# en/2005_09_17_from-the-indonesian-blogosphere_.xml.gz
# zht/2005_09_17_3_.xml.gz

(src)="1.2"> Two tonnes of durian :
(trg)="2.1"> 上禮拜一 ,

(src)="2.2"> The victims in this accidents included the current governor to the province Tengku Rizal Nurdin and the former governor Raja Inal Siregar .
(trg)="2.8"> 罹難者中包括現任省長Tengku Rizal Nurdin ,

(src)="3.1"> This week Indonesia blogger , JalanSutera.com wrote that the media reported the cause of accident was over weighted cargo of 2 tonnes of durians , a smelly tropical fruit but a popular and expensive refreshment to many Indonesians .
(trg)="3.4"> 這起意外發生的原因是因為飛機超載了兩噸重的榴槤 ,

(src)="4.1"> Pujiono , the owner of the blog , adds that he didn 't know whether the report it 's true or not , almost to the point of amazement , hoping that the origin of the tragedy was not some simple foolishness like that .
(trg)="4.2"> 他不知道這份令人大吃一驚的報告到底是真是假 ,

(src)="5.1"> Indonesian President visits US :
(trg)="4.3"> 總之 ,

(src)="6.1"> Indonesian President , Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono or SBY for short , is on his presidential visit to United States and has visited Columbia on 13 September where he spoke at length about Aceh , detailing the roots of the secessionist movement there .
(trg)="4.4"> 他不希望發生這起悲劇僅僅為了這種愚蠢至極的理由 。
(trg)="6.1"> 印尼總統訪問美國 :

(src)="6.2"> Roby Muhammad , a PhD candidate at Columbia noted this event on his calendar blog , Beruang Halus .
(trg)="7.8"> 一位哥大的博士候選人在他的日曆blog ,

(src)="7.1"> On his blog this week he also wrote about the dilemma of many Indonesian living overseas to go back to Indonesia .
(trg)="8.2"> 他也寫出了許多歸國海外印尼人的困境 。

(src)="7.2"> Based on his three criteria ( Spiritual , Material and Intellectual ) he decided to go back after he finish his study citing that in term of spiritual and material , living in Indonesia is better for him even if intellectually , US is a far better place .
(trg)="8.3"> 根據他的三個標準 ( 精神的 、 物質的 、 智識的 ) ,
(trg)="8.4"> 他決定在結束研究引用工作之後回到印尼 ,

(src)="9.1"> Australian Embassy bomber death sentence :
(trg)="9.1"> 澳大利亞大使館炸彈客獲判死刑 :

(src)="10.1"> Nick at Bali Blog wrote that Iwan Darmawan , also known as Rois , the planner of the 2004 bombing of the Australian embassy in Jakarta was sentenced to death for playing a major part in the bombing .
(trg)="10.3"> 也就是2004年在雅加達發生的澳大利亞大使館炸彈攻擊事件的主謀 ,
(trg)="10.4"> 已經因此而被判處死刑 。

(src)="10.2"> The Australian embassy bombing killed 11 people including the suicide bomber .
(trg)="10.6"> 包括炸彈客本人 。

(src)="11.1"> For some reason active Jemaah Islamiyah or JI in Indonesia is more keen to target Australian than American in their terror acts .
(trg)="11.1"> 因為某些原因 ,
(trg)="11.2"> 積極的Jemaah Islamiyah或稱JI ,
(trg)="11.3"> 在他們的恐怖攻擊中 ,

(src)="12.1"> Nick noted :
(trg)="12.1"> Nick提到 :

(src)="12.2"> The reason for this is Australia 's involvement in the Middle East .
(trg)="13.2"> 當你和意識形態狂熱者打交道時 ,

(src)="12.3"> When you deal with ideological crazies , all kinds of weird connections can be made .
(trg)="13.3"> 任何詭異想法間的連結都有可能成真 。

(src)="12.4"> The JI leaders want a Pan-Islamic state and hate Israel .
(trg)="13.5"> 並且憎恨以色列 。

