# en/1970/jrc21970A0720_01-en.xml.gz
# mt/1970/jrc21970A0720_01-mt.xml.gz

(src)="2"> ADDITIONAL AGREEMENT to the Agreement concerning products of the clock and watch industry between the European Economic Community and its Member States and the Swiss Confederation
(trg)="3"> għall-Ftehim li jikkonċerna ċerti prodotti ta ’ l-industrija ta ’ l-arloġġi u l-arloġġi ta ’ l-idejn bejn il-Komunità Ekonomika Ewropea u l-Istati Membri tagħha u l-Konfederazzjoni Svizzera [ 1 ]


(src)="4"> of the one part , and
(trg)="5"> min-naħa l-waħda , u


(src)="6"> of the other part ,
(trg)="7"> min-naħa l-oħra ,

(src)="7"> WHEREAS an Agreement concerning products of the clock and watch industry between the European Economic Community and its Member States and the Swiss Confederation was signed in Geneva on 30 June 1967 ;
(trg)="8"> BILLI Ftehim li jikkonċerna prodotti ta ’ l-industrija ta ’ l-arloġġi u l-arloġġi ta ’ l-idejn bejn il-Komunità Ekonomika Ewropea u l-Istati Membri tagħha u l-Konfederazzjoni Svizzera kien iffirmat f ’ Ġinevra fit-30 ta ’ Ġunju 1967 ;

(src)="8"> WHEREAS it is necessary for the proper functioning of that Agreement to adopt additional provisions ;
(trg)="9"> BILLI huwa meħtieġ għall-iffunzjonar kif imiss ta ’ dak il-Ftehim li jiġu adottati dispożizzjonijiet addizzjonali ;

(src)="9"> WHEREAS the ordinance of the Swiss Federal Council of 23 December 1971 governs the use of the description " Swiss " for watches ;
(trg)="10"> BILLI l-ordinanza tal-Kunsill tal-Federazzjoni Svizzera tat-23 ta ’ Diċembru 1971 tirregola lużu tad-deskrizzjoni " Svizzera " għall-arloġġi ta ’ l-idejn ;

(src)="10"> WHEREAS close cooperation exists in the clock and watch industry between the European Economic Community and Switzerland ;
(trg)="11"> BILLI teżisti kooperazzjoni mill-qrib fl-industrija ta ’ l-arloġġi u l-arloġġi ta ’ l-idejn bejn il-Komunità Ekonomika Ewropea u l-Isvizzera ;

(src)="11"> TAKING NOTE of the abolition , at the same time as this Agreement comes into force , of the rationalization grants accorded by Ebauches SA and ASUAG and of the simultaneous abolition of the quota referred to in point B 3 ( b ) of the abovementioned Agreement ,
(src)="12"> ( 1 ) The Agreement has been drawn up in the French language only .
(trg)="12"> WAQT LI TITTIEĦED NOTA ta ’ abolizzjoni , fl-istess żmien li dan il-Ftehim jidħol fis-seħħ , ta ’ l-għotjiet ta ’ razzjonalizzazzjoni akkordati minn Ebauches SA u ASUAG u ta ’ l-abolizzjoni simultanja tal-kwota msemmija fil-punt B 3 ( b ) tal-Ftehim imsemmi hawn fuq ,

(src)="13"> HAVE AGREED as follows :
(trg)="13"> FTIEHMU dan li ġej :

(src)="14"> Article 1
(trg)="14"> Artikolu 1

(src)="15"> The tariff reductions specified in Articles 1 and 5 of the Agreement of 30 June 1967 shall enter into force at the same time as this Agreement .
(trg)="15"> It-tnaqqis fit-tariffa speċifikat fl-Artikoli 1 u 5 tal-Ftehim tat-30 ta ’ Ġunju 1967 għandu jidħol fis-seħħ fl-istess żmien ta ’ dan il-Ftehim .

(src)="16"> Article 2
(trg)="16"> Artikolu 2

(src)="17"> In order that a watch with a movement of Swiss manufacture as regards not less than 50 % of the value of all the constituent parts including the cost of assembly by virtue of Article 2 ( 2 ) ( b ) of the ordinance of the Swiss Federal Council of 23 December 1971 governing the use of the description " Swiss " for watches can be considered to be Swiss , a certification procedure shall be established between Switzerland and the Community in accordance with the following rules :
(trg)="17"> Sabiex arloġġ b ’ mekkaniżmu ta ’ manifattura Svizzera fir-rigward ta ’ mhux anqas minn 50 % tal-valur tal-partijiet kollha kostitwenti inkluża l-iżpiża għall-immuntar skond l-Artikolu 2 ( 2 ) ( b ) ta ’ l-ordinanza tal-Kunsill tal-Federazzjoni Svizzera tat-23 ta ’ Diċembru 1971 li tirregola l-użu tad-deskrizzjoni " Svizzera " għall-arloġġi ta ’ l-idejn jista ’ jitqies li jkun Svizzeru , għandha tiġi stabbilita proċedura ta ’ ċertifikazzjoni bejn l-Isvizzera u l-Komunità skond ir-regoli li ġejjin :

(src)="18.0"> 1 .
(trg)="18.0"> 1 .

