# en/GoURMET-crawled.en-ig.en-ig.xml.gz
# ig/GoURMET-crawled.en-ig.en-ig.xml.gz

(src)="1"> Contact Us asking for the removal .
(trg)="1"> Kpọtụrụ anyị na - arịọ maka iwepụ .

(src)="2"> mandarin - French
(trg)="2"> mandarin - izere

(src)="3"> The most intense family entertainment experience on the planet .
(trg)="3"> Kasị ufiop ezinụlọ ntụrụndụ ahụmahụ na mbara ala .

(src)="4"> Ligure ancien - Mali
(trg)="4"> Izere - Mali

(src)="5"> You have much knowledge regarding Tren .
(trg)="5"> Ị nwere ihe ọmụma dị ukwuu banyere Tren .

(src)="6"> These are the old MacBook Air ( best keyboard , worst screen ) and the MacBook Pro ( horrible keyboard , great screen ) .
(trg)="6"> Ndị a bụ ndị agadi MacBook Air ( kacha mma keyboard , kasị njọ na ihuenyo ) na MacBook Pro ( jọgburu keyboard , oké ihuenyo ) .

(src)="7"> College Tigers Go Retro with Sunglasses At Night
(trg)="7"> College tiger Go ochie na ugogbe anya maka anwụ n'abalị

(src)="8"> I look forward to posting a blog to tell you all about our trip .
(trg)="8"> Ana m atụ anya ikenye a blog na - agwa gị ihe niile banyere anyị njem .

(src)="9"> You are protected in My love .
(trg)="9"> A na - echebe gị na ịhụnanya m .

(src)="10"> 49 matches over 44 days at 14 venues , seven in Australia and seven in New Zealand .
(trg)="10"> 49 ọkụ n'elu 44 ụbọchị na 14 venues , asaa na Australia na asaa na New Zealand .

(src)="11"> So first – at this point we don 't accept any money donations ( although we appreciate your intentions ) but we do accept a few other forms of donations .
(trg)="11"> Ya mere mbụ – n'ebe a anyị anaghị anabata ego ọ bụla onyinye ( ọ bụ ezie na anyị na - ekele gị n'obi ) ma anyị na - eme na - anabata a ole na ole ndị ọzọ n'ụdị nke onyinye .

(src)="12.1"> From constantly talking about them to saving thousands of pet pictures to treating them as babies , the relationship between us and our pets is very similar to that of a parent to child .
(src)="12.2"> Share this :
(trg)="12"> Si na - ekwurịtakarị banyere ha ka ha na - azọpụta ọtụtụ puku Pita foto na - emeso ha ihe dị ka ụmụ ọhụrụ , na mmekọrịta dị n'etiti anyị na anyị anu ulo bụ nnọọ yiri nke a nne na nna na - nwa .

(src)="13"> Social Perceptiveness-Knowing others ' tendencies why they behave as they do and comprehension .
(trg)="13"> Social Perceptiveness - Ịmara ndị ọzọ ' ọchịchọ mere ha na - akpa àgwà dị ka ha na - eme na ịghọta .

(src)="14"> This casino is located in the forest area of Lefkos Pyrgos , in the north-western part of Xanthi .
(trg)="14"> Ụlọ ala a dị n'ime ọhịa ebe Lefkos Pyrgos , nke dị n'ebe ugwu ọdịda anyanwụ nke Xanthi .

(src)="15"> What Else Must You Know About SendPulse ?
(trg)="15"> Gịnị ọzọ na - aghaghị Ị Maara Banyere SendPulse ?

(src)="16"> Political parties and religions display their doctrines and the biographies of their founders through books and the Internet , trying to present their principles in bright colors and exciting propaganda .
(trg)="16"> Ndị ndọrọ ndọrọ ọchịchị na okpukpe dị iche iche na - egosipụta ozizi ha na akụkọ ndụ nke ndị guzobere ha site na akwụkwọ na Intanet , na - agbalị ịkọwa ụkpụrụ ha na - egbukepụ egbukepụ na mgbasa ozi na - akpali akpali .