(src)="12.5"> The US supports Israel and attacked Iraq .
(trg)="13.7"> 攻擊伊拉克 。

(src)="12.6"> Australia supports the US , so in some kind of twisted way that makes Australians and British people legitimate targets in some people 's minds .
(trg)="13.10"> 使得澳洲人和英國人成了某些人心中理所當然的攻擊目標 。

(src)="12.7"> Who would of thought in 2002 that Aussies on holiday could get blown up in Bali because the US supports Israel ?
(trg)="13.11"> 誰想的到2002年的時候澳洲人會在度假時遭遇到峇里島炸彈攻擊事件 ,
(trg)="13.12"> 只因為美國支持以色列 ?

(src)="12.8"> Well it happened .
(trg)="13.13"> 總之 ,

(src)="12.9"> Rois appeal of the conviction to President SBY will unlikely to get any result .
(trg)="13.14"> 這事的確發生了 。

(src)="13.1"> He praised President SBY , that while the president is a social conservative , is not in any way a religious fundamentalist .
(trg)="14.1"> Rois請求總統SBY替他定罪 ,

# en/2005_09_19_singapore-cracks-down-on-bloggers_.xml.gz
# zht/2005_09_19_4_.xml.gz

(src)="1.2"> Freedom of speech or is it blatant abuse of Internet as a channel for expression ?
(trg)="2.2"> 深怕會惹上法律問題 ,

(src)="2.1"> Just as Malaysian bloggers are getting jittery over seditious commentaries being posted by readers in their blogs , and over their potential legal ramifications , the Singaporean government has decided to charge three bloggers within a week , invoking the Sedition Act .
(trg)="2.3"> 沒想到新加坡政府決定在同一個禮拜內以騷動法案起訴三名部落客 。

(src)="3.1"> This had aroused mixed feelings , and some grave concerns , among bloggers on both sides of the strait that separates Southeast Asia 's most networked countries .
(trg)="3.2"> 也就是東南亞連結最緊密的這些國家的部落客 ,

(src)="3.2"> The Associated Press reported that the arrests in had sparked fears of a cyberspace crackdown by authorities in Singapore and neighboring Malaysia , which have similar laws and ethnic sensitivities .
(trg)="3.3"> 感到無比的矛盾及驚愕 。
(trg)="3.4"> 根據美聯社的報導 ,

(src)="3.3"> The similarity is that the Muslim-Malay communities are the target of racial slur online ; the difference is : While Muslim-Malays are a 15 % minority in Singapore , they are a 65 % majority in Malaysia .
(trg)="3.5"> 這幾次由新加坡和鄰近的馬來西亞所進行的逮捕行動 ,

(src)="3.4"> That makes bloggers ' reactions starkly varied between the two neighbours .
(trg)="3.6"> 已經在網路上造成恐慌 ,

(src)="4.1"> September 12 , the Singapore government invoked the Sedition Act , the first time in 10 years , to charge bloggers Nicholas Lim Yew , 25 , and Benjamin Koh Song Huat , 27 , with sedition for posting racist comments online .
(trg)="4.1"> 九月十二號 ,
(trg)="4.2"> 新加坡政府引用騷動法案起訴二十五歲的Nicholas Lim Yew 、 二十七歲的Koh Song Huat ,
(trg)="4.3"> 因為他們在網路上發表了種族主義者的言論 ,

(src)="5.1"> September 16 , blogger Gan Huai Shi , a 17-year old student , was charged on seven counts of promoting ill-will in Singapore under Chapter Section 29 of the Sedition Act .
(trg)="6.4"> 因為提倡仇視 ,
(trg)="6.5"> 違反騷亂罪的第29章 ,

(src)="6.1"> It is a known fact that , charged with sedition , the Singaporeans face prison terms of up to three years if convicted .
(trg)="6.6"> 而被指控七項罪狀 。
(trg)="7.1"> 根據消息指出 ,

