# aym/2009_09_10.xml.gz
# en/2009_06_03_bolivia-farewell-to-aymara-hip-hop-artist-abraham-bojorquez_.xml.gz

(src)="1.2"> Akatxamat Abraham Bojorquez hip hopat jayllirin yaqha pachar sarxatapax , wali jan walipunitawa Altu Pat Markankirinakatakixa , kawkhantix nayraqatar amuyunakamp sarantayaskana .
(trg)="1.2"> The sudden death of Bolivian hip-hop artist Abraham Bojorquez was especially hard on residents of El Alto , the city from which he hailed .

(src)="1.3"> Mä k 'añasku k 'amphikiptawinwa , Bojorquez uka jilax jiwawayxatayna .
(src)="1.4"> Walja arkirinakapwa uraqpachawjan jaytawayatäna , ukhamarus walja amtanakwa , walja waynanakar samkayir jayllt 'awinakwa , jaytawayarakitäna .
(trg)="1.3"> A victim of a traffic accident involving a bus , Bojorquez left behind many fans around the world , but also left behind a legacy filled with memories and lyrics that reflected on the struggles and the hopes of a young city that has been through so much .

(src)="1.5"> Walja qullasuyunkir bloguerunakaw juparux uñt 'apxatayna .
(src)="1.6"> Jiwxatap qhipa urunakansti uka masinakapax , akhampunisti ! ! sasaw sarnaqawipatxa amtasipxatayna .
(trg)="1.4"> Many Bolivian bloggers knew him well and in the weeks following his death shared their condolences and stories of how much they respected this artist .

(src)="2.1"> ( photo ) Akaw Abraham Bojorquezaxa
(trg)="2.1"> Photo of Abraham Bojorquez by Wara Vargas / www.lamalapalabra.tk and used with permission .

(src)="3.1"> Mayni jilax Altu Pat Markat , Alberto Medrano " Letras Alteñas " sat bloguerux , Rio Seco tuqin uñjatayna , Abrahamux kunamtix jayllintirikana uka .
(trg)="3.1"> A blogger from El Alto , Alberto Medrano of Letras Alteñas remembers the first time he saw Bojorquez perform in Rio Seco in El Alto and how " many young people were left impressed with his cadenced rhythm of " Hip Hop " with an Andean flavor and with content of political protest and revolution , calling for justice for the bloody events of " October 2003 . "

(src)="3.2"> Ukhamarus walja waynanakapunirakiw hip hop jaylliwinakapatx amtawayapxatayna .
(trg)="4.1"> The events of October 2003 played prominently in the lyrics of Bojorquez .

(src)="3.3"> Jaylliwinakapax nayraqatar sartañ amuyumpitaynawa , ukhapur uñjasiñ amuyumpi , ukhamarus Octubre 2003n mar amtasisina .
(trg)="4.2"> During that difficult time in El Alto , approximately 70 residents died during a conflict with the Armed Forces .

(src)="4.2"> Uka maransti 70n jil kullakanakaw jakañanakap churawayapxatayna , uka tuqinakat Bojorquezax jaylliwayatayna .
(trg)="4.3"> The events have since become a rallying cry for those demanding justice .

(src)="5.1"> Khaya 1990n qallta maranwa , Bojorquesz jilax Brazil markaruw , isinak ch 'ukuñan irnaqiriw saratäna , ukanwa hip hopx yatiqanitäna .
(trg)="5.1"> In the early 1990s , Bojorquez emigrated to Brazil where he worked in a textile factory , but at the same time was introduced to hip hop .

(src)="5.2"> Altu pat markar kutt 'anisasti " Ukhamaw y Ke " uka sutimpiw jaylliñ qalltatäna , ukhamarus aymara arutpun sapakutis jayllitäna .
(trg)="5.2"> When he returned to El Alto , he started the group Ukamau y Ké and often rapped in the native indigenous language of Aymara .

(src)="5.3"> Cristina Quisbert , Bolivia Indigiena tuqitxa , Bojorquez jilax yakhakasta jaylliña uñstayawayi , sarakiwa .
(src)="5.4"> Sarnaqawinatak , arsusiwinakat , aymaranakan sarnaqawinakapata ukhamarus jaylliwinakapampix waynanak nayraqatar sarantayawayatayna .
(trg)="5.3"> According to Cristina Quisbert of Bolivia Indigena , Bojorquez had " a particular style of combining hip hop with social order content and with valuing the Aymara culture , and won a place amongst the Alteño youth and in the places where he took his music and song . "

(src)="6.1"> Janiw akharuk taqikunasa tukuskit , La Mala Palabra blog tuqinkirix , akham sasaw sawayi : Jiwxatapat arkirinakapax walpuni Bojorquezatx amtapxi .
(trg)="6.1"> However , it was the coverage by the blog La Mala Palabra that provides much of the follow-up after his death and the subsequent displays of homage and remembrance by many who knew Bojorquez .

(src)="6.2"> Ukhamarus , uka blog tuqinx uñacht 'ayiwa masinakapan phamillanakapan phutunakapa. jupasti wali uñt 'ata ukhamarus yäqata ukhamataynawa .
(trg)="6.2"> The blog publishes pictures of the wake and funeral that show the outpouring of sympathy from those that knew him well , and those that simply admired his work .

