිස්තුව ( P )

(src)="s194"> Uložit text písně
(trg)="s194"> සුරකින අයුර

(src)="s197"> Texty písní : Stahuji ...
(trg)="s197"> පිරික්සමින් ...

(src)="s200"> Pro tuto skladbu nebyl nalezen žádný text . @ info
(trg)="s200"> @ info

(src)="s203"> Nastavení textů písní
(trg)="s203"> විකිපිඩීයාව

(src)="s206"> Interaktivní
(trg)="s206"> ජාත්‍යන්තර

(src)="s208"> Získává se ...
(trg)="s208"> පිරික්සමින් ...

(src)="s210"> Wikipedie
(trg)="s210"> විකිපිඩීයාව

(src)="s213"> Umělec' Bitrate ' playlist column name and token for playlist layouts
(trg)="s213"> සියලු කලාකරුවන්' Bitrate ' playlist column name and token for playlist layouts

(src)="s214"> Album' Album artist ' playlist column name and token for playlist layouts
(trg)="s214"> ඇල්බමය

(src)="s215"> SkladbaThe location on disc of this track
(trg)="s215"> The location on disc of this track

(src)="s216"> Obnovit
(trg)="s216"> ආදේශය

(src)="s218"> Francouzština
(trg)="s218"> Miscellaneous settings

(src)="s219"> němčina
(trg)="s219"> සාමාන්‍ය

(src)="s220"> Nastavení Wikipedie
(trg)="s220"> විකිපිඩීයාව

(src)="s223"> Odstranit widgety ...
(trg)="s223"> සේවා තොරතුරු ( සක්‍රීය සේවා නැත )

(src)="s225"> Oddálit
(trg)="s225"> මෙවලම් ඉවත් කරන්න ...

(src)="s227"> Následující skupina
(trg)="s227"> මීලඟ සමූහය ...

(src)="s228"> Předchozí skupina
(trg)="s228"> පෙර සමූහය

(src)="s230"> Skrýt nabídku
(trg)="s230"> මෙනුව සඟවන්න

(src)="s232"> obsahujeScore of a track
(trg)="s232"> සටහන

(src)="s234"> % 1 - % 2 ( % 3 )
(trg)="s234"> % 1 - % 2 ( % 3 )

(src)="s235"> Nabídka Amaroku
(trg)="s235"> Amarok මෙනුවසස

(src)="s236"> O aplikaci & Amarok
(trg)="s236"> & Amarok

(src)="s237"> Přehrát/ Pozastavit
(trg)="s237"> වාදනය/ විරාමය

(src)="s239"> Režim & Replay GainReplay Gain state , as in , disabled
(trg)="s239"> Replay Gain state , as in , disabled

(src)="s244"> Equalizer state , as in , disabled
(trg)="s244"> Equalizer state , as in , disabled

(src)="s252"> Zastavit po současné skladbě : VypnutoTitle , as in : the title of this item
(trg)="s252"> Title , as in : the title of this item

(src)="s253"> Název
(trg)="s253"> නම

(src)="s254"> Knihovna
(trg)="s254"> පුස්තකාලය

(src)="s255"> AutořiProperty , belonging to the author of this item
(trg)="s255"> කතෘProperty , belonging to the author of this item

(src)="s256"> E- mail
(trg)="s256"> විද්‍යුත් තැපෑල

(src)="s257"> Verze
(trg)="s257"> වෙළුම

(src)="s259"> Informace o přídavném modulu
(trg)="s259"> ප්ලගීන තොරතුරු

(src)="s262"> Přidat zařízení ...
(trg)="s262"> උපාංගය එක් කරන්න ...

(src)="s264"> heslo
(trg)="s264"> රහස්පදය

(src)="s265"> Pro oznamování použít GrowlMiscellaneous settings
(trg)="s265"> Miscellaneous settings

(src)="s266"> Obecné
(trg)="s266"> සාමාන්‍ය

(src)="s268"> Sbírka
(trg)="s268"> එකතුව

(src)="s270"> Internetové služby
(trg)="s270"> අන්තර්ජාල සේවා

(src)="s274"> Oznamování
(trg)="s274"> පිහිටුම :

(src)="s275"> Nastavit upozorňování
(trg)="s275"> පොඩ්කාස්ට් සැකසීම

(src)="s276"> Databáze
(trg)="s276"> ජාත්‍යන්තර

(src)="s277"> Nastavit databázi
(trg)="s277"> ජාත්‍යන්තර

(src)="s294"> Přesunout do koše
(trg)="s294"> මකන්න ( S )

(src)="s296"> Probíhá mazání souborů
(trg)="s296"> ගොනු මකමින්

(src)="s297"> % 1 nebo % 2
(trg)="s297"> % 1 හෝ % 2

(src)="s306"> Znovu prohledat sbírku
(trg)="s306"> ප්‍රාදේශිය එකතුව

(src)="s308"> Statistika
(trg)="s308"> වාදන ලැයිස්තුව

(src)="s317"> Název' Title ( with track number ) ' ( track name prefixed with the track number ) playlist column name and token for playlist layouts
(trg)="s317"> සිරස්තලය' Title ( with track number ) ' ( track name prefixed with the track number ) playlist column name and token for playlist layouts

(src)="s319"> Rok
(trg)="s319"> වසර ( Y ) :

(src)="s320"> Komentář' Composer ' playlist column name and token for playlist layouts
(trg)="s320"> සටහන' Composer ' playlist column name and token for playlist layouts