# en_CA/drwright.gnome-3-2/drwright.gnome-3-2.xml.gz
# tmp/drwright.gnome-3-2/drwright.gnome-3-2.xml.gz
(src)="s2"> About GNOME Typing Monitor
(trg)="s2"> Ngobuso besiga-nyezi bokubhala nge-GNOME
(src)="s3"> Break reminder
(trg)="s3"> Isikhumbuzi ngokunqamuka
(src)="s4"> Less than one minute until the next break
(trg)="s4"> Ngaphantsi komzuzu kude kufike enye ikhefu
(src)="s5"> Use X settings
(trg)="s5"> Sebenzisa uhlelo X
(src)="s6"> / _ Take a Break
(trg)="s6"> / _ Thatha ikhefu
(src)="s7"> _ Postpone break
(trg)="s7"> _ Buyisela ukunqamuka emuva
(src)="s8"> Lock screen
(trg)="s8"> Vala ubuso besiga-nyezi
(src)="s9"> Take a break !
(trg)="s9"> Thatha ikhefu
(src)="s17"> Typing Break
(trg)="s17"> Ukunqamula ukubhala
(src)="s18"> Start the page with the typing break settings showing
(trg)="s18"> Qala ikhasi ngokubhala ngokunqamula ukhombisa izinhlelo
(src)="s20"> _ Lock screen to enforce typing break
(trg)="s20"> _ Vala ubusos ukufaka ngenkani umbhalo onqamulayo
(src)="s21"> _ Break interval lasts :
(trg)="s21"> _ Umkhawulo wokugina wokunqamula :
(src)="s22"> _ Work interval lasts :
(trg)="s22"> _ Umsebenzi womkhawulo ekugcineni :
(src)="s23"> _ Allow postponing of breaks
(trg)="s23"> V _ umela ukubuyiselwa emuva kwezinqamuli
(src)="s24"> The typing monitor uses the notification area to display information . You do not seem to have a notification area on your panel . You can add it by right-clicking on your panel and choosing ' Add to panel ' , selecting ' Notification area ' and clicking ' Add ' .
(trg)="s24"> Ubuso besiganyezi bokubhala busebenzisa indawo yokwaziswa ukubonisa ulwazi . Kubonakala sengathi awunayo indawo yokwazisa kwihlu lakho . Unga yifaka ngokupotshoza ngakwesokudla kwihlu lakho ubuye ukhethe ' Faka kuhlu - > Isisebenziswa - > Indawo yokwaziswa ' .
(src)="s25"> Disabled
(trg)="s25"> Ayinamandla
(src)="s26"> Unable to bring up the typing break properties dialogue with the following error : % s
(trg)="s26"> Ihlulekile ukuletha umbhalo wokunqamula nezakha zebhokisi kulokhu okulandelayo nephutha : % s
(src)="s27"> Written by Richard Hult & lt ; richard @ imendio.comgt ;
(trg)="s27"> Ibhalwe ngu Richard Hult & It ; richard @ imendio.comgt ;
(src)="s28"> Eye candy added by Anders Carlsson
(trg)="s28"> Iso lonezelela ngo Anders Carlsson
(src)="s29"> A computer break reminder .
(trg)="s29"> Isinqamulo sesiga-nyezi esikhumbuzayo .