# aym/2009_10_67.xml.gz
# en/2009_09_13_china-school-girl-wants-to-be-a-corrupt-official_.xml.gz

(src)="1.2"> Nayrïr yatich qallta urunxa , China Markanxa ( 1 ° de septiembre ) , Metropolitan Daily de Guangzhou yatiyawinak apnaqirixa , jiskt ’ awayiwa mä qawqhan qallta yatiqiri wawanakaru , iskt ’ asin kunakanitix qhipurun jakawipaspaxa .
(trg)="1.2"> On the first day of China ’ s school term ( 1 September ) , Guangzhou ’ s Southern Metropolitan Daily interviewed some primary one kids about their life-goals .

(src)="1.3"> Uka tuqitxa mä jisk ’ a imill wawaw uka jist ’ arux kutiyawayi sasina nayax mä “ irnaqiriyawa markataki sasina ” mayampi jist ’ atasti ; kunakasta irnaqiriyatas sasinsti jupax uka jist ’ arux kutt ’ ayanwa nayax mä jan wali irnaqiriyaxaw sasina .
(trg)="1.3"> One of them told the journalist that her dream was to “ become an official ” .
(trg)="1.4"> When the journalist asked what kind of official she wanted to be , she replied that she wanted to “ become a corrupt official .

(src)="1.4"> Uka jan wali irnaqir jaqinakax tatja yanakaniwa sasarakiw satäna .
(trg)="1.5"> Corrupt officials have a lot of good stuff . ”

(src)="2.1"> Jichhax ( video ) uñañchäwi tuqiwa , jisk ’ a imill wawan ajanupax uñacht ’ ayata :
(trg)="2.1"> The video is now in the youtube , the face of the girl has been blurred :

(src)="3.1"> Wawan uka jist ’ ar kutiyatapax yatiyasiwa taki kast yatiyawinak tuqita China Marrana .
(trg)="3.1"> This reply made its rounds on Chinese media and blogs .

(src)="3.2"> Ukxatxa yaqhip jaqinakax amuyt ’ apxiwa , ukax mä jisk ’ a imill wawan arupakiw sasina , ukat mayninakax amuyt ’ apxarakiwa , ukax mä uñanchawiwa jiwasanakan lurawinakasat sasina .
(trg)="3.2"> Some think that it is just a random comment by a child , but many hold the view that it is a reflection of the society ’ s reality .

# aym/2009_11_110.xml.gz
# en/2009_10_08_usa-native-americans-long-battle-against-racism_.xml.gz

(src)="1.1"> EEUU : Wali Jaya Janchi Tuqi Jisk 'achasiñat Estadounidense Jaqinakan Ayllunkir Markanakankir Juchjikiwipa
(trg)="2.3"> White habits of ownership of Native Americans generally have not been eliminated ; they have only changed the form of their expression .

(src)="1.2"> Janchi amuyu tuqi jisk ’ achasiñaxa jichhurkamaxa EE.UU. markanxa juchikitasqiwa .
(trg)="4.2"> They were killed by disease and bullets and much worse .
(trg)="4.3"> They greeted the settlers in friendship and were ground under by the tide of Europeans that moved in .
(trg)="4.4"> But you know what ?

(src)="1.3"> Ukaxa qhiparstayiwa nayriri estadounidense markachirinakaru , ukhamaraki nayrapachansa lurasiwayaraki .
(trg)="4.5"> When a race is less advanced than another , they will be defeated , simple as that .

(src)="1.4"> Ukjamaraki 2000 mara marka jakthapiwinxa , pä waranqh waranqha chikatapan nayrir ayllun estadounidonkirinakaw jakapxi EEUU markana ( uñtasiwa 0.87 % taqpacha jaqinakaru EEUU markana ) jupanakax armt ’ atapxiwa , ukjamasti uñjatarakiwa janisa utjapkaspa ukjama taqin markachirinak tuqita .
(trg)="5.12"> This is Social Darwinism and it is racist ( on top of being a discounted social theory not considered by most social scientists as valid ) .
(trg)="5.13"> In a similar vein , Kate from the group blog Irene 's Daughters , belonging to three women whose aim is to discuss race relations openly , addresses the common practise of schools and sports teams to misappropriate Native Americans names , cultural images and symbols as their mascots .
(trg)="5.14"> In her post " Racist Mascots " , she explains :

(src)="2.1"> Stuff White People Do Blogupansti , macon ukanxa uñicht ’ ayapxiwa mä pankata apsuta Revealing Whiteness : The Unconscious Habits of Racial Privilege ( katjasina janq ’ u jaqinakaru : jan amuykaw sarnaqawinaka janq ’ u janchi tuqita , 2006 ) yatichiri amuyunak tuqitxa Shannon Sullivan siwa , aka jiwasankiw taqi kunas sasina , ukjamaraki jupanakas ukjamwa uñicht ’ ayapxi aka EEUU markana , janiwa nayrir ayllun jaqinakan markachirinatakikitixa jan ukasti jupanakpachatakiwa .
(trg)="5.18"> ( Studies have shown that Indian mascots are especially damaging to the self-esteem of Native American children . )
(trg)="5.19"> Kate also includes a link to a video aptly titled " I am not a mascot " , where several Native Americans voice their concerns and opposition to the use of Native American imagery in sporting events .
(trg)="6.1"> This 3-minute video , released in different formats , is another evidence of the increasing trend within Native American communities to use online citizen media to fight racism and stereotypes , in much the same way that indigenous communities elsewhere have used ICTs to spread indigenous knowledge and educate the world about their traditions and history .

