# en/GoURMET-crawled.hbs-en.en-hbs.xml.gz
# hbs/GoURMET-crawled.hbs-en.en-hbs.xml.gz
(src)="1"> The patrons were from the highest class of nobles .
(trg)="1"> Ктитори су личности из највишег слоја властеле .
(src)="2"> Our participants will remember how warm they were welcomed , our smiles , how much fun they had , how they felt in the city and the dorms , at sports venues , during transport … . " The greatest value of every event of this kind are its people , he emphasized .
(trg)="2"> Ono što će pamtiti naši sudionici je prije svega koliko su naišli na dobar prijem u Zagrebu , koliko su naišli na osmjeha , koliko su naišli na zabave , koliko su se dobro osjećali u gradu , u domu , na sportskom borilištu , u transportu … ” Nemjerljivo najveća vrijednost svakog ovakvog događaja su ljudi , naglasio je .
(src)="3"> She is a food stylist and food photographer , cooperates with numerous food but also other brands , creates and writes recipes and cooperates with numerous portals and magazines , where her recipes and food photographs can be found.Ms Marina Sanguinetti She received her degree in graphic design and also finished a culinary school .
(trg)="3"> Bavi se stiliziranjem i fotografiranjem hrane , surađuje s mnogobrojnim prehrambenim , ali i ostalim brandovima , osmišljava i piše recepte te surađuje s raznim portalima i magazinima u kojima se mogu pronaći njeni recepti i fotografije hrane.Marina Sanguinetti Završila je grafički dizajn i kulinarsku školu .
(src)="4"> With the rise in the C-of responsibility , income will increase more intensively in the case of the rise in productivity , and income will more intensively decline in the case of a fall in productivity .
(trg)="4"> Sa porastom K - odgovornosti će se povećavati dohodak u slučaju porasta produktivnosti i isti će se smanjivati u slučaju pada produktivnosti .
(src)="5"> That is the question I would like to ask the Belgrade audience on Friday " .
(trg)="5"> То је питање које бих желео да поставим београдској публици у петак . "
(src)="6"> Plant and kitchen waste is taken to the Türkheim biogas plant in the Schwäbischen Alb .
(trg)="6"> Biljni i kuhinjski otpad odvozimo u bioplinsko postrojenje u Türkheimu na Švapskoj visoravni .
(src)="7"> Krleža is without doubt the most significant Croatian writer of the 20th century .
(trg)="7"> Krleža je nedvojbeno najznačajniji hrvatski pisac 20 . stoljeća .
(src)="8"> This is not a disadvantage for Serbia .
(trg)="8"> Ovo nije nedostatak za Srbiju .
(src)="9"> Since the fees paid to the KSK are based on income , these figures represent the following income situation for artists : 1 % of the artists have an income of over 100,000 Euro , 83 % indicate an income of under 15,000 Euro , 20 % indicate a negative income , over 50 % do not derive their income from artistic work .
(trg)="9"> Dok su sredstva koja se uplaćuju u KSK zasnovana na prihodima , ove cifre predstavljaju sledeću situaciju prihoda za umetnika / - ce : 1 % umetnika / - ca ima prihode preko 100 000 evra , 83 % govori o prihodima ispod 15 000 evra , 20 % govori o negativnim prihodima , preko 50 % ne dolazi do svojih prihoda umetničkim radom .
(src)="10"> Also , ever since the second part of the 20th century , causal and sustainable eco-reciprocity between intriguing , complex and multi-layered social factor as well as high , low and landscape built physical structures have been ignored and marginalized , which led to predomination of high built objects within urban settlements , to the detriment of landscape built structures and low-built structures , objects or artifacts .
(trg)="10"> Исто тако , од друге половине 20 . века игнорише и маргинализује се каузални и одрживи екореципроцитет између интригантног , сложеног и слојевитог социјалног фактора , затим високо , ниско и пејзажно грађених физичких структура , што је у 93 урбаносрединском пребивалишту ( насељу ) и довело до предоминације нарочито високо грађених објеката , а на велику штету пејзажно грађених и потом нешто мање ниско грађених структура , објеката или артефаката .
(src)="11.1"> At the Centre for Cultural Decontamination dramaturge and cultural activist Borka Pavicevic welcomed the participants and shared her views on Serb-Albanian relations in art and culture .
(src)="11.2"> Participants also visited the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade .
(trg)="11"> Zatim nas je u Centru za kulturnu dekontaminaciju dočekala dramaturškinja i kulturna aktivistkinja Borka Pavićević , i posetili smo i Fakultet dramskih umetnosti u Beogradu .
(src)="12"> A land of rich glacial deposits , excellent agricultural land.A major crop grown by local farmers is Oil Seed Rape , and when it flowers in April / May the air is heavy with the scent , you can almost taste the nectar on the breeze .
