# he/eog.gnome-3-10/eog.gnome-3-10.xml.gz
# ts/eog.gnome-3-10/eog.gnome-3-10.xml.gz
(src)="s1"> הצגת “ _ % s ”
(trg)="s1"> Komba “ _ % s ”
(src)="s2"> ה _ זזה בסרגל כלים
(trg)="s2"> _ Fambisa eka xivandla xa switirhi
(src)="s3"> הזזת הפריט הנבחר בסרגל הכלים
(trg)="s3"> Fambisa lexi hlawuriweke eka xivandla xa switirhi
(src)="s4"> הסרה _ מסרגל כלים
(trg)="s4"> _ Susa eka xivandla xa switirhi
(src)="s5"> הסרת הפריט הנבחר מסרגל הכלים
(trg)="s5"> Susa lexi hlawuriweke eka xivandla xa switirhi
(src)="s6"> _ מחיקת סרגל כלים
(trg)="s6"> _ Susa xivandla xa switirhi
(src)="s7"> הסרת סרגל הכלים הנבחר
(trg)="s7"> Susa xivandla xa switirhi lexi hlawuriweke
(src)="s8"> קו מפריד
(trg)="s8"> Xihambanisi
(src)="s9"> _ תצוגה
(trg)="s9"> _ Vona
(src)="s10"> _ סרגל כלים
(trg)="s10"> _ Xiyenge xa switirhi
(src)="s11"> _ שורת המצב
(trg)="s11"> _ Xiyenge xa le hansi xa furemu
(src)="s12"> _ גלריית תמונות
(trg)="s12"> Xiyenge xa _ swifaniso
(src)="s13"> סרגל _ צד
(trg)="s13"> Xiyenge xa le _ tlhelo
(src)="s14"> ה _ עדפות
(trg)="s14"> Swo ti _ hlawulela
(src)="s15"> ע _ זרה
(trg)="s15"> _ Mpfuno
(src)="s16"> על _ אודות מציג התמונות
(trg)="s16"> Xikomba Swifaniso
(src)="s18"> מציג תמונות
(trg)="s18"> Xikomba Swifaniso
(src)="s19"> צפייה וסיבוב של תמונות
(trg)="s19"> Lavalava na ku hundzuluxa swifaniso
(src)="s21"> מאפייני תמונה
(trg)="s21"> Swihlawulekisi Swa Xifaniso
(src)="s22"> ה _ קודם
(trg)="s22"> Leswi nga _ hundza
(src)="s23"> ה _ בא
(trg)="s23"> Leswi _ landzelaka
(src)="s24"> שם :
(trg)="s24"> Vito :
(src)="s25"> רוחב :
(trg)="s25"> Vuanami :
(src)="s26"> גובה :
(trg)="s26"> Vulehi :
(src)="s27"> סוג :
(trg)="s27"> Muxaka :
(src)="s28"> בתים :
(trg)="s28"> Tibayiti :
(src)="s29"> תיקייה :
(trg)="s29"> Pfula folidara
(src)="s30"> כללי
(trg)="s30"> Angarhela
(src)="s31"> ערך הצמצם :
(trg)="s31"> Xilawula rivoningo :
(src)="s32"> זמן חשיפה :
(trg)="s32"> Nkarhi wo hlangana ni rivoningo :
(src)="s33"> אורך מוקד :
(trg)="s33"> Mpfhuka wo vona :
(src)="s34"> מבזק :
(trg)="s34"> Ntsayito :
(src)="s35"> דרוג מהירות ISO :
(trg)="s35"> Mpimo wa rivilo ku ya hi ISO :
(src)="s36"> שיטת מדידה :
(trg)="s36"> Mapimelo :
(src)="s37"> דגם המצלמה :
(trg)="s37"> Rixaka ra Khamera :
(src)="s38"> תאריך / שעה :
(trg)="s38"> Siku / Nkarhi :
(src)="s39"> תאור :
(trg)="s39"> Nhlamuselo :
(src)="s40"> מיקום :
(trg)="s40"> Ndhawu :
(src)="s41"> מילות מפתח :
(trg)="s41"> Marito-nkulu :
(src)="s42"> יוצר :
(trg)="s42"> Mutsari :
(src)="s43"> זכויות יוצרים :
(trg)="s43"> Timpfanelo ta mutsari :
(src)="s44"> פרטים
(trg)="s44"> Vuxokoxoko
(src)="s45"> נתוני על
(trg)="s45"> Switiviwa swa switiviwa
(src)="s46"> שמירה בשם
(trg)="s46"> Hlayisa tani hi
(src)="s47"> % f : שם הקובץ המקורי
(trg)="s47"> % f : vito ra fayili yo sungula kona
(src)="s48"> % n : מונה
(trg)="s48"> % n : xihlayi
(src)="s49"> תצורת שם קובץ :