(src)="17"> Urumqi to Derry ( Londonderry )
(trg)="17"> Lakselv to Derry ( Londonderry )

(src)="18"> Kittilae to Carnarvon
(trg)="18"> Kohat to Carnarvon

(src)="19"> With its build quality , excellent keyboard and improved longevity , this is one of the nicest ...
(trg)="19"> Na ya Mee quality , magburu onwe keyboard na mma Ekliziastis , nke a bụ otu n'ime kacha . . .

(src)="20"> " No , I don 't care , We want only to know that disqualify me and Gates was a mistake and especially that in the future there is greater protection for Homes , sponsors and drivers » .
(trg)="20"> « Ọ dịghị , M ịma , nanị chọrọ ka ị mara na m disqualification na Gualdi bụ a ndudue , na n'elu ihe nile na e nwere ukwuu nchebe maka obibi na - eme n'ọdịnihu , haziri nzukọ na ọkwọ ụgbọala » .

(src)="21"> Satan has control of the media in this country and he does what he wants with it .
(trg)="21"> Setan nwere akara nke media a na mba na ọ na - eme ihe ọ chọrọ na ya .

(src)="22"> 1 Timothy 6 1 Let as many servants as are under the yoke count their own masters worthy of all honour , that the name of God and his doctrine be not blasphemed .
(trg)="22"> 1 Timọti 6 1 Ka ha ra , bú ndi - orù nke nọ n'okpuru yoke , ha gua ndi - nwe - ha na ndi kwesiri nsọpuru nile , ka ewe ghara ikwulu aha Chineke na ozizí - ayi .

(src)="23"> He can give you the power of the Holy Spirit and cleanse you spirit , soul and body .
(trg)="23"> O nwere ike inye gị ike nke Mmụọ Nsọ wee mee ka mmụọ , mkpụrụ obi na ahụ gị dị ọcha .

(src)="24"> 7 And he took him by the right hand , and lifted him up : and immediately his feet and ancle bones received strength .
(trg)="24"> 7 O we jide ya n'aka - nri , palie ya : ngwa ngwa ukwu - ya abua na nkwonkwo - ukwu - ya we nwe ume .

(src)="25"> 3.2.2 Interesting facts about Slovakia Slovaks
(trg)="25"> 3.2.2 Ezigbo mmasị gbasara Slovakia Slovaks

(src)="26"> Thursday , decembro 29 , 2016
(trg)="26"> Saturday , December 31 , 2016

(src)="27"> Isaiah 17 1 The burden of Damascus .
(trg)="27"> Aisaia 17 1 Ibu eboro Damaskọs .

(src)="28"> But though Jesus had an empty stomach , He was full of the Spirit .
(trg)="28"> Ma ọ bụ ezie na Jizọs nwere ihe efu afo , O jupụtakwara nke Mmụọ .

(src)="29"> Chintlese - swahili Chintlese - swahili del Congo
(trg)="29"> Mbara ( Chad ) - swahili del Congo

(src)="30"> They may reject the message , but that doesn 't make it any less glorious .
(trg)="30"> Ha nwere ike ajụ ozi , ma nke ahụ adịghị eme ka ọ bụla na - erughị ebube .

(src)="31"> But , we need to be examining ourselves throughout !
(trg)="31"> ma , anyị mkpa ka a na - enyocha onwe anyị nile !

(src)="32"> The history of gambling in China
(trg)="32"> Akụkọ banyere ịgba chaa chaa na China

(src)="33"> Just wan 't to say that this little piece of software is absolutley amazing I really mean it .
(trg)="33"> Dị nnọọ wan't ikwu na nke a obere mpempe software bụ absolutley ịtụnanya m pụtara na ọ .

(src)="34"> Real money roulette is played in most land-based casinos in the world , though the house edge on the game is different from one casino to the next .
(trg)="34"> Loading . . . ezigbo ego ruleti a na - egwuri egwu n'ime ọtụtụ casinos nke ala n'ụwa , ọ bụ ezie na ọnụ ụlọ dị na egwuregwu ahụ dị iche site n'otu casino ruo na - esote .

(src)="35"> Please tell me in the bible where it says if your life is in danger , you can take another one .
(trg)="35"> Biko , gwa m na Bible ebe ọ na - ekwu ma ọ bụrụ na ndụ gị bụ ihe ize ndụ , ị pụrụ ọzọ .