(src)="7.1"> In the first case involving Nicholas Lim and Benjamin Koh , the bloggers were charged for making anti-Muslim comments on the Internet .
(trg)="8.2"> Nicholas Lim和Benjamin Koh兩名部落客因為在網路上製造反穆斯林言論而被起訴 。

(src)="7.2"> The duo were responding to a letter printed in The Straits Times Forum , which asked whether cab companies allow uncaged pets to be transported in cabs .
(trg)="8.4"> 信中詢問道計程車公司是否容許沒被關在籠子裡的寵物上車 ,

(src)="7.3"> As it is , most Muslims in Singapore are forbidden from coming into contact with a dog 's saliva .
(trg)="8.5"> 因為新加坡大部分的回教徒不能接觸狗的唾液 。

(src)="8.1"> Lim posted his comments in an online forum for dog lovers in Singapore , www.doggiesite.com.
(trg)="9.1"> Lim在新加坡一個線上愛狗人論壇發表了他的評論 ,

(src)="8.2"> Koh , who works at a kennel taking care of dogs , allegedly made similar racist comments on his blog , Phoenyx Chronicles , on www.upsaid.com.
(trg)="9.8"> Phoenyx Chronicles上發表了類似的種族主義者言論 ,

(src)="9.1"> According to court documents reported by New Paper , Lim 's forum message began with : " The masses are idiots .
(trg)="9.9"> 部落格設在www .

(src)="9.2"> ' Nuff said " .
(trg)="9.11"> com 。

(src)="9.3"> He went on to make disparaging remarks about Muslims .
(trg)="10.3"> 他接著繼續發表對穆斯林貶低藐視的言論 。

(src)="9.4"> Then , turning his attention to the Chinese and Indians , he wrote that listening to the complaints of " Chinese and Indians ... was no less irritating " .
(trg)="10.4"> 跟著他把注意力轉到中國人和印度人身上 ,

(src)="10.1"> Koh was more pointed .
(trg)="10.5"> 他寫道 ,

(src)="10.2"> According to court documents published by the media , his blog entry was peppered with vulgarities , directing his tirade at Malays and Muslims .
(trg)="11.2"> 根據媒體報導的法庭文件指出 ,

(src)="10.3"> His blog carried a picture of a roasted pig 's head with " a Halal look-alike logo " .
(trg)="11.6"> 上頭有著專為回教徒處理的肉品標誌 「 a Halal look-alike logo 」 。

(src)="11.1"> In the third case involving Gan , he was alleged to have maintained a racist blog , which he called The Second Holocaust , that attacked Christians and homosexuals .
(trg)="12.3"> 他稱之為第二次大屠殺 ,
(trg)="12.4"> 內容主要攻擊基督徒及同性戀 。

(src)="11.2"> He was also allegedly to have hit out at the lifestyle , religion and economic situation of the local Malay community .
(trg)="12.5"> 他也被指控常常抨擊當地馬來社群的生活型態 、 宗教信仰 、 以及經濟情況 。

(src)="12.1"> Why did the authorities have to step in , invoke the Sedition Act , and initiate action against citizens who ranted about Islam and Muslims online ?
(trg)="13.2"> 並引用騷亂法案來對付這些在網路上斥罵伊斯蘭及穆斯林的公民呢 ?

(src)="12.2"> There had been a variety of speculations .
(trg)="13.3"> 有很多種說法 。

(src)="13.1"> The online version believed it was an effort to curtail debate in cyberspace which , because of its vastness , is where the authorities have the most difficulty patrolling or imposing control .
(trg)="14.1"> 網路上有說法認為這是為了要剝奪網路上的爭論 ,
(trg)="14.2"> 因為網路無邊無際 ,
(trg)="14.3"> 有關當局很難徹底巡查或是加以控制 。

(src)="13.2"> Others suggested the action was actually a move by the authorities to send an indirect message about the limits of political and other discourse that had taken root in cyberspace .
(trg)="14.4"> 也有人認為此舉是政府為了間接向網路中的政治及其他領域的言論發放警告 ,

