# en_GB/adwaita-icon-theme.gnome-3-10/adwaita-icon-theme.gnome-3-10.xml.gz
# gd/adwaita-icon-theme.gnome-3-10/adwaita-icon-theme.gnome-3-10.xml.gz
(src)="s1"> GNOME
(trg)="s1"> GNOME
(src)="s2"> Default GNOME Theme
(trg)="s2"> Ùrlar GNOME bunaiteach
# en_GB/adwaita-icon-theme.gnome-3-12/adwaita-icon-theme.gnome-3-12.xml.gz
# gd/adwaita-icon-theme.gnome-3-12/adwaita-icon-theme.gnome-3-12.xml.gz
(src)="s1"> GNOME
(trg)="s1"> GNOME
(src)="s2"> Default GNOME Theme
(trg)="s2"> Ùrlar GNOME bunaiteach
# en_GB/adwaita-icon-theme.master/adwaita-icon-theme.master.xml.gz
# gd/adwaita-icon-theme.master/adwaita-icon-theme.master.xml.gz
(src)="s26"> Default GNOME Theme
(trg)="s4"> Ùrlar GNOME bunaiteach
# en_GB/brasero.gnome-3-10/brasero.gnome-3-10.xml.gz
# gd/brasero.gnome-3-10/brasero.gnome-3-10.xml.gz
(src)="s1"> Brasero
(trg)="s1"> Brasero
(src)="s2"> Disc Burner and Copier
(trg)="s2"> Inneal losgadh is lethbhreac dhiosgan
(src)="s3"> Create and copy CDs and DVDs
(trg)="s3"> Cruthaich is dèan lethbhreac dhe CDan is DVDan
(src)="s5"> Brasero Disc Burner
(trg)="s5"> Loisgeadair dhiosgan Brasero
(src)="s6"> Open a New Window
(trg)="s6"> Fosgail uinneag ùr
(src)="s7"> Burn an Image File
(trg)="s7"> Loisg faidhle ìomhaighe
(src)="s8"> Create an Audio Project
(trg)="s8"> Cruthaich pròiseact fuaime
(src)="s9"> Create a Video Project
(trg)="s9"> Cruthaich pròiseact video
(src)="s10"> Brasero project file
(trg)="s10"> Faidhle pròiseict Brasero
(src)="s11"> Should Nautilus extension output debug statements
(trg)="s11"> Co-dhiù an dèan an leudachan Nautilus aithris dì-bhugachaidh
(src)="s12"> Should Nautilus extension output debug statements . The value should be set to true if it should .
(trg)="s12"> Co-dhiù an dèan an leudachan Nautilus aithris dì-bhugachaidh . Cuir an luach air " true " ma tha thu ga h-iarraidh .
(src)="s13"> The type of checksum used for images
(trg)="s13"> An seòrsa de dh 'àireamh dhearbhaidh a thèid a chleachdadh airson ìomhaighean
(src)="s14"> Set to 0 for MD5 , 1 for SHA1 or 2 for SHA256
(trg)="s14"> Suidhich seo air 0 airson MD5 , 1 airson SHA1 is 2 airson SHA256
(src)="s15"> The type of checksum used for files
(trg)="s15"> An seòrsa de dh 'àireamh dhearbhaidh a thèid a chleachdadh airson faidhlichean
(src)="s16"> Directory to use for temporary files
(trg)="s16"> Am pasgan a thèid a chleachdadh airson faidhlichean sealach
(src)="s17"> Contains the path to the directory where Brasero should store temporary files . If that value is empty , the default directory set for GLib will be used .
(trg)="s17"> Seo an t-slighe dhan phasgan a chleachdas brasero gus faidhlichean sealach a ghlèidheadh . Ma tha an luach falamh , thèid am pasgan bunaiteach aig glib a chleachdadh .
(src)="s18"> Favourite burn engine
(trg)="s18"> An t-inneal losgaidh as annsa leat
(src)="s19"> Contains the name of the favourite burn engine suite installed . It will be used if possible .
(trg)="s19"> Seo ainm a ' phrògraim losgaidh as annsa leat a chaidh a stàladh . Thèid a chleachdadh ma ghabhas seo dèanamh .
