# en/GoURMET-crawled.sw-en.en-sw.xml.gz
# sw/GoURMET-crawled.sw-en.en-sw.xml.gz
(src)="1"> Let us make a helper for him similar to himself . " 2 : 19Yog li no , the Lord God , having formed from the soil all the animals of the earth and all the flying creatures of the air , brought them to Adam , in order to see what he would call them .
(trg)="1.1"> Na tufanye msaidizi wa kufanana naye sawa na yeye mwenyewe .
(trg)="1.2"> " 2 : 19Kwa hiyo , Bwana Mungu , baada ya sumu kutoka kwenye udongo wanyama wote wa duniani na viumbe vyote ndege wa hewa , kuwaleta Adam , ili kuona nini angeweza kuwaita .
(src)="2"> For whatever Adam would call any living creature , that would be its name.2 : 20And Adam called each of the living things by their names : all the flying creatures of the air , and all the wild beasts of the land .
(trg)="2"> Kwa maana kila Adam kuita kiumbe chochote hai , kwamba kuwa jina lake ingekuwa . 2 : 20Adamu akamwita kila mmoja viumbe hai kwa majina yao : viumbe wote kuruka ya hewa , na wanyama wote wa porini katika nchi .
(src)="3"> And when he was fast asleep , he took one of his ribs , and he completed it with flesh for it.2 : 22And the Lord God built up the rib , which he took from Adam , into a woman .
(trg)="3"> Naye alipokuwa amelala , akachukua ubavu wake mmoja , na yeye kumaliza kwa mwili kwa ajili yake . 2 : 22Na Bwana Mungu kujengwa ubavu , ambayo alichukua kutoka kwa Adamu , ndani ya mwanamke .
(src)="4"> This one shall be called woman , because she was taken from man . " 2 : 24For this reason , a man shall leave behind his father and mother , and he shall cling to his wife ; and the two shall be as one flesh.2 : 25Now they were both naked : Adam , of course , and his wife .
(trg)="4.1"> Hii moja wataitwa mwanamke , kwa sababu yeye alichukuliwa kutoka mwanadamu .
(trg)="4.2"> " 2 : 24Kwa sababu hiyo , mtu atamwacha nyuma baba na mama yake , naye kushikamana na mke wake ; nao wawili watakuwa mwili mmoja kama . 2 : 25Sasa wao walikuwa uchi wote wawili : Adam , bila shaka , na mkewe .
(src)="5"> And they were not ashamed .
(trg)="5"> Na hawakuwa na haya .
(src)="6"> And entering into a house , he intended no one to know about it , but he was not able to remain hidden.7 : 25For a woman whose daughter had an unclean spirit , as soon as she heard about him , entered and fell prostrate at his feet.7 : 26For the woman was a Gentile , by birth a Syro-Phoenician .
(trg)="6"> Tulikwenda nyumbani , yeye nia hakuna mtu kujua kuhusu hilo , lakini yeye hakuwa na uwezo wa kubaki siri . 7 : 25Kwa mwanamke ambaye binti yake alikuwa na pepo , kama Naye aliposikia habari zake , aliingia na akaanguka kifudifudi mbele ya miguu yake . 7 : 26Kwa Mama huyo alikuwa Mgiriki , kwa kuzaliwa Syro - Kifinisia .
(src)="7"> And she petitioned him , so that he would cast the demon from her daughter.7 : 27And he said to her : " First allow the sons to have their fill .
(trg)="7"> Na yeye walipinga yake , ili aweze pepo kutoka binti yake . 7 : 27Naye akamwambia : " Kwanza kuruhusu wana kuwa na kujaza yao .
(src)="8"> For it is not good to take away the bread of the sons and throw it to the dogs . " 7 : 28But she responded by saying to him : " Certainly , Lord .
(trg)="8.1"> Maana si nzuri kuchukua mkate wa wana na kuwatupia mbwa .
(trg)="8.2"> " 7 : 28Lakini yeye alijibu kwa kusema kwake : " Hakika , Bwana .
(src)="9"> Yet the young dogs also eat , under the table , from the crumbs of the children . " 7 : 29And he said to her , " Because of this saying , go ; the demon has gone out of your daughter . " 7 : 30And when she had gone to her house , she found the girl lying on the bed ; and the demon had gone away .
(trg)="9.1"> Lakini hata mbwa vijana pia kula , chini ya meza , kutoka makombo ya watoto .
(trg)="9.2"> " 7 : 29Naye akamwambia , " Kwa sababu ya neno hilo , , kwenda ; Pepo amemtoka binti yako .
(trg)="9.3"> " 7 : 30Na wakati yeye alikuwa amekwenda nyumbani kwake , yeye amepata msichana amelazwa juu ya kitanda ; na mapepo walikuwa wamekwenda zao .
(src)="10"> In it , he placed the man whom he had formed.2 : 9And from the soil the Lord God produced every tree that was beautiful to behold and pleasant to eat .