(src)="18.1"> Rough watch movements manufactured in the Community and listed in the Annex to the Agreement , and the regulating organs and other constituent watch-movement parts manufactured in the Community and complementary to rough movements of Swiss or Community manufacture , shall be considered to be equivalent in quality to rough movements and parts of Swiss manufacture with comparable technical characteristics .
(trg)="18.1"> Mekkaniżmi mhux raffinati ta ’ arloġġi ta ’ l-idejn manifatturati fil-Komunità u elenkati fl-Anness li jinsab mal-Ftehim , u li jirregolaw organi u partijiet oħra kostitwenti tal-mekkaniżmu ta ’ l-arloġġi ta ’ l-idejn manifatturati fil-Komunità u komplementari għall-movimenti mhux raffinati ta ’ manifattura Svizzera jew Komunitarja , għandhom jitqiesu li jkunu ekwivalenti fil-kwalità għal mekkaniżmi mhux raffinati u partijiet ta ’ manifattura Svizzera ma ’ karatteristiċi tekniċi komparabbli .

(src)="18.2"> It shall be understood that watches and watch movements assembled from these rough movements and parts must satisfy the statutory technical control requirements in Switzerland .
(trg)="18.2"> Għandu jinftiehem li arloġġi ta ’ l-idejn u mekkaniżmi ta ’ arloġġi ta ’ l-idejn immuntati minn dawn il-mekkaniżmi mhux raffinati u partijiet għandhom jissodisfaw il-ħtiġiet statutorji ta ’ kontroll tekniku fl-Isvizzera .

(src)="19.0"> 2 .
(trg)="19.0"> 2 .

(src)="19.1"> The list specified in paragraph 1 of this Article of rough movements manufactured in the Community shall be brought up to date regularly in the following manner :
(trg)="19.1"> Il-lista speċifikata fil-paragrafu 1 ta ’ dan l-Artikolu ta ’ mekkaniżmi mhux raffinati manifatturati fil-Komunità għandha tiġi aġġornata regolarment bil-mod li ġej :

(src)="20.0"> ( a ) Applications for new calibres of rough movements to be entered on the list shall be sent to the Chambre suisse de l 'horlogerie by the associations of clock and watch makers in the Community or any manufacturer of rough movements established in the Community. applications shall be accompanied by a technical description of the calibre of the rough movements .
(trg)="20.0"> ( a ) Applikazzjonijiet għal kalibri ġodda ta ’ mekkaniżmi mhix raffinati biex jiddaħħlu fil-lista għandhom jintbagħtu lix-Chambre suisse de l ’ horlogerie mill-assoċjazzjonijiet tal-manifatturi ta ’ l-arloġġi u l-arloġġi ta ’ l-idejn fil-Komunità jew minn manifattur ta ’ mekkaniżmi mhux raffinati stabbilit fil-Komunità .
(trg)="20.1"> L-applikazzjonijiet għandhom ikunu akkumpanjati b ’ deskrizzjoni teknika tal-kalibru tal-mekkaniżmi mhux raffinati .

(src)="20.1"> The Chambre suisse de l 'horlogerie shall enter the new calibre or calibres on the said list forthwith .
(trg)="20.2"> Ix-Chambre suisse de l ’ horlogerie il-kalibru ġdid jew kalibri ġodda fl-imsemmija lista minnufih .

(src)="21.0"> Should the entry be requested for a calibre of rough movements which has already been used in Switzerland and has failed to pass the statutory control in Switzerland , the Chambre suisse de l 'horlogerie may contest the entry .
(trg)="21.0"> Jekk id-dħul jiġi mitlub għal kalibru ta ’ mekkaniżmu mhux raffinat li jkun diġà ntuża fl-Isvizzera u jkun naqas milli jgħaddi mill-kontroll statutorju fl-Isvizzera , ix-Chambre suisse de l ’ horlogerie tista ’ tikkontesta d-dħul .

