# eo/epiphany.gnome-3-0/epiphany.gnome-3-0.xml.gz
# gv/epiphany.gnome-3-0/epiphany.gnome-3-0.xml.gz

(src)="s1"> Retaj legosignoj de Epiphany
(trg)="s1"> Epiphany Liorvarkyn eddyr-voggyl

(src)="s2"> Retaj legosignoj
(trg)="s2"> Lioarvarkyn eddyr-voggyl

(src)="s3"> Foliumi kaj ordigi viajn legosignojn
(trg)="s3"> Browse and organize your bookmarks

(src)="s4"> Serĉi en la retohttp : / / www.google.nl " and " http : / / www.google.nl / search ? q = % s
(trg)="s4"> Shirrey yn eddyr-voggylhttp : / / www.google.nl " and " http : / / www.google.nl / search ? q = % s

(src)="s5"> http : / / www.google.com / intl / eo / http : / / www.google.nl " and " http : / / www.google.nl / search ? q = % s
(trg)="s5"> http : / / www.google.comhttp : / / www.google.nl " and " http : / / www.google.nl / search ? q = % s

(src)="s7"> Epiphany
(trg)="s7"> Epiphany

(src)="s8"> Retumilo
(trg)="s8"> Jeeagheyder Eddyr-voggyl

(src)="s9"> Retumilo Epiphany
(trg)="s9"> Epiphany Jeeagheyder Eddyr-voggyl

(src)="s10"> Foliumi la reton
(trg)="s10"> Jeeagh trooid yn eddyr-voggyl

(src)="s11"> Sendita al
(trg)="s11"> Currit magh Dys

(src)="s12"> Komuna nomo :
(trg)="s12"> Ennym Cadjin :

(src)="s13"> Organizo :
(trg)="s13"> Reagheydys

(src)="s14"> Organiza fako :
(trg)="s14"> Unnid Reagheydys :

(src)="s15"> Numero :
(trg)="s15"> Earroo straihagh :

(src)="s16"> Sendita de
(trg)="s16"> Currit magh liorish

(src)="s17"> Valideco
(trg)="s17"> Shickyrys

(src)="s18"> Sendita je :
(trg)="s18"> Currit magh Er :

(src)="s19"> Finiĝas je :
(trg)="s19"> Cheet gys jerrey Er :

(src)="s20"> Fingrospuroj
(trg)="s20"> Mairlaf

(src)="s21"> SHA1 Fingrospuro :
(trg)="s21"> Mairlaf SHA1 :

(src)="s22"> MD5 Fingrospuro :
(trg)="s22"> Mairlaf MD5 :

(src)="s23"> Ĝenerala
(trg)="s23"> Cadjin

(src)="s24"> _ Hierarkio de la atesto
(trg)="s24"> Teisht _ Keimoilaght

(src)="s25"> _ Kampoj de la atesto
(trg)="s25"> Magher _ Teisht

(src)="s26"> _ Valoro de la kampo
(trg)="s26"> Towse _ Marghey

(src)="s27"> Detaloj
(trg)="s27"> Mynphointyn

(src)="s28"> Personaj datenoj
(trg)="s28"> Fysseree persoonagh

(src)="s29"> Kuketoj
(trg)="s29"> Brishtagyn

(src)="s30"> _ Montri pasvortojn
(trg)="s30"> _ Soilshaghey ny Fockle Follit

(src)="s31"> Pasvortoj
(trg)="s31"> Fockle follityn

(src)="s32"> Vakigi ĉiujn ...
(trg)="s32"> Geaddyn reh _ lesh dy choilley red

(src)="s33"> Signokodo de la teksto
(trg)="s33"> Coadagh Teks

(src)="s34"> _ Aŭtomata
(trg)="s34"> Hene

(src)="s35"> Uzi la signokodon indikitan en la dokumento
(trg)="s35"> Jannoo ymmyd jeh yn coadagh reiht jeh yn docmaid

(src)="s36"> _ Uzi alian signokodon :
(trg)="s36"> _ Jannoo ymmyd jeh coadagh elley :

(src)="s39"> _ Atesto
(trg)="s39"> _ Teisht :

(src)="s40"> _ Pasvorto :
(trg)="s40"> _ Fockle follit :

(src)="s41"> _ Montri ateston # x2026 ;
(trg)="s41"> _ Soilshaghey Teisht # x2026 ;

(src)="s42"> Agordoj
(trg)="s42"> Reihghyn

(src)="s43"> Hejmpaĝo
(trg)="s43"> Ynnyd Eggey Thaie

(src)="s44"> _ Adreso :
(trg)="s44"> _ Enmys :

(src)="s45"> Uzi la nunan _ paĝon
(trg)="s45"> Cur er duillag _ troa

(src)="s46"> Uzi _ malplenan paĝon
(trg)="s46"> Cur er _ duillag Follym

(src)="s47"> Elŝutoj
(trg)="s47"> Stoo laadey neose

(src)="s48"> _ Elŝut-dosierujo :
(trg)="s48"> _ Coodagh stoo laadit neose :

(src)="s49"> Aŭ _ tomate elŝutu kaj Malfermi dosierojn
(trg)="s49"> Laadey neose coadanyn as foshil coadanyn H _ ene

(src)="s50"> Tiparoj
(trg)="s50"> Chassan

(src)="s51"> _ Uzi sistemtiparojn
(trg)="s51"> Jeannoo ymmyd jeh 'n tobbyr vashtee ayd 's