(trg)="10"> Ndani yake , yeye kuwekwa mtu ambaye alikuwa sumu . 2 : 9Na kutoka katika udongo Bwana Mungu zinazozalishwa kila mti ilikuwa nzuri kwa tazama na mazuri ya kula .
(src)="11"> And even the tree of life was in the midst of Paradise , and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil .
(trg)="11"> Na hata mti wa uzima ilikuwa katikati ya peponi , na mti wa ujuzi wa mema na mabaya .
(src)="12"> For in whatever day you will eat from it , you will die a death . "
(trg)="12"> Kwa maana siku chochote watakula kutoka humo , mtakufa kifo . "
(src)="13"> Lub ob hlis ntuj 12 , 2019 Genesis 1 : 20- 2 : 4 1 : 20And then God said , " Let the waters produce animals with a living soul , and flying creatures above the earth , under the firmament of heaven . " 1 : 21And God created the great sea creatures , and everything with a living soul and the ability to move that the waters produced , according to their species , and all the flying creatures , according to their kind .
(trg)="13.1"> Februari 12 , 2019 Mwanzo 1 : 20 - 2 : 4 1 : 20Na kisha Mungu alisema , " Hebu maji kuzalisha wanyama na nafsi hai , na viumbe vinavyoruka juu ya nchi , chini ya anga la mbingu .
(trg)="13.2"> " 1 : 21Mungu akaumba viumbe kubwa bahari , na kila kitu pamoja na nafsi hai na uwezo wa kusonga kwamba maji zinazozalishwa , kulingana na aina yao , na viumbe wote kuruka , kulingana na aina yao .
(src)="14"> And God saw that it was good.1 : 22And he blessed them , hais : " Increase and multiply , and fill the waters of the sea .
(trg)="14"> Mungu akaona kuwa ni vyema . 1 : 22Akawabariki , akisema : " Kuongezeka na kuzidisha , na kujaza maji ya bahari .
(src)="15"> And let the birds be multiplied above the land . " 1 : 23And it became evening and morning , the fifth day.1 : 24God also said , " Let the land produce living souls in their kind : cattle , and animals , and wild beasts of the earth , according to their species . "
(trg)="15.1"> Na ndege tele juu ya ardhi .
(trg)="15.2"> " 1 : 23Na ikawa jioni , ikawa asubuhi , siku ya tano . 1 : 24Mungu pia alisema , " Hebu mazao ya nchi nafsi hai katika aina yao : ng'ombe , na wanyama , na wanyama wakali wa dunia , kulingana na aina yao .
(src)="16"> And so it became.1 : 25And God made the wild beasts of the earth according to their species , and the cattle , and every animal on the land , according to its kind .
(trg)="16"> " Na hivyo ikawa . 1 : 25Na Mungu alifanya wanyama wakali wa dunia kulingana na aina yao , na ng'ombe , na kila mnyama katika ardhi , kulingana na aina yake .
(src)="17"> And they were very good .
(trg)="17"> Na walikuwa nzuri sana .
(src)="18"> And it became evening and morning , the sixth day .
(trg)="18"> Na ikawa jioni , ikawa asubuhi , siku ya sita .
(src)="19"> And on the seventh day he rested from all his work , which he had accomplished.2 : 3And he blessed the seventh day and sanctified it .
(trg)="19"> Na siku ya saba alipumzika kutoka kazi yake yote , ambayo alikuwa yametimia . 2 : 3Naye akaibariki siku ya saba akaitakasa .
(src)="20"> For in it , he had ceased from all his work : the work whereby God created whatever he should make.2 : 4These are the generations of heaven and earth , when they were created , in the day when the Lord God made heaven and earth , Kos 7 : 1- 13 7 : 1And the Pharisees and some of the scribes , arriving from Jerusalem , gathered together before him.7 : 2And when they had seen certain ones from his disciples eating bread with common hands , uas yog , with unwashed hands , they disparaged them.7 : 3For the Pharisees , and all the Jews , do not eat without repeatedly washing their hands , holding to the tradition of the elders.7 : 4And when returning from the market , unless they wash , they do not eat .
(trg)="20"> Kwa maana Habari , alikuwa ameachana na kazi yake yote : kazi ambapo Mungu aliumba chochote anatakiwa kufanya . 2 : 4Hivi ndivyo vizazi vya mbingu na nchi , ile walipoumbwa , katika siku hiyo ambayo Bwana Mungu alifanya mbingu na nchi , Mark 7 : 1 - 13 7 : 1Mafarisayo na baadhi ya waandishi , kuwasili kutoka Yerusalemu , wamekusanyika mbele yake . 7 : 2Basi , baada ya kuonekana watu fulani kutoka wanafunzi wake walikula mikate kwa mikono ya kawaida , kuwa ni , kwa mikono najisi , wao kuhujumu yao . 7 : 3Maana Mafarisayo , na Wayahudi wengine wote , wala kula bila kunawa mikono yao mara kwa mara , kufanya desturi za wazee wetu . 7 : 4Na wakati kurudi kutoka soko , isipokuwa wao kufua , hawana kula .
