# en/1970/jrc21970A0720_01-en.xml.gz
# sl/1970/jrc21970A0720_01-sl.xml.gz
(src)="2"> ADDITIONAL AGREEMENT to the Agreement concerning products of the clock and watch industry between the European Economic Community and its Member States and the Swiss Confederation
(trg)="2"> Dodatni Sporazum
(trg)="3"> k Sporazumu o izdelkih urarske industrije med Evropsko gospodarsko skupnostjo in njenimi državami članicami ter Švicarsko konfederacijo [ 1 ]
(src)="4"> of the one part , and
(trg)="5"> na eni strani in
(src)="6"> of the other part ,
(trg)="7"> na drugi strani ,
(src)="7"> WHEREAS an Agreement concerning products of the clock and watch industry between the European Economic Community and its Member States and the Swiss Confederation was signed in Geneva on 30 June 1967 ;
(trg)="8"> ker je bil dne 30. junija 1967 v Ženevi podpisan Sporazum o izdelkih urarske industrije med Evropsko gospodarsko skupnostjo in njenimi državami članicami ter Švicarsko konfederacijo ;
(src)="8"> WHEREAS it is necessary for the proper functioning of that Agreement to adopt additional provisions ;
(trg)="9"> ker je za ustrezno delovanje tega sporazuma potrebno sprejeti dodatne določbe ;
(src)="9"> WHEREAS the ordinance of the Swiss Federal Council of 23 December 1971 governs the use of the description " Swiss " for watches ;
(trg)="10"> ker odlok Švicarskega zveznega sveta z dne 23. decembra 1971 ureja uporabo oznake " švicarski " za ure ;
(src)="10"> WHEREAS close cooperation exists in the clock and watch industry between the European Economic Community and Switzerland ;
(trg)="11"> ker obstaja tesno sodelovanje med urarsko industrijo Evropske gospodarske skupnosti in Švice ;
(src)="11"> TAKING NOTE of the abolition , at the same time as this Agreement comes into force , of the rationalization grants accorded by Ebauches SA and ASUAG and of the simultaneous abolition of the quota referred to in point B 3 ( b ) of the abovementioned Agreement ,
(trg)="12"> z ozirom na odpravo , ob začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma , racionalizacijske podpore Ebauches SA in ASUAG in na istočasno odpravo kvote , na katero se nanaša točka B 3 ( b ) zgoraj navedenega sporazuma ,
(src)="13"> HAVE AGREED as follows :
(src)="14"> Article 1
(trg)="14"> Člen 1
(src)="15"> The tariff reductions specified in Articles 1 and 5 of the Agreement of 30 June 1967 shall enter into force at the same time as this Agreement .
(trg)="15"> Tarifna znižanja , navedena v členih 1 in 5 Sporazuma z dne 30. junija 1967 , začnejo veljati istočasno s tem sporazumom .
(src)="16"> Article 2
(trg)="16"> Člen 2
(src)="17"> In order that a watch with a movement of Swiss manufacture as regards not less than 50 % of the value of all the constituent parts including the cost of assembly by virtue of Article 2 ( 2 ) ( b ) of the ordinance of the Swiss Federal Council of 23 December 1971 governing the use of the description " Swiss " for watches can be considered to be Swiss , a certification procedure shall be established between Switzerland and the Community in accordance with the following rules :
(trg)="17"> Da bi ročna ura z mehanizmom švicarske izdelave v vsaj 50 % vrednosti vseh sestavnih delov , vključno s stroški sestavljanja glede na člen 2 ( 2 ) ( b ) odloka Švicarskega zveznega sveta z dne 23. decembra 1971 , ki ureja uporabo oznake " švicarski " za ure , lahko veljala za švicarsko , se med Švico in Skupnostjo določi certifikacijski postopek v skladu z naslednjimi pravili :
(src)="18.0"> 1 .
(trg)="18.0"> 1 .
(src)="18.1"> Rough watch movements manufactured in the Community and listed in the Annex to the Agreement , and the regulating organs and other constituent watch-movement parts manufactured in the Community and complementary to rough movements of Swiss or Community manufacture , shall be considered to be equivalent in quality to rough movements and parts of Swiss manufacture with comparable technical characteristics .