# aym/2009_11_98.xml.gz
# en/2009_10_15_china-graduate-thesis-or-practical-training_.xml.gz

(src)="1.2"> Jach ’ a Utan yatichaw amtawinakapax wali uñakipatataynawa inti jals tuqinsa inti jalant tuqinsa .
(trg)="1.2"> The purpose and function of university education has been a highly debatable topic both in the East and the West .

(src)="1.3"> China tuqinxa taqi jaqipuniwa saraki , yatichawix sayraqatr sartayayiriwa sasina , aka qhipa urunakanxa , jach ’ a yatiqañ utanakanx yatiqirinakax walpin yapxattawayaraki .
(trg)="1.3"> In China , people strongly believe that education is a route to success and in the past few years , the number of university students has increased rapidly .

(src)="1.4"> Juk ’ ampirusa , kunjamatix yatitaki tsumani qullqis minust ’ awayarakiwa walja markanakana aka qallta maratpacha ukjamatwa utjawayi juk ’ a irnaqawinakaki khitinakatix jach ’ a yatiqañ utan yatxatatapki jupanakataki , wali suyt ’ atarakiwa jach ’ a yatiqañ utanakax amparamp lurañ yatichapxaspan amuyunak , yatxatawinak yatiqkamayaxa .
(trg)="1.4"> However , as the problem of university graduate unemployment keeps elevating since the financial tsunami hit the continent early this year , there are more expectations for the universities to provide practical and vocational training rather than research skill and exploration of knowledge .

(src)="1.5"> Aka jichha phaxsinwa Departamento de Periodismo Sichuan uka jach ’ a utanwa mä aruskipawi internet tuqi utjawayatayna , aka jach ’ a yatiqañ utanx qhipartayawayapxataynawa , mä jach ’ a yatxataw qillqawi .
(trg)="1.5"> This month a heated debate emerged online when the journalism department of Sichuan University decided to cancel the requirement of writing a graduate thesis , or an extensive research essay , for university students to get their degree .

(src)="1.6"> Ukjamata tukuyirinakaxa amuy qillqanapakxa periódico uksanakan sum uñacht ’ axapxañapataki .
(trg)="1.6"> Instead , graduation would be conditioned on the quality of articles and commentaries published by undergraduates on newspapers .

(src)="2.1"> Departamento de Periodismo ukan irptiripasti akjamrak arsusiwayatayna :
(trg)="2.1"> The head of the journalism department explained the decision :

# aym/2009_12_140.xml.gz
# en/2009_10_22_mexico-the-internet-as-a-necessity-not-a-luxury_.xml.gz

(src)="1.2"> Mexican Diputadunakax walja yapxatawinakwa impuesto tuqitakix 2010n maratakix yapt ’ awayapxatayna , Impuesto Especial Sobre Produccion y Servicios ( IESPS ) tuqirusa , 3 % internet ukjamarak TV cableninakaru .
(trg)="1.2"> An increase in taxes was approved by the Chamber of Deputies of Mexico to be enforced in 2010 , which will include the Special Tax on Products and Services ( or IESPS for its initials in Spanish ) that will add a 3 % tax to Internet and cable services .

(src)="2.1"> Mä phaxsi nayraqatpachaw , Agustin Cartens- Qullqi tuqit markn irptiri , ukjamrak IESPS impuestop wakicht ’ irxamax , telecomunicación payllawinakax , juk ’ an qamir utanakanakwa musqt ’ ayasipkatayna , akasti Revista Procesurxama .
(trg)="2.1"> A month earlier , as part of the discussions of the IESPS taxes , the Public Tax Administration Secretary , Agustín Cartens , recognized that half of the money spent on telecommunications belonged to 20 % of the richest households in the country , according to a story by Mexican magazine Proceso .

(src)="2.2"> Cartenasti jach ’ a markanakat anqaxankirinakatakix ukjamarak gubiernun telefonianakapax janiw uka impuesturxam amxarutakaniti , sawayarakitaynawa .
(src)="2.3"> Ukjamipansti , wali juk ’ an sarnaqasirinakatix internitaniñ munapchixa janiw atipkniti .
(trg)="2.3"> However , those low-income families that do use these services at home will be hit harder because of the assumption that the Internet is a luxury only used by those able to afford the service .

(src)="2.4"> Mexicun utjirinakapax Aka arunak ist ’ asax walpunrak phiñasipxatayna , janiw interenetax qamirinakatakikaspati sasina , twiter uksan wal aruskipapxatayna aka arumpi , jank ’ aki # internetNecesario , ukjamarak aka 20 octubre phaxsi saraqatanwa suma amtawayatäxani .
(trg)="2.4"> With these words , the Mexican electronic community condemned the idea of Internet as luxury and began their protest on Twitter with the hashtag # internetNecesario ( “ Internet is a Necessity ” ) with great urgency because the final debate and vote started on October 20 .

(src)="2.5"> Kamachix 21n octubre phaxsi saraqatanrakw wakt ’ ayawayxapxatäna .
(trg)="2.5"> The law was passed in the early morning on October 21 .