(trg)="12.1"> Zemlja bogata glečerskim talozima , izvanredna za poljoprivredu .
(trg)="12.2"> Glavna kultura koju gaje lokalni poljoprivrednici je uljana repica i kada ona u aprilu – maju cveta , vazduh je težak od njenog mirisa , možete skoro osetiti ukus nektara u povetarcu .
(src)="13"> 1970 Following a decision taken in 1969 by the European Council ( i.e.
(trg)="13"> Na temelju odluke koju je 1969 . donijelo Europsko vijeće ( tj .
(src)="14"> For years , female human rights defenders have been targets of continuing campaigns , based both on their activities and values that they uphold .
(trg)="14"> Braniteljke ljudskih prava godinama su već mete konstantnih kampanja , zbog aktivnosti kojima se bave i vrednosti za koje se zalažu .
(src)="15"> In winter , nice bouquet of exotic flowers - Proteus , liontoriumov , ornamental pineapple , as well as of gerbera ( daisy large ) and orchids .
(trg)="15"> U zimi , lijepo buket egzotičnog cvijeća - Proteus , liontoriumov , ukrasne ananasa , kao i Gerbera ( Daisy veliki ) i orhideje .
(src)="16"> The film program comprise around 30 international fiction films for children up to the age of 14 , including recent features and shorts , and several special programs including also film classics for children.Bib for Kids Cinema This film program is intended for children and young people , including regular and free screenings throughout the entire year at the Cinema Europa .
(trg)="16"> Program čini natjecateljski program recentnih igranih filmova te nekoliko popratnih programa.Kino Bibijada Ovaj filmski program namijenjen je djeci i mladima , a uključuje redovne i besplatne projekcije tijekom cijele godine u kinu Europa .
(src)="17"> The idea of such a " cut " in the linking of verses or parts of verses is an aesthetics embedded in Japanese culture , such as the " no action " of Nō , and the haiku in particular .
(trg)="17"> Zamisao ovakvog " reza " u povezivanju stihova ili njihovih delova je estetika utelovljena u japanskoj kulturi , kao što je " nedelanje " u no - u , a posebno u haikuu .
(src)="18"> ShowBiz TV launched by the company Canis Media Group 10 June 2015 years after the closure of the channel Bonanza Bonanza.Technical parameters ShowBiz TV + 1 : Astra 2 g ( 28,2 ° E ) TP .
(trg)="18"> ShowBiz TV pokrenula tvrtka Canis Media Group 10 Lipnja 2015 godine nakon zatvaranja kanala Bonanza Bonanza.Tehnički parametri ShowBiz TV + 1 : Astra 2 g ( 28,2 ° E ) TP .
(src)="19"> Operational team was not formed to locate only missing Serbs , but missing Muslims and Croats .
(trg)="19"> Operativni tim nije formiran da bi se tražili samo Srbi , već i nestali Bošnjaci i nestali Hrvati .
(src)="20"> Such trend of increasing number of women in medicine is also present in the USA and in other European countries .
(trg)="20"> Jo - nekoliko europskih zemalja .
(src)="21"> The number of prisonerskilled in the forests during this time has not been established .
(trg)="21"> Nije ustanovljen broj zatočenika , koji je u to vrijeme ubijen u šumi .
(src)="22"> Extra virgin olive oil is the best quality of olive oil .
(trg)="22"> Ekstra devičansko maslinovo ulje ( ekstra virgin olive oil ) je maslinovo ulje najboljeg kvaliteta .
(src)="23"> The investigation will continue " , said the unnamed official of the Anti-Corruption Team , pointing out that this organised crime was aimed at collecting funds for the establishment of the third Croatian entity in B & H.
(trg)="23"> Neka istraga ide svojim tokom - rekao je neimenovani dužnosnik Antikorupcijskog tima , istaknuvši je da je ovaj organizirani kriminal za cilj imao prikupiti novac za formiranje trećeg hrvatskog entiteta u BiH .
(src)="24"> With the end of the World War II and the victory of Tito ’ s partisans came challenging , but peaceful time .
(trg)="24"> Okončanjem Drugog svetskog rata i pobedom Titovih partizana su nastupila izazovna , ali mirna vremena .
(src)="25"> At the same time there was a big increase in the number of KLA terrorists illegally crossing the Albanian border into Kosovo .
(trg)="25"> Istovremeno , doslo je do porasta broja terorista OVK koji su ilegalno iz Albanije prelazili na Kosovo .
(src)="26"> It is a fact .
(trg)="26"> To je činjenica !
(src)="27.1"> A report by the European monitors in September 1995 states that 73 per cent of the Serb houses had been burned by that time .
(src)="27.2"> A UN report from November 1995 states that a total of 17,270 buildings were destroyed .
(trg)="27"> U izveštaju evropskih posmatrača iz septembra 1995 . godine se navodi da je do tada 73 odsto srpskih kuća spaljeno , a u izveštaju UN iz novembra iste godine se pominje da je uništeno ukupno 17.270 objekata .
