# en/2008_12_18_southeast-asia-the-shoe-the-shoe_.xml.gz
# id/2008_12_19_asia-tenggara-sepatu-oh-sepatu_.xml.gz

(src)="1.1"> Southeast Asia : The shoe , the shoe · Global Voices
(trg)="1.1"> Asia Tenggara : Sepatu , Oh Sepatu

(src)="1.2"> Iraqi journalist Muntadar al-Zaidi will be known for a long time as the shoe thrower .
(trg)="1.2"> Jurnalis Irak Muntadar al-Zaidi akan lama dikenang sebagai pelempar sepatu .

(src)="1.3"> He who succeeded in throwing a pair of shoes at U.S. President George Bush last Sunday in Baghdad .
(trg)="1.3"> Dia telah sukses melempar sepasang sepatu kepada Presiden Amerika Serikat George Bush hari Minggu lalu di Bagdad .

(src)="2.1"> The shoes are now priceless .
(trg)="2.1"> Sepasang sepatu tersebut kini amat berharga .

(src)="2.2"> A Saudi entrepreneur has offered $ 10 million for one of the pair of shoes .
(trg)="2.2"> Seorang pengusaha Arab Saudi menawarkan 10 juta Dolar Amerika untuk salah satu sepatu tersebut .

(src)="3.1"> The shoe throwing incident has been hailed as heroic by many people around the world , especially those who opposed the foreign policies of the outgoing US president .
(trg)="3.1"> Insiden pelemparan sepatu tersebut dipandang sebagai sebuah peristiwa heroik oleh banyak orang di dunia , terutama mereka yang tidak setuju dengan ketentuan luar negeri yang dibuat oleh presiden Amerika yang akan segera lengser tersebut .

(src)="3.2"> What are the reactions of Southeast Asian bloggers and residents ?
(trg)="3.2"> Apa sajakah reaksi para blogger dan warga Asia Tenggara ?

(src)="4.1"> Hafriz from Singapore thinks al-Zaidi should become president of the world :
(trg)="4.1"> Hafriz dari Singapura berpendapat bahwa al-Zaidi selayaknya menjadi presiden dunia :

(src)="4.2"> " is anyone still not in the shoe-throwing craze yet ? this Muntazer al-Zaidi guy is a worldwide hero. he 's a legend. he should be president of the world . "
(trg)="5.3"> Dia adalah legenda .
(trg)="5.4"> Dia layak menjadi presiden dunia . "

(src)="4.3"> Katak , also from Singapore , notes that the incident reflects the failure of US foreign policies :
(trg)="6.1"> Katak , juga berasal dari Singapura , mencatat bahwa insiden tersebut mencerminkan kegagalan ketentuan politik luar negeri Amerika Serikat :

(src)="5.1"> " Being infamous in a foreign country is generally not a good farewell party for someone who is often regarded as the President of the ‘ World ’ .
(trg)="7.1"> " Memiliki nama buruk di luar negeri biasanya bukan salam perpisahan yang baik bagi seseorang yang sering disebut-sebut Presiden ' Dunia ' .

(src)="5.2"> " The ( incident ) shows the build up of hatred and violence that the local citizens had to endure due largely to his failure in assessment of foreign policy , in particular , the 2003 invasion of Iraq . "
(trg)="8.1"> “ Insiden tersebut menunjukan memuncaknya kebencian dan kekerasan yang harus dialami penduduk Irak akibat kesalahan dalam memutuskan ketentuan politik luar negeri , terutama , ketentuan penyerbuan Irak pada tahun 2003 . "

(src)="5.3"> Another Singaporean blogger , mrbrown.com , wonders why the Secret Service agents were unable to catch the shoes :
(trg)="9.1"> Blogger asal Singapura lainnya , mrbrown.com , bertanya-tanya mengapa para agen rahasia gagal menangkap sepatu-sepatu tersebut :

(src)="6.1"> " It makes you wonder though , that if the Secret Service could not stop a flying shoe or two , how were they planning to protect President Bush from more lethal weapons ?
(trg)="10.1"> " Sungguh membuat penasaran , apabila para agen rahasia tidak mampu menangkap satu atau dua sepatu yang dilempar , bagaimana caranya mereka melindungi Presiden Bush dari senjata yang lebih mematikan ?