(src)="s30"> Theme Preferences
(trg)="s30"> Indikima ezithandekayo
(src)="s31"> minutes
(trg)="s31"> imizuzu
(src)="s33"> *
(trg)="s130"> Ncanel
(src)="s36"> Check if breaks are allowed to be postponed
(trg)="s405">Qaphela ukuba izinqamuli zivunyelwe ukuhlehliswa
(src)="s38"> Duration of the break when typing is disallowed
(trg)="s409">Isikhathi sokunqamula uma ukubhala kungavumelekile
(src)="s40"> Duration of work before forcing a break
(trg)="s410">Isikhathi somsebenzi phambi kokufaka isinqamuli ngenkani
(src)="s48"> / _ Preferences
(src)="s49"> / _ About
(src)="s59"> Sync text / plain and text / * handlers
(trg)="s33"> Sync text / plain and text / * abaphathi
(src)="s60"> Launch help browser
(trg)="s34"> Ngenisa usizo lwesiyaluzi
(src)="s61"> Launch web browser
(trg)="s35"> Ngenisa isiyaluzi solwembu
(src)="s62"> Skip to next track
(trg)="s36"> Dlulela engomeni elandelayo
(src)="s63"> Skip to previous track
(trg)="s37"> Buyela engomeni edlulile
(src)="s64"> Eject
(trg)="s38"> Khipa
(src)="s65"> Home folder
(trg)="s39"> Isibaya sasekhaya
(src)="s66"> Launch help browser
(trg)="s40"> Ngenisa usizo lwesiyaluzi
(src)="s67"> Launch web browser
(trg)="s41"> Ngenisa isiyaluzi solwembu
(src)="s68"> Log out
(trg)="s42"> Phuma
(src)="s69"> Skip to next track
(trg)="s43"> Dlulela engomeni elandelayo
(src)="s70"> Play ( or play / pause )
(trg)="s44"> Dlala ( noma dlala / misa isikhashana )
(src)="s71"> Skip to previous track
(trg)="s45"> Buyela engomeni edlulile
(src)="s72"> Search
(trg)="s46"> Hlola
(src)="s73"> Stop playback key
(trg)="s47"> Inkinombho lokunmisa ukudlala
(src)="s74"> Sound
(trg)="s48"> Umsindo
(src)="s75"> Volume down
(trg)="s49"> Ivolumu ephantsi
(src)="s76"> Volume mute
(trg)="s50"> Ukucisha ivolumu okwesikhashana
(src)="s77"> Volume step
(trg)="s51"> Inyathelo lwevolumu
(src)="s78"> Volume step as percentage of volume .
(trg)="s52"> Inyathelo lwevolumu njengamaphesenti .
(src)="s79"> Volume up
(trg)="s53"> Ivolumu ephezulu
(src)="s80"> Display a dialogue when there are errors running the screensaver
(trg)="s54"> Bonisa ibhokisi uma kukho amaphutha akhona XScreenSaver
(src)="s81"> Run screensaver at login
(trg)="s55"> Sebenzisa XSreenSaver uma ungena
(src)="s82"> Show Startup Errors
(trg)="s56"> Khombisa amaphutha okungena
(src)="s83"> Start screensaver
(trg)="s57"> Qala XScreenSaver
(src)="s84"> Hinting :
(trg)="s58"> Isexwayiso :
(src)="s85"> _ Enable keyboard accessibility features
(trg)="s59"> _ Nika amandla umumo wemvume yendawo yokushaya
(src)="s86"> Run screensaver at login
(trg)="s60"> Sebenzisa XSreenSaver uma ungena
(src)="s87"> _ Accessibility
(trg)="s61"> _ Ukutholakala
(src)="s88"> _ Accessibility
(trg)="s62"> _ Ukutholakala
(src)="s89"> There was an error displaying help : % s
(trg)="s63"> Kube khona iphutha elibonisa usizo : % s
(src)="s90"> Do you want to activate Slow Keys ?
(trg)="s64"> Ingabe ufuna ukukhanyisa amankinombho angasheshi ?
(src)="s91"> Do you want to deactivate Slow Keys ?
(trg)="s65"> Ingabe ufuna ukucisha amankinombho angasheshi ?
(src)="s92"> You just held down the Shift key for 8 seconds . This is the shortcut for the Slow Keys feature , which affects the way your keyboard works .
(trg)="s66"> Uqeda ukubambela phantsi inkinombho Shift imizuzwana 8 . Le yindlela emfishane yemniningo engasheshi yamankinombho , leyo ethinta indlela indawo yokushaya uma ubhala esebenza ngayo .
(src)="s97"> Slow Keys Alert
(trg)="s67"> Amankinombho angasheshi isexwayiso
(src)="s98"> Do you want to activate Sticky Keys ?
(trg)="s68"> Ingabe ufuna ukukhanyisa amankinombho anamathelayo ?
(src)="s99"> Do you want to deactivate Sticky Keys ?
(trg)="s69"> Ingabe ufuna ukucisha amankinombho anmathelayo ?
(src)="s100"> You just pressed the Shift key 5 times in a row . This is the shortcut for the Sticky Keys feature , which affects the way your keyboard works .
(trg)="s70"> Uqeda ukupotshozela inkinombho Shift 5 emugqeni . Le yindlela emfishane yemniningo yamankinombho anamathelayo , lawo athinta indlela indawo yakho yokushaya uma ubhala esebenza ngayo .
(src)="s101"> You just pressed two keys at once , or pressed the Shift key 5 times in a row . This turns off the Sticky Keys feature , which affects the way your keyboard works .
(trg)="s71"> Uqeda ukupotsoza amankinombho amabili kanye , noma upotshoze inkinombho Shift izihlanhlo 5 emugqeni . Lokhu kucisha imniningwane yamankinombho anamathelayo , athintana nendlela indawo yakho yokushaya uma ubhala isebenza ngayo .