(src)="28"> The success of the adopted and planned measures will crucially depend on their effective implementation and mutual consistency , including with the Industrial Strategy for 2013-2020 which is also being drawn up .
(trg)="28"> Uspjeh donesenih i planiranih mjera ovisit će o njihovoj učinkovitoj provedbi i uzajamnoj usklađenosti , uključujući i usklađenost s Industrijskom strategijom za razdoblje 2013 . – 2020 . koja se isto trenutačno izrađuje .
(src)="29"> They ’ d never pay whole price and miss from the opportunity to truly save big .
(trg)="29"> Oni nikad ne plaćaju punu cijenu i propustiti priliku da istinski uštedite .
(src)="30"> In the territory of the Suho pack , a wolf pup was captured , measured and released on 16 July 2012 , named WP08 ( wolf pup 08 ) .
(trg)="30"> Na području čopora Suho , dana 16 . srpnja 2012 . godine uhvaćen je i nakon mjerenja pušten vučić , znanstvene oznake WP08 ( Wolf pup 08 ) .
(src)="31"> In fact , a difference of 3dB doubles the amount of external noise the tire produces.Think about the many thousands of cars on our roads each day .
(trg)="31.1"> Drugim rečima , razlika od samo 3 dB udvostručava nivo spoljašnje buke koju stvara guma .
(trg)="31.2"> Pomislite samo na hiljade vozila na našim putevima svakog dana .
(src)="32"> Here , we feel truly pleasure in order to help you locating the most effective bodybuilding product to take in .
(trg)="32"> Овде , осећамо заиста задовољство да вам помогне лоцирању ставку за изградњу мишића најбоље да једу .
(src)="33"> International conference It is Time for EQUALITY : Regulation of same-sex partnerships in conservative societies , 22nd of February , 2017.March 7 , 2017International conference named It is Time for EQUALITY was organized by Sarajevo Open Centre on 22nd of February and financially supported by Open Society Fund.Conference was opened by Emina Bošnjak – Executive director of Sarajevo Open Centre and Yuri De Boer – Council of Europe , LGBTI Unit .
(trg)="33"> Konferencija " Vrijeme je za ravnopravnost " : Regulisanje životnih zajednica istospolnih parova u konzervativnim društvimaMart 7 , 2017Piše : Nera MešinovićU Sarajevu je 22 . februara održana jednodnevna međunarodna konferencija o ljudskim pravima LGBTI osoba pod nazivom " Vrijeme je za RAVNOPRAVNOST " , u organizaciji Sarajevskog otvorenog centra , a uz finansijsku podršku Fonda otvoreno društvo BiH.Konferenciju su otvorili Emina Bošnjak , izvršna direktorica Sarajevskog otvorenog centra , i Yuri De Boer , predstavnik LGBTI odjela Vijeća Europe .
(src)="34"> The key features that made the respondents vote for Coca-Cola HBC are good management-employee relations , excellent working atmosphere , opportunities for advancement , good working conditions and salaries .
(trg)="34"> Kao ključne karakteristike koje su ih opredelile da glas dodele ovoj kompaniji ispitanici su naveli dobre odnose između menadžmenta i zaposlenih , sjajnu radnu atmosferu , mogućnosti za napredak , dobre uslove za rad i zarade .
(src)="35"> Mitrovo Polje is sheltered by the southern side by high ranges of Željin Mountain – Provaljeno guvno / 1216m / , Vranja stena / 1097m / , and Vragolija .
(trg)="35"> Sa južne strane lokalitet Mitrovog Polja zatvaraju takođe visoki obronci planine Željina – Provaljeno guvno / 1216m / , Vranja stena / 1097 m / i Vragolija .
(src)="36"> Receive weather forecast is adjusted to 3 cities .
(trg)="36"> Primanje vremenska prognoza se podešava u 3 gradova .
(src)="37"> The severity will depend on the dog and its health issues , life style , etc.There are various forms of arthritis that affects dogs and humans as well .
(trg)="37"> Težina ovisi o psu i njegovim zdravstvenim problemima , stil života , itd.Postoje različiti oblici artritisa koja pogađa pse i ljude , kao i .
(src)="38"> It 's natural to measure the contribution of this kind of project by specific programs that came from the project .
(trg)="38"> Природно је оцењивати величину доприноса који овакви пројекти доносе , кроз појединачне програме који су развијени у оквиру пројекта .
(src)="39"> Brac , Croatia , Apartment For sale122.000 £ Beautiful apartment located only 70 meters from the beach , overlooking the sea .
(trg)="39"> Prodaja nekretnina u Hrvatskoj - rezultati pretraživanja296 NEKRETNINA PRONAĐENO Brac , Apartman , prodaja1.014.000 knPredivni apartman lociran svega 70 metara od plaže , s pogledom na more .