(trg)="s49"> Malangutele ya vito va fayili :
(src)="s50"> בחירת תיקייה
(trg)="s50"> Hlawula folidara
(src)="s51"> תיקיית היעד :
(trg)="s51"> Xiyenge lexi ku yisiwaka eka xona :
(src)="s52"> מפרט נתיב הקובץ
(trg)="s52"> Swipimelo Swa Ndhawu / Ndlela Ya Fayili
(src)="s53"> התחלת המונה ב ־ :
(trg)="s53"> Sungula xihlayi eka :
(src)="s54"> החלפת רווחים בקווים תחתונים
(trg)="s54"> Pfala pfuleko exikarhi ka marito hi _
(src)="s55"> אפשרויות
(trg)="s55"> Swo tihlawulela
(src)="s56"> שינוי שם מ ־ :
(trg)="s56"> Ncinca vito kusuka eka :
(src)="s57"> אל :
(trg)="s57"> Eka :
(src)="s58"> תצוגה מקדימה של שם הקובץ
(trg)="s58"> Vona Malangutelo Ya Vito Ra Fayili
(src)="s59"> העדפות
(trg)="s59"> Swo tihlawulela
(src)="s60"> שיפורי תמונה
(trg)="s60"> Vuantswisi Bya Swifaniso
(src)="s61"> החלקת תמונות בזמן הת _ רחקות
(trg)="s61"> Rhetisa swifaniso loko swi _ ntsananisiwile
(src)="s62"> החלקת תמונות בזמן הת _ קרבות
(trg)="s62"> Rhetisa swifaniso loko swi _ kurisiwile
(src)="s63"> _ כיווניות אוטומטית
(trg)="s63"> _ Matshamelo hi woxe
(src)="s64"> רקע
(trg)="s64"> Xitandzhaku
(src)="s65"> כצבע מותאם אישית :
(trg)="s65"> Tani hi muhlovo wo tihlawulela :
(src)="s66"> צבע הרקע
(trg)="s66"> Muvala wa le Hansi
(src)="s67"> חלקים שקופים
(trg)="s67"> Swiyenge leswi vonikelaka
(src)="s68"> כ _ תבנית משבצות
(trg)="s68"> Tani hi mavala ya _ cheke / swibokisana
(src)="s69"> כ _ צבע מותאם אישית
(trg)="s69"> Tani hi _ muhlovo wo tihlawulela :
(src)="s70"> צבע לאזורים השקופים
(trg)="s70"> Muhlovo wa swiyenge leswi vonikelaka
(src)="s71"> כ _ רקע
(trg)="s71"> Tani hi muvala wa le _ hansi
(src)="s72"> תצוגת תמונה
(trg)="s72"> Kombiso Wa Xifaniso
(src)="s73"> תקריב תמונה
(trg)="s73"> Ntshineto Wa Xifaniso
(src)="s74"> ה _ רחבת תמונות להתאמה למסך
(trg)="s74"> _ Kurisa swifaniso ku ringanela nkombiso
(src)="s75"> רצף
(trg)="s75"> Landzelelana
(src)="s77"> _ רצף לולאה
(trg)="s77"> _ Ku ncinca ka ku landzelelana
(src)="s78"> מצגת
(trg)="s78"> Nkombiso wo ncinca-ncinca
(src)="s79"> תוספים
(trg)="s79"> Switirhi swa engetelo
(src)="s80"> Automatic orientation
(trg)="s80"> Ku hlawula matshamelo hi xoxe
(src)="s81"> Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation .
(trg)="s81"> Loko kuri xifaniso xita jikisiwa ya hi matshamelo ya EXIF
(src)="s82"> The color that is used to fill the area behind the image . If the use-background-color key is not set , the color is determined by the active GTK + theme instead .
(trg)="s82"> Muhlovo lowu tirhisiwaka eka xiyenge xele ndzhaku xa xifaniso . Loko muhlovo wale hansi wu nga boxiwanga , muhlovo wu kumeka eka muhlovo wa GTK + leyi nga ku tirhisiweni .
(src)="s83"> Interpolate Image
(trg)="s83"> Hlahluvela vululu bya xifaniso
(src)="s84"> Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out . This leads to better quality but is somewhat slower than non-interpolated images .
