# mi/epiphany.gnome-2-28/epiphany.gnome-2-28.xml.gz
# si/epiphany.gnome-2-28/epiphany.gnome-2-28.xml.gz

(src)="s4"> http : / / www.google.nl " and " http : / / www.google.nl / search ? q = % s
(trg)="s4"> http : / / www.google.nl " and " http : / / www.google.nl / search ? q = % s

(src)="s5"> http : / / www.google.nl " and " http : / / www.google.nl / search ? q = % s
(trg)="s5"> http : / / www.google.nl " and " http : / / www.google.nl / search ? q = % s

(src)="s70"> Ngā reo
(trg)="s70"> භාෂා

(src)="s129"> Ngā tina hiahia
(trg)="s129"> අභිප ් ‍ රේත

(src)="s131"> _ Te Wāhi Noho :
(trg)="s131"> ලිපිනය ( _ A ) :

(src)="s151"> Only from sites you visit
(trg)="s151"> Only from sites you visit

(src)="s159"> _ Whakawātea
(trg)="s159"> පැහැදිලි කරන ් න ( _ e )

(src)="s164"> Reo
(trg)="s164"> භාෂාව

(src)="s171"> Ngā momotuhi
(trg)="s171"> පසුබිම

(src)="s176"> Te Rā
(trg)="s176"> දිනය ( _ D )

(src)="s187"> Whakararo % s of % s
(trg)="s187"> භාගත කිරීම ( _ D ) % s of % s

(src)="s190"> Whakararodownload status
(trg)="s190"> භාගත කිරීම ( _ D )

(src)="s192"> _ Kōnaedownload status
(trg)="s192"> download status

(src)="s194"> Te Kōnae
(trg)="s194"> ගොනුව

(src)="s195"> %
(trg)="s195"> %

(src)="s197"> Pupurifile type
(trg)="s197"> සුරකින ් න

(src)="s205"> P _ urihia Pēneitia ...
(trg)="s205"> සුරකින අයුර ... ( _ S )

(src)="s281"> related
(trg)="s281"> related

(src)="s288"> bookmarks
(trg)="s288"> ඉඩදෙන ් න ( _ A ) bookmarks

(src)="s315"> _ Tangohia
(trg)="s315"> මෙවලම ් පවරුව වෙත ගෙන යන ් න ( _ M )

(src)="s317"> _ Tangohia
(trg)="s317"> මෙචලම ් පුවරුවෙන ් ඉවත ් කරන ් න ( _ R )

(src)="s319"> _ Tangohia
(trg)="s319"> මෙවලම ් පුවරුව මකන ් න ( _ D )

(src)="s320"> Kotia te whiringa
(trg)="s320"> තෝරාගත ් මෙවලම ් පුවරුව ඉවත ් කරන ් න

(src)="s324"> Ngā whārangi
(trg)="s324"> පිළිඹිබු

(src)="s341"> Whakararofriendly time " string for the current day , strftime format. like " Today 12 : 34 am
(trg)="s341"> භාගත කිරීම ( _ D ) friendly time " string for the current day , strftime format. like " Today 12 : 34 am

(src)="s342"> friendly timeYesterday 12 : 34 am
(trg)="s342"> friendly timeYesterday 12 : 34 am

(src)="s343"> friendly timeWed 12 : 34 am
(trg)="s343"> friendly timeWed 12 : 34 am

(src)="s344"> friendly timeFeb 12 12 : 34 am
(trg)="s344"> friendly timeFeb 12 12 : 34 am

(src)="s345"> friendly timeFeb 12 1997
(trg)="s345"> friendly timeFeb 12 1997

(src)="s347"> 50 %
(trg)="s347"> 50 %

(src)="s348"> 75 %
(trg)="s348"> 75 %

(src)="s349"> 100 %
(trg)="s349"> 100 %

(src)="s350"> 125 %
(trg)="s350"> 125 %

(src)="s351"> 150 %
(trg)="s351"> 150 %

(src)="s352"> 175 %
(trg)="s352"> 175 %

(src)="s353"> 200 %
(trg)="s353"> 200 %

(src)="s354"> 300 %
(trg)="s354"> 300 %

(src)="s355"> 400 %
(trg)="s355"> 400 %

(src)="s362"> _ Kōnae
(trg)="s362"> සිරස ් තලය : ( _ T )

(src)="s363"> _ Te Wāhi Noho :
(trg)="s363"> ලිපිනය ( _ d ) :

(src)="s367"> Hou
(trg)="s367"> පුවත ්

(src)="s378"> bookmarks
(trg)="s378"> bookmarks

(src)="s379"> bookmarks
(trg)="s379"> bookmarks

(src)="s381"> Ingoa kore
(trg)="s381"> නිර ් ණාමික

(src)="s385"> _ Kōnae
(trg)="s385"> ගොනු ( _ F )

(src)="s386"> _ Whakatika
(trg)="s386"> සැකසුම ් ( _ E )

(src)="s387"> _ Titiro
(trg)="s387"> දසුන ( _ V )

(src)="s388"> _ Āwhina
(trg)="s388"> උදව ් ( _ H )

(src)="s395"> Ngā _ Āhuatanga
(trg)="s395"> වත ් කම ් ( _ P )