(src)="21"> And there are many other things which have been handed down to them to observe : the washings of cups , and pitchers , and bronze containers , and beds.7 : 5And so the Pharisees and the scribes questioned him : " Why do your disciples not walk according to the tradition of the elders , but they eat bread with common hands ? " 7 : 6But in response , he said to them : " So well did Isaiah prophesy about you hypocrites , just as it has been written : ' This people honors me with their lips , but their heart is far from me.7 : 7And in vain do they worship me , teaching the doctrines and precepts of men . '7 : 8For abandoning the commandment of God , you hold to the tradition of men , to the washing of pitchers and cups .
(trg)="21.1"> Na kuna mambo mengine mengi ambayo yamekuwa kukabidhiwa kwa kuyashika : kuosha vikombe , na pitchers , na vyombo shaba , na vitanda . 7 : 5Na hivyo Mafarisayo na waandishi maswali yake : " Mbona wanafunzi wako hawayajali mapokeo ya wazee , lakini wao hula chakula kwa mikono ya kawaida ? " 7 : 6Lakini katika kukabiliana , Naye akawaambia : " Kwa hiyo ni vema alivyotabiri Isaya kuhusu wanafiki , kama vile yameandikwa : ' Watu hawa huniheshimu kwa midomo yao , lakini mioyoni mwao wako mbali nami . 7 : 7Na katika kufanya bila mafanikio wao kuniabudu , maana mambo wanayofundisha ni maagizo ya wanadamu .
(trg)="21.2"> ' 7 : 8Kwa kutelekeza amri ya Mungu , kushikilia na pokeo la wanadamu , kwa kuoshwa kwa pitchers na vikombe .
(src)="22"> And you do many other similar things in this way . "
(trg)="22"> Na kufanya mambo mengine mengi kama hayo kwa njia hii . "
(src)="23"> And it became evening and morning , one day.1 : 6God also said , " Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters , and let it divide waters from waters . " 1 : 7And God made a firmament , and he divided the waters that were under the firmament , from those that were above the firmament .
(trg)="23.1"> Na ikawa jioni , ikawa asubuhi , siku moja . 1 : 6Mungu pia alisema , " Na liwe anga katikati ya maji , likayatenge maji na maji .
(trg)="23.2"> " 1 : 7Mungu akalifanya anga , na yeye kugawanywa maji yaliyokuwa chini ya anga , na wale waliokuwa juu ya anga .
(src)="24"> And it became evening and morning , the second day.1 : 9Truly God said : " Let the waters that are under heaven be gathered together into one place ; and let the dry land appear . "
(trg)="24"> Na ikawa jioni , ikawa asubuhi , siku ya pili . 1 : 9Kwa kweli Mungu alisema : " Hebu maji yaliyo chini ya mbingu na yakusanyike mahali pamoja katika sehemu moja ; na ili pakavu paonekane .
(src)="25"> And God saw that it was good.1 : 11And he said , " Let the land spring forth green plants , both those producing seed , and fruit-bearing trees , producing fruit according to their kind , whose seed is within itself , over all the earth . "
(trg)="25"> Mungu akaona kuwa ni vyema . 1 : 11Akasema , " Hebu nchi spring nje mimea ya kijani , wote wale kuzalisha mbegu , na miti kuzaa matunda , kuzalisha matunda kulingana na aina yao , mbegu ambaye ni ndani ya yenyewe , juu ya nchi yote .
(src)="26"> And so it became.1 : 12And the land brought forth green plants , both those producing seed , according to their kind , and trees producing fruit , with each having its own way of sowing , according to its species .
(trg)="26"> " Na hivyo ikawa . 1 : 12Na nchi ikazaa mimea ya kijani , wote wale kuzalisha mbegu , kulingana na aina yao , na miti kuzalisha matunda , na kila mmoja akiwa njia yake mwenyewe ya kupanda , kulingana na aina yake .
(src)="27"> And let them divide day from night , and let them become signs , both of the seasons , and of the days and years.1 : 15Let them shine in the firmament of heaven and illuminate the earth . "
(trg)="27"> Na waache itenge mchana na usiku , na waache kuwa ishara , wote wawili wa misimu , na wa siku na miaka . 1 : 15Waache kuangazia katika anga la mbingu na zagaa dunia .
(src)="28"> And as many as touched him were made healthy .
(trg)="28"> Na kama wengi kama akamgusa yalifanywa na afya .
(src)="29.1"> One had six wings , and the other had six wings : with two they were covering his face , and with two they were covering his feet , and with two they were flying.6 : 3And they were crying out to one another , and saying : " Holy , holy , holy is the Lord God of hosts !
(src)="29.2"> All the earth is filled with his glory ! " 6 : 4And the lintels above the hinges were shaken at the voice of the one crying out .