(trg)="s84"> Loko kuri vukulu bya xifaniso byi hlahluveriwa loko xi tshinetiwa endzaku . Leswi swi antswisa xifani , kambe swi nga teka nkarhi ku tlula swifaniso swin 'wana leswi hlahluveriweke vukulu .
(src)="s85"> Extrapolate Image
(trg)="s85"> Vhubha vukulu bya xifaniso
(src)="s86"> Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in . This leads to blurry quality and is somewhat slower than non-extrapolated images .
(trg)="s86"> Loko kuri vukulu bya xifaniso byi nga vhubhiwa endzaku ka ntshineto . Leswi swi endla xifaniso yi nga vonakali kahle , xi teka nkarhi ku tlula swifaniso swin 'wana swo fana .
(src)="s87"> Transparency indicator
(trg)="s87"> Xiyimela muhlovo wo vonikela
(src)="s88"> Determines how transparency should be indicated . Valid values are CHECK _ PATTERN , COLOR and NONE . If COLOR is chosen , then the trans-color key determines the color value used .
(trg)="s88"> Kuma ndlela leyi ku vonikela ku nga ta kombisiwaka ha kona . Ku pfumeleriwa ntsena CHECK _ PATTERN , COLOR kumbe NONE . Loko COLOR yi hlawuriwile , xiphemu lexi yimelaka ku vonikela xi tirhisiwa ku kuma muhlovo .
(src)="s89"> Scroll wheel zoom
(trg)="s89"> Ntshineto hi vhilwa ra mawusi
(src)="s90"> Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming .
(trg)="s90"> Loko kuri vhilwa ra xikondlwana / mawusi rita tirhisiwa ku kurisa .
(src)="s91"> Zoom multiplier
(trg)="s91"> Nhlayo yo kurisa
(src)="s92"> The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming . This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event . For example , 0.05 results in a 5 % zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in a 100 % zoom increment .
(trg)="s92"> Nhlayo ya nkuriso yi ta tirhisiwa loko ku tirhisiwa mawusu ku tshineta . Nhlayo leyi komba ku hambana ka nkuriso leyi landzelelanaka . Xikombiso : 0.05 yi endla nkuriso hi 5 % eka fambiso wa vhilwa ra mawusu , 1.00 yi endla nkuriso hi 100 % .
(src)="s93"> Transparency color
(trg)="s93"> Muhlovo wo vonikela
(src)="s94"> If the transparency key has the value COLOR , then this key determines the color which is used for indicating transparency .
(trg)="s94"> Loko xivandla xa vunikelo xi ri COLOR , xi tirhisiwa ku kuma muhlovo lowu nga ta tirhisa tani hi ku vonikela .
(src)="s95"> Use a custom background color
(trg)="s95"> Tirhisa muhlovo wa le hansi wo tihlawulela
(src)="s96"> If this is active , the color set by the background-color key will be used to fill the area behind the image . If it is not set , the current GTK + theme will determine the fill color .
(trg)="s96"> Loko lexi xi pfuriwile , muhlovo wale hansi wu ta tirhisa ku funengetaka xiyenge xa le ndzhaku xa xifaniso . Loko muhlovo wale hansi wu nga boxiwanga , ku ta tirhisiwa muhlovo wa GTK + wa nkhaviso .
(src)="s97"> Loop through the image sequence
(trg)="s97"> Fambisa endzeni ka nxaxameto wa swifaniso leswi landzelelanaka
(src)="s98"> Whether the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop .
(trg)="s98"> Loko kuri swifaniso leswi landzelelanaka swi ta kombiwa hi laha ku nga heriki .
(src)="s99"> Allow zoom greater than 100 % initially
(trg)="s99"> Pfumelela nkuriso lowu hundzaka 100 % emasunguleni
(src)="s100"> If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the screen initially .
(trg)="s100"> Loko ku boxiwile FALSE swifaniso leswi ntsongo a swi nge tsanyusiwi ku ringanela eka nkombiso .
(src)="s101"> Delay in seconds until showing the next image
(trg)="s101"> Yimanyana hi tisekene u nga si komba xifaniso lexi landzelaka
(src)="s102"> A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until the next one is shown automatically . Zero disables the automatic browsing .
(trg)="s102"> Nhlanyo leyi kulu ka 0 yi komba nkarhi lowu xifaniso xi nga ta tshama eka nkombiso ku nga si nghena xin 'wanyana hi xoxe . Tandza ri sivela ku ncinca ka xifaniso hi xoxe .
(src)="s103"> Show / Hide the window toolbar .
(trg)="s103"> Komba / Tumbeta xiyenge xa switirhi .