(src)="36"> My wife is consistently amazed at how dumb I am with directions .
(trg)="36"> My nwunye na - anọgide tụrụ ya n'anya otú ogbi m na ntụziaka .

(src)="37"> Interesting facts about Bulgaria and Bulgarians
(trg)="37"> Ezigbo mmasị banyere Bulgaria na Bulgarians

(src)="38"> While I am not a young black man , and I might not truly ever understand , I am trying to hurt with you .
(trg)="38"> Mgbe m na - a - eto eto na nwa nwoke , na m nwere ike ọ gaghị n'ezie mgbe ịghọta , M na - afụ ụfụ gị .

(src)="39"> Posted in Others Location : Phnom Penh Ending in : 2270852
(trg)="39"> Ihe na Ndị ọzọ Ọnọdụ : Phnom Penh Agwụcha ke : 2264102

(src)="40"> So deactivated 0.65 , back to 0.61 ( with 0.64 I will try later ) – and : everything worked fine .
(trg)="40"> Ya mere deactivated 0.65 , azụ 0.61 ( na 0.64 M ga - agbalị mgbe e mesịrị ) – na : ihe niile na - arụ ọrụ ezi .

(src)="41"> And this enables me , only to translate the default language .
(trg)="41"> Na a na - enyere m , naanị ịsụgharị ndabere asụsụ .

(src)="42"> Acts 25 1 Now when Festus was come into the province , after three days he ascended from Caesarea to Jerusalem .
(trg)="42"> Ọlu Ndi - Ozi 25 1 Ya mere Festọs , mb͕e ala ahu batasiri n'aka - ya , mb͕e ubọchi atọ gasiri o si na Sisaria rigoro Jerusalem .

(src)="43"> Under the seat , covered in faux suede , for better grip on the backside , There are others 15 Lt. of fuel .
(trg)="43"> N'okpuru sadulu , kpuchie ke faux suede , maka a mma igbaso na backside , nwere a kpọrọ ndị ọzọ 15 lt . mmanụ ụgbọala .

(src)="44"> When we are in private , and we are being tempted to sin , God is glorified by our obedience .
(trg)="44"> Mgbe anyị na - na nzuzo , na anyị na - na - na - nwaa mehie , Chineke dị ebube site na nrube isi anyi .


(src)="46"> 14 But think on me when it shall be well with thee , and shew kindness , I pray thee , unto me , and make mention of me unto Pharaoh , and bring me out of this house : 15 For indeed I was stolen away out of the land of the Hebrews : and here also have I done nothing that they should put me into the dungeon .
(trg)="46"> 14 Ma otú ọ di chetam n'onwe - gi mb͕e ọ gādiri gi nma , mekwara m ebere , biko , chetakwa m n'iru Fero , me ka m'si n'ulo a pua : 15 n'ihi na ezupurum n'ala ndi - Hibru n'ezie : ọzọ kwa , n'ebe a emeghm ihe ọ bula ka ha we tinye m n'olùlù a .

(src)="47"> Everyone of them spoke proper English and were very polite and well dressed .
(trg)="47"> Onye ọ bụla n'ime ha kwuru kwesịrị ekwesị English na ndị nnọọ nsọpụrụ na ọma uwe .

(src)="48"> He fled to a far away land and married there .
(trg)="48"> Ọ gbagara n'ala dị anya wee lụọ di n'ebe ahụ .

(src)="49"> 1 The word which came unto Jeremiah from the LORD in the days of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah , saying , 2 Go unto the house of the Rechabites , and speak unto them , and bring them into the house of the LORD , into one of the chambers , and give them wine to drink .
(trg)="49"> Jeremaia 35 1 Okwu ahu nke ruru Jeremaia nti site Jehova n'ubọchi Jehoiakim nwa Josaia , bú eze Juda , si , 2 Je n'ulo ndi Rikab , gwa ha okwu , me ka ha bata n'ulo Jehova , n'otù n'ime - ulo - ya , me ka ha ṅua manya - vine .