(trg)="18.1"> Grobi mehanizmi za ročne ure , izdelani v Skupnosti in navedeni v Prilogi k Sporazumu , ter pripomočki za upravljanje in drugi deli urnih mehanizmov , ki so izdelani v Skupnosti kot dopolnilni proizvodi h grobim mehanizmom , izdelanim v Švici ali Skupnosti , se obravnavajo kot kakovostno ekvivalentni grobim mehanizmom in delom švicarske izdelave s primerljivimi tehničnimi lastnostmi .
(src)="18.2"> It shall be understood that watches and watch movements assembled from these rough movements and parts must satisfy the statutory technical control requirements in Switzerland .
(trg)="18.2"> Razumljivo je , da morajo ročne ure in urni mehanizmi , sestavljeni iz teh grobih mehanizmov in sestavnih delov , zadostiti predpisanim zahtevam tehničnega nadzora v Švici .
(src)="19.0"> 2 .
(trg)="19.0"> 2 .
(src)="19.1"> The list specified in paragraph 1 of this Article of rough movements manufactured in the Community shall be brought up to date regularly in the following manner :
(trg)="19.1"> Seznam v Skupnosti izdelanih grobih mehanizmov , naveden v prvem odstavku tega člena , je potrebno redno posodabljati na naslednji način :
(src)="20.0"> ( a ) Applications for new calibres of rough movements to be entered on the list shall be sent to the Chambre suisse de l 'horlogerie by the associations of clock and watch makers in the Community or any manufacturer of rough movements established in the Community. applications shall be accompanied by a technical description of the calibre of the rough movements .
(trg)="20.0"> ( a ) Združenja izdelovalcev ročnih in drugih ur v Skupnosti oz. vsi izdelovalci grobih mehanizmov s sedežem v Skupnosti , ki želijo seznamu dodati nove kalibre grobih mehanizmov , pošljejo vloge na Chambre suisse de l ' horlogerie .
(trg)="20.1"> Vloge morajo biti opremljene s tehničnim opisom kalibra grobega mehanizma .
(src)="20.1"> The Chambre suisse de l 'horlogerie shall enter the new calibre or calibres on the said list forthwith .
(trg)="20.2"> The Chambre suisse de l ' horlogerie bo novi kaliber oz. kalibre takoj dodala na navedeni seznam .
(src)="21.0"> Should the entry be requested for a calibre of rough movements which has already been used in Switzerland and has failed to pass the statutory control in Switzerland , the Chambre suisse de l 'horlogerie may contest the entry .
(trg)="21.0"> Če se zahteva vnos kalibra grobih mehanizmov , ki je že bil v uporabi v Švici in tam ni prestal predpisanega nadzora , lahko Chambre suisse de l ' horlogerie izpodbija njegov vnos v seznam .
(src)="21.1"> In this event , the applicant may resort to the procedure provided for in paragraph 3 of this Article .
(trg)="21.1"> V tem primeru lahko prosilec uporabi postopek , predviden v odstavku 3 tega člena .
(src)="22"> ( b ) The withdrawal of calibres of rough movements appearing on the list shall be communicated to the Chambre suisse de l 'horlogerie by the associations of the clock and watch makers in the Community or by the manufacturer who had previously applied for the calibre to be entered on the list .
(trg)="22"> ( b ) Združenja izdelovalcev ročnih in drugih ur v Skupnosti oz. izdelovalec , ki je vložil prošnjo za vnos kalibra na seznam , obvestijo Chambre suisse de l ' horlogerie o odstranitvi kalibrov grobih mehanizmov s seznama .
(src)="23.0"> ( c ) Should the statutory technical-control requirements in Switzerland not be satisfied , the Chambre suisse d 'horlogerie may request that the calibres of rough movements concerned be struck off the list and shall notify the party concerned of this request .