(trg)="29"> Mmoja alikuwa na mabawa sita , na wengine alikuwa na mabawa sita : na mbili walikuwa kufunika uso wake , na kwa mawili walikuwa kufunika miguu yake , na kwa mawili walikuwa kuruka . 6 : 3Nao walikuwa wakipiga kelele na mtu mwingine , na kusema : " Mtakatifu , takatifu , Mtakatifu , Bwana Mungu wa majeshi ! dunia yote imejaa utukufu wake ! " 6 : 4Na kizingiti juu bawaba wakatikiswa katika Sauti ya mtu imesikika nje .
(src)="30"> For I have remained silent .
(trg)="30"> Kwa maana kuwa kimya .
(src)="31"> And his grace in me has not been empty , since I have labored more abundantly than all of them .
(trg)="31"> Na neema yake kwangu haikuwa tupu , tangu mimi nimefanya kazi kuliko wote .
(src)="32"> But the fishermen had climbed down , and they were washing their nets.5 : 3Thiaj , climbing into one of the boats , which belonged to Simon , he asked him to draw back a little from the land .
(trg)="32"> Wavuvi wenyewe walikuwa akapanda chini , na wao wanaosha nyavu zao . 5 : 3Na hivyo , kupanda katika mashua moja , ambayo ni mali ya Simon , yeye kumtaka kuteka nyuma kidogo na pwani .
(src)="33"> And sitting down , he taught the crowds from the boat.5 : 4Ces , when he had ceased speaking , he said to Simon , " Lead us into deep water , and release your nets for a catch . " 5 : 5And in response , Simon said to him : " Xib fwb , working throughout the night , we caught nothing .
(trg)="33.1"> Na kukaa chini , akifundisha makutano kutoka mashua . 5 : 4Kisha , alipokwisha kuzungumza , Alisema kwa Simon , " Kutuongoza katika maji ya kina , na kutolewa nyavu zenu mvue samaki .
(trg)="33.2"> " 5 : 5Na katika kukabiliana , Simon akamwambia : " Mwalimu , kufanya kazi katika usiku , sisi hawakupata chochote .
(src)="34"> But on your word , I will release the net . " 5 : 6And when they had done this , they enclosed such a copious multitude of fish that their net was rupturing.5 : 7And they signaled to their associates , who were in the other boat , so that they would come and help them .
(trg)="34.1"> Lakini juu ya neno lako , Mimi mapenzi ya kutolewa wavu .
(trg)="34.2"> " 5 : 6Na wakati waliyoyafanya hii , wao iliyoambatanishwa kama wingi kikubwa mno cha samaki kwamba nyavu zao zikaanza rupturing . 5 : 7Nao ilionyesha kwa washirika wao , waliokuwa katika mashua nyingine , ili waweze waje kuwasaidia .
(src)="35"> And they came and filled both boats , so that they were nearly submerged.5 : 8But when Simon Peter had seen this , he fell down at the knees of Jesus , hais , " Depart from me , Lord , for I am a sinful man . " 5 : 9For astonishment had enveloped him , and all who were with him , at the catch of fish that they had taken.5 : 10Now the same was true of James and John , the sons of Zebedee , who were associates of Simon .
(trg)="35.1"> Nao wakaja wakajaza mashua zote mbili , hivyo kwamba walikuwa karibu iliyokuwa . 5 : 8Lakini wakati Simon Peter alikuwa ameona huu , yeye akapiga magoti mbele ya Yesu , akisema , " Ondokeni kwangu , Bwana , kwa kuwa mimi ni mtu mwenye dhambi .
(trg)="35.2"> " 5 : 9Kwa mshangao alikuwa ilisafirishwa yake , na wote waliokuwa pamoja naye , kwa kupata samaki wengi walizochukua . 5 : 10Sasa huo ulikuwa wa kweli wa James na John , wana wa Zebedayo , waliokuwa washirika wa Simoni .
(src)="36"> And Jesus said to Simon : " Do not be afraid .
(trg)="36"> Kisha Yesu akamwambia huyo Simon : " Usiogope .
(src)="37"> From now on , you will be catching men . " 5 : 11And having led their boats to land , leaving behind everything , they followed him .
(trg)="37.1"> Kuanzia sasa , utakuwa ukiwavua watu .
(trg)="37.2"> " 5 : 11Baada kuongozwa boti zao kwa nchi , kuacha nyuma kila kitu , Nao walimfuata .
(src)="38"> For they watch over you , as if to render an account of your souls .
(trg)="38"> Kwa maana wao kuangalia juu yenu , kana kwamba atatoa hesabu ya nafsi zenu .
(src)="39"> So then , may they do this with joy , and not with grief .
(trg)="39"> Hivyo basi , Huenda wao kufanya hivyo kwa shangwe , wala si kwa kuugua .
(src)="40"> Otherwise , it would not be as helpful to you .
(trg)="40"> Vinginevyo , isingekuwa kama msaada kwako .
(src)="41"> May he accomplish in you whatever is pleasing in his sight , through Jesus Christ , to whom is glory forever and ever .
(trg)="41"> Mei yeye kukamilisha katika wewe chochote ni yapendezayo machoni pake , njia ya Yesu Kristo , ambaye utukufu milele na milele .