(src)="s20"> White list of additional plugins to use
(trg)="s20"> Geal-liosta nam plugan eile ri an cleachdadh
(src)="s21"> Contains the list of additional plugins Brasero will use to burn discs . If set to NULL , Brasero will load them all .
(trg)="s21"> Seo an liosta dhe na plugain eile a chleachdas brasero gus diosgan a loisg . Mas e " NULL " a th ' ann , luchdaichidh Brasero a h-uile gin dhiubh .
(src)="s22"> Enable the " -immed " flag with cdrecord
(trg)="s22"> Cuir an comas a ' bhratach " -immed " le cdrecord
(src)="s23"> Whether to use the " -immed " flag with cdrecord . Use with caution ( set to True ) as it 's only a workaround for some drives / setups .
(trg)="s23"> Co-dhiù an tèid a ' bhratach " -immed " a chleachdadh le cdrecord . Cleachd gu faiceallach e ( ' s e air " true " ) on nach e ach oidhirp càraidh a th ' ann airson cuid a dhraibhean / rèiteachaidhean .
(src)="s24"> Whether to use the " -use-the-force-luke = dao " flag with growisofs
(trg)="s24"> Co-dhiù an tèid a ' bhratach " -use-the-force-luke = dao " a chleachdadh le growisofs .
(src)="s25"> Whether to use the " -use-the-force-luke = dao " flag with growisofs . Set to False , Brasero won 't use it ; it may be a workaround for some drives / setups .
(trg)="s25"> Co-dhiù an tèid a ' bhratach " -use-the-force-luke = dao " a chleachdadh le growisofs . Mas e " false " a th ' ann cha chleachd brasero e ; dh 'fhaoidte gun càraich a ' bhratach seo duilgheadasan le cuid a dhraibhean / rèiteachaidhean .
(src)="s26"> Used in conjunction with the " -immed " flag with cdrecord
(trg)="s26"> Ga chleachdadh còmhla ris a ' bhratach " -immed " le cdrecord
(src)="s27"> Used in conjunction with the " -immed " flag with cdrecord
(trg)="s27"> Ga chleachdadh còmhla ris a ' bhratach " -immed " le cdrecord .
(src)="s28"> Whether to use the " --driver generic-mmc-raw " flag with cdrdao
(trg)="s28"> Co-dhiù an tèid a bhratach " --driver generic-mmc-raw " a chleachdadh le cdrdao
(src)="s29"> Whether to use the " --driver generic-mmc-raw " flag with cdrdao . Set to True , Brasero will use it ; it may be a workaround for some drives / setups .
(trg)="s29"> Co-dhiù an tèid a bhratach " --driver generic-mmc-raw " a chleachdadh le cdrdao . Mas e " true " a th ' ann cleachdaidh brasero e ; dh 'fhaoidte gun càraich a ' bhratach seo duilgheadasan le cuid a dhraibhean / rèiteachaidhean .
(src)="s30"> The last browsed folder while looking for images to burn
(trg)="s30"> Am pasgan mu dheireadh a bhrabhsaich thu fhad ' s a bha thu a ' lorg airson ìomhaighean ri an losgadh
(src)="s31"> Contains the absolute path of the directory that was last browsed for images to burn
(trg)="s31"> Seo an t-slighe absaloideach dhan phasgan mu dheireadh a chaidh a bhrabhsadh airson ìomhaighean ri an losgadh
(src)="s32"> Enable file preview
(trg)="s32"> Cuir ro-shealladh fhaidhlichean an comas
(src)="s33"> Whether to display file preview . Set to true to use it .
(trg)="s33"> Co-dhiù an tèid ro-shealladh air na faidhlichean a shealltainn . Suidhich air " true " e gus a chleachdadh .
(src)="s34"> Should brasero filter hidden files
(trg)="s34"> Co-dhiù an criathraich brasero faidhlichean falaichte air falbh
(src)="s35"> Should brasero filter hidden files . Set to true , brasero will filter hidden files .
(trg)="s35"> Co-dhiù an dèan brasero criathradh air faidhlichean falaichte . Mas e " true " a th ' ann , thèid na faidhlichean falaichte a chriathradh air falbh .