(src)="40"> The former impact on the development of education , the international recognition in 1992 and the establishment of diplomatic relations , as well as current economic , cultural and scientific cooperation are just one of the indicators that the new country holding the presidency of the EU Council is a very important partner for Croatia .
(trg)="40"> Nekadašnji utjecaj na razvoj obrazovanja , međunarodno priznanje 1992 . i uspostave diplomatskih odnosa te aktualna gospodarska i kulturno - znanstvena suradnja samo su jedan od pokazatelja da je nova zemlja predsjedateljica Vijećem EU - a Hrvatskoj itekako važan partner .
(src)="41.1"> In his last book : " Fast with the heart " , Fr .
(src)="41.2"> Slavko wrote especially on fasting and praying for peace .
(trg)="41"> U svojoj posljednjoj knjizi « Postite srcem » , fra Slavko je posebno pisao o dimenziji posta i molitve za mir .
(src)="42"> " What is forgiveness and why do I need it ?
(trg)="42"> " Šta je oproštenje i zašto mi je potrebno ?
(src)="43"> Integrated SKF lubrication solutions combine our expertise in bearings , seals and condition monitoring with our tribology knowledge – the study of friction , wear and lubrication .
(trg)="43"> Integrisana SKF rešenja za podmazivanje kombinuju našu ekspertizu na polju ležajeva , zaptivki i nadzora i praćenja stanja sa našim poznavanjem tribologije - nauke o trenju , habanju i podmazivanju .
(src)="44"> Inspired by this composition , Strauss wrote his Serenade in E-flat major in his early days , which will be played by the BPO wind ensemble as an introduction to Mozart 's piece .
(trg)="44"> Инспирисан овом композицијом , Штраус је у раној фази стваралаштва написао Серенаду у Ес - дуру , коју ће дувачки ансамбл Филхармоније извести као увод у Моцартово дело .
(src)="45"> One of my favorite things to do is go ahead and sit inside the car and look for an last change oil sticker from a reputable oil change company .
(trg)="45"> Један од мојих омиљених ствари да урадите је да само напред и седи у колима и тражити наљепнице уља на последње промене из реномиране фирме замене уља .
(src)="46"> This is due to the lack of male attributes , unlike various other AAS , nevertheless bear in mind it is still a male hormone and also ought to be utilized just by very experienced women .
(trg)="46"> Ово је резултат недостатка мушких особина , за разлику од осталих ААС , ипак имати на уму да још увек је мушки хормон и мора бити користи само изузетно искусни жене .
(src)="47"> CURRENT TRENDS IN GRAPHIC ART An Experiment in Multiplication with Integrated Graphic PlateDragan Momirov , Svetovid , 1994.In the intricate Yugoslav artistic scene of the nineties , graphic art undoubtedly represents a significant creative field into which powerful individuals have brought a new sensibility and instituted certain value parameters .
(trg)="47"> Актуелности у графици деведесетих годинаЕксперимент мултиплицирања са експонираном графичком матрицомДраган Момиров , Световид , 1994 . У комплексу збивања на југословенској уметничкој сцени деведесетих година графика представља , неоспорно , значајно стваралачко подручје у којем су јаки појединци донели нови сензибилитет и поставили одређене вредносне параметре , доказујући сопственим радом да је у графици простор за индивидуално истраживање и креативност практично неисцрпан .
(src)="48"> The DONADIĆ Agency may disclose personal information only if prescribed by law or court decision , and the need for protection of personal safety of our client or the public.LINKS TO WEBSITES OF THIRD DONADIĆ Agency website contains links to websites that are under the control of other persons or companies .
(trg)="48"> Agencija može otkriti osobne informacije samo u slučaju da je to propisano zakonom ili sudskom odlukom , te ako postoji potreba za zaštitom osobne sigurnosti korisnika ili javnosti.LINKOVI NA STRANICE TREĆIH Web stranica DONADIĆ agencije sadrži linkove na Internet stranice koje su pod nadzorom drugih fizičkih ili pravnih osoba .
(src)="49"> Find a quiet spot in a park or garden .
(trg)="49"> U parku si ili bašti .
(src)="50"> He announced that the Government will continue to systematically help sport through various programs and will not overlook anyone or any sport , especially those that are not Olympic , but also bring forth large number of athletes ” , concluded Lukšić.Aleksandra Radović , Executive Director of Telenor , general sponsor of Montenegrin Olympic Committee , presented the gifts to best athletes of Montenegro in 2011 and stressed that Telenor will provide adequate presents for winners of the Olympic medals.Donors and Partners
(trg)="50.1"> On je najavio da će Vlada nastaviti da sistematski pomaže sport kroz različite programe I da neće zapostaviti nikoga i nijedan sport , pogotovo one koji nijesu olimpijski , ali istovremeno iznjedre veliki broj sportista ” , zaključio je Lukšić .