(src)="42"> For there were so many who were coming and going , that they did not even have time to eat.6 : 32And climbing into a boat , they went away to a deserted place alone.6 : 33And they saw them going away , and many knew about it .
(trg)="42"> " Kwa maana kulikuwa na wengi ambao walikuwa wakija na kwenda , kwamba hawakuwa hata na muda wa kula . 6 : 32Na kupanda ndani ya mashua , Nao pia wakaenda mahali pa faragha peke yake . 6 : 33Nao waliwaona wakienda mbali , na wengi alijua kuhusu hilo .
(src)="43"> And together they ran by foot from all the cities , and they arrived before them.6 : 34And Jesus , going out , saw a great multitude .
(trg)="43"> Na kwa pamoja walikimbia kwa miguu kutoka miji yote , na walipofika mbele yao . 6 : 34Naye Yesu , kwenda nje , aliona umati mkubwa wa .
(src)="44"> And he took pity on them , because they were like sheep without a shepherd , and he began to teach them many things .
(trg)="44"> Naye alichukua huruma juu yao , kwa sababu walikuwa kama kondoo wasio na mchungaji , naye akaanza kuwafundisha mambo mengi .
(src)="45"> For by it , certain persons , without realizing it , have received Angels as guests.13 : 3Remember those who are prisoners , just as if you were imprisoned with them , and those who endure hardships , just as if you were in their place.13 : 4May marriage be honorable in every way , and may the marriage bed be immaculate .
(trg)="45"> Maana kwa hiyo , watu fulani , bila kutambua hayo , wamepokea Angels kama wageni . 13 : 3Kumbuka wale ambao ni wafungwa , tu kama wewe walikuwa jela pamoja nao , na wale ambao kuvumilia matatizo , tu kama wewe walikuwa katika nafasi zao . 13 : 4Huenda ndoa iwe yenye kuheshimika katika kila njia , na inaweza kitanda cha ndoa kiwe safi .
(src)="46"> For he himself has said , " I will not abandon you , and I will not neglect you . " 13 : 6So then , we may confidently say , " The Lord is my helper .
(trg)="46.1"> Kwa maana yeye mwenyewe amesema , " Mimi si kuachana na wewe , nami si kupuuzwa wewe .
(trg)="46.2"> " 13 : 6Hivyo basi , twathubutu kusema , , " Bwana ndiye msaada wangu .
(src)="47"> But because of his oath , and because of those who were sitting with him at table , he was not willing to disappoint her.6 : 27Li ntawd , having sent an executioner , he instructed that his head be brought on a platter.6 : 28And he beheaded him in prison , and he brought his head on a platter .
(trg)="47"> Lakini kwa sababu ya kiapo chake , na kwa sababu ya wale wote waliokuwa pamoja naye mezani , yeye hakuwa tayari tamaa yake . 6 : 27Hivyo , baada akatuma askari , yeye aliwaelekeza kwamba kichwa chake kuletwa katika sinia . 6 : 28Naye akamkata kichwa mle gerezani , na yeye akakileta katika sinia .
(src)="48"> And he gave it to the girl , and the girl gave it her mother.6 : 29When his disciples heard about it , they came and took his body , and they placed it in a tomb .
(trg)="48"> Naye akampa yule binti , na msichana akampa mama yake . 6 : 29Wale wanafunzi waliposikia juu ya hilo , walikwenda wakachukua mwili wake , na wao akauweka ndani ya kaburi .
(src)="49"> Those who had experienced these things excused themselves , lest the Word be spoken to them.12 : 21And what was seen was so terrible that even Moses said : " I am terrified , and so , I tremble . " 12 : 22But you have drawn near to mount Zion , and to the city of the living God , to the heavenly Jerusalem , and to the company of many thousands of Angels ,12 : 23and to the Church of the first-born , those who have been inscribed in the heavens , and to God , the judge of all , and to the spirits of the just made perfect ,12 : 24and to Jesus , the Mediator of the New Testament , and to a sprinkling of blood , which speaks better than the blood of Abel .
(trg)="49.1"> Wale ambao walikuwa na uzoefu wa mambo haya radhi wenyewe , isije Neno kuwa amesema nao . 12 : 21Na kile ilionekana ilikuwa hivyo kutisha kwamba hata Musa akasema : " Mimi ni hofu , kwa hiyo , Mimi kutetemeka .
(trg)="49.2"> " 12 : 22Lakini una inayotolewa karibu na mlima Sioni , na kwenye mji wa Mungu aliye hai , Yerusalemu wa mbinguni , na kwa kampuni ya maelfu ya Malaika , 12 : 23na kwa Kanisa la mzaliwa wa kwanza , wale ambao yameandikwa mbinguni , na arejee kwa Mungu , hakimu wa wote , na mbele ya roho za wenye haki waliokamilika , 12 : 24na kwa Yesu , Mpatanishi wa Agano Jipya , na kwa kunyunyiziwa damu , kisemacho bora kuliko damu ya Abeli .
(src)="50"> God presents you to himself as sons .
