# gv/epiphany.gnome-2-30/epiphany.gnome-2-30.xml.gz
# mi/epiphany.gnome-2-30/epiphany.gnome-2-30.xml.gz

(src)="s4"> Shirrey yn eddyr-voggylhttp : / / www.google.nl " and " http : / / www.google.nl / search ? q = % s
(trg)="s4"> http : / / www.google.nl " and " http : / / www.google.nl / search ? q = % s

(src)="s5"> http : / / www.google.comhttp : / / www.google.nl " and " http : / / www.google.nl / search ? q = % s
(trg)="s5"> http : / / www.google.nl " and " http : / / www.google.nl / search ? q = % s

(src)="s68"> Coadagh cadjin
(trg)="s68"> Ngā kōnae XML

(src)="s74"> Chengaghyn
(trg)="s74"> Ngā reo

(src)="s130"> _ Teisht :
(trg)="s130"> Ngā _ Āhuatanga

(src)="s133"> Reihghyn
(trg)="s133"> Ngā tina hiahia

(src)="s135"> _ Enmys :
(trg)="s135"> _ Te Wāhi Noho :

(src)="s155">Just _jeh ny ynnydyn eggey t'ow goll erOnly from sites you visit
(trg)="s155"> Only from sites you visit

(src)="s157">_Ny jean riaue lowit
(trg)="s157"> _ Whakakāhoretia

(src)="s158"> Fockle follityn
(trg)="s158"> Ngā hiku

(src)="s163">Do_ll magh
(trg)="s163"> _ Whakawātea

(trg)="s166"> _ Puta aunoa :

(trg)="s167"> Ngā reo

(trg)="s168"> Reo

(src)="s171"> Framey Framey
(trg)="s171"> Ngā hiku

(trg)="s175"> Ngā momotuhi

(src)="s178"> Chassan
(trg)="s178"> Ngā hiku

(src)="s179">Earroo dy _duillagheyn
(trg)="s179"> Whārangi % u

(trg)="s180"> Te Rā

(trg)="s181"> Ngā pane

(src)="s184">_Soilshaghey ny stoo laadey neose
(trg)="s184"> Whakararo

(trg)="s187"> _ Whakapiri

(src)="s188">_Goll er
(trg)="s188"> _ Tangohia

(src)="s191">Stoo laadey neose Jeant%s of %s
(trg)="s191"> Whakararo % s of % s

(src)="s194">Laadey neose goll toshiaghtdownload status
(trg)="s194"> Whakararodownload status

(src)="s196">Cha row eh gobragheydownload status
(trg)="s196"> _ Kōnaedownload status

(trg)="s198"> Te Kōnae

(trg)="s199"> %

(src)="s200">Dy goll
(trg)="s200"> Kupu tūpato

(src)="s201">Sauailfile type
(trg)="s201"> Pupurifile type

(src)="s205">Foshley yn Coadan shoh
(trg)="s205"> Huaki he kōnae

(src)="s274">Unicode (UTF-_8)
(trg)="s274"> UTF-8 koremana

(src)="s285">Heear (_Windows-1252)related
(trg)="s285"> related

(trg)="s292"> bookmarks

(src)="s305">%s Coadanyn
(trg)="s305"> Te Kōnae

(trg)="s316"> TE KONAE

(src)="s322">_Gleashageyr er yn barrgreie
(trg)="s322"> _ Tangohia

(src)="s324">_Doll magh vosih barrgreie
(trg)="s324"> _ Tangohia

(src)="s326">_Doll magh yn barrgreie
(trg)="s326"> _ Tangohia

(src)="s327">Doll magh yn barrgreie reih't
(trg)="s327"> Kotia te whiringa

(trg)="s331"> Ngā whārangi

(src)="s353">_Laadey neosefriendly time" string for the current day, strftime format. like "Today 12:34 am
(trg)="s353"> Whakararofriendly time " string for the current day , strftime format. like " Today 12 : 34 am