(src)="14.1"> Both may be true as , on September 17 , the government-owned Singapore Straits Times rolled out an Op-Ed piece by its deputy political editor , Paul Jacob , laying a precursor to an official stance .
(trg)="15.2"> 因為就在九月十七號 ,
(trg)="15.3"> 官營的新加坡海峽時報就刊出了一則由政治新聞編輯Paul Jacob所寫的評論 ,
(trg)="15.4"> 替官方先設下了立場 。

(src)="14.2"> The mouthpiece put the onus of upholding law and order in the cyberspace squarely on the blog and website owners .
(trg)="17.4"> 網路公民又不嚴格遵守規矩 ,

(src)="14.3"> Quote :
(trg)="18.2"> 可想而知 ,

(src)="15.1"> The Internet is not a personal space .
(trg)="19.1"> 所以與其質疑政府為什麼要這麼做 ,

(src)="16.1"> Yet those who air their diatribe do so in the belief that they are not only anonymous , but also that there are no rules and constraints .
(trg)="19.3"> 又或著這是不是一次政治壓迫的前奏曲 ,

(src)="16.2"> This perception is reinforced if site hosts and moderators fail in their duty to act , and if fellow netizens don 't come down hard and fast on them .
(trg)="21.3"> 就是要讓部落客和聊天室背上惡名 。

(src)="17.1"> There are thought to be more than one million active Internet users in Singapore , and the maths would suggest there are more people with the ability to do good and police the system than there are those who preach intolerance , ridicule and call others ' beliefs into question .
(trg)="22.1"> 如果社群不想要有老大哥在後頭監視 ,

(src)="17.2"> So rather than question why it is that the authorities had to act , or the merits of which is the more appropriate law to use , or whether this is a prelude to a political clampdown , the Internet 's cause will be better served if active users weigh in and do their own clamping down .
(trg)="22.2"> 最好的辦法就是自己監視自己 。

(src)="17.3"> The article concludes with a kicker that says :
(trg)="23.1"> 評論發表當天 ,

(src)="18.1"> What these guys have done , as some have already suggested , is to give bloggers and chatrooms a bad name .
(trg)="23.2"> 新加坡總理李顯龍隨即給了此議題一個適當的背景 。

(src)="18.2"> And if the community does not want to have Big Brother watching , then it 's best that it does the watching itself .
(trg)="24.1"> 「 這就是訊息 ,
(trg)="24.2"> 這是難以接受的 。

(src)="18.3"> The same day after the Op-Ed was published , Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong wasted no time in giving a context to the issue .
(trg)="24.4"> 騷亂法特別註明如果你引起種族間的不信任和敵意 ,

(src)="18.4"> A related ChannelNewsAsia story was swiftly picked up by Beijing ( People 's Daily Online and Xinhua ) :
(trg)="24.5"> 我們就會依法處理 。

(src)="18.5"> " This is the message , it is not acceptable .
(trg)="25.1"> 媒體引述新加坡總理的話 ,

(src)="18.6"> It is against the law , and the Sedition Act specifically puts it down that you are creating distrust and animosity between the races , and we will act according to the law . "
(trg)="25.2"> 強調新加坡對於多元種族和多元宗教十分重視 ,

(src)="18.7"> The Singapore premier was quoted as saying that Singapore takes multi-racial and multi-religious harmony seriously and the government will take action against anyone who makes racist remarks .
(trg)="26.2"> 不少新加坡部落客說這些違反法律者不值得同情 ,

(src)="19.1"> Admittedly , there are Singapore bloggers who say the offenders deserved little sympathy because their remarks were repugnant , but the case had triggered concerns that Singapore 's government might be tightening social controls .
(trg)="26.4"> 但是這起案例也引發了新加坡政府可能加強社會控制的疑慮 。