(trg)="50"> Mungu inatoa wewe mwenyewe kama wana .
(src)="51"> But what son is there , whom his father does not correct ? 12 : 11Now every discipline , in the present time , does not seem a gladness , of course , but a grief .
(trg)="51"> Lakini ni mwana gani huko , ambaye baba yake haina kusahihisha ? 12 : 11Sasa kila nidhamu , katika wakati huu wa sasa , haionekani furaha , bila shaka , lakini huzuni .
(src)="52"> And he was near the sea .
(trg)="52"> Na alikuwa karibu na bahari .
(src)="53"> And a great crowd followed him , and they pressed upon him .
(trg)="53"> Na umati wa watu ulimfuata , na wakawa wanamsonga .
(src)="54"> 5 : 25And there was a woman who had a flow of blood for twelve years .
(trg)="54"> 5 : 25Na kulikuwa na mwanamke ambaye alikuwa na ugonjwa wa kutokwa damu kwa muda wa miaka kumi na mbili .
(src)="55"> 5 : 26And she had endured much from several physicians , and she had spent everything she owned with no benefit at all , but instead she became worse .
(trg)="55"> 5 : 26Na yeye alivumilia mengi kutoka kwa madaktari kadhaa , na yeye alikuwa na alitumia kila kitu yeye inayomilikiwa na hakuna faida wakati wote , lakini badala yake yeye akawa mbaya .
(src)="56"> 5 : 27Ces , when she had heard of Jesus , she approached through the crowd behind him , and she touched his garment .
(trg)="56"> 5 : 27Kisha , wakati yeye alikuwa amesikia habari za Yesu , yeye akakaribia kwa njia ya umati nyuma yake , na yeye akagusa vazi lake .
(src)="57"> 5 : 30And immediately Jesus , realizing within himself that power that had gone out from him , turning to the crowd , said , " Who touched my garments ? " 5 : 31And his disciples said to him , " You see that the crowd presses around you , and yet you say , ' Who touched me ? ' " 5 : 32And he looked around to see the woman who had done this .
(trg)="57"> 5 : 30Hapo , Yesu , kutambua ndani ya nafsi yake kana kwamba nguvu kwamba walikuwa wametoka kutoka kwake , kugeuka kwa umati , Alisema , " Nani aliyegusa mavazi yangu ? " 5 : 31Basi , wanafunzi wake akamwambia , " Unaweza kuona kwamba umati mashinikizo karibu na wewe , na bado unaweza kusema , ' Ni nani aliyenigusa ? ' " 5 : 32Naye kutazama amwone mwanamke ambaye alikuwa amefanya .
(src)="58"> 5 : 33Yet truly , the woman , in fear and trembling , knowing what had happened within her , went and fell prostrate before him , and she told him the whole truth .
(trg)="58"> 5 : 33Hata hivyo kweli , mwanamke , kwa hofu na kutetemeka , hayo yaliyotokea ndani yake , akaenda na akaanguka kusujudu mbele yake , na yeye akamweleza ukweli wote .
(src)="59"> Go in peace , and be healed from your wound . " 5 : 35While he was still speaking , they arrived from the ruler of the synagogue , hais : " Your daughter is dead .
(trg)="59"> Nenda kwa amani , na kupona kutokana na jeraha yako . " 5 : 35Alipokuwa bado akiongea , walifika kutoka kwa ofisa wa sunagogi , akisema : " Binti yako amekwisha kufa .
(src)="60"> Why trouble the Teacher any further ? " 5 : 36But Jesus , having heard the word that was spoken , said to the ruler of the synagogue : " Do not be afraid .
(trg)="60"> Kwa nini kumsumbua Mwalimu zaidi yoyote zaidi ? " 5 : 36Lakini Yesu , aliposikia neno lililosemwa , akamwambia mkuu wa sunagogi : " Usiogope .
(src)="61"> And he saw a tumult , and weeping , and much wailing .
(trg)="61"> Naye akaona ghasia , na kilio , na maombolezo mengi .
(src)="62"> Yet truly , having put them all out , he took the father and mother of the girl , and those who were with him , and he entered to where the girl was lying .
(trg)="62"> Hata hivyo kweli , akawaondoa wote nje , alichukua baba na mama ya msichana , na wale waliokuwa pamoja naye , naye akaingia kwa ambapo msichana alikuwa amelala .
(src)="63"> And they were suddenly struck with a great astonishment .
(trg)="63"> Nao walikuwa ghafla akampiga kwa mshangao mkubwa .
(src)="64"> 5 : 43And he instructed them sternly , so that no one would know about it .
(trg)="64"> 5 : 43Naye akawaonya kwa ukali , hivyo kwamba hakuna mtu kujua kuhusu hilo .
(src)="65"> And he told them to give her something to eat .
(trg)="65"> Kisha akawaambia kumpa kitu cha kula .
(src)="66"> So may you become perfect , with the same mind and with the same judgment .
(trg)="66"> Hivyo inaweza wewe kuwa kamilifu , kwa nia hiyo na kwa hukumu hiyo .