(src)="s36"> Replace symbolic links by their targets
(trg)="s36"> Cuir an cinn-uidhe an àite nan ceanglaichean samhlachail
(src)="s37"> Should brasero replace symbolic links by their target files in the project . Set to true , brasero will replace symbolic links .
(trg)="s37"> Co-dhiù an cuir brasero an cinn-uidhe an àite nan ceanglaichean samhlachail sa phròiseact . Mas e " true " a th ' ann , thèid an cur ' nan àite .
(src)="s38"> Should brasero filter broken symbolic links
(trg)="s38"> Co-dhiù an criathraich brasero ceanglaichean samhlachail briste
(src)="s39"> Should brasero filter broken symbolic links . Set to true , brasero will filter broken symbolic links .
(trg)="s39"> Co-dhiù an criathraich brasero ceanglaichean samhlachail briste air falbh . Mas e " true " a th ' ann , thèid na ceanglaichean samhlachail briste a chriathradh air falbh le brasero .
(src)="s40"> The priority value for the plugin
(trg)="s40"> Luach a ' phrìomhachais airson a ' phlugain
(src)="s41"> When several plugins are available for the same task , this value is used to determine which plugin should be given priority . 0 means the plugin 's native priority is used . A positive value overrides the plugin 's native priority . A negative value disables the plugin .
(trg)="s41"> Nuair a bhios iomadh plugan ri làimh airson an aon saothair , thèid an luach seo a chleachdadh airson suidheachadh dè am plugan a gheibh prìomhachas . Is ciall dha 0 gun tèid prìomhachas tùsail a ' plugain a chleachdadh . Tar-àithnidh luach dearbh sam bith prìomhachas tùsail a ' plugain . Cuiridh luach àicheil am plugan à comas .
(src)="s42"> Burning flags to be used
(trg)="s42"> Brataich losgaidh ri an cleachdadh
(src)="s43"> This value represents the burning flags that were used in such a context the last time .
(trg)="s43"> Riochdaichidh an luach seo na brataich losgaidh a chaidh a chleachdadh ann an co-theacs dhen leithid an turas mu dheireadh .
(src)="s44"> The speed to be used
(trg)="s44"> An luaths ri chleachdadh
(src)="s45"> This value represents the speed that was used in such a context the last time .
(trg)="s45"> Riochdaichidh an luach seo an luaths a chaidh a chleachdadh ann an co-theacs dhen leithid an turas mu dheireadh .
(src)="s46"> Error while blanking .
(trg)="s46"> Mearachd rè a ' bhànachaidh .
(src)="s47"> Blank _ Again
(trg)="s47"> Bànaich _ a-rithist
(src)="s48"> Unknown error .
(trg)="s48"> Mearachd neo-aithnichte .
(src)="s49"> The disc was successfully blanked .
(trg)="s49"> Chaidh an diosga a bhànachadh .
(src)="s50"> The disc is ready for use .
(trg)="s50"> Cha an diosga deiseil airson a chleachdadh .