(src)="s102"> Sticky Keys Alert
(trg)="s72"> Ukwexwayiswa ngamankinombho angasheshi
(src)="s103"> Apply _ Background
(trg)="s73"> Sebenzisa _ Isizinda
(src)="s104"> Font
(trg)="s74"> Isiqwema
(src)="s105"> Cannot create the directory " % s " . This is needed to allow changing the mouse pointer theme .
(trg)="s75"> Ihlulekile ukudala indlela yamakheli " % s " . Lokhu kuyadingeka ukuvumela izikhombi ezishintshayo .
(src)="s106"> Cannot create the directory " % s " . This is needed to allow changing cursors .
(trg)="s76"> Ihlulekile ukudala indlela yamakheli " % s " . Lokhu kuyadingeka ukuvumela izikhombi ezishintshayo .
(src)="s107"> Key Binding ( % s ) has its action defined multiple times
(trg)="s77"> Ukuphetha inkinombho ( % s ) inesenzo sayo esichaziwe kaningi
(src)="s108"> Key Binding ( % s ) has its binding defined multiple times
(trg)="s78"> Ukuphetha inkinombho ( % s ) inokuphethao kwayo okuchaziwe kaningi
(src)="s109"> Key Binding ( % s ) is incomplete
(trg)="s79"> Ukuphetha inkinombho ( % s ) ayiphelele
(src)="s110"> Key Binding ( % s ) is invalid
(trg)="s80"> Ukuphetha inkinombho ( % s ) akufanele
(src)="s111"> It seems that another application already has access to key ' % u ' .
(trg)="s81"> Ikhombisa sengathi esinye isithobo sinemvume vele kwinkinombho ' % d ' .
(src)="s112"> Key Binding ( % s ) is already in use
(trg)="s82"> Ukuphetha inkinombho ( % s ) iyasebenziswa
(src)="s113"> Error while trying to run ( % s ) which is linked to the key ( % s )
(trg)="s83"> Iphutha lenzekile uma usazama ukusebenza ( % s ) elixhunyanyiswe kwisihlushulelo ( % s )
(src)="s114"> Keyboard
(trg)="s84"> Indawo yokushaya uma ubhala
(src)="s115"> Keyboard options
(trg)="s85"> Izinqamulo zendawo yokushaya uma ubhala
(src)="s116"> A _ vailable files :
(trg)="s86"> Umphandle o _ tholakalayo :
(src)="s117"> Do _ not show this warning again .
(trg)="s87"> _ Unga khombisi lomyalezo futhi
(src)="s121"> _ Loaded files :
(trg)="s88"> _ Izifanekiso
(src)="s122"> Volume
(trg)="s89"> Ivolumu
(src)="s123"> Could not execute command : % s Verify that this command exists .
(trg)="s90"> Ihlulekile ukubhala umyalo : % s Qiniseka ukuba lomyalo usukhona .
(src)="s124"> Could not put the machine to sleep . Verify that the machine is correctly configured .
(trg)="s91"> Ihlulekile ukulalisa umashini . Bhekisisa ukuba umashini uhlelwe kahle .
(src)="s125"> Mouse Keys
(trg)="s92"> Amakinombho engoso
(src)="s126"> _ Enable keyboard accessibility features
(trg)="s93"> _ Nika amandla umumo wemvume yendawo yokushaya
(src)="s127"> Mouse Preferences
(trg)="s94"> Okuthandekayo kwesingoso
(src)="s128"> Mouse
(trg)="s95"> Isingoso
(src)="s129"> There was an error starting up the screensaver : % s Screensaver functionality will not work in this session .
(trg)="s96"> Kube khona iphutha makuqalwa isigcini sobuso besiga-nyezi : % s Ukusebenza kwesigcini sobuso besiga-nyezi ngekhe kusebenze kulesiqephu .
(src)="s130"> _ Do not show this message again
(trg)="s97"> _ Unga khombisi lomyalezo futhi
(src)="s131"> Start screensaver
(trg)="s98"> Qala XScreenSaver
(src)="s132"> Run screensaver at login
(trg)="s99"> Sebenzisa XSreenSaver uma ungena
(src)="s133"> Could not load sound file % s as sample % s
(trg)="s100"> Ihlulekile ukufaka ihele lomsindo % s njenge sibonelo % s
(src)="s134"> Log out
(trg)="s101"> Phuma