(trg)="23.0"> ( c ) Če ne zadostijo predpisanim zahtevam tehničnega nadzora v Švici , lahko Chambre suisse d ' horlogerie zahteva odstranitev zadevnih kalibrov grobih mehanizmov s seznama in obvesti zadevne stranke .
(src)="23.1"> In the event of a disagreement , the party concerned may , within two months , resort to the procedure provided for in paragraph 3 of this Article .
(trg)="23.1"> V primeru nesoglasja lahko zadevna stranka v roku dveh mesecev uporabi postopek , predviden v odstavku 3 tega člena .
(src)="24"> ( d ) All applications for amendments to the list , in accordance with subparagraphs ( a ) , ( b ) and ( c ) above , shall be notified to the Joint Committee by the Chambre suisse de l 'horlogerie forthwith .
(trg)="24"> ( d ) Chambre suisse de l ' horlogerie takoj obvesti Skupni odbor o vseh vlogah za spremembe seznama , v skladu z zgornjimi pododstavki ( a ) , ( b ) in ( c ) .
(src)="25.0"> 3 .
(trg)="25.0"> 3 .
(src)="25.1"> In the event of a dispute about the equivalence of quality , the matter shall be referred forthwith by any interested party to the Joint Committee provided for in Article 9 of the Agreement of 30 June 1967 .
(trg)="25.1"> V primeru spora glede enakovrednosti kakovosti , katera koli zainteresirana stranka takoj pošlje vprašanje Skupnemu odboru iz člena 9 Sporazuma z dne 30. junija 1967 .
(src)="26"> The first party so to decide shall , on its own initiative , seek a joint expert opinion from the institute for official quality control in the Swiss clock and watch industry and a corresponding qualified institute in the Community nominated by the Community interested party .
(trg)="26"> Prva pogodbenica lahko na lastno pobudo pridobi skupno strokovno mnenje instituta za uradni nadzor kakovosti v švicarski industriji ročnih in drugih ur ter ustreznega strokovnega instituta v Skupnosti , ki ga imenuje zainteresirana pogodbenica .
(src)="27"> The institutes shall have three months in which to give the expert opinion requested .
(trg)="27"> Instituta podata svoje strokovno mnenje v roku treh mesecev .
(src)="28"> For the purposes of giving this expert opinion , the institutes shall agree between themselves to take two sufficiently representative batches of watches or watch movements , each normally containing not more than 50 watches or watch movements , one in a Swiss enterprise , the other in a Community enterprise .
(trg)="28"> Za namene tega strokovnega mnenja se instituta medsebojno sporazumeta o preverjanju dveh dovolj reprezentativnih serij ročnih ur oz. urnih mehanizmov , ki naj ne bi vsebovali več kot 50 ročnih ur oz. urnih mehanizmov , ene v švicarskem podjetju in ene v podjetju Skupnosti .
(src)="29"> After testing these batches in accordance with the technical control standards statutory in Switzerland , the institutes shall compare their results and shall jointly draw up a report for the Joint Committee containing their conclusions and any proposals they may have .
(trg)="29"> Po preizkušanju obeh serij v skladu z zakonsko predpisanimi švicarskimi standardi tehničnega nadzora , instituta primerjata rezultate in skupaj izdelata poročilo , namenjeno Skupnemu odboru , ki vsebuje zaključke in morebitne predloge .
(src)="30"> The Joint Committee shall consider this report at its following meeting .
(trg)="30"> Skupni odbor obravnava to poročilo na naslednjem sestanku .
(src)="31"> Article 3
(trg)="31"> Člen 3
(src)="32"> The Agreement and the annexed list shall be published in the official journals of the contracting parties and shall be communicated to the watch and clock manufacturers by the trade associations concerned .
(trg)="32"> Sporazum s priloženim seznamom se objavi v uradnih listih obeh pogodbenic in zadevna trgovinska združenja o njem obvestijo izdelovalce ročnih ur in urnih mehanizmov .
(src)="33"> Changes in the annexed list shall be published and communicated in the same manner .
(trg)="33"> Spremembe priloženega seznama se objavijo in posredujejo na enak način .