(src)="50"> With just four weeks left in the regular season , the New England Patriots remain the heavy favourites to win this year 's Super Bowl , according to the latest model by Nate Silver .
(trg)="50"> Na dị nnọọ izu anọ ekpe ke mgbe oge , na New England Patriots - adị arọ ọkacha mmasị iji merie a afọ Super Bowl , dị ka ndị ọhụrụ nlereanya site Nate Silver .

(src)="51"> Said in simple terms , Finaplix is just a specific form of Trenbolone-Acetate and is defined by it 's mode of administration similarly to the difference between adderall XR and adderall IR .
(trg)="51"> Si dị mfe nghọta kọwaa , Finaplix bụ nnọọ a kpọmkwem ụdị Trenbolone - Acetate na a kọwara site ọ bụ mode nke ochichi yiri nke ahụ , ka ihe dị iche n'etiti adderall XR na adderall Iye .

(src)="52"> God hasn 't told us all the specifics about why He allows certain things , but He has told us what He 's like .
(trg)="52"> Chineke adịghị gwara anyị niile nkọwa ndị doro banyere ihe mere Ọ na - ekwe ihe ụfọdụ , ma ọ gwawo anyị ihe ya ka .

(src)="53"> Following Jesus is in one sense admitting that you 're lost and in need of someone to direct you .
(trg)="53"> Iso Jisọs n'otu uzo kwere na ị na - efu na na mkpa nke mmadụ iduzi gị .

(src)="54"> Next it is important to seriously consider all the things you want in your life , not just your weight loss goals but the whole of everything you want to do , have and experience in your life .
(trg)="54"> Next ọ dị mkpa kpọrọ tụlee ihe niile ị chọrọ ná ndụ gị , ọ bụghị naanị gị ibu ọnwụ mgbaru ọsọ ma dum nke ihe niile ị chọrọ ime , nwere na ahụmahụ ná ndụ gị .

(src)="55"> Here you can read and admire the work that students do to world class and you can learn Spanish much more than Spanish with them .
(trg)="55.1"> Ebe i nwere ike na - agụ ma nwee mmasị n'ebe ọrụ na - eme ka ụmụ akwụkwọ ụwa na klas unu nwere ike ịmụta Spanish karịrị Spanish na ha .
(trg)="55.2"> Ekekọrịta a : Ntụtụ Ọ

(src)="56"> I can relate to the challenges , even though I 'm not married yet , because a godly woman who has a desire to please her Savior is more important than any outwardly attribute .
(trg)="56"> M nwere ike ikwu na ihe ịma aka , ọ bụ ezie na m na - abụghị di na nwunye ma , n'ihi na a na - asọpụrụ Chineke nwaanyị nke nwere a chọrọ ime ya Onye - nzọpụta dị mkpa karịa ihe ọ bụla atugharị àgwà .

(src)="57"> Tens of billions of dollars are spent , hundreds of thousands of Americans arrested , every year in prosecuting this war .
(trg)="57"> Ọtụtụ iri ijeri dollar na - nọrọ , ọtụtụ narị puku ndị America jidere , every year in prosecuting this war .

(src)="58"> What 's great about them is that you will not need to spend thousands of dollars for any of these dates , but still you will get to spend some memorable and passionate time with your partner .
(trg)="58.1"> Gịnị bụ oké ihe ha bụ na ị ga - adịghị mkpa na - emefu ọtụtụ puku dollar ọ bụla nke ụbọchị ndị a , ma ka ị ga - esi na - emefu ụfọdụ kwesịrị ncheta na omiiko oge na onye gị na .
(trg)="58.2"> Ọria :

(src)="59"> I loved it and from day one I knew I wanted to dedicate myself to teaching Spanish .
(trg)="59"> M hụrụ n'anya ọ na m maara site ụbọchị otu na m chọrọ izi Spanish .

(src)="60"> Knowing " white privilege " won 't protect him , he wound up pleading insanity .
(trg)="60"> Ịmara " ọcha ùgwù " agaghị echebe ya , ọ emerụ elu - arịọ ara .

(src)="61"> In thiss Episode , the short animation pitches the science of cloning the perfect player against your average Ronaldo .
(trg)="61"> Na thiss nwunye , obere na - aga aga pitches ọkà mmụta sayensị nke cloning ahụ zuru okè ọkpụkpọ megide gị nkezi Ronaldo .