(src)="20.1"> " A part of me is fairly exultant at the fact that two people who ... made extremely racist comments are being punished , " wrote blogger " MercerMachine . "
(trg)="27.4"> 對於現在這樣連一點假裝出來的言論自由都沒了的情形 ,

(src)="20.2"> " The other part of me is sick at the fact that there isn 't even a pretense of free speech now . "
(trg)="28.1"> 「 Coup de Grace 」 是另外一個很快就對於這起事件有所回應的部落格 。

(src)="21.1"> " Coup de Grace " was another immediate reflection of bloggers ' reaction just hours after the news broke .
(trg)="28.6"> 並且將騷亂法中讓部落客遭到控訴的章節描述為 「 模糊的讓人很煩 」 。

(src)="21.2"> Admitting that his own blog entries had spoken out against Singapore 's version of affirmative action , " does that make me liable to charges ? " he asked .
(trg)="29.3"> 部落客Zeenie說道 : 「 我唯一一次聽到 「 騷亂 」 這個字 ,

(src)="22.1"> He argued that the legal action would stifle beneficial expression and debate , and described the sections of the Sedition Act under which the bloggers were charged as " disturbing vague " .
(trg)="30.3"> 每個母親的兒子和女兒只要在這裡留過言 ,

(src)="23.1"> Meanwhile , those curious enough had started looking up the Sedition Act online .
(trg)="30.4"> 馬上就會被送進監獄了 。

(src)="23.2"> Blogger Zeenie said : " The only ( other ) time I 've heard the word ' sedition ' used was in ( the movie ) Last of the Mohicans . "
(trg)="31.2"> 他說民眾會因為 「 說出他們的意見 」 而遭到逮捕這件事嚇壞了他 。

(src)="24.1"> About the Act , blogger Sammyboy said : " Based on the the list , just about every mother 's son and daughter who has ever posted any messages here will soon be in jail . "
(trg)="32.2"> 住在上海的加拿大部落客Myrick觀察 : 「 這樣做並無法解決種族主義的問題 ,

(src)="25.1"> Blogger David , a national serviceman in his 20s , said the fact that people can be arrested " for voicing their opinion " struck fear into him .
(trg)="32.3"> 只是讓這個問題躲到檯面下並且更惡化 。
(trg)="32.4"> 」

(src)="25.2"> " People may argue that if I play by the rules , I 'll be fine .
(trg)="33.1"> 另一方面 ,

(src)="25.3"> But , who determines the rules ? "
(trg)="33.2"> Benjamin Lee ,

(src)="26.1"> Others questioned if the use of the law was a double-edged sword .
(trg)="33.4"> 他透過部落格娛樂讀者 ,

(src)="26.2"> Shanghai-based Canadian blogger Myrick observed : " This doesn 't solve the problem of racism , it forces it underground to fester . "
(trg)="33.5"> 但從不牽扯種族或文化的敏感地帶 ,

(src)="27.1"> On the other hand , Benjamin Lee aka Mr Miyagi , who entertained his blog readers without ruffling racial and cultural feathers , told ChannelNewsAsia the following : " A lot of them will be looking at their blogs and wondering if they made any legally seditious remarks .
(trg)="33.6"> 他告訴海峽新聞亞洲報 : 「 很多人會開始盯著他們的部落格 ,

(src)="27.2"> I think because of the way this will be played up , it 's negative publicity for the Singapore blogging community . "
(trg)="34.1"> 即使是諷刺作家布朗先生也察覺到了這股恐懼的氛圍 ,

(src)="28.1"> Even satirist Mr Brown had sensed the climate of fear and dished out an advisory : " Publishing race hate in any medium , be it blogs , email , print , tv , radio , or a piece of paper you put on people 's car , is a criminal offence in Singapore , and I believe in many countries , like the UK .
(trg)="34.2"> 並且發表了一篇忠告 : 「 在任何媒體上發表種族仇視的文章 ,
(trg)="34.3"> 不管是部落格 、 電子郵件 、 平面媒體 、 電視 、 廣播 、 還是你放在人家車上一張小紙片 ,
(trg)="34.4"> 在新加坡都算是犯罪 ,