(src)="34.0"> Every three years at least , beginning from the entry into force of the Agreement , the Joint Committee shall review the list to take into account any items which have in the meantime been entered on or struck off the list .
(trg)="34.0"> Skupni odbor pregleda seznam vsaj vsaka tri leta od začetka veljavnosti Sporazuma in upošteva izdelke , ki so bili medtem dodani ali izpuščeni s seznama .
(src)="34.1"> The new list shall be published and communicated in the same manner .
(trg)="34.1"> Nov seznam se objavi in posreduje na enak način .
(src)="35"> Any further information can be obtained from the trade associations concerned .
(trg)="35"> Nadaljnje informacije je mogoče pridobiti pri zadevnih trgovinskih združenjih .
(src)="36"> Article 4
(trg)="36"> Člen 4
(src)="37"> Either Contracting Party may denounce the Agreement by giving 12 months 'notice .
(trg)="37"> Vsaka pogodbenica lahko odstopi od tega sporazuma , pri čemer velja 12-mesečni odpovedni rok .
(src)="38"> Article 5
(trg)="38"> Člen 5
(src)="39"> The Agreement shall be concluded and ratified by the Contracting Parties in accordance with their own procedures .
(trg)="39"> Pogodbenici sprejmeta in ratificirata ta sporazum v skladu s svojimi postopki .
(src)="40"> The Agreement shall enter into force on 1 January 1973 provided that the Contracting Parties have exchanged their instruments of ratification by that date .
(trg)="40"> Ta sporazum začne veljati 1. januarja 1973 , pod pogojem , da sta si pogodbenici do tega datuma izmenjali listine o ratifikaciji .
(src)="41"> Should the instruments of ratification be exchanged between 1 January and 30 November 1973 , the Agreement shall enter into force on the first day of the second month following that exchange .
(trg)="41"> V primeru , da se instrumenti o ratifikaciji izmenjajo med 1. januarjem in 30. novembrom 1973 , začne sporazum veljati prvi dan drugega meseca po izmenjavi .
(trg)="42"> [ 1 ] Sporazum je bil sestavljen samo v francoskem jeziku .
# en/1972/jrc21972A0722_04-en.xml.gz
# sl/1972/jrc21972A0722_04-sl.xml.gz
(src)="28"> ( c ) smoking tobacco
(trg)="2"> Dodatni sporazum
(src)="66"> T. WESTERTERP
(src)="67"> ADDITIONAL AGREEMENT Concerning the validity , for the Principality of Liechtenstein , of the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Swiss Confederation of 22 July 1972
(trg)="3"> o veljavnosti Sporazuma med Evropsko gospodarsko skupnostjo in Švicarsko konfederacijo z dne 22. julija 1972 za Kneževino Lihtenštajn
(src)="71"> Whereas by the Treaty of 29 March 1923 the Principality of Liechtenstein and Switzerland constitute a customs union and whereas that Treaty does not confer validity for the Principality of Liechtenstein on all the provisions of the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Swiss Confederation signed on 22 July 1972 ;
(trg)="7"> ker s Pogodbo z dne 29. marca 1923 Kneževina Lihtenštajn in Švica tvorita carinsko unijo in ker ta pogodba ne dodeljuje veljavnosti vsem določbam Sporazuma med Evropsko gospodarsko skupnostjo in Švicarsko konfederacijo , podpisanega 22. julija 1972 , za Kneževino Lihtenštajn ;
(src)="72"> Whereas the Principality of Liechtenstein has expressed the desire that all the provisions of that Agreement should apply to it ,
(trg)="8"> ker je Kneževina Lihtenštajn izrazila željo , da naj bi zanjo veljale vse določbe Sporazuma ,
(src)="74"> Article 1
(trg)="10"> Člen 1
(src)="75"> The Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Swiss Confederation signed on 22 July 1972 shall likewise apply to the Principality of Liechtenstein .
(trg)="11"> Sporazum med Evropsko gospodarsko skupnostjo in Švicarsko konfederacijo , podpisan dne 22. julija 1972 , se uporablja tudi za Kneževino Lihtenštajn .