(src)="62"> Yes , you most certainly can .
(trg)="62"> Ee , ị n'ezie nwere ike .

(src)="63"> We would wrestle through trials differently , if instead of focusing on how uncomfortable we are we would focus on how to honor Jesus in the midst of it .
(trg)="63"> Anyị ga mgba site n'ọnwụnwa dị iche iche , ma ọ bụrụ na kama ilekwasị anya n'otú iru ala na anyị bụ na anyị ga - elekwasị anya otú na - asọpụrụ Jesus n'etiti ya .

(src)="64"> Yet the majority of His nation did not recognize that the essence of His glory was His pure love .
(trg)="64"> Ma ihe ka n'ọnụ ọgụgụ nke mba Ya amaghị na isi nke ebube Ya bụ ịhụnanya dị ọcha Ya .

(src)="65"> Urumqi to Naples
(trg)="65"> Lakselv to Naples

(src)="66"> The best way to use all the knowledge gathered here is to read , not just browse , the topics one by one .
(trg)="66"> The ụzọ kasị mma iji niile na ihe ọmụma gbakọrọ n'ebe a bụ na - agụ , ọ bụghị naanị na - agagharị , na - isiokwu otu otu .

(src)="67"> Posted in Others Location : Phnom Penh Ending in : 982643 Tree of Gifts – Vinyl Stickers for Gift Shop Display
(trg)="67"> Ihe na Ndị ọzọ Ọnọdụ : Phnom Penh Agwụcha ke : 975892 Osisi nke Onyinye – Vinyl Akwụkwọ mmado maka Onyinye Shop Display

(src)="68"> long life to transposh , even if I complain , I still use it ðŸTM ‚ I didn 't update yet the latest version so I will check
(trg)="68"> ogologo ndụ na - Transposh , ọbụna ma ọ bụrụ na m na - eme mkpesa , M ka na - eji ya 🙂 M n a- e meghị m elite m a n dị ọ hụrụ v ersion o tú a hụ k a m g a- e lele

(src)="69"> But the tale of the elephant 's tooth is somehow different , a change in behaviour clearly precedes a change in anatomy ( and the underlying genetic instructions for tooth development ) .
(trg)="69"> Ma akụkọ nke elephant ezé bụ n'ụzọ ụfọdụ dị iche iche , mgbanwe omume n'ụzọ doro anya tupu a mgbanwe mmewere ( na isi mkpụrụ ndụ ihe nketa ntuziaka maka ntolite eze ) .

(src)="70"> During our discussions , my wife helped me to see areas where I 'm falling short , where I 'm not being as loving as I should be .
(trg)="70"> N'oge anyị kwurịtara , nwunye m nyeere m aka ịhụ ebe m na - ada ada obere , ebe m na - anọghị na - dị ka na - ahụ n'anya dị ka m kwesịrị .

(src)="71"> Spiritual Gifts
(trg)="71"> onyinye ime mmụọ

(src)="72"> Calculate and record sufferers ' critical indicators , such as for instance blood pressure , pounds , temperature , top , heart , and respiration .
(trg)="72"> Gbakọọ na ndekọ na - arịa ' oké egwu egosi , dị ka ihe atụ ọbara mgbali , pound , okpomọkụ , n'elu , obi , na respiration .

(src)="73"> But if you 're into gaming and want something that can operate well beyond Candy Crush Saga , you could do a lot worse than this .
(trg)="73"> Ma ọ bụrụ na ị na - na na n'ime Ịgba Cha Cha na - achọ ihe na ike na - arụ ọrụ nke ọma karịrị swiiti anwụrụ Saga , i nwere ike ime a otutu njọ karịa nke a .

(src)="74"> Bread and butter are served together on the same plate , while fruit is served either on a fruit plate , measuring 8 inches across , or in a fruit saucer .
(trg)="74"> Achịcha na butter na - eje ozi na otu efere , mgbe mkpụrụ na - eje ozi ma na a mkpụrụ efere , atụ 8 sentimita asatọ gafee , ma ọ bụ na a mkpụrụ saucer .