(trg)="50.2"> Aleksandra Radović , izvršni direktor Telenora , Generalnog sponzora Crnogorskog olimpijskog komiteta , najboljim sportistima Crne Gore u 2011 . godini , uručila je prigodne poklone i naglasila da će Telenor , osvajačima medalja na Olimpijskim igrama obezbijediti adekvatne nagrade.Sponzori i partneri
(src)="51"> Nevertheless , significant professional athletes take in oxandrolone in bigger doses , in addition to combine it with various other AAS.For that reason , specific liver security needs to be used .
(trg)="51"> Ипак , значајне спортисти конзумирају Окандролон у већим дозама , као и интегрише га са разним другим ААС.Стога , посебну заштиту јетре треба да искористи .
(src)="52.1"> We see that a creature was assumed into the Glory of the Risen Jesus Christ , and that creature could not have been but her , the Mother of the Saviour .
(src)="52.2"> We see that Mary , the new Eve , is in heaven , together with Christ , the New Adam ; she is also there , and this gives us comfort and hope on our pilgrimage here below.The feast of the Assumption of Mary is a call to each of us , especially those who are afflicted by doubt and sadness , and live with their gaze turned down , unable to raise their glance .
(trg)="52"> Vidimo da je jedno stvorenje uzneseno u slavu Isusa Krista uskrsloga i da to stvorenje nije mogao biti nitko drugi doli ona , Otkupiteljeva Majka.Vidimo da je u raju , zajedno s Kristom , Novim Adamom , također Marija , nova Eva , i to nam daje utjehu i nadu na našem ovozemaljskom hodočašću.Blagdan Uznesenja Marijina poziv je svima nama , posebno onima koje muče sumnje i žalosti , i žive pognute glave , ne uspijevaju podići pogled .
(src)="53"> Copyleft guarantees that every user has freedom .
(trg)="53"> Копилефт гарантује да се сваком кориснику пружи слобода .
(src)="54"> Article 2 This Law shall be published in " Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina " .
(trg)="54.1"> Član 2 .
(trg)="54.2"> Ovaj Zakon bit će objavljen u " Službenom glasniku BiH " .
(src)="55"> But she has also perceived a change in reaction over time .
(trg)="55"> Ipak , i ona je uočila kako su se mišljenja postupno mijenjala . “ Čim spomenete video - igre , ljudi Vas više ne shvataju ozbiljno .
(src)="56"> Further to the aforementioned , the Supervisory Board adopted the Report on the Performed Supervision of Business Operations Management of the Company in the year 2017 .
(trg)="56"> Na sjednici Nadzornog odbora Društva usvojeno je i Izvješće Nadzornog odbora o izvršenom nadzoru poslovanja Društva za poslovnu godinu 2017 .
(src)="57"> Medical attestation issued no later than three months indicating that an alien does not suffer from a disease presenting a threat to public health in BiH , issued by the competent medical institution for conducting medical checks .
(trg)="57"> Ljekarsko uvjerenje iz kojeg je vidljivo da stranac ne boluje od bolesti koja predstavlja prijetnju javnom zdravlju u BiH , koje ne može biti starije od tri mjeseca , izdato od strane ovlaštene zdravstvene ustanove za obavljanje ljekarskog pregleda .
(src)="58.1"> The UN resolution cannot be implemented selectively but integrally in all its aspects .
(src)="58.2"> Let us look at the results achieved thus far in the implementation of UN SC Resolution 1244 .
(trg)="58"> Rezolucija UN se ne moze primenjivati selektivno , vec integralno u svim svojim aspektima.Pogledajmo kakvi su do sada rezultati postignuti u implementaciji Rezolucije UN 1244 ?
(src)="59"> Croatia certainly appears to be better than it really is.Some of these positive developments were familiar 25 years ago .
(trg)="59"> Hrvatska sasvim sigurno djeluje bolje no što stvarno jest.Neki od navedenih argumenata s pozitivne strane bili su poznati i prije 25 godina .
(src)="60"> Leonard served in Medjugorje from 1988 to 1991 , in that period he served as a parish priest for more than one year .
(trg)="60"> U Međugorju je fra Leonard služio od 1988 . do 1991 . , a od toga je nešto više od godinu dana bio župnik .
(src)="61"> Zippo Lighter High Polish Chrome Engine TurnedZippo Lighter High Polish Chrome Engine TurnedReference kn329.00 Tax included This High Polish Chrome lighter features an initial panel .
(trg)="61"> Zippo Upaljač High Polish Chrome Engine TurnedZippo Upaljač High Polish Chrome Engine TurnedReferenca 329,00 kn s PDV - om Elegant zippo upaljač High Polish Chrome s trakastim dizajnom i prozorčićem idealnim za gravuru .