(src)="s354">Jiu %I:%M %pfriendly timeYesterday 12:34 am
(trg)="s354"> friendly timeYesterday 12 : 34 am

(src)="s355">jea %I:%M %pfriendly timeWed 12:34 am
(trg)="s355"> friendly timeWed 12 : 34 am

(src)="s356">%a %I:%M %pfriendly timeFeb 12 12:34 am
(trg)="s356"> friendly timeFeb 12 12 : 34 am

(src)="s357">%b %d %I:%M %pfriendly timeFeb 12 1997
(trg)="s357"> friendly timeFeb 12 1997

(trg)="s359"> 50 %

(trg)="s360"> 75 %

(trg)="s361"> 100 %

(trg)="s362"> 125 %

(trg)="s363"> 150 %

(trg)="s364"> 175 %

(trg)="s365"> 200 %

(trg)="s366"> 300 %

(trg)="s367"> 400 %

(src)="s369">Geaddyn rea
(trg)="s369"> _ Whakawātea

(src)="s373">"%s" Reihghyn
(trg)="s373"> Ngā Āhuatanga % s

(trg)="s374"> _ Kōnae

(trg)="s375"> _ Te Wāhi Noho :

(trg)="s376"> Ngā _ Kaupapa :

(trg)="s379"> Hou

(trg)="s382"> Pupuri

(src)="s388">Cur lioarvark noa er?bookmarks
(trg)="s388"> bookmarks

(src)="s390">Cur shillit er chooid smoobookmarks
(trg)="s390"> bookmarks

(src)="s391">Cha nel lesh Rhenk.bookmarks
(trg)="s391"> bookmarks

(src)="s393">Gyn ennym
(trg)="s393"> Ingoa kore

(trg)="s397"> _ Kōnae

(trg)="s398"> _ Whakatika

(trg)="s399"> _ Titiro

(trg)="s400"> _ Āwhina

(src)="s405">_Caghlaa yn ennym
(trg)="s405"> _ Whakakapia ...

(trg)="s407"> Ngā _ Āhuatanga

(trg)="s413"> _ Kati

(trg)="s415"> K _ otia

(src)="s416">Giarrey ny reihghyn
(trg)="s416"> Kotia te whiringa

(src)="s417">_Jean Coip
(trg)="s417"> _ Tārua

(src)="s418">Jeannoo coip jeh ny reihghyn
(trg)="s418"> Tārua te whiringa

(src)="s419">_Cur stiagh
(trg)="s419"> _ Whakapiri

(src)="s421">_Doll magh
(trg)="s421"> _ Porowhiu

(trg)="s425"> _ Huri

(trg)="s427"> _ Mo

(src)="s429">_Soilshaghey er barrgreie
(trg)="s429"> _ Tangohia

(trg)="s431"> _ Kōnae

(src)="s439">_Doll magh yn coosih
(trg)="s439"> _ Porowhiu

(src)="s446">Cha ren yn Cur stiagh Gobbraghey
(trg)="s446"> _ Kōnae

(trg)="s459"> _ Tihi

(trg)="s460"> Ngā Kōnae

(src)="s463">Fosley yn lioarvark shoh ayns tab noa
(trg)="s463"> Huaki he kōnae

(trg)="s468"> _ Tihi

(trg)="s471"> _ Huaki ...

(trg)="s477"> _ Kitea

(src)="s479">Feddyn yn fer's jerree
(trg)="s479"> T _ iro Tānga

(src)="s481">Feddyn yn fer er oaie
(trg)="s481"> Kitea

(src)="s490">Doll magh yn kiangley shennaghys reuht
(trg)="s490"> Kotia te whiringa

(trg)="s496"> Te Wāhi Noho

(trg)="s504"> Ākuni

(trg)="s505"> Ngā Kōnae

(trg)="s506"> Te Rā

(src)="s509">Fosley ayns uinnag jeaghydeyr eddyr-voggyl noa
(trg)="s509"> Huaki he kōnae

(src)="s522">Dooiney yn tab
(trg)="s522"> Kati