(src)="75"> You are required to notify device owner that device is being monitored. It is the responsibility of the user of Spyera to ascertain , and obey , all applicable laws in their country in regard to the use of SPYERA .
(trg)="75.1"> Ị na - achọrọ igosi ngwaọrụ nwe na ngwaọrụ a na - nyochaa .
(trg)="75.2"> It is the responsibility of the user of Spyera to ascertain , na - erube isi , niile na ọdabara iwu obodo ha banyere ojiji nke SPYERA .

(src)="76"> No matter which form of Tren you decide to go with , you 'll have bought one of the best steroids ( anabolic ) .
(trg)="76"> N'agbanyeghị nke ụdị Tren ị kpebie ịga na , ị ga - zụta otu nke kasị mma Steroid ( anabolic ) .

(src)="77"> I came across B 's video , " Best Thing I Never Had , " last night on youtube while going through some 80 's songs .
(trg)="77"> M wee gafee B si video , " Kasị Mma Ahụtụbeghị m ya , " n'abalị ikpeazụ on youtube mgbe aga site na ụfọdụ 80 songs .

(src)="78"> Analyze this information directly from your Control Panel .
(trg)="78"> Nyochaa ozi a ozugbo gị Control Panel .

(src)="79"> Through his servant Moses , Jehovah gave the people the choice to accept or reject the privilege of becoming His special property .
(trg)="79"> Jehova si n'aka Mozis gwa ụmụ Izrel ka ha kpebie ma hà ga - aghọ ihe onwunwe ya pụrụ iche .

(src)="80"> English Pronunciation Lesson : Bill Will Sell
(trg)="80"> English Si Akpọ Isi nke : Bill ga - ere

(src)="81"> I don 't have to perform and present myself to Him .
(trg)="81"> Enweghị m ịrụ na - apụta n'ihu Ya .

(src)="82"> What kind of games will I find at the best USA online casinos ?
(trg)="82"> Olee ụdị egwuregwu ga - esiri m na nke kacha mma USA online casinos ?

(src)="83"> I just wish I were discriminated for the cross , not for the color of my skin in those instances . עס כאַפּאַנז , it 's not beautiful , but we have to forgive those who do it and praise God the father for His love and diversity .
(trg)="83.1"> M nnọọ ka m na - akpa ókè maka cross , abụghị maka agba nke m na akpụkpọ na ndị ufodu . ọ na - eme , ọ bụghị mara mma , ma anyị nwere ịgbaghara ndị na - eme ya ma na - eto Chineke nna N'ihi ịhụnanya ya di iche iche .
(trg)="83.2"> Ma ọ bụghị ilu , nwoke .
(trg)="83.3"> Ka na - aga nke ndị gara aga ufodu .

(src)="84"> And all of this because he was deeply driven by that desire to beat you .
(trg)="84"> Na ihe a niile n'ihi na ọ na miri chụpụrụ site na ọchịchọ iti gị .

(src)="85"> Some individuals fear the Almighty Creator .
(trg)="85"> Ụfọdụ ndị na - atụ egwu Onye Okike Nile .

(src)="86"> However , when the decision of the Court down , the government has given permission to a variety of companies , not just bottled water company .
(trg)="86"> Otú ọ dị , mgbe mkpebi nke Ụlọikpe ala , ndị ọchịchị nyere ikike ka a dịgasị iche iche nke ụlọ ọrụ , ọ bụghị naanị bottled mmiri ụlọ ọrụ .

(src)="87"> When you think in your heart that you deserve glory , that itself is a sin .
(trg)="87"> Mgbe ị na - eche na obi gị na i kwesịrị otuto , na ya onwe ya bụ mmehie .

(src)="88"> Keep in mind , photography was just gaining popularity .
(trg)="88"> Buru n'uche , foto e dị inweta ewu ewu .

(src)="89"> 30 And of the Hebronites , Hashabiah and his brethren , men of valour , a thousand and seven hundred , were officers among them of Israel on this side Jordan westward in all the business of the LORD , and in the service of the king .
(trg)="89"> 30 Nke ndi Hebron , Hashabaia na umu - nne - ya , bú ndi - dìnkpà , nnù ndikom anọ na ọgu ise , bu ndi - isi nlekọta Israel n'ofè Jọdan n'akuku Ọdida - anyanwu ; bayere ozi nile nke Jehova , baye - kwa - ra òfùfè eze .