(src)="s55"> Stilo
(trg)="s55"> Chassan

(src)="s56"> Uzi akomoditan _ stilfolion
(trg)="s56"> Jannoo ymmyd jeh _ duillagaght

(src)="s57"> R _ edakti stilfolion # x2026 ;
(trg)="s57"> _ Caghlaa Duillagaght # x2026 ;

(src)="s58"> Tiparoj & stiloj
(trg)="s58"> Tobbyr vashtee & Aght

(src)="s59"> Reta enhavo
(trg)="s59"> Stoo Eddyr-voggyl

(src)="s60"> Ebligu ŝprucfenestrojn
(trg)="s60"> Lhiggey da _ uinnagheyn frap heose

(src)="s61"> Ens ̂ alti _ kromaĵojn
(trg)="s61"> Cur kied da _ Pluginyn

(src)="s62"> Ebligu Java _ Script
(trg)="s62"> Cur kied da Java _ Script

(src)="s63"> Kuketoj
(trg)="s63"> Brishtaghyn

(src)="s64"> Ĉiam _ akceptu
(trg)="s64"> _ Lowit da dagh traa

(src)="s65"> Nur _ el la vizititaj ttt-ejojOnly from sites you visit
(trg)="s65"> Just _ jeh ny ynnydyn eggey t 'ow goll erOnly from sites you visit

(src)="s67"> _ Neniam akceptu
(trg)="s67"> _ Ny jean riaue lowit

(src)="s68"> Pasvortoj
(trg)="s68"> Fockle follityn

(src)="s69"> _ Memoru pasvortojn
(trg)="s69"> _ Cooinaghtyn ny Fockle follit

(src)="s70"> Portempaj dosieroj
(trg)="s70"> Coadanyn Tammyltagh

(src)="s71"> _ Diskspaco :
(trg)="s71"> _ Boayl Disk :

(src)="s72"> MB
(trg)="s72"> MB

(src)="s73"> For _ viŝi
(trg)="s73"> Do _ ll magh

(src)="s74"> Konfidenceco
(trg)="s74"> preevaadjys

(src)="s75"> Signokodoj
(trg)="s75"> Coadagh

(src)="s76"> De _ faŭlto :
(trg)="s76"> Ca _ djin

(src)="s77"> Lingvoj
(trg)="s77"> Chengaghyn

(src)="s78"> Lingvo
(trg)="s78"> Chengey

(src)="s79"> Aldoni lingvon
(trg)="s79"> Cur Chengey Elley Er

(src)="s80"> Elektu _ lingvon :
(trg)="s80"> Reih C _ hengey :

(src)="s81"> Kadroj
(trg)="s81"> Framey

(src)="s83"> _ Nur la elektita kadro
(trg)="s83">Just ny framey reiht

(src)="s84"> Ĉiu _ kadro aparte
(trg)="s84">_Dagh oilley framey nane lurg nane

(src)="s85"> Fono

(src)="s86"> Printu fonajn k _ olorojn
(trg)="s86">Prental d_aaghyn cooylrey

(src)="s87"> Printu fonajn _ bildojn
(trg)="s87">Prental J_alloyn cooylreyr

(src)="s88"> Piedlinioj
(trg)="s88"> Chassan

(src)="s89"> _ Numeroj de paĝoj
(trg)="s89">Earroo dy _duillagheyn

(src)="s90"> _ Dato

(src)="s91"> Ĉapoj

(src)="s92"> Titolo de la p _ aĝo
(trg)="s92">Enmey d_uillag

(src)="s93"> Adreso de la paĝofile type
(trg)="s93">_Enmys Ynnyd eggeyfile type

(src)="s94"> Nekonatedownload status
(trg)="s94">Cha nel fysdownload status

(src)="s98"> Sendi retmesaĝon al “ % s ”
(trg)="s98">Cur chaghteragh email dys "%s"

(src)="s99"> Araba ( _ IBM-864 )
(trg)="s99"> Arabish (_IBM-864)

(src)="s100"> Araba ( ISO- _ 8859-6 )
(trg)="s100"> Arabish (ISO-_8859-6)

(src)="s101"> Araba ( _ MacArabic )
(trg)="s101">Arabish (_ArabishMac)

(src)="s102"> Araba ( _ Windows-1256 )
(trg)="s102">Arabish (_Windows-1256)

(src)="s103"> Balta ( _ ISO-8859-13 )
(trg)="s103">Baltagh (_ISO-8859-13)

(src)="s104"> Balta ( I _ SO-8859-4 )
(trg)="s104">Baltagh (I_SO-8859-4)

(src)="s105"> Balta ( _ Windows-1257 )
(trg)="s105">Baltagh (_Windows-1257)

(src)="s106"> _ Armena ( ARMSCII-8 )
(trg)="s106">_Armeanagh (ARMSCII-8)

(src)="s108"> Centreŭropa ( _ IBM-852 )
(trg)="s108">Europey Meanagh

(src)="s109"> Centreŭropa ( I _ SO-8859-2 )
(trg)="s109">Europey Meanagh (I_SO-8859-2)

(src)="s110"> Centreŭropa ( _ MacCE )
(trg)="s110">Europey veanagh (_MacCE)

(src)="s111"> Centreŭropa ( _ Windows-1250 )
(trg)="s111">Europey Meanagh (_Windows-1250)

(src)="s112"> Simpligita ĉina ( _ GB18030 )
(trg)="s112">Sheenish Aashagh (_GB18030)