(src)="62"> For example , when Ireland 's banks were on the verge of failure in 2010 , the government bailed them out , transferring the problem onto its own balance sheet and engendering a sovereign debt crisis .
(trg)="62"> Na primjer , 2010 . godine irske banke su bile na rubu propasti , vlada ih je iskupila prebacujući problem na vlastitu bilancu stanja i izazivajući krizu državnog duga .
(src)="63"> Our Lady said : " Dear children , receive my motherly blessing . "
(trg)="63"> Gospa je rekla : " Draga djeco , primite moj majčinski blagoslov ! "
(src)="64"> secure authentication , encryption of stored and transferred data , compliance with regulations , etc.Enabling application classification in the ProxySG consoleThis information can then be used to create detailed policies based on application types and related attributes .
(trg)="64"> sigurna autentikacija , enkripcija pohranjenih podataka te onih u prijenosu , sukladnost sa regulativama itd.Omogućavanje klasifikacije aplikacija u ProxySG konzoliOve informacije potom se mogu koristiti za kreiranje detaljnih politika na osnovu vrsta aplikacija i njihovih atributa .
(src)="65"> It will still technically belong to Iraq and Libya .
(trg)="65"> Ona će i dalje tehnički pripadati Iraku i Libiji .
(src)="66"> The state narrative could not prevent or outweigh the impact of personal and family ones , however , which for the Serbs became part of an underground national narrative.While politically expedient for the Communist dictator , this policy assured that there would be no atonement and no internal reconciliation .
(trg)="66"> Међутим , државни наратив није могао да спречи или да превагне над приватним и породичним , тако да је овај последњи за Србе постао део њиховог националног " подземног " наратива.Мада је оваква политика била корисна комунистичком диктатору , она је такође отклонила могућност покајања и унутрашњег помирења .
(src)="67"> On this solemn occasion , as a representative of the international and European family , I want to say to all of the bereaved , all who have suffered , all who have had to live with the legacy of this terrible evil :
(trg)="67"> U ovom dostojanstvenom času , kao predstavnik međunarodne zajednice I porodice evropskih zemalja , želim poručiti svima koji su izgubili svoje voljene , svima koji su pretrpjeli patnje I svima koji moraju živjeti sa nasljeđem ovog užasnog zla :
(src)="68"> We may use the non-personal information solely to improve our products and to provide customized services or technologies to you .
(trg)="68"> Можемо користити нон - личне податке искључиво за побољшање наших производа и пружање прилагођене услуге или технологије за вас .
(src)="69"> In the 1981 movie ' Do You Remember Dolly Bell ' where Slavko Štimac repeats all the time the phrase " every day in every way I am getting better and better " , Pavle Vujisić through dialogue with Slobodan Aligrudić concludes : " When there is freedom , there will be no state " .
(trg)="69"> U filmu " Sjećaš li se Dolly Bell " iz 1981 , gdje Slavko Štimac cijelo vrijeme ponavlja frazu " svakoga dana u svakom pogledu sve više napredujem " , Pavle Vujisić kroz dijalog sa Slobodanom Aligrudićem konstatira : " Kad bude slobode neće biti države " .
(src)="70"> A Dachia usually has running water ( typically located outside the building ) and electricity .
(trg)="70"> Dachia obično je tekuća voda ( obično se nalazi izvan zgrade ) i struja .
(src)="71"> We pay particular attention to the sociality of the group dynamics ; we ask why individuals want to be part of any group and how is that will or desire linked to the potentials of change of the group itself , seen either as a mere amalgamation of individuals or as a social unit with its own specific capacities.Where is the proper locus of engagement ?
(trg)="71"> Naročitu pažnju posvećujemo dinamici grupa ; pitamo zašto pojedinci žele da budu deo grupe i kako je ta volja ili želja povezana s potencijalima za promenu same grupe , shvaćene bilo kao puki zbir pojedinaca bilo kao osnovna društvena jedinica sa svojim specifičnim kapacitetima ; Gde je odgovarajući lokus angažovanosti ?
(src)="72"> However , that also remained unpublished as of Friday afternoon.Veseli did unveil new economic promises , however .
(trg)="72"> Međutim , ni to nije objavljeno do petka popodne.Veselji je , ipak , obznanio nova obećanja u sferi ekonomije .
(src)="73"> We asked journalists : " In your opinion , are courts and judges general y , open for cooperation with media , with the aim of improved informing of citizens ?
(trg)="73"> Novinare smo pitali i Koliko su sudovi i sudije generalno , po vašem miljenju , otvoreniji za saradnju sa medijima a sve u cilju bolje informisanosti građana ?
(src)="74"> Bruna Profaca , psychologist of the Centre , participated with the invited lecture " Pitfalls for Parents : Risks and Support Opportunities " in which she presented possible risks , as well as protective factors in the relationship parent-child and positive parenting .