(src)="21.1"> In this event , the applicant may resort to the procedure provided for in paragraph 3 of this Article .
(trg)="21.1"> F ’ dan il-każ , l-applikant jista ’ jirrikorri għall-proċedura prevista fil-paragrafu 3 ta ’ dan l-Artikolu .

(src)="22"> ( b ) The withdrawal of calibres of rough movements appearing on the list shall be communicated to the Chambre suisse de l 'horlogerie by the associations of the clock and watch makers in the Community or by the manufacturer who had previously applied for the calibre to be entered on the list .
(trg)="22"> ( b ) L-irtirar ta ’ kalibri ta ’ mekkaniżmi mhux raffinati li jidhru fil-lista għandu jiġi komunikat lix-Chambre suisse de l ’ horlogerie mill-assoċjazzjonijiet tal-manifatturi ta ’ l-arloġġi u l-arloġġi ta ’ l-idejn fil-Komunità jew minn manifattur li jkun applika qabel biex kalibru jiddaħħal fil-lista .

(src)="23.0"> ( c ) Should the statutory technical-control requirements in Switzerland not be satisfied , the Chambre suisse d 'horlogerie may request that the calibres of rough movements concerned be struck off the list and shall notify the party concerned of this request .
(trg)="23.0"> ( ċ ) Jekk il-ħtiġiet statutorji tal-kontroll tekniku fl-Isvizzera ma jkunux sodisfatti , ix-Chambre suisse d ’ horlogerie tista ’ titlob li l-kalibri ta ’ mekkaniżmi mhux raffinati konċernati jinqatgħu mil-lista u għandha tinnotifika lill-parti konċernata b ’ din it-talba .

(src)="23.1"> In the event of a disagreement , the party concerned may , within two months , resort to the procedure provided for in paragraph 3 of this Article .
(trg)="23.1"> Fil-każ ta ’ nuqqas ta ’ ftehim , il-parti konċernata tista ’ , fi żmien xahrejn , tirrikorri għall-proċedura prevista fil-paragrafu 3 ta ’ dan l-Artikolu .

(src)="24"> ( d ) All applications for amendments to the list , in accordance with subparagraphs ( a ) , ( b ) and ( c ) above , shall be notified to the Joint Committee by the Chambre suisse de l 'horlogerie forthwith .
(trg)="24"> ( d ) L-applikazzjonijiet kollha għal emendi fil-lista , skond is-subparagrafi ( a ) , ( b ) u ( ċ ) ta ’ hawn fuq , għandhom jiġu notifikati lill-Kumitat Konġunt mix-Chambre suisse de l ’ horlogerie minnufih .

(src)="25.0"> 3 .
(trg)="25.0"> 3 .

(src)="25.1"> In the event of a dispute about the equivalence of quality , the matter shall be referred forthwith by any interested party to the Joint Committee provided for in Article 9 of the Agreement of 30 June 1967 .
(trg)="25.1"> Fil-każ ta ’ kwistjoni dwar l-ekwivalenza tal-kwalità , il-kwistjoni għandha tiġi riferita minnufih minn xi parti interessata lill-Kumitat Konġunt previst fl-Artikolu 9 tal-Ftehim tat-30 ta ’ Ġunju 1967 .

(src)="26"> The first party so to decide shall , on its own initiative , seek a joint expert opinion from the institute for official quality control in the Swiss clock and watch industry and a corresponding qualified institute in the Community nominated by the Community interested party .
(trg)="26"> L-ewwel parti li tiddeċiedi dan għandha , fuq l-inizjattiva tagħha stess , tfittex opinjoni esperta konġunta mill-istitut għall-kontroll uffiċjali tal-kwalità fl-industrija Svizzera ta ’ l-arloġġi u l-arloġġi ta ’ l-idejn flimkien ma ‘ istitut kwalifikat li jikkorrispondi fil-Komunità nominat mill-parti interessata fil-Komunità .

(src)="27"> The institutes shall have three months in which to give the expert opinion requested .
(trg)="27"> L-istituti għandu jkollhom tlett xhur li fihom jagħtu l-opinjoni esperta mitluba .

(src)="28"> For the purposes of giving this expert opinion , the institutes shall agree between themselves to take two sufficiently representative batches of watches or watch movements , each normally containing not more than 50 watches or watch movements , one in a Swiss enterprise , the other in a Community enterprise .
(trg)="28"> Għall-finijiet ta ’ l-għoti ta ’ din l-opinjoni esperta , l-istituti għandhom jiftiehma bejniethom li jieħdu żewġ lottijiet suffiċjentement rappresentattivi ta ’ arloġġi ta ’ l-idejn jew mekkaniżmi ta ’ arloġġi ta ’ l-idejn , b ’ kull wieħed normalment jikkonsisti f ’ mhux aktar minn 50 arloġġ ta ’ l-idejn jew mekkaniżmu , wieħed fl-intrapriża Svizzera , u l-ieħor fl-intrapriża Komunitarja .