(src)="90"> That is just plain sad .
(trg)="90"> Nke ahụ bụ nnọọ larịị mwute .

(src)="91"> That ’ s one part of his business , selling fresh seafood to cook / serve at home .
(trg)="91"> That’s one part of his business , ere ọhụrụ Erimeri esi nri / na - eje ozi n'ụlọ .

(src)="92"> I checked this all is good instead of repaint .
(trg)="92"> M enyocha a niile bụ ihe ọma kama repaint .

(src)="93"> Again , if you have the option of the two and you don 't know what the rules are , play the European version of the game offered .
(trg)="93"> Ọzọ , ọ bụrụ na i nwere nhọrọ nke abụọ na ị maghị ihe iwu ndị ahụ bụ , kpọọ egwuregwu Europe nke egwuregwu ahụ .

(src)="94"> 4 And if thou wilt walk before me , as David thy father walked , in integrity of heart , and in uprightness , to do according to all that I have commanded thee , and wilt keep my statutes and my judgments : 5 Then I will establish the throne of thy kingdom upon Israel for ever , as I promised to David thy father , saying , There shall not fail thee a man upon the throne of Israel .
(trg)="94"> 4 Ma gi onwe - gi , ọ buru na i jegharia n'irum , dika Devid , bú nna - gi , jeghariri , n'izu - okè nke obi , na n'izi - ezi , ime dika ihe nile si di nke M'nyeworo gi n'iwu , ọ buru na i debe ukpurum nile na ikpém nile ; 5 M'gēme kwa ka oche - eze ala - eze - gi n'isi Israel guzosie ike rue mb͕e ebighi - ebi ; dika M'gwara Devid , bú nna - gi , okwu si , Ọ dighi nwoke ọ bula i nwere agēbipu n'inọkwasi n'oche - eze Israel .

(src)="95"> 4 Thus saith the LORD ; For three transgressions of Judah , and for four , I will not turn away the punishment thereof ; because they have despised the law of the LORD , and have not kept his commandments , and their lies caused them to err , after the which their fathers have walked : 5 But I will send a fire upon Judah , and it shall devour the palaces of Jerusalem .
(trg)="95"> 4 Otú a ka Jehova siri : N'ihi njehie atọ nke Juda , e , n'ihi anọ , ka M'nāgaghi - eme ka ahuhu - ya laghachi azu ; n'ihi na ha juworo iwu Jehova , ọ bu kwa ukpuru - Ya nile ka ha nēdebeghi , okwu - ugha - ha nile , nke ndi bu nna - ha jeroso , we dufue ha : 5 ma M'gēzite ọku na Juda , o gēripia kwa ulo - elu nile nke Jerusalem .

(src)="96.1"> It means we are not cool .
(src)="96.2"> Not relevant .
(trg)="96"> Ọ pụtara na anyị abụghị jụụ . adịghị mkpa .

(src)="97"> This is not a God who was born yesterday or even a million years ago .
(trg)="97"> Nke a abụghị a Chineke nke a mụrụ ụnyaahụ ma ọ bụ ọbụna a nde afọ gara aga .

(src)="98"> This tensing exercise is comparable to the effect you get when you ride a horse .
(trg)="98"> Nke a tensing mmega bụ iji tụnyere mmetụta ị na - mgbe ị na - agba ịnyịnya .

(src)="99"> The book includes : “ numerous ” practice questions with explanations , a diagnostic test to give a better idea of what to focus study efforts on , 1 full-length practice test with explanations , study tips , and helpful details about the exam itself .
(trg)="99"> Akwụkwọ na - agụnye : “ ọtụtụ ” omume ajụjụ na nkọwa , a diagnostic ule inye a mma echiche nke ihe na - elekwasị anya ọmụmụ mgbalị , 1 na - ogologo omume ule na nkọwa , ọmụmụ Atụmatụ , na - enye aka banyere udomo oro onwe ya .

(src)="100"> Download now the Batman Arkham Knight Crack + Keygen archive and activate the game .
(trg)="100"> Download ugbu a , Batman Arkham Knight Crack + Keygen Archive ma rụọ ọrụ egwuregwu .