(src)="3.1"> Makr Schoneveldan jamuqawiparakiwa , Creative Commons ukan iyawsawipampi .
(trg)="3.1"> Photo by Mark Schoneveld and used under a Creative Commons license .

(src)="4.1"> Aka mexikunakan aruskipawinsti wali uñtatarakitänawa , Television Nacional ukas uñacht ’ ayarakitaynawa , ukjamarak walja arkiri bloguerunak tuqinsa Boing Boing .
(trg)="4.1"> The protest movement displayed the importance of Internet to Mexicans , and received coverage from national television and newspapers , as well as from high-audience blogs , such as Boing Boing .

(src)="4.2"> WhatTheHashtag tuq Teitter tuqinxa 35 waranqh tweetanakwa , 7 waranqh qillqirirakat qatuqawayapxatayna .
(trg)="4.2"> The Twitter service WhatTheHashtag estimates that the protest has gathered around 35,000 tweets from more than 7,000 participants .

(src)="5.1"> Mä qawkha aruskipawinak uñacht ’ ayapxarakimawa .
(trg)="5.1"> These are some of their comments on Twitter .

(src)="6.1"> MexiComunicado @ mexicomunicado :
(trg)="6.1"> MexiComunicado @ mexicomunicado :

# aym/2009_12_166.xml.gz
# en/2009_11_27_japan-buy-nothing-day_.xml.gz

(src)="1.2"> Aka urux khaya 1992n maran Canada tuqin Ted Dave jupaw qalltawayatayna , Buy Nothing Day movement aka urusti 60nk markanakarurakiw uraqpachan ch ’ iqitatawayatayna , Japunax uka taypinkiwa .
(trg)="1.2"> Buy Nothing Day Japan Started in 1992 in Canada by artist Ted Dave , the Buy Nothing Day movement has spread to more than 60 countries around the world , Japan included .

(src)="1.3"> Aka urun amuyupasti , aka jutir ( 28 ur saraqataruw Noviembre phaxsit saraqataru ) Japunisanakax jawillt ’ atapxataynawa aka alasiñ tuqit amuykipañataki .
(trg)="2.1"> In line with the philosophy of the movement , next Saturday ( November 28 ) Japanese are invited to refrain from shopping and reflect upon their thoughtless consumerism habits .
(trg)="3.1"> So reads the purpose statement of Buy Nothing Day :

(src)="2.1"> Jan kuna alasiñ urut ullarawinaka :
(trg)="3.6"> Buy Nothing Day 2009 PV by Illcommonz

# aym/2009_12_176.xml.gz
# en/2009_12_02_austria-how-social-media-set-universities-on-fire_.xml.gz

(src)="1.2"> ¿ Jumax yatiyatati jichhurunakanxa Europa markan walja jach ’ a yatiqañ utanakan yatiqirinak phuqsutatapxa ?
(trg)="1.2"> Did you know that at this very moment many universities throughout Europe are occupied by students ?

(src)="1.3"> Waranqha waranqhanakaw ikirasipki , phayasipki , parlasipki , ukhamaraki phunchhawinaka lurasina jach ’ a uta tantachasiwina arkatasina qulqichirinakaru yatichañ yatiqaw tuqiru ukhamarusa sutiyatawa proceso de Bolonia mä jach ’ a amta mayachasiñataki aka Europa markanaka ukjamaraki mayachañataki yatichawinaka aka taqi jach ’ a yatiqañ utanakana .
(trg)="1.3"> Thousands of them are sleeping , cooking , debating and partying in their auditoriums to protest against the under-financing of the educational system and the so-called Bologna Process , a European Union education policy .

(src)="2.1"> Qhanpachanxa aka ch ’ axwawinakaxa aka lurawinakanxa janiw yatiqirinakan amuyupakiti , jan ukasti markachirinakan amuyupawa internet tuqi .
(trg)="2.1"> What is so special about these protests is the fact that they have not been centrally coordinated by student unions but have been organized entirely bottom-up , with the help of online social media .

(src)="3.1"> Taqikunawa qalltawayi aka Viena , Austria markana aka 22 de octubre phaxsina kunawsatixa mä jisk ’ a yatiqirinak tamampi , mä Flashmob lurañatakiw jikist ’ apxatayna ukjamata Viena jach ’ a yatiqañ uta tuqiru sarantawayapxatayna ukjamata jach ’ a uta tantachasiwi tuqiru phuqhantasina .
(trg)="3.1"> It all started in Vienna , Austria on October 22 , when a small group of students met for a flashmob in the city center to protest , and then headed to University of Vienna where they spontaneously occupied the Auditorium Maximum .

(src)="4.1"> Pallapallanakan puriniñapatakixa Jach ’ a auditorio phuqhantañatakixa Twitter tuqiw awiskipasipxatayna ukjamat q ’ al phuqhantapxatayna .
(trg)="3.2"> By the time police arrived , the news of the occupation had already circulated on Twitter , mobilizing so many supporters it was impossible to clear the hall .

(src)="5.1"> Wali juk ’ a urunakanakwa , uka tama phuqhantirinakaxa - jupanakana sustjasiñapatikixa mä qhana tamachawi uñicht ’ awapxi : uka unxtasiwi parlakipawinakaxa aka Twitter “ Hashtags ” # unibrennt y # unsereuni ( “ jach ’ a yatiqañ utan ninankatapa ukhamaraki jiwasana jach ’ a yatiqañ uta ) wali suma tantacht ’ atanwa .
(trg)="4.1"> Unsereuni websiteWithin days , the occupiers - to their own surprise - put in place a remarkable organizational structure : Mobilization and communication was organized via the Twitter " hashtags " # unibrennt and # unsereuni ( " university on fire " and " our university " ) .