(src)="29"> After testing these batches in accordance with the technical control standards statutory in Switzerland , the institutes shall compare their results and shall jointly draw up a report for the Joint Committee containing their conclusions and any proposals they may have .
(trg)="29"> Wara li dawn il-lottijiet jiġu testjati skond l-i standards statutorji tekniċi ta ’ kontroll fl-Isvizzera , l-istituti għandhom iqabblu r-riżultati tagħhom u għandhom iġejju rapport konġunt għall-Kumitat Konġunt li jkun fih il-konklużżjonijiet tagħhom u kull proposti li jista ’ jkollhom .

(src)="30"> The Joint Committee shall consider this report at its following meeting .
(trg)="30"> Il-Kumitat Konġunt għandu jikkonsidra dan ir-rapport fil-laqgħa tigħu li jkun imiss .

(src)="31"> Article 3
(trg)="31"> Artikolu 3

(src)="32"> The Agreement and the annexed list shall be published in the official journals of the contracting parties and shall be communicated to the watch and clock manufacturers by the trade associations concerned .
(trg)="32"> Il-Ftehim u l-lista annessa għandhom jiġu pubblikati fil-ġurnali uffiċjali tal-partijiet kontraenti u għandha tiġi komunikata lill-manifatturi ta ’ l-arloġġi ta ’ l-idejn u ta ’ l-arloġġi mill-assoċjazzjonijiet tal-kummerċ konċernati .

(src)="33"> Changes in the annexed list shall be published and communicated in the same manner .
(trg)="33"> Kull tibdil fil-lista annessa għandu jiġi pubblikat u komunikat bl-istess mod .

(src)="34.0"> Every three years at least , beginning from the entry into force of the Agreement , the Joint Committee shall review the list to take into account any items which have in the meantime been entered on or struck off the list .
(trg)="34.0"> Ta ’ l-anqas kull tlett snin , li jibdew jgħoddu mad-dħul fis-seħħ tal-Ftehim , il-Kumitat Konġunt għandu jirrevedi l-lista biex jagħti kont ta ’ xi partiti li jkunu fil-frattemp iddaħħlu fi jew inqatgħu mill-lista .

(src)="34.1"> The new list shall be published and communicated in the same manner .
(trg)="34.1"> Il-lista l-ġdida għandha tiġi pubblikata u komunikata bl-istess mod .

(src)="35"> Any further information can be obtained from the trade associations concerned .
(trg)="35"> Kull tagħrif ieħor jista ’ jinkiseb mill-assoċjazzjonijiet tal-kummerċ konċernati .

(src)="36"> Article 4
(trg)="36"> Artikolu 4

(src)="37"> Either Contracting Party may denounce the Agreement by giving 12 months 'notice .
(trg)="37"> Kull waħda mill-Partijiet Kontraenti tista ’ tiddenunċja l-Ftehim billi tagħti notifika ta ’ 12-il xahar .

(src)="38"> Article 5
(trg)="38"> Artikolu 5

(src)="39"> The Agreement shall be concluded and ratified by the Contracting Parties in accordance with their own procedures .
(trg)="39"> Il-Ftehim għandu jiġi konkluż u ratifikat mill-Partijiet Kontraenti skond il-proċeduri proprji tagħhom .

(src)="40"> The Agreement shall enter into force on 1 January 1973 provided that the Contracting Parties have exchanged their instruments of ratification by that date .
(trg)="40"> Il-Ftehim għandu jidħol fis-seħħ fl-1 ta ’ Jannar 1973 basta li l-Partijiet Kontraenti jistgħu jiskambjaw l-istrumenti tagħhom ta ’ ratifika sa dik id-data .

(src)="41"> Should the instruments of ratification be exchanged between 1 January and 30 November 1973 , the Agreement shall enter into force on the first day of the second month following that exchange .
(trg)="41"> Jekk l-istrumenti ta ’ ratifika jiġu skambjati bejn l-1 ta ’ Jannar u t-30 ta ’ Novembru 1973 , il-Ftehim għandu jidħol fis-seħħ fl-ewwel jum tat-tieni xahar wara dak l-iskambju .
(trg)="42"> [ 1 ] Il-Ftehim tħejja fil-lingwa Franċiża biss .