(trg)="74"> Održala je predavanje na temu " Zamke za roditelje : rizici i mogućnosti podrške " u kojem je prezentirala moguće rizike , ali i zaštitne faktore za odnos roditelj - dijete i pozitivno roditeljstvo .
(src)="75"> I believe , together with my colleagues to make this ordinance was another powerful weapon in mutual struggle of parents , and actually harms the child and his mental health .
(trg)="75"> Smatram , zajedno s mojim kolegama , da bi ovakav pravilnik bio još jedno snažno oružje u međusobnoj borbi roditelja , a zapravo šteti djetetu i njegovu mentalnom zdravlju .
(src)="76"> At the end of the 1950s Žuži Jelinek was the first to show her designs at shows abroad – going round Europe , the USA and the Far East .
(trg)="76"> Potkraj 1950 - ih godina Žuži Jelinek prva je svoje modele prikazala na revijama u inozemstvu – obišla je Europu , Sjedinjene Američke Države i Daleki istok .
(src)="77"> A high-quality white wine ‘ Žilavka ’ , from the village of Lastva , was supplied to the Habsburg Court in Vienna .
(trg)="77"> Lastvanskim vinom Žilavka , izuzetnog kvaliteta , snabdijevao se Habsburški dvor u Beču .
(src)="78"> That route is in essence a set of IP addresses of different network devices that make it possible for the two hosts to communicate.This means that in order to reach the destination address , the data hops from host to host .
(trg)="78.1"> Ta ruta je u suštini skup IP adresa različitih mrežnih uređaja koji omogućavaju da ta dva hosta komuniciraju .
(trg)="78.2"> Dakle , kako bi došli do adrese odredišta , podaci skaču od jednog hosta do drugog .
(src)="79"> Privacy Shield participant.Facebook Analytics for Apps ( Facebook , Inc . ) Facebook Analytics for Apps is an analytics service provided by Facebook , Inc.Personal Data collected : Usage Data and various types of Data as specified in the privacy policy of the service .
(trg)="79"> Član Privacy Shield.Facebook analytics for App ( Facebook , Inc . ) Facebook Analytics for Apps je analitički koji pruža Facebook , Inc - a.Sakupljeni lični podaci : podaci o korišćenju i različiti tipovi podataka kako je navedeno u politici privatnosti usluge .
(src)="80"> African RTB TV channel debuted Astra 1M satellite ( 19,2 ° E ) in March 2012 year .
(trg)="80"> Channel Afrike RTB TV debitirao sa Astra 1 m ( 19,2 ° E ) u ožujku 2012 godine .
(src)="81"> Your personal Paragon Customer-AreaYou can use your personal customer account to place queries to the customer support department and track the status of your query , manage your software licenses , download your software or the latest update , or obtain an upgrade at a discount.Búa til Paragon-aðgang > Note : We have completely reconstructed our customer portal .
(trg)="81"> Vaš osobni prostor Paragon korisnika Svoj osobni korisnički račun možete koristiti za upite službi za korisnike i za praćenje statusa upita , za upravljanje softverskim licencama , preuzimanje softvera ili ažuriranja , ili za jeftiniju kupnju nadogradnje.Kreiraj Paragon račun > Napomena : naš korisnički portal potpuno je obnovljen .
(src)="82"> Lemez from holding any official , elective or appointive public office and from running in elections and fromoffice within political parties ( " Ban " ) .
(trg)="82"> Lemezu obnašanje bilo koje zvanične , izborne ili imenovane javne dužnosti i kandidiranja na izborima , te dužnosti unutar političkih stranaka ( “ zabrana ” ) .
(src)="83"> It is written as if it was an actual experience , but as R. H. Blyth noted in The History of Haiku , " In actual fact , Buson 's wife Tomo died in 1814 , thirty four years after this verse was composed in 1780 " [ 9 , page 255 ] .
(trg)="83"> Napisan je kao da je stvaran doživljaj , ali , kao što je R . H . Blajt zabeležio u Istoriji haikua : " U stvari , Busonova žena Tomo je umrla 1814 . godine , 34 godine nakon što je ovaj stih napisan 1780 . godine " [ 5 , str .
(src)="84"> Now that you know all about camping with pets , book your perfect vacation in Camping Village Šimuni ! Download
(trg)="84"> Sada kada znate sve o kampiranju s životinjama , rezervirajte svoj savršen odmor u Camping Villageu Šimuni ! Preuzmite
(src)="85"> 2016.Hungarian Academy of Sciences , Section of Earth Sciences , Budapest , Hungaryinvited lecture : " Organic geochemical approaches in the interpretation of different geological substrates " Dragan Manojlović , PhD
(trg)="85"> 2016 . Mađarska akademija nauka , Odeljenje za geo - nauke , Budimpešta , Mađarskapredavanje po pozivu : " Organic geochemical approaches in the interpretation of different geological substrates " dr Dragan Manojlović ,
(src)="86"> Court Administration started on 30 September 2011 one-hour strike of warning .