(src)="76"> Article 2
(trg)="12"> Člen 2
(src)="77"> For the purpose of implementing the Agreement referred to in Article 1 and without modifying its bilateral nature between the Community and Switzerland , the Principality of Liechtenstein may cause its interests to be represented through a representative within the Swiss delegation to the Joint Committee .
(trg)="13"> Za namene izvajanja Sporazuma iz člena 1 in brez spreminjanja njegove dvostranske narave med Skupnostjo in Švico lahko Kneževina Lihtenštajn predstavlja svoje interese prek predstavnika v okviru švicarske delegacije v Skupnem odboru .
(src)="78"> Article 3
(trg)="14"> Člen 3
(src)="79.0"> This additional Agreement will be approved by Switzerland , the Principality of Liechtenstein and the Community in accordance with their own procedures .
(trg)="15.0"> Ta dodatni sporazum Švica , Kneževina Lihtenštajn in Skupnost odobrijo v skladu s svojimi postopki .
(src)="79.1"> It shall enter into force at the same time as the Agreement referred to in Article 1 and shall continue to apply for so long as the Treaty of 29 March 1923 remains in force .
(trg)="15.1"> Veljati začne hkrati s Sporazumom iz člena 1 in se uporablja , dokler velja Pogodba z dne 29. marca 1923 .
# en/1973/jrc21973A0303_01-en.xml.gz
# sl/1973/jrc21973A0303_01-sl.xml.gz
# en/1973/jrc21973A0514_01-en.xml.gz
# sl/1973/jrc21973A0514_01-sl.xml.gz
(src)="2"> AGREEMENT between the European Economic Community and the Kingdom of Norway
(trg)="3"> med Evropsko gospodarsko skupnostjo in Kraljevino Norveško
(src)="4"> of the one part , and
(trg)="5"> na eni strani in
(src)="6"> of the other part ,
(trg)="7"> na drugi strani , STA SE
(src)="7"> DESIRING to consolidate and to extend , upon the enlargement of the European Economic Community , the economic relations existing between the Community and Norway and to ensure , with due regard for fair conditions of competition , the harmonious development of their commerce for the purpose of contributing to the work of constructing Europe ,
(trg)="8"> V ŽELJI , da bi ob razširitvi Evropske gospodarske skupnosti utrdili in razširili sedanje gospodarske odnose med Skupnostjo in Norveško ter ob ustreznem upoštevanju pogojev lojalne konkurence zagotovili skladen razvoj njihove trgovine , pri čemer je njun namen prispevati h gradnji Evrope ,
(src)="8"> RESOLVED to this end to eliminate progressively the obstacles to substantially all their trade , in accordance with the provisions of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade concerning the establishment of free trade areas ,
(trg)="9"> ODLOČENI , da bosta v ta namen postopno ukinili ovire pri osnovnem delu svoje trgovine , v skladu z določbami Splošnega sporazuma o tarifah in trgovini v zvezi z ustanavljanjem območij proste trgovine ,
(src)="9"> DECLARING their readiness to examine , in the light of any relevant factor , and in particular of developments in the Community , the possibility of developing and deepening their relations where it would appear to be useful in the interests of their economies to extend them to fields not covered by this Agreement ,
(trg)="10"> IZJAVLJAJOČ , da sta glede na vse pomembne dejavnike , zlasti glede na razvoj Skupnosti , pripravljeni preučiti možnosti za razvijanje in poglabljanje svojih odnosov , če bi to koristilo interesom njunih gospodarstev , tako da bi jih razširili na področja , ki jih ta Sporazum ne zajema ,
(src)="10"> HAVE DECIDED , in pursuit of these objectives and considering that no provision of this Agreement may be interpreted as exempting the Contracting Parties from the obligations which are incumbent upon them under other international agreements ,
(trg)="11"> ODLOČILI , da pri doseganju teh ciljev in ob upoštevanju dejstva , da nobene določbe tega sporazuma ni mogoče razlagati tako , da bi pogodbenico oprostila obveznosti , ki jih jo zavezujejo po drugih mednarodnih sporazumih ,