# en/1972/jrc21972A0722_04-en.xml.gz
# mt/1972/jrc21972A0722_04-mt.xml.gz

(src)="30"> ( e ) chewing tobacco .
(trg)="2"> Ftehim Addizzjonali

(src)="66"> T. WESTERTERP
(src)="67"> ADDITIONAL AGREEMENT Concerning the validity , for the Principality of Liechtenstein , of the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Swiss Confederation of 22 July 1972
(trg)="3"> li Jikkonċerna l-validità , għall-Prinċipalità ta ' Liechtenstein , tal-Ftehim bejn il-Komunità Ekonomika Ewropea u l-Konfederazzjoni Svizzera tat-22 ta ' Lulju 1972




(src)="71"> Whereas by the Treaty of 29 March 1923 the Principality of Liechtenstein and Switzerland constitute a customs union and whereas that Treaty does not confer validity for the Principality of Liechtenstein on all the provisions of the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Swiss Confederation signed on 22 July 1972 ;
(trg)="7"> Billi bit-Trattat tad-29 ta ' Marzu 1923 il-Prinċipalità ta ' Liechtenstein u l-Isvizzera jikkostitwixxu unjoni doganali u billi dak it-Trattat ma jikonferix validità għal-Prinċipalità ta ' Leichtenstein tad-dispożizzjonijiet kollha tal-Ftehim bejn il-Komunità Ekonomika Ewropea u l-Konfederazzjoni Svizzera iffermat fit-22 ta ' Lulju 1972 ;

(src)="72"> Whereas the Principality of Liechtenstein has expressed the desire that all the provisions of that Agreement should apply to it ,
(trg)="8"> Billi l-Prinċipalità ta ' Liechteinstein kienet esprimiet ix-xewqa tagħha li d-dispożizzjonijiet kollha ta ' dak il-Ftehim għandhom ikunu applikabbli għaliha ,


(src)="74"> Article 1
(trg)="10"> Artikolu 1

(src)="75"> The Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Swiss Confederation signed on 22 July 1972 shall likewise apply to the Principality of Liechtenstein .
(trg)="11"> Il-Ftehim bejn il-Komunità Ekonomika Ewropea u l-Konfederazzjoni Svizzera iffermat fit-22 ta ' Lulju 1972 għandu l-istess ikun applikabbli għal-Prinċipalità ta ' Liechtebstein .

(src)="76"> Article 2
(trg)="12"> Artikolu 2

(src)="77"> For the purpose of implementing the Agreement referred to in Article 1 and without modifying its bilateral nature between the Community and Switzerland , the Principality of Liechtenstein may cause its interests to be represented through a representative within the Swiss delegation to the Joint Committee .
(trg)="13"> Għall-iskop ta ' l-implementazzjoni tal-Ftehim referut fl-Artikolu 1 u mingħajr ma tkun modifikata n-natura bilaterali tiegħu bejn il-Komunità u l-Isvizzera , il-Prinċipalità ta ' Liechtenstein tista tikkawża li l-interessi tagħha jkun rapreżentati permezz tar-rapreżentant fi ħdan id-delegazzjoni Svizzera tal-Kumitat Konġunt .

(src)="78"> Article 3
(trg)="14"> Artikolu 3

(src)="79.0"> This additional Agreement will be approved by Switzerland , the Principality of Liechtenstein and the Community in accordance with their own procedures .
(trg)="15"> Dan il-Ftehim Addizzjonli għandu jkun approvat mill-Isvizzera , mil-Prinċipalità ta ' Liechtenstein u mill-Komunità bi qbil mal-proċeduri tagħhom stess .

(src)="79.1"> It shall enter into force at the same time as the Agreement referred to in Article 1 and shall continue to apply for so long as the Treaty of 29 March 1923 remains in force .
(trg)="16"> Għandu jidħol fis-seħħ fl-istess żmien bħall-Ftehim referut fl-Artikolu 1 u għandu jibqa jkun japplika sakemm it-Trattat tad-29 ta ' Marzu 1923 jibqa fis-seħħ .

# en/1972/jrc21972A0722_05-en.xml.gz
# mt/1972/jrc21972A0722_05-mt.xml.gz

(src)="14"> Article 3
(trg)="2"> Ftehim

(src)="22"> T. WESTERTERP
(src)="23"> AGREEMENT between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Iceland
(trg)="3"> bejn il-Komunità Ekonomika Ewropea u r-Repubblika ta ' l-Islanda


(src)="25"> of the one part , and
(trg)="5"> minn naħa l-waħda , u