(src)="6.1"> Mä webcast 24h ukaw jach ’ a uta tantachasiwinx utt ’ asiwayarakitayna .
(trg)="5.1"> A 24h webcast from the Auditorium Maximum was put in place .

(src)="6.2"> Taqi kunayman luratanakwa aka Wiki mä Sitio web tuqiw markachirinakar uñicht ’ ayawayapxatayna .
(trg)="5.2"> Organizational tasks from cooking to cleaning were structured via a wiki , and a website communicated with the public .

(src)="6.3"> Twitter , blogs y Facebook ( 32.400 fans jichhurkamaxa ) apnaqatapxanwa aka arunak uñicht ’ ayañataki .
(trg)="5.3"> Twitter , blogs and Facebook ( 32,400 fans so far ) were used to spread the word .

(src)="7.1"> Akax pä tukuyawinitaynawa :
(trg)="6.1"> This had two effects :

(src)="8.1"> - Aka mä kutinxa janiw jupanakax khitin yanapt ’ aps munapkanti aka unxtasiwinakatakixa .
(trg)="7.1"> - For the first time protests of this scale did not need the support of mass media for mobilization .

(src)="8.2"> Janir mä paqalqu uruqipanxa aka unxtasiwinakaruxa 20.000 waranqa ch ’ axwirinakawa phuqhantawapxi nayraqatar sarantasina .
(trg)="7.2"> Within less than a week after the beginning of the protests more than 20,000 demonstrators roamed the streets of Vienna , preceding any mass media coverage .

(src)="8.3"> Jikiwinakanxa sapurunakawa tuwaqatapxanxa janisa junapkaspa ukhamaru ( apaniwa jan amuykawi ) .
(trg)="7.3"> Media contacts were limited to a bare minimum ( which produced much confusion ) .

(src)="8.4"> Yatiqirinaxa janiw munapkanti yariyaw amnaqirinakaruxa uka irkatawinakaxa janiw patillanikanti , janiw utjkanti arstirinakaxa .
(trg)="7.4"> Students simply didn ‘ t need the media and since the protests lacked hierarchy , there was a shortage of spokespersons .

(src)="9.1"> - Payiri tuqitsti uraqpachanwa yatipxana kuntix lurasiskana ukxa. aka uta tantachasiwi tuqina ( webcast tuqirux waranqana chikatan jaqinakaw mä phaxsinx uñjt ’ awayapxarakitäna ) yatiyawinaka amnaqirinakaxa janiwa chaniñchaña atipkanti aka irkatiri yatiqir waynanakaruxa .
(trg)="8.1"> - Second , because everyone could follow what was going on inside the Auditorium Maximum ( the webcast produced half a million views within one month ) it kept the tabloid press from labeling the protesters as rioters or extremists .

(src)="9.2"> Waljani jaqinakaw jani chiqatapxa yatipxäna .
(trg)="8.2"> Too many people knew it wasn ‘ t true .

(src)="9.3"> Lup ’ iwinakaxa turkakiptawayataynawa .
(trg)="8.3"> The power of opinion-making had shifted .

(src)="10.1"> Jank ’ akiwa amtayapxäna yaqha jach ’ a yatiqañ utanakaru Austria markana ukhamaraki anqaxa tuqirusa : jicchuruxa janirira pä phaxsi tukuyqipanxa nayriri irkatawinakaxa aka yatiqir tamachatanaxa utxaphanwa 100 jacha yatiqañ utanakana aka Austria , Alemania , Suiza , Albania , Serbia , Francia , Italia , Croacia y los Países Bajos jupanakaxa yaqha kasta irkatawinakwa uñjapxi .
(trg)="9.1"> Soon the protests infected other university cities in Austria and abroad : Today , less than a month and a half after the first protests , almost 100 universities in Austria , Germany , Switzerland , Albania , Serbia , France , Italy , Croatia and the Netherlands are occupied or have seen other forms of mass protest .

(src)="11.1"> Gerald Bäck Bäck Blog tuqitxa , jupaxa irnaqiwa uñakipt ’ aña tuqina , katjit ’ iwa kawkhakamas puri aka Tweets tamaxa , aka yaqha kasta arqirinakaxa qhanstayata jupanaka tuqiru , akhanwa 386.860. jupan uñakipawipansti uñicht ’ ayiwa khitinakasa kunkañchayapxi uka , kawkharusa ( URLs tuqirusa ) sarapxi kuna hashtags apnaqapjan juk ’ ampxa .
(trg)="10.1"> Gerald Bäck of Bäck Blog , who works in the media observation business , found out that the gross reach of the tweets , i.e. the unique number of followers exposed to them , was 386,860 .
(trg)="10.2"> His analysis shows who the key influencers were , what URLs were most linked to and what hashtags were used most .

(src)="12.1"> Jupana blogupansti smime , Michael Schuster , irnaqir qillqt ’ awinak tuqinsti , ma sinopsis nayra pacha lurawinakata churawayiwa .
(trg)="11.1"> In his blog , smime , Michael Schuster who is specialist in semantic analysis , contributed an overview of the " old media " covering the events .