(src)="67"> 1 : 11 For it has been indicated to me , about you , walaalahay , by those who are with Chloes , that there are contentions among you .
(trg)="67"> 1 : 11 Kwa imekuwa unahitajika kwangu , kuhusu wewe , Ndugu zangu , na wale walio pamoja Chloes , kwamba kuna kutoelewana kati yenu .
(src)="68"> Other than these , I do not recall if I baptized any others .
(trg)="68"> Mbali hizi , Yamesahaulika kama nilimbatiza wengine wowote .
(src)="69"> 2 : 6 Hadda , we do speak wisdom among the perfect , weli si dhab ah , this is not the wisdom of this age , nor that of the leaders of this age , which shall be reduced to nothing .
(trg)="69"> 2 : 6 Sasa , hatuwezi kusema hekima kwa wale waliokomaa , lakini kweli , hii si hekima ya ulimwengu huu , wala ile ya watawala wa dunia hii hii , ambayo itakuwa kupunguzwa kwa chochote .
(src)="70"> 2 : 7 Halkii , we speak of the wisdom of God in a mystery which has been hidden , which God predestined before this age for our glory , 2 : 8 something that none of the leaders of this world have known .
(trg)="70"> 2 : 7 Badala , twanena hekima ya Mungu katika siri ambayo imekuwa siri , ambayo Mungu tangu asili kabla ya umri huu , kwa utukufu wetu , 2 : 8 kitu ambacho hakuna hata mmoja viongozi wa dunia hii tunajua .
(src)="71"> For if they had known it , they would never have crucified the Lord of glory .
(trg)="71"> Kwa maana kama wao alikuwa anajulikana ni , wao kamwe wameisulubisha Bwana wa utukufu .
(src)="72"> 2 : 9 But this is just as it has been written : " The eye has not seen , and the ear has not heard , nor has it entered into the heart of man , what things God has prepared for those who love him . " 2 : 10 But God has revealed these things to us through his Spirit .
(trg)="72"> 2 : 9 Lakini hii ni kama kimeandikwa : " Jicho halikuyaona wala , na sikio halikuyasikia , wala imekuwa ni aliingia katika moyo wa mwanadamu , mambo ambayo Mungu aliwaandalia wampendao . " 2 : 10 Lakini Mungu ametufunulia mambo haya kwetu kwa njia ya Roho wake .
(src)="73"> For the Spirit searches all things , even the depths of God .
(trg)="73"> Kwa maana Roho huchunguza yote , hata mafumbo ya Mungu .
(src)="74"> 2 : 11 And who can know the things that are of a man , except the spirit which is within that man ?
(trg)="74"> 2 : 11 Na ambao wanaweza kujua mambo ambayo ni ya mtu , isipokuwa roho ambayo ni ndani ya mtu huyo ?
(src)="75"> Sidaas oo kale , no one knows the things which are of God , except the Spirit of God .
(trg)="75"> Hali kadhalika naye , hakuna mtu anajua mambo ambayo ni ya Mungu , isipokuwa Roho wa Mungu .
(src)="76"> 2 : 12 But we have not received the spirit of this world , but the Spirit who is of God , so that we may understand the things that have been given to us by God .
(trg)="76"> 2 : 12 Lakini sisi hatukuipokea roho ya dunia hii , lakini Roho aliye wa Mungu , ili tuweze kuelewa mambo ambayo yamekuwa tuliyopewa na Mungu .
(src)="77"> 2 : 13 And we are also speaking of these things , not in the learned words of human wisdom , but in the doctrine of the Spirit , bringing spiritual things together with spiritual things .
(trg)="77"> 2 : 13 Na sisi pia ni akizungumza ya mambo haya , si kwa maneno tuliyofundishwa kwa hekima ya binadamu , bali kwa maneno tuliyofundishwa na Roho , kuleta mambo ya kiroho pamoja na mambo ya kiroho .
(src)="78"> 2 : 14 But the animal nature of man does not perceive these things that are of the Spirit of God .
(trg)="78"> 2 : 14 Lakini mnyama asili ya mwanadamu haina kujua mambo haya kuwa ni ya Roho wa Mungu .
(src)="79"> For it is foolishness to him , and he is not able to understand it , because it must be examined spiritually .
(trg)="79"> Kwa maana ni upuuzi kwake , na yeye si uwezo wa kuelewa ni , kwa sababu ni lazima kuchunguzwa kiroho .
(src)="80"> 2 : 15 But the spiritual nature of man judges all things , and he himself may be judged by no man .
(trg)="80"> 2 : 15 Lakini asili ya kiroho ya mtu kumhukumu mambo yote , na yeye mwenyewe inaweza kuwa na kuhukumiwa na mtu mwingine .
(src)="81"> But we have the mind of Christ .
(trg)="81"> Lakini sisi tunayo nia ya Kristo .
(src)="82"> For the day of the Lord shall declare it , because it will be revealed by fire .
(trg)="82"> Kwa maana siku ya Bwana kuyatangaza , kwa sababu itafunuliwa kwa moto .