(src)="6.2"> " Or did they deliberately let that one through ?
(trg)="11.1"> “ Atau mungkin mereka sengaja membiarkan peristiwa itu terjadi ?

(src)="6.3"> Hmmm ... "
(trg)="11.2"> Hmmm ... "

(src)="6.4"> Filipino journalist Carlos Conde analyzes the shoe-throwing incident from the perspective of a media person :
(trg)="12.1"> Jurnalis Filipina Carlos Conde memberikan analisis mengenai peristiwa pelemparan sepatu tersebut dari sudut pandang pelaku media :

(src)="7.1"> " What he did was to show that he is a citizen before anything else ; that he , too , feels the pain of his fellow Iraqis .
(trg)="13.1"> " Apa yang dia lakukan menunjukkan statusnya sebagai warga negara diatas hal lainnya ; bahwa dia juga , merasakan kepedihan warga Irak lainnya .

(src)="7.2"> " Al-Zaidi is a journalist .
(trg)="14.1"> “ Al-Zaidi adalah seorang jurnalis .

(src)="7.3"> He knows the story of Iraq perhaps more than anybody else .
(trg)="14.2"> Dia paham betul kisah Irak , mungkin melebihi siapapun .

(src)="7.4"> But more than anything else , he ’ s an Iraqi citizen .
(trg)="14.3"> Tapi lebih dari hal lainnya , dia adalah seorang warga Irak .

(src)="7.5"> He feels the pain of his people perhaps more than any journalist in Baghdad does .
(trg)="14.4"> Dia merasakan kepedihan warga Irak , mungkin melebihi jurnalis Bagdad manapun .

(src)="7.6"> Did we really expect him to just sit there and watch Bush lie through his teeth again and insult the memory of those who suffered in Iraq because of America ’ s act of aggression ? "
(trg)="14.5"> Bohong apabila kita menganggap dia sewajarnya duduk tenang di sana dan mendengar Bush jelas-jelas berbohong lagi dan menghina kenangan orang-orang Irak yang menderita akibat agresi Amerika ? "

(src)="7.7"> Ka-Blog from the Philippines understands the motives of Al-Zaidi :
(trg)="15.1"> Ka-Blog dari Filipina paham motif Al-Zaidi :

(src)="8.1"> " Was Al-Zeidi justified in doing it ?
(trg)="16.1"> " Bisakah dibenarkan apa yang Al-Zaidi lakukan ?

(src)="8.2"> Let me put it this way — if your country were ravaged by a war justified on totally baseless claims ( WMD ) ; if millions of your countrymen were dead because of it ; if foreign aggressors are still occupying your country ; and if the brains ( now , this is a misnomer ) behind all these comes to your country still saying he was right , won ’ t you feel the same degree of rage that this journalist felt ?
(trg)="16.2"> Coba saya rangkum demikian — jika negaramu diporakporandakan perang yang didasarkan atas hal omong kosong ( Senjata Pemusnah Massal ) ; jika jutaan warga sebangsamu mati akibat omong kosong tersebut ; jika penjajah asing tersebut masih menduduki negaramu ; dan pada saat ini , ( nah , ini salah nama ) otak dibalik semua hal buruk tersebut datang ke negaramu dan mengklaim dirinya benar , tidakkah kamu akan berada pada level kemarahan yang dirasakan jurnalis itu ?

(src)="9.1"> " I was shocked by what I saw on TV and I was still shocked when I reviewed it on YouTube .
(trg)="17.1"> “ Saya terkejut dengan peristiwa yang saya lihat di TV dan saya tetap terkejut ketika melihat peristiwa tersebut lagi di YouTube .

(src)="9.2"> I asked myself how a United States President could be treated in such a manner .
(trg)="17.2"> Saya bertanya pada diri sendiri bagaimana mungkin seorang presiden Amerika Serikat mendapat perlakuan seperti itu .