(src)="12.2"> Jakt ’ awayiwa 2.700 uñacht ’ awinaka ukatxa katxt ’ awayiwa pusi kasta lurawinaka , sapa maynixa lurasiwa paqalqu uruna : “ irkatañanakaxa mawjankapxiwa ” “ irkatañanakaxa nayraqataruwa saranti ” “ irkatirinaxa jach ’ aruw tukupxi ” jichhurunaxa sapxarakiwa “ jani lurasxpati sasina ” .
(trg)="11.2"> He counted 2,700 articles and identified four trends lasting roughly one week each : " Protests take place " , " protests continue " , " protests widen " , and recently , " ok , enough now . "

(src)="13.1"> Luca Hammer 2-Blog tuqitxa , mä yatiqiri p ’ iqini waynituxa amuyt ’ arakiwa aka irkata lurawinaka tuqita uñicht ’ ayiwa mä reporte aka wikis , Twitter y webcasts tuqita jupanakax apnaqatapxanwa irkataña kalltayañataki .
(trg)="12.1"> Luca Hammer of 2-Blog , a student and technical mastermind behind the Viennese web activities , has published a field report of how wikis , Twitter and webcast were used to get things rolling .

(src)="14.1"> Amuyañ sipanxa aka # unibrennt ukaxa mä kasta turkakipawiruw kutaspa , aka Australia marka apnaqañataki markachirinak online apnaqirinak tuqi .
(trg)="13.1"> It looks like the case of # unibrennt may become an early milestone in the transformation of Austrian politics by the use of online social media .

(src)="14.2"> Jaqinakaruxa jawsthapiwa ukhamaraki amuyunakxa ch ’ amakt ’ ayarakiwa aka tamanakaru ukhamaraki markan irnakirinakarusa , ukaxa wali ch ’ amanchawi yatiqirinakaru ukhamaraki p ’ iqiñchirinakaru uñstayaraki .
(trg)="13.2"> It has created wide attention - and confusion - among established media and political structures , and created a spirit of empowerment among students and digital leaders .

# aym/2009_12_184.xml.gz
# en/2009_11_30_video-worldwide-youth-express-themselves-in-60-seconds_.xml.gz

(src)="1.2"> OneMinutesJr Logo
(trg)="1.2"> OneMinutesJr Logo

(src)="2.1"> Amtawi OneMinutesJr 12 ukhamaraki 20 maranakani waynanakaruxa oraqpachanwa churi jupanakan arst ’ asiñapataki parlaña , yatiqaña churawinaka jinchu tuqi nayratuqi ukat yatiyañataki qurpa tuqi , laxranaka jayanqirinakaruxa nayrampi uñjaña tuqi mä ratunaki
(trg)="2.1"> The OneMinutesJr project gives young people between 12 and 20 years of age from many corners of the globe the opportunity to express themselves , speak out and learn audiovisual skills to communicate across borders , languages and distances through 60 second videos .

(src)="3.1"> Aka amtawixa OneMinutesJr uñstiwa mä ch ’ amanchasiwi tuqita aka European Cultural Foundation , la One Minutes Jr .
(trg)="3.1"> The OneMinutesJr project results from the joint effort of the European Cultural Foundation , the One Minutes Jr .

(src)="3.2"> Foundation y Unicef uka tuqinakampi mayniri tamachasirinakjama .
(trg)="3.2"> Foundation and Unicef , as well as other partner organizations .

(src)="3.3"> Aka sitio web tuqixa , jumax uñjasmawa wali jaya maranakata aka video tuqi uñañchawinaka mä ratunaki yatiyawinaka taqi kasta markata , mayanakaxa jaqinakan apayatawa , yaqhanakasti yatichaminakat tuqi jiqxatatarakiwa kunalaykutix waynanakaru yatichatawa lurawinaka qillqaña , uñta imañanaka ukhamaraki qhanstayaña amuyunaka panka tuqi .
(trg)="3.3"> On their website , you can browse through years ' worth of one minute videos from different countries , some sent in by individuals , others are results from workshops where youth are taught the skills to write , film and edit their ideas .

(src)="4.1"> Aka uñta imatanakaxa uñtasiwa waynanakan lurawinakaparu , amuyunakaparu kawkhatsaya jutappan , jupanakan jakawinakapwa uñicht ’ ayistu .
(trg)="4.1"> These short videos portray the concerns , ideas and dreams of youngsters from many different backgrounds , and give us a window into their daily lives .

(src)="4.2"> Kunjamatixa aka Polonia , Ludmila Kierczak ukhanakatpachwa luranipxi qhanañchasa qhitis jupaxa uka .
(trg)="4.2"> For example , from Poland , Ludmila Kierczak makes a video explaining who she is .

(src)="4.3"> Uñta imata uñtañataki , jumax mä clik uka aynachaxa tuqiru que lleva al sitio de OneMinutesJr .
(trg)="4.3"> To view the video , please click on the image below to go to the OneMinutesJr site .