(src)="s51"> _ Blank
(trg)="s51"> _ Bànaich
(src)="s52"> _ Fast blanking
(trg)="s52"> Bànachadh _ luath
(src)="s53"> Activate fast blanking , as opposed to a longer , thorough blanking
(trg)="s53"> Cuir an gnìomh bànachadh luath seach mion-bhànachadh a bheir barrachd ùine
(src)="s54"> Disc Blanking
(trg)="s54"> A ' bànachadh diosga
(src)="s55"> Burning CD / DVD
(trg)="s55"> A ' losgadh CD / DVD
(src)="s56"> The drive is busy
(trg)="s56"> Tha an draibh trang
(src)="s57"> Make sure another application is not using it
(trg)="s57"> Dèan cinnteach nach eil aplacaid eile ga chleachdadh
(src)="s58"> " % s " cannot be unlocked
(trg)="s58"> Chan urrainn dhuinn a ' ghlais a thoirt far " % s "
(src)="s59"> No burner specified
(trg)="s59"> Cha deach loisgeadair a shònrachadh
(src)="s60"> No source drive specified
(trg)="s60"> Cha deach draibh an tùis a shònrachadh
(src)="s61"> Ongoing copying process
(trg)="s61"> Tha lethbhreac ' ga dhèanamh
(src)="s62"> The drive cannot be locked ( % s )
(trg)="s62"> Cha ghabh an draibh a ghlasadh ( % s )
(src)="s63"> The drive has no rewriting capabilities
(trg)="s63"> Chan eil comas ath-sgrìobhaidh aig an draibh
(src)="s64"> Ongoing blanking process
(trg)="s64"> Tha bànachadh a ' dol
(src)="s65"> The drive cannot burn
(trg)="s65"> Chan urrainn dhan draibh a losgadh
(src)="s66"> Ongoing burning process
(trg)="s66"> Tha losgadh a ' dol
(src)="s67"> Ongoing checksumming operation
(trg)="s67"> Tha àireamh dearbhaidh ' ga chruthachadh
(src)="s68"> Merging data is impossible with this disc
(trg)="s68"> Cha ghabh dàta a cho-aonachadh leis an diosga seo
(src)="s69"> Not enough space available on the disc
(trg)="s69"> Chan eil rum gu leòr ri làimh air an diosga
(src)="s70"> % s ( application )
(trg)="s70"> % s ( aplacaid )
(src)="s71"> % s ( library )
(trg)="s71"> % s ( leabharlann )
(src)="s72"> % s ( GStreamer plugin )
(trg)="s72"> % s ( plugan GStreamer )
(src)="s73"> There is no track to burn
(trg)="s73"> Chan eil traca ann ri losgadh
(src)="s74"> Please install the following required applications and libraries manually and try again :
(trg)="s74"> Stàlaich na h-aplacaidean is leabhar-lannan riatanach seo a làimh is feuch ris a-rithist :
(src)="s75"> Only one track at a time can be checked
(trg)="s75"> Cha ghabh ach aon traca a dhearbhadh aig an aon àm
(src)="s76"> No format for the temporary image could be foundgrafted
(trg)="s76"> Cha deach fòrmat airson na h-ìomhaighe sealaich a lorggrafted
(src)="s77"> An internal error occurred
(trg)="s77"> Thachair mearachd taobh a-staigh
(src)="s78"> Brasero notification
(trg)="s78"> Brath Brasero
(src)="s79"> % s ( % i % % Done )
(trg)="s79"> % s ( % i % % Dèanta )
(src)="s80"> Creating Image
(trg)="s80"> Cruthaich ìomhaigh
(src)="s81"> Burning DVD
(trg)="s81"> A ' losgadh DVD
(src)="s82"> Copying DVD
(trg)="s82"> A ' dèanamh lethbhreac de DVD
(src)="s83"> Burning CD
(trg)="s83"> A ' losgadh CD
(src)="s84"> Copying CD
(trg)="s84"> A ' dèanamh lethbhreac de CD
(src)="s85"> Burning Disc
(trg)="s85"> A ' losgadh diosga
(src)="s86"> Copying Disc
(trg)="s86"> A ' dèanamh lethbhreac de dhiosga
(src)="s87"> Creating image
(trg)="s87"> A ' cruthachadh ìomhaigh
(src)="s88"> Simulation of video DVD burning
(trg)="s88"> A ' losgadh DVD video mas-fhìor
(src)="s89"> Burning video DVD
(trg)="s89"> A ' losgadh DVD video
(src)="s90"> Simulation of data DVD burning
(trg)="s90"> A ' losgadh DVD dàta mas-fhìor
(src)="s91"> Burning data DVD
(trg)="s91"> A ' losgadh DVD dàta
(src)="s92"> Simulation of image to DVD burning
(trg)="s92"> A ' losgadh ìomhaigh gu DVD mas-fhìor
(src)="s93"> Burning image to DVD
(trg)="s93"> A ' losgadh ìomhaigh gu DVD
(src)="s94"> Simulation of data DVD copying
(trg)="s94"> A ' dèanamh lethbhreac de DVD mas-fhìor
(src)="s95"> Copying data DVD
(trg)="s95"> A ' dèanamh lethbhreac de DVD