(src)="9.3"> " But when I put myself in Al-Zeidi ’ s shoes ( pun intended ) , I can ’ t bring myself to denounce him .
(trg)="18.1"> “ Namun bila saya berada di posisi ( sengaja menyindir ) Al-Zaidi , saya tidak bisa mencelanya .

(src)="9.4"> In fact , my only problem with the Iraqi journalist was his aim . "
(trg)="18.2"> Nyatanya , masalah saya dengan jurnalis Irak tersebut adalah bidikannya . "

(src)="9.5"> Arif from Indonesia writes that US President-elect Barack Obama has to redeem the image of America which was destroyed by his predecessor :
(trg)="19.1"> Arif dari Indonesia menulis bahwa presiden Amerika Serikat terpilih Barrack Obama harus memulihkan nama baik AS yang hancur oleh presiden pendahulunya :

(src)="10.1"> " Hates are left in worlds heart .
(trg)="20.1"> " Kebencian telah tersisa di dalam hati dunia .

(src)="10.2"> Thrown shoes was only an expression of world hatred .
(trg)="20.2"> Lemparan sepatu merupakan ekspresi kebencian dunia .

(src)="10.3"> Think that Barrack Obama has to recover Americas ’ image destroyed by George Walker Bush .
(trg)="20.3"> Ingat bahwa Barrack Obama harus memulihkan nama baik AS yang telah dirusak George Walker Bush .

(src)="10.4"> " Thrown by shoes was nothing .
(trg)="21.1"> “ Sepatu yang terlempar bukanlah apa-apa .

(src)="10.5"> But , Bush should think that he has created bad image and hatred .
(trg)="21.2"> Tapi Bush harus berpikir bahwa dia telah menciptakan citra buruk dan kebencian .

(src)="10.6"> Bush also has destroyed ancient heritages in Iraq .
(trg)="21.3"> Bush juga telah menghancurkan pusaka-pusaka kuno di Irak .

(src)="10.7"> He destroyed economic achievement .
(trg)="21.4"> Dia memusnahkan prestasi ekonomi .

(src)="10.8"> He lied to us .
(trg)="21.5"> Dia membohongi kita .

(src)="10.9"> Iraq has had no weapons of mass destruction . "
(trg)="21.6"> Iraq tidak pernah meiliki Senjata Pemusnah Massal . "

(src)="10.10"> Perhaps anticipating a negative reaction from authorities , Salak from Malaysia is fearful that “ one day when we have to get a license for our shoes . ”
(trg)="22.1"> Mungkin mengantisipasi reaksi buruk dari pemerintah , Salak dari Malaysia takut bahwa suatu " suatu saat nanti kita semua harus memiliki izin untuk bersepatu . "

(src)="11.1"> Many Southeast Asian bloggers are amused over the Flash-based games which were created after the shoe throwing incident .
(trg)="23.1"> Banyak blogger Asia Tenggara terhibur dengan permainan berteknologi Flash yang diciptakan tak lama setelah insiden pelemparan sepatu .

(src)="11.2"> Video samples of the games are shown below :
(trg)="23.2"> Contoh permainan tersebut terekam dalam video berikut : Ditulis oleh Mong Palatino

# en/2008_12_14_brunei-the-malay-culture-is-a-hinderance-to-progress_.xml.gz
# id/2008_12_19_brunei-sindrom-ali-baba_.xml.gz

(src)="1.1"> Brunei : The ‘ Ali Baba ’ syndrome · Global Voices
(trg)="1.1"> Brunei : Sindrom Ali Baba

(src)="1.2"> Businesses are consistently popping up at different corners of Brunei .
(trg)="1.2"> Bisnis selalu bermunculan di berbagai sudut Brunei .

(src)="1.3"> Before you know it , we ’ d be getting a new restaurant , a new cupcake business , a new singer , or a new shopping mall , to name a few .
(trg)="1.3"> Tiba-tiba saja , muncul rumah makan baru , usaha penganan ringan , penyanyi baru , juga pusat pertokoan , contohnya .