(src)="28.2"> Something to bear in mind , whether you are a blogger or not . "
(trg)="34.9"> 不管你是不是部落客 。

(src)="29.1"> As if anticipating an avalanche of pro-free speech hyperbole from other bloggers , Alee J , a University of Bristol law student , echoed Mr Brown , noting that Singapore isn 't the only country with limits on free speech .
(trg)="35.1"> 如同已經準備好應付將接踵而至 ,
(trg)="35.2"> 來自部落客的 「 支持言論自由 」 說法 ,

(src)="30.1"> Also read : Malaysia : Bloggers pre-emptive strike ’
(trg)="35.3"> Alee J ,

# en/2005_09_22_iranian-bloggers-and-collective-blogging-from-a-democratic-exercise-to-defend-freedom-of-speech_.xml.gz
# zht/2005_09_22_5_.xml.gz

(src)="1.2"> Iranian bloggers in last six months have started a new experience : Collective Blogging .
(trg)="1.2"> 在過去六個月當中 ,

(src)="1.3"> Six months ago several bloggers from different places with diverse point of views came together and launched KHABARCHIN in Farsi .
(trg)="1.5"> 一群來自不同地方的 、 帶著不同觀點的部落客一起開設了以波斯文為主的部落格KHABARCHIN 。

(src)="1.4"> Khabarchin whose creators called it Weblog Shahr 's ( shahr is City in Persian ) news agency was a platform for several bloggers to collaborate together for first time.The objectives of this collective blogging were to inform people about useful links , blogs and news , to show that people with diverse opinions can create a common platform , to prove that Iranian can do a collective activity together .
(trg)="1.7"> 是第一個能讓許多部落客共同合作的平台 。
(trg)="1.8"> 這個集體部落格寫作計畫的目的在於告知讀者一些有用的鏈結 、 部落格 、 還有新聞 ,
(trg)="1.9"> 同時也要讓人們了解 ,

(src)="1.5"> Khabarchin lived just six months and its members prefered to put an end to this experience .
(trg)="1.10"> 即使是立場不同的人 ,

(src)="1.6"> In final message Khabarchin founders say that it was a fruitful democratic experience and they prefer to stop their activity at this moment that blog is still popular .
(trg)="1.11"> 也能一起努力構築共同的寫作平台 ,

(src)="1.7"> By looking at blog 's archive we see a real short news covering all kind of subjects from political prisoners and censorship to cultural events and music .
(trg)="1.12"> 更為了要證明伊朗人也能夠進行集體作業 。

(src)="1.8"> One of Khabarchin 's active members was Majid Zohari who is a very active blogger in Canada .
(trg)="1.13"> Khabarchin維持了六個月 ,

(src)="2.1"> Another collective blogging 's experience is PenLog creation .
(trg)="1.14"> 成員們都同意停止這個計畫 。

(src)="2.2"> Penlog is association of Iranian blogwriters who has about 200 members / bloggers .
(trg)="1.15"> 在Khabarchin的最後一篇文章裡 ,

(src)="2.3"> Their main goal are to defend Iranian bloggers , to fight censorship , to promote freedom of speech on internet and to provide technical support for its members .
(trg)="1.16"> 成立者表示這是一次成果豐碩的民主經驗 ,

(src)="2.4"> Penlog organises discussions on Paltalk about different subjects such as censorship and methods to survive it .
(trg)="1.18"> 回顧部落格裡的文章匯整 ,

(src)="2.5"> On Penlog we can read about arrested bloggers , Reporters without borders ' director 's interview in Persian , ....
(trg)="1.19"> 我們可以看到在一則很短的新聞裡 ,

(src)="2.6"> Blog is in Persian and English .
(trg)="1.20"> 涵蓋了各式各樣的主題 ,

(src)="3.1"> Khabarchin 's six month experience is an important experience to do collective activities .
(trg)="1.22"> 到文化活動的檢查制度 ,