# aym/2010_02_201.xml.gz
# en/2009_12_29_nicaragua-the-aftermath-of-the-1972-earthquake_.xml.gz

(src)="1.2"> Aka 23n diciembre saraqatata aka 1972n maranxa , mä wali Chaman 6.2 uraq khathatiw tukjawäyi aka Managua , Nicaragua , markana , 5.000 jaqinakar jiwayasina , 20,000 jaqinakar usuchjasina ukhamaraki 250,000 jaqinakar jan utan uñjasiyasa .
(trg)="1.2"> On December 23 , 1972 , a strong earthquake with a magnitude of 6.2 struck Managua , Nicaragua killing 5,000 , injuring 20,000 , and leaving 250,000 homeless .

(src)="1.3"> Aka qillqt ’ ir Blogger Nicaragüense Homero jaqixa jisk ’ a lalaskänwa khaya maranxa , jupax amtasiskiwa kunjamsa aka uraq khathatix tukjawayi uka , ukatwa jupax qillt ’ aw tuqiwa uñicht ’ ayawayi qhipiri amtachinunakapanxa aka blog tuqi sutinchata ventana de Homero .
(trg)="1.3"> Nicaraguan blogger Homero was a young child at the time , but he holds memories of the aftermath , which he describes in a recent post in his blog Ventana de Homero ( Homero 's Window ) .

# aym/2010_02_205.xml.gz
# en/2009_12_29_global-voices-partners-with-google-on-freedom-of-expression-award_.xml.gz

(src)="1.1"> Global Voicixa Nayrir Payllawi Jan Axsaras Arsuña Google Tuqiruw Mayacht 'asi
(trg)="1.1"> Global Voices

(src)="1.2"> Chhijllawinakaxa jichhurkamax jist ’ arataskiwa ( 29ni diciembre saraqata phaxsita aka 2009 maratpacha ) ukanxa Breaking Borders Award ( thiyat thiyat sariri payllawinaka ) mä machaqa uñkatt ’ awi aka Google ukhamaraki Global Voices ukampi uñst ’ ayatawa yanapt ’ añataki yaqha kasta amtawinakaru aka web tuqiru .
(trg)="1.2"> Nominations open today ( December 29 , 2009 ) for the Breaking Borders Award , a new prize created by Google and Global Voices to honor outstanding web projects initiated by individuals or groups that demonstrate courage , energy and resourcefulness in using the Internet to promote freedom of expression .
(trg)="1.3"> The award is also supported by Thomson Reuters .

(src)="1.3"> Qalltayiri jaqinakampi ukjamaraki tamanakampisa uñicht ’ ayasin ch ’ amampi , qamasampi , amuyumpi internet amanqasina yanapt ’ asinaraki jan axsaraña arsusiña tuqita .
(trg)="2.1"> The Breaking Borders Award builds upon the values expressed in the Global Voices Manifesto , the document co-written on a wiki in 2004 to articulate the guiding principles of the organization and community that would come to be known as Global Voices .

(src)="1.4"> Uka paylliwixa yanapt ’ atarakiwa aka Thomson Reuters ukampisa
(trg)="2.2"> The Manifesto opens with the words :
(trg)="3.1"> “ We believe in free speech : in protecting the right to speak — and the right to listen .

(src)="2.1"> Thiyat thiyat sariri payllawixa uñtasiwa wali suma arst ’ asiwi lurawinakaru aka global voices arst ’ asiwi tuqita .
(trg)="3.4"> The Breaking Borders Award also complements the work of Global Voices Advocacy , which was formed in February 2007 to bring focus to the organization 's freedom of expression-related activities .

(src)="2.3"> Uka qillqt ’ atanxa akham siwa :
(trg)="5.2"> Advocacy , given to an activist or group that has used online tools to promote free expression or encourage political change

# aym/2010_03_226.xml.gz
# en/2010_02_08_announcing-the-global-voices-citizen-media-summit-2010_.xml.gz

(src)="1.2"> Wali kusisitaptwa aka yatiyawitxa Global Voices 2010n Tantachawita ( Taqi Jaqin Yatiyawinakap Jach ’ a 2010n Tantachawita ) .
(trg)="1.2"> We 're delighted to announce the Global Voices Citizen Media Summit 2010 !

(src)="1.3"> Aka tantachawisasti khaysa Santiago-Chile jach ’ a markan apasini , aka 6ri 7ri urunak mayu phaxsit saraqataru aka 2010n marana .
(trg)="1.3"> Our gathering takes place this year in Santiago , Chile on May 6-7 , 2010 .

(src)="2.1"> Uñxatt ’ amaya Jach ’ a Tantachawin internet punku , juk ’ ampi amtawinakxat yatxatañataki , kunanakas lurasin ukxata , qillqantayasiñxata juk ’ ampirus Chile jach ’ a markxata .
(trg)="2.1"> Visit the Summit web site for background information on the goals of the meeting , the program of events , registration details and information about the vibrant city of Santiago .

(src)="2.2"> Jach ’ a yatiyawinakaw utjani , mayiristi Markanak Paskataña uka atipirinakxata , akasti wakicht ’ atatanawa Google tuqita ukjamaraki Globla Voicesax uñacht ’ ayaniwa khitinakatix aka internet tuqinx wali chhuyu amuyunakamp irnaqawayapki ukjamarak wali ch ’ amampi amuyumpi ukjamarus ch ’ ikhi kankañampi internet tuqi jaqinakaru amtayawayapki arsusipxañapataki , taqi ukanakatakiniw payllawixa .
(trg)="2.2"> Among the highlights of the proceedings will be the announcement of the winners of the Breaking Borders award , a new prize created by Google and Global Voices to honor outstanding web projects initiated by individuals or groups demonstrating courage , energy and resourcefulness in using the Internet to promote freedom of expression .