(src)="1.4"> In addition , a significant number of these businesses are owned by the Malay Bruneians - the dominant ethnic group in the country .
(trg)="1.4"> Sebagai tambahan , sebagian besar usaha ini dimiliki oleh pengusaha Melayu Brunei - etnis dominan di negeri tersebut .

(src)="1.5"> This just proves to show that the Malays are not lacking in financial resources to start up a business , nor the capabilities to become entrepreneurs .
(trg)="1.5"> Ini membuktikan bahwa etnis Melayu tidak mengalami kekurangan sumber daya dana untuk memulai usaha mereka , maupun kemampuan untuk menjadi pengusaha .

(src)="1.6"> Unfortunately , despite the favourable rise in the local businesses set up by the Malays , a majority of them are not run by the owners .
(trg)="1.6"> Amat disayangkan , meski dengan adanya peningkatan drastis usaha dalam negeri yang dimulai oleh etnis Melayu , sebagian besar bisnis tersebut tidak dijalankan oleh pemiliknya .

(src)="4.3"> A possible cause for this resistance to further development in the economy is the Bruneian culture itself .
(src)="4.4"> Rouge Economist used the example of the work attitude of the Bruneian Malays at the workplace :
(trg)="1.7"> Rouge economist menyebut hal ini sebagai sindrom ' Ali Baba ' :

(src)="4.5"> Another example relates to the work attitude of the Brunei malays .
(trg)="1.8"> " Contoh lain mengacu pada mental bekerja para etnis Melayu Brunei .

(src)="4.6"> The five-tea-break-a-day routine becomes the culture in the government sector .
(trg)="1.9"> Rutinitas ' lima kali rehat sehari ' membudaya di sektor pemerintahan .

(src)="4.7"> The attitude of ‘ karang tah ’ has lost the government millions of dollars in terms of productivity and even revenue-generation .
(trg)="1.10"> Sikap ‘ karang tah ’ telah merugikan pemerintah jutaan dolar dalam produktivitas bahkan dalam hal peningkatan pendapatan .

(src)="4.8"> As a result , the government sector , which is the first employment choice of any Brunei malay , is slow , inefficient and backward so much so that it can take weeks to send a letter within one tiny district , and months for the results of a few applications .
(trg)="1.11"> Alhasil , sektor pemerintahan , dimana etnis Melayu Brunei diprioritaskan , bekerja dengan lambat , tidak efisien dan amat berkelit hingga untuk mengirimkan surat dalam wilayah kecil sekalipun bisa memakan waktu berminggu-minggu , dan untuk mendaftarkan sesuatu bisa memakan waktu berbulan-bulan .

(src)="4.9"> ( Come on !
(trg)="1.12"> ( Yang benar saja !

(src)="4.10"> What is our population again ? )
(trg)="1.13"> Memang berapa jumlah populasi kita ? ) "

(src)="4.11"> Therefore , it is important for Brunei to focus on creating an effective environment that could induce productivity amongst the Malays , and the Bruneian workforce in general .
(trg)="1.14"> Oleh sebab itu , penting bagi Brunei untuk fokus dalam menciptakan lingkungan efektif yang mampu menyokong produktivitas para etnis Melayu dan sumber daya manusia Brunei pada umumnya .

(src)="4.12"> As development will only be a distant dream if the people behind these economic entities fail to progress .
(trg)="1.15"> Sebab , kemajuan hanya akan menjadi mimpi di siang bolong apabila mereka yang berada di balik komunitas ekonomi gagal untuk berkiprah .

# en/2008_12_11_israel-praying-for-rain_.xml.gz
# id/2008_12_19_israel-doa-bersama-memohon-hujan_.xml.gz

(src)="1.1"> Israel : Praying for Rain · Global Voices
(trg)="1.1"> Israel : Doa Bersama Memohon Hujan

(src)="1.2"> The first hard rains of winter fell this week after months of waiting , causing all of Israel to breath a sigh of relief .
(trg)="1.2"> Hujan pertama musim dingin kali ini akhirnya turun setelah penantian berbulan-bulan , warga Israel akhirnya bisa bernapas lega .