(src)="s401"> _ Kati
(trg)="s401"> වසන ් න ( _ C )

(src)="s403"> K _ otia
(trg)="s403"> කපන ් න ( _ t )

(src)="s404"> Kotia te whiringa
(trg)="s404"> තෝරාගත ් කොටස කපන ් න

(src)="s405"> _ Tārua
(trg)="s405"> පිටපත ් කරන ් න ( _ C )

(src)="s406"> Tārua te whiringa
(trg)="s406"> තෝරාගත ් කොටස අලවන ් න

(src)="s407"> _ Whakapiri
(trg)="s407"> අලවන ් න ( _ P )

(src)="s409"> _ Porowhiu
(trg)="s409"> මකන ් න ( _ D )

(src)="s413"> _ Huri
(trg)="s413"> අන ් තර ් ගත ( _ C )

(src)="s415"> _ Mo
(trg)="s415"> සම ් බන ් ධව ( _ A )

(src)="s448"> Ngā Kōnae
(trg)="s448"> සිරස ් තලය

(src)="s465"> _ Kitea
(trg)="s465"> සොයන ් න :

(src)="s492"> Ākuni
(trg)="s492"> අද

(src)="s494"> Te Rā
(trg)="s494"> දිනය ( _ D )

(src)="s510"> Kati
(trg)="s510"> පටිත ් ත වසන ් න

(src)="s528"> Caret
(trg)="s528"> Caret

(src)="s531"> Whakamuri
(trg)="s531"> පසු පසට ( _ B )

(src)="s534"> _ Whakamua
(trg)="s534"> ඉදිරියට ( _ F )

(src)="s536"> _ Whakamua
(trg)="s536"> ඉදිරි අතීතය

(src)="s537"> _ Runga
(trg)="s537"> යහලට ( _ U )

(src)="s541"> Tere _ Roto
(trg)="s541"> විශාලණය

(src)="s544"> _ Kāinga
(trg)="s544"> නිවස ( _ H )

(src)="s550"> _ Puta aunoa : toolbar style
(trg)="s550"> ප ් ‍ රකෘතියtoolbar style

(src)="s551"> toolbar style
(trg)="s551"> toolbar style

(src)="s552"> toolbar style
(trg)="s552"> toolbar style

(src)="s553"> toolbar style
(trg)="s553"> toolbar style

(src)="s559"> _ Kāo
(trg)="s559"> යන ් න ( _ G )

(src)="s560"> Ngā _ Pāraha
(trg)="s560"> මෙවලම ් ( _ o )

(src)="s564"> Huaki he kōnae
(trg)="s564"> ගොනුව විවෘත කරන ් න

(src)="s569"> T _ iro Tānga
(trg)="s569"> මුද ් ‍ රණ පෙර දැක ් ම ( _ v )

(src)="s570"> Tiro tānga
(trg)="s570"> මුද ් ‍ රණ පෙරදැක ් ම

(src)="s576"> _ Whakakore
(trg)="s576"> අහෝසි ( _ U )

(src)="s577"> Whakakore te mahi toenga
(trg)="s577"> අවසාන ක ් ‍ රියාව අහොසි කරන ් න

(src)="s587"> T _ iro Tānga
(trg)="s587"> පෙර සෙවුම ( _ x )

(src)="s597"> Whaka _ mutua
(trg)="s597"> නතර කරන ් න ( _ S )

(src)="s599"> _ Mahi Anō
(trg)="s599"> ප ් ‍ රතිපුරණය ( _ R )

(src)="s646"> _ Huaki
(trg)="s646"> පුරුක විවෘත කරන ් න ( _ O )

(src)="s668"> Huaki
(trg)="s668"> විවෘත කරන ් න

(src)="s669"> P _ urihia Pēneitia
(trg)="s669"> සුරකින අයුර

(src)="s670"> Tā
(trg)="s670"> මුද ් ‍ රණය

(src)="s671"> Kitea
(trg)="s671"> සොයන ් න

(src)="s677"> _ Katau
(trg)="s677"> වැඩි

(src)="s697"> Whakapiri
(trg)="s697"> මාර ් ‍ ගය :

(src)="s704"> Ingoa
(trg)="s704"> නම

(src)="s711"> Ngā Kōnae
(trg)="s711"> පළමු

(src)="s713"> Whakapiri
(trg)="s713"> අවසාන

(src)="s719"> Kati
(trg)="s719"> වසන ් න

(src)="s720"> Tiro tāngaFrench ( France ) language
(trg)="s720"> French ( France )

(src)="s721"> language
(trg)="s721"> % s ( % s ) language

# mi/epiphany.gnome-2-30/epiphany.gnome-2-30.xml.gz
# si/epiphany.gnome-2-30/epiphany.gnome-2-30.xml.gz

(src)="s4"> http : / / www.google.nl " and " http : / / www.google.nl / search ? q = % s
(trg)="s4"> http : / / www.google.nl " and " http : / / www.google.nl / search ? q = % s

(src)="s5"> http : / / www.google.nl " and " http : / / www.google.nl / search ? q = % s
(trg)="s5"> http : / / www.google.nl " and " http : / / www.google.nl / search ? q = % s

(src)="s74"> Ngā reo
(trg)="s74"> භාෂා