(trg)="86"> Sudska administracija pokrenula je 30 . septembra 2011 . godine jednočasovni štrajk upozorenja .
(src)="87"> The apartment has all the needed infrastructure.MORE DETAILS Primosten , Croatia , Apartment For sale1.078.000 knApartments in new residential buildings in the first and second row to the sea .
(trg)="87.1"> Zgrada je kvalitetno građena , a stan je namješten .
(trg)="87.2"> KLIKNI ZA VIŠE Primosten , Apartman , prodaja1.078.000 knApartmani u stambenim zgradama u novogradnji u prvom i drugom redu do mora .
(src)="88"> Before SEFF , nothing like this existed in London and I believe that this city needed such a festival.Festival poster .
(trg)="88"> Pre SEFF - a , ništa slično nije postojalo u Londonu i ja verujem da je tom gradu takav festival bio potreban.Festivalski poster .
(src)="89"> As God , Jesus ' death provided forgiveness for the sins of the entire world .
(trg)="89"> Kao Bog , Isus je svojom smrću omogućio oproštenje grijeha cijelomu svijetu .
(src)="90"> The Article 13 directly governs solely the procedure , but not the essential grounds for expulsion .
(trg)="90"> Član 13 neposredno reguliše samo proceduru , ali ne i bitne osnove za protjerivanje .
(src)="91"> As in the construction and furnishing of the monasteries and churches , the members of the ruling dynasty stood out here as well : Stefan Prvovencani and Sava I both wrote vitae of St. Simeon ( Stefan Nemanja ) , their father and the founder of the dynasty .
(trg)="91.1"> Као и у градитељству и опремању цркава и манастира , и овде предњаче чланови династије .
(trg)="91.2"> Стефан Првовенчани и Сава И , сваки са својим житијем светог Симеона , оца и родоначелника династије .
(src)="92"> How many questions are there ?
(trg)="92"> Koliko ima pitanja ?
(src)="93"> But how much does social media influence personal views and opinions ?
(trg)="93"> Međutim , u kolikoj mjeri socijalne mreže time utječu na osobne stavove i mišljenja ?
(src)="94"> 35 But I will take away the kingdom out of his son 's hand and will give thee ten tribes : 36 And to his son I will give one tribe , that there may remain a lamp for my servant David before me always in Jerusalem the city which I have chosen , that my name might be there .
(trg)="94.1"> 35 Ali ću uzeti kraljevstvo iz ruke njegova sina i tebi ću ga dati , to jest deset plemena .
(trg)="94.2"> 36 A njegovu ću sinu ostaviti jedno pleme da moj sluga David ima uvijek svjetiljku preda mnom u Jeruzalemu , gradu koji sam izabrao sebi da u njemu stoluje Ime moje .
(src)="95"> Udo Wenzel : You wrote of Takahama Kyoshi 's ( 1874-1959 ) long period of editorship of Hototogisu , and of his extended rule of the haiku world , before , during , and after the war .
(trg)="95"> Udo Vencel : Pisali ste o dugom periodu tokom koga je Takahama Kjoši ( 1874 – 1959 ) uređivao Hototogisu i njegovom velikom uticaju na haiku svet pre , tokom i posle rata .
(src)="96"> Happy or not , languishing in a cage still appears to prisoners a much better option than the exposure to risks lurking in an unknown monstrous atmosphere on the other side of the bars .
(trg)="96"> Sretni ili ne , zatočenima je naime čamljenje u kavezu još uvijek puno bolja opcija od izlaganja rizicima što vrebaju u nepoznatoj monstruoznoj atmosferi s druge strane rešetaka .
(src)="97"> That is in complete contradiction with the laws of the market .
(trg)="97"> Današnja ekonomija je prihvatila regulaciju prava na rad koja podržava privilegije poslodavaca i donekle privilegije radnika što je u potpunoj suprotnosti sa zakonima tržišta .
(src)="98"> Family of Radojko Jurišević suspected that details on the cause of poisoning have been covered as wel as the details on the manner in which Jurišević received large amount of tablets .
(trg)="98"> Porodica pokojnog Radojka Juriševića sumnja da se prikrivaju detalji o uzroku trovanja i o tome kako je Jurišević došao do velike količine tableta .
(src)="99"> I went to sleep and the next morning I woke up and announced to my son that I was ready to accept Islam .
(trg)="99"> Отишла сам да спавам и следећег јутра сам се пробудила и објавила сину да сам спремна да прихватим Ислам .
(src)="100"> If it 's a tranquil spot in the sun you 're after or dancing the night away in a nightclub , Dubrovnik has it all .
(trg)="100.1"> Tu možete pronaći mirno mjesto na suncu nakon što ste plesali cijelu noć .
(trg)="100.2"> Ukratko , Dubrovnik ima sve što je potrebno .