(src)="2.1"> Yaakov Kirschen , author and illustrator of The Dry Bones Blog , pens :
(trg)="2.1"> Yaakov Kirschen , penulis dan ilustrator The Dry Bones Blog bercerita :

(src)="3.1"> " I took a cab home yesterday , and heavy with thoughts of the terror attack on Mumbai , the missiles out of Gaza , organized crime , the upcoming elections , Olmert , and the spreading collapse of the world 's economy I said to the driver " What do you think of the current situation ? "
(trg)="3.1"> “ Di dalam taksi menuju rumah kemarin , benakku dipenuhi dengan pemikiran mengenai serangan teror di Mumbai , misil yang ditembakan keluar Gaza , kejahatan terencana , pemilu mendatang , Olmert , dan meratanya kehancuran perekonomian dunia , aku bertanya pada sang pengemudi “ Bagaimana menurut anda situasi akhir-akhir ini ? ”

(src)="4.1"> He said " We haven 't had rain yet .
(trg)="4.1"> Dia menjawab “ Hujan belum turun .

(src)="4.2"> It 's the first of December and we haven 't had rain yet ! "
(trg)="4.2"> Sudah tanggal 1 Desember dan hujan belum juga turun ! ”

(src)="4.3"> I knew exactly what he meant .
(trg)="4.3"> Aku paham betul maksudnya .

(src)="4.4"> He 'd had enough of talking about the current situation . "
(trg)="4.4"> Dia sudah muak membicarakan kejadian teraktual . ”

(src)="4.5"> Adding proof to the idea that things are slow to change in the Middle East , Kirschen posts a " Golden Oldie " from 20 years ago .
(trg)="4.5"> Menambahkan bukti bahwa perubahan terjadi dengan amat lambat di Timur Tengah , Kirschen memuat ilustrasi " Golden Oldie " yang terbit 20 tahun lalu .

(src)="7.1"> In a post entitled " Interwoven Fate , " Lirun of East Med Sea Peace writes :
(trg)="6.1"> Dalam posting berjudul “ Interwoven Fate , ” Lirun dariEast Med Sea Peace menulis :

(src)="8.1"> " Its dry right now in israel and palestine .. we have had two very dry winters and a third is slowly crackling its way into our region .. this affects everyone .. we all suffer from the shortage . "
(trg)="6.2"> “ Kekeringan melanda Israel dan Palestina saat ini .. kita mengalami dua kali musim dingin berturut-turut dan kekeringan ketiga perlahan-lahan menghampiri wilayah kita .. hal ini mengganggu semua orang .. kita semua menderita kekurangan . ”

(src)="8.2"> Lirun remarks that the drought has brought people together to pray for rain , featuring a video of one such gathering .
(trg)="6.3"> Lirun mengatakan bahwa kekeringan telah berhasil menyatukan orang-orang untuk bersama berdoa agar hujan turun , berikut video dari salah satu doa bersama tersebut :

(src)="9.1"> Meanwhile , Nicky Blackburn of Israelity recalls bicycling around Lake Kinneret ( the Sea of Galilee ) where she notes the water has receded to a dangerous level .
(trg)="7.1"> Sementara itu , Nicky Blackburn penulis Israelity mengenang saat bersepeda mengelilingi Danau Kinneret ( Laut Galilea ) dimana dia menyadari bahwa air telah menyusut drastis .

(src)="9.2"> The Kinneret is Israel 's largest source of drinking water .
(trg)="7.2"> Danau Kinneret merupakan sumber air minum terbesar warga Israel .

(src)="9.3"> Blackburn posts :
(trg)="7.3"> Blackburn mengatakan :

(src)="9.4"> " Where has the water gone ?
(trg)="7.4"> “ Kemana perginya air disini ?

(src)="9.5"> And it ’ s not that we ’ re seeing any signs of a wet winter to come .
(trg)="7.5"> Dan sepertinya tanda-tanda musim dingin yang basah tidak muncul .