(src)="4.1"> Aka khipa urukawa , juk ’ ampi wakicht ’ awxa ch ’ amañchataskani , taqi khitinakatix chikañchasipkani ukanakas qillqantatarakiniwa , ukjamarusa kawknir blogerunakatix , blog tuqin aruskipririnakas chikañchasipxani aka tantachawinxa uksatuqinakarus imatarakiniwa .
(trg)="4.1"> Over the next few days and weeks we 'll be fleshing out the program , adding speaker bios , a list of attendees and more — and do keep checking in at the site for blog posts and commentary from Summit participants and others , as well as to join in the conversation .

(src)="5.1"> Jumax aka Global Voices Jach ’ a Tantachawxa yanakt ’ arakismawa ch ’ qitatayañaxa , blogumtuqi Sitio Webamtuqisa , ukatakisti akaxay aka jach ’ a tantachawin badges , banners ukanakaxa .
(trg)="5.1"> You can also help spread the word about the Global Voices Summit by flying one of our Summit badges or banners on your blog or web site .

(src)="6.1"> Taqi Jaqin Yatiyawinakap Global Voices Jach ’ a 2010n Tantachawixa , aka Fundación MacArthur , Google , El Instituto Open Society , la Fundación Knight ukatx Yahoo !
(trg)="6.1"> The Global Voices Citizen Media Summit 2010 has been made possible thanks to the generous support of the MacArthur Foundation , Google , Open Society Institute , Knight Foundation and Yahoo ! .

(src)="6.2"> Uka jach ’ a mayacht ’ awinakan yanapt ’ apamp waqicht ’ atawa .
(trg)="6.2"> Current major sponsors include MacArthur Foundation , Google , Open Society Institute , Knight Foundation and Yahoo !

# aym/2010_03_258.xml.gz
# en/2010_02_04_brazil-kiss-in-for-homosexual-and-abortion-rights_.xml.gz

(src)="1.2"> São Paulo Markanxa wakt ’ ayasiwayiwa aka 7ku febreru paxsi aruma saraqataru jamp ’ atisiña waljan jaqinakataki .
(trg)="2.1"> São Paulo will stop on Sunday , 7th of February , for an evening of mass kissing .

(src)="1.3"> 5q jayp ’ u saraqatatpacha , jaqinakaxa tantacht ’ asiwayapxiwa aka q ’ achi Paulista ukjamaraki Rua Augusta avenidana jamp ’ at ’ asiñataki ukjamata mä unjtasiwi uñicht ’ ayañataki mä jach ’ a ch ’ amachasiwi saykatañataki , arkatañataki aka Brasil Mark apnaqirinakaru ukjamaraki kimsiri edición del Programa Nacional de Derechos Humanos ( PNDH-3 ) ukaru .
(trg)="2.2"> From 17 : 00 , people will meet at the corner of Avenida Paulista and Rua Augusta to kiss each other in protest against resistance to the Brazilian government 's recent third edition of the National Program for Human Rights ( PNDH-3 ) .

(src)="1.4"> Augusto Bazárov , amnaqiri Twitter @ Guttto ukxa , qhanañchiwa aka wakicht ’ awita :
(trg)="2.3"> Augusto Bazárov , Twitter user @ Guttto , explains the event :

# aym/2010_03_269.xml.gz
# en/2010_02_01_global-voices-in-haiti-the-grand-rue-artists-after-the-earthquake_.xml.gz

(src)="1.1"> Global Voices Haiti Markana : Artistanakan “ Grand Rue ” Uraq Khatati Paskipana
(trg)="1.1"> Global Voices

(src)="1.2"> Aka uraq khatati Haiti Markana paskipanxa , amuyumpi jaqinakan luravinakaparu yanapt ’ añataki , Pä jilawi aka Global voices tama tuqita Khitata , aka Purto Principe tuqiru .
(trg)="1.2"> Global Voices has sent a two-person team to Port-au-Prince in the wake of the Haiti earthquake , to help support citizen media activity .

(src)="1.3"> Aknirinakawa Georgia Popplewell ukjamaraki Alice Backer akjam yanapt ’ apxi , churapxiwa nayrir yatiyawinaka kunjams jakatatapxi ukjata .
(trg)="1.3"> Georgia Popplewell and Alice Backer are also contributing firsthand reporting to our coverage of recovery efforts .

(src)="1.4"> Uñjapxam kunanakatix lurañapakix ukanaka .
(trg)="1.4"> Find out more about their assignment here .

(src)="2.1"> PUERTO PRÍNCIPE , HAITÍ 29 de enero 2010
(trg)="2.1"> PORT-AU-PRINCE , HAITI , 29 January , 2010

(src)="3.1"> Aka wali uraq khatatixa aka Puerto Principe – Haiti markan paski ukaxa , mä wali pisin jakasiñ markawa ukhamaraki mä artistanakan jakasiwipawa , uñstayapxiwa jiwa kasta lurawinaka ukjattxa .
(trg)="3.1"> Grand Rue in Port-au-Prince , Haiti , is one of the city 's most disadvantaged neighbourhoods , but also home to a vibrant community of artists who create works of art out of the discarded materials they find in their environment .