(src)="83"> And this fire will test each one 's work , as to what kind it is .
(trg)="83"> Na moto huu utakuwa mtihani kazi ya kila mmoja , kama hiyo ni aina gani .
(src)="84"> 3 : 15 If anyone 's work is burned up , he will suffer its loss , but he himself will still be saved , but only as through fire .
(trg)="84"> 3 : 15 Kazi ya mtu ikiteketea , atapata hasara zake , lakini yeye mwenyewe bado kuokolewa , lakini tu kama kwa moto .
(src)="85"> He will remind you of my ways , which are in Christ Jesus , just as I teach everywhere , in every church .
(trg)="85"> Yeye atawakumbusha kuhusu maisha yangu , walio katika Kristo Yesu , kama mimi kufundisha kila mahali , katika kila kanisa .
(src)="86"> 4 : 18 Certain persons have become inflated in thinking that I would not return to you .
(trg)="86"> 4 : 18 Watu wengine wamekuwa umechangiwa katika kufikiri kwamba Napenda kurudi wewe .
(src)="87"> And I will consider , not the words of those who are inflated , but the virtue .
(trg)="87"> Nami kufikiria , si maneno ya wale ambao ni umechangiwa , lakini nguvu .
(src)="88"> 4 : 20 For the kingdom of God is not in words , but in virtue .
(trg)="88"> 4 : 20 Maana Utawala wa Mungu si shauri la maneno , lakini katika wema .
(src)="89"> Haddii kale , you ought to depart from this world .
(trg)="89"> Vinginevyo , tunapaswa kuondoka ulimwenguni .
(src)="90"> With such a one as this , do not even take food .
(trg)="90"> Kwa mtu kama huyu , hata kuchukua chakula .
(src)="91"> 5 : 12 For what have I to do with judging those who are outside ?
(trg)="91"> 5 : 12 Kwa nini na mimi kufanya na kuwahukumu wale walio nje ?
(src)="92"> But do not even you yourselves judge those who are inside ? 5 : 13 For those who are outside , God will judge .
(trg)="92"> Lakini hata wewe kujiamulia walio ndani ya ? 5 : 13 Kwa wale walio nje , Mungu atawahukumu .
(src)="93"> But send this evil person away from yourselves .
(trg)="93"> Lakini kutuma mtu huyu mbaya mbali na wenyewe .
(src)="94"> And if the world is to be judged by you , are you unworthy , ka dibna , to judge even the smallest matters ? 6 : 3 Do you not know that we shall judge angels ?
(trg)="94"> Na kama dunia ni kuhukumiwa na wewe , kwa nini hamstahili , kisha , kuhukumu hata katika mambo madogo ? 6 : 3 Je , hamjui kwamba mtawahukumu malaika ?
(src)="95"> How much more the things of this age ? 6 : 4 Sidaa darteed , if you have matters to judge concerning this age , why not appoint those who are most contemptible in the Church to judge these things ! 6 : 5 But I am speaking so as to shame you .
(trg)="95"> Kiasi gani zaidi mambo ya dunia hii ? 6 : 4 Kwa hiyo , kama una masuala kuhukumu juu umri huu , kwa nini kuteua wale ambao ni zaidi kudharauliwa katika Kanisa kuhukumu mambo haya ! 6 : 5 Lakini Naongea ili kuwatahayarisha .
(src)="96"> Is there no one among you wise enough , so that he might be able to judge between his brothers ? 6 : 6 Halkii , brother contends against brother in court , and this before the unfaithful ! 6 : 7 Now there is certainly an offense among you , beyond everything else , when you have court cases against one another .
(trg)="96"> Je , hakuna mmoja kati yenu hekima ya kutosha , ili aweze kuwa na uwezo wa kuhukumu baina ya ndugu zake ? 6 : 6 Badala , kaka anakubali dhidi ya ndugu mahakamani , na hii kabla wasio waaminifu ! 6 : 7 Sasa kuna shaka kosa kati yenu , zaidi ya kila kitu kingine , wakati una kesi mahakamani dhidi ya mtu mwingine .
(src)="97"> But you have been absolved , but you have been sanctified , but you have been justified : all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God .
(trg)="97"> Lakini umekuwa absolved , lakini mmetakaswa , lakini wewe wamekuwa waadilifu : yote katika jina la Bwana wetu Yesu Kristo na katika Roho wa Mungu wetu .
(src)="98"> All is lawful to me , but I will not be driven back by the authority of anyone .
(trg)="98"> Wote ni halali kwangu , lakini mimi si kuwa inaendeshwa nyuma na mamlaka ya mtu yeyote .
(src)="99"> 6 : 13 Food is for the stomach , and the stomach is for food .
(trg)="99"> 6 : 13 Chakula ni kwa ajili ya tumbo , na tumbo ni kwa ajili ya chakula .
(src)="100"> But God shall destroy both the stomach and food .
(trg)="100"> Lakini Mungu ataviharibu vyote tumbo na chakula .