(src)="9.6"> On the contrary , the weather in Israel right now resembles , well , a desert ...
(src)="9.7"> So that ’ s why Rabbi Shlomo Didi of the Jordan Valley , Ian Clark - the priest of the Scottish church , and Muhammad Dahamshe , the Imam of Kfar Kana , got together to try to ease the situation with a little combined prayer . "
(trg)="7.6"> Sebaliknya , cuaca di Israel sekarang menyerupai , ya , padang gurun … Oleh sebab itu , Rabi Shlomo Didi dari Lembah Yordan , Ian Clark - pendeta Gereja Skotlandia , dan Muhammad Dahamshe , Imam dari Kfar Kana , berkumpul untuk meringankan suasana dengan mengadakan doa bersama . ”

(src)="9.8"> Blackburn quotes Shimon Kipnis , manager of a local hotel , who adds :
(trg)="7.7"> Blackburn mengutip Shimon Kipnis , seorang pengelola hotel setempat yang menambahkan :

(src)="10.4"> Rain ! " exclaimed Israeli Mom yesterday .
(src)="10.5"> " This morning , it was so nice waking up to thick gray clouds covering the sky .
(trg)="7.8"> “ Pagi ini sungguh menyenangkan bangun pagi dan melihat awan kelabu di langit .

(src)="10.6"> It wasn ’ t too cold , just cool enough to be nice , and everything had that nice scent of fresh rain .
(trg)="7.9"> Cuaca tidak terlalu dingin , sejuk dan menyenangkan , dan tercium aroma segar hujan dari segala sesuatu di luar .

(src)="10.7"> It was just a drizzle , so I put on my running shoes and went out for a glorious half an hour , enjoying the fresh colors of the trees and flowers , and even of the red earth on the trails behind our street .
(trg)="7.10"> Gerimis saja , jadi kukenakan sepatu olahragaku dan pergi keluar selama setengah jam yang mengesankan , menikmati warna-warni segar pepohonan dan bunga-bunga , bahkan tanah merah di jalan setapak belakang rumah .

(src)="10.8"> Lovely . "
(trg)="7.11"> Sungguh indah . ”

(src)="10.9"> There is nothing that unites us and reminds us of our humanity more than Mother Nature .
(trg)="7.12"> Tidak ada hal lain yang mampu mempersatukan kita dan mengingatkan kita akan sifat manusiawi kita selain ibu pertiwi .

(src)="10.10"> We are grateful for the blessing of rain in this dry land .
(trg)="7.13"> Kota bersyukur untuk berkah hujan yang turun di daerah yang kering ini .

# en/2008_12_28_palestine-the-bloodiest-day-since-1967_.xml.gz
# id/2008_12_29_palestina-peristiwa-paling-berdarah-sejak-1967_.xml.gz

(src)="1.1"> Palestine : " The Bloodiest Day Since 1967 ″ · Global Voices
(trg)="1.1"> Palestina : Peristiwa Paling Berdarah Sejak 1967

(src)="1.2"> It started as a " normal " day in Gaza .
(trg)="1.2"> Hari itu berawal dengan " normal " di Gaza .

(src)="1.3"> By the end of the day , however , it became clear that December 27 would be known as the bloodiest day of the Palestine-Israel conflict since 1967 .
(trg)="1.3"> Namun , di penghujung hari , jelaslah bahwa tanggal 27 Desember akan diingat sebagai hari paling berdarah sepanjang sejarah konflik Israel-Palestina semenjak 1967 .

(src)="1.4"> Although the target of the Israeli airstrikes was Hamas , as the day went on it became clear that there were also a number of civilian casualties among the 225 or so total .
(trg)="1.4"> Meski target serangan udara adalah kelompok Hamas , seiring beranjaknya hari , kenyataan mengatakan bahwa setidaknya 225 warga sipil turut menjadi korban .

(src)="2.1"> Bloggers in Palestine and around the world are in shock as the numbers climb .
(trg)="2.1"> Para blogger di Palestina dan seluruh dunia terkejut atas jumlah korban yang terus bertambah .

(src)="2.2"> That shock , coupled with anger at the biased media coverage of the events , is palpable in the blog posts from today .
(trg)="2.2"> Peristiwa mengejutkan ini melipatgandakan amarah para blogger yang menemukan ketimpangan media dalam meliput aksi serangan , seperti terlihat dalam posting blog hari ini .

(src)="3.1"> Marcy Newman of body on the line details her day in the West Bank , recalling the moment she heard the news :
(trg)="3.1"> Marcy Newman blogger body on the line mengisahkan kejadian di Tepi Barat hari itu , sembari mengingat saat dia mendengar berita :

(src)="3.2"> 11 : 30 am the itf begin their air strikes in gaza with american-made f16 fighter jets. the radio is not on in the service. no one seems aware of this fact. but within 15 minutes over 200 patients flood hospitals , like al shifa hospital. orthopedic and maternity wards are turned into make-shift emergency rooms. from 10 month old babies to 55 year old women , palestinian civilians are massacred. this is the single bloodiest day since 1967 .
(trg)="3.6"> Bagian Ortopedi dan bagian Bersalin diubah menjadi ruang gawat darurat .
(trg)="3.7"> Bayi berusia 10 bulan hingga wanita lansia berumur 55 tahun , warga sipil Palestina dibantai.Ini merupakan hari paling berdarah sejak tahun 1967 .

(src)="3.3"> She concludes :
(trg)="3.8"> Dia menyimpulkan :

(src)="3.4"> this is the bloodiest day since 1967. i have lost track of time. i have been watching al jazeera – english and arabic – for hours. it is now 3 : 08 am. the itf bombed a mosque a couple of hours ago across the street from al shefa hospital. i think that was at 1 : 10 am. i cannot keep track .
(trg)="3.12"> Sekarang pukul 3 : 08 dini hari .
(trg)="3.13"> ITF telah membom sebuah Masjid di seberang jalan Rumah Sakit Al Sahefa beberapa jam yang lalu .
(trg)="3.14"> Aku rasa pada pukul 1 : 10 dini hari .

(src)="3.5"> 225 palestinians massacred. more in the rubble .
(trg)="3.16"> 225 warga Palestina telah terbantai .
(trg)="3.17"> Masih banyak lagi di bawah reruntuhan .

(src)="3.6"> Haitham Sabbah , a self-described " uprooted Palestinian blogger , " shares a number of photographs taken today within the confines of Gaza .
(trg)="3.18"> Haitham Sabbah , yang menamakan dirinya " blogger kelahiran Palestina " , memuat sejumlah foto yang diambil hari ini di sepanjang perbatasan Gaza .

(src)="3.7"> Of them , he commented :
(trg)="3.19"> Dia berkomentar :

(src)="3.8"> Palestinians in the Occupied West Bank went demonstrating against the Israel terrorist crimes in Gaza and attacked Israeli terrorists with stones .
(trg)="3.20"> Warga Palestina yang berada di Tepi Barat yang kini diduduki Israel berdemonstrasi memprotes aksi kejahatan dan teror di Gaza serta melempari para teroris Israel dengan batu .

(src)="3.9"> Reports indicated that all fractions between political parties vanished during these demonstrations , which included Hamas and Fatah supporters who attacked Israel 's terrorist army side by side .
(trg)="3.21"> Laporan menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan antarpartai politik sontak lenyap selama aksi demonstrasi , yang dihadiri baik pendukung Hamas maupun Fatah , mereka yang sama-sama diserang militer Israel .

(src)="3.10"> Moroccan blogger Al Miraat ( The Mirror ) proffers his usually calm perspective , stating :
(trg)="3.22"> Blogger asal Maroko , Al Miraat ( Sang Cermin ) yang biasanya tenang dalam menyatakan sudut pandangnya , angkat bicara , menurutnya :

(src)="4.1"> Bombing civilian areas is not something civilized countries do .
(trg)="4.1"> Pemboman terhadap wilayah sipil bukanlah hal yang akan dilakukan negara beradab .