# ang/at-spi.gnome-2-28/at-spi.gnome-2-28.xml.gz
# en/at-spi.gnome-2-28/at-spi.gnome-2-28.xml.gz

(src)="s3"> AT-SPI Nambóc
(trg)="s3"> AT-SPI Registry

(src)="s4"> Geférnesbóc
(trg)="s4"> Accessibility Registry

(src)="s5"> AT-SPI Nambóc
(trg)="s5"> AT SPI Registry Wrapper

# ang/at-spi.gnome-2-30/at-spi.gnome-2-30.xml.gz
# en/at-spi.gnome-2-30/at-spi.gnome-2-30.xml.gz

(src)="s5"> AT-SPI Nambóc
(trg)="s5"> AT-SPI Registry

(src)="s6"> Geférnesbóc
(trg)="s6"> Accessibility Registry

(src)="s7"> AT-SPI Nambóc
(trg)="s7"> AT SPI Registry

# ang/at-spi.master/at-spi.master.xml.gz
# en/at-spi.master/at-spi.master.xml.gz

(src)="s5"> AT-SPI Nambóc
(trg)="s5"> AT-SPI Registry

(src)="s6"> Geférnesbóc
(trg)="s6"> Accessibility Registry

# ang/gdk-pixbuf.gdk-pixbuf-2-24/gdk-pixbuf.gdk-pixbuf-2-24.xml.gz
# en/gdk-pixbuf.gdk-pixbuf-2-24/gdk-pixbuf.gdk-pixbuf-2-24.xml.gz

(src)="s1"> Tósǽlde tó openienne dǽles ' % s ' : % s
(trg)="s1"> Failed to open file ' % s ' : % s

(src)="s2"> Onlícnescranic ' % s ' næfþ giefa
(trg)="s2"> Image file ' % s ' contains no data

(src)="s3"> Tósǽlde tó hládenne onlícnesse ' % s ' :
(trg)="s3"> Failed to load image ' % s ' : reason not known , probably a corrupt image file

(src)="s7"> Onlícnescynn ' % s ' nis gewreðod
(trg)="s7"> Image type ' % s ' is not supported

(src)="s9"> Unrecognized onlícnescranicgesceap
(trg)="s9"> Unrecognized image file format

(src)="s10"> Tósǽlde tó hládenne onlícnesse ' % s ' : % s
(trg)="s10"> Failed to load image ' % s ' : % s

(src)="s11"> Gesweðrung in wrítung þǽm onlícnescranic : % s
(trg)="s11"> Error writing to image file : % s

(src)="s14"> Tósǽlde tó openienne hwílwendne cranic
(trg)="s14"> Failed to open temporary file

(src)="s15"> Tósǽlde tó rǽdenne fram hwílwendne cranic
(trg)="s15"> Failed to read from temporary file

(src)="s16"> Tósǽlde tó openienne ' % s ' for wrítunge : % s
(trg)="s16"> Failed to open ' % s ' for writing : % s

(src)="s19"> Gesweðrung in wrítung þǽm onlícnescranic : % s
(trg)="s19"> Error writing to image stream

(src)="s23"> Onlícnesgesceap ungecnáwen
(trg)="s23"> Image format unknown

(src)="s30"> Þæt ANI onlícnesgesceap
(trg)="s30"> The ANI image format

(src)="s32"> Nis genóg gemynd tó hládenne bitmap-onlícnesse
(trg)="s32"> Not enough memory to load bitmap image

(src)="s33"> BMP onlícnes hæfþ ungewreðode xxxxx micelnessa
(trg)="s33"> BMP image has unsupported header size

(src)="s36"> Ne genóg gemynd tó hládenne onlícnesse
(trg)="s36"> Couldn 't allocate memory for saving BMP file

(src)="s38"> Þæt BMP onlícnesgesceap
(trg)="s38"> The BMP image format

(src)="s39"> Gesweðrung in rǽdunge GIF : % s
(trg)="s39"> Failure reading GIF : % s

(src)="s41"> Inweardlicu gesweðrung in þǽm GIF-hládere ( % s )
(trg)="s41"> Internal error in the GIF loader ( % s )

(src)="s47"> Ne genóg gemynd tó hládenne ICO-cranic
(trg)="s47"> Not enough memory to composite a frame in GIF file

(src)="s53"> Þæt GIF onlícnesgesceap
(trg)="s53"> The GIF image format

(src)="s55"> Ne genóg gemynd tó hládenne segn
(trg)="s55"> Not enough memory to load icon

(src)="s59"> Ungewreðod segncynn
(trg)="s59"> Unsupported icon type

(src)="s60"> Ne genóg gemynd tó hládenne ICO-cranic
(trg)="s60"> Not enough memory to load ICO file

(src)="s64"> Þæt ICO onlícnesgesceap
(trg)="s64"> The ICO image format

(src)="s65"> Gesweðrung in wrítung þǽm onlícnescranic : % s
(trg)="s65"> Error reading ICNS image : % s

(src)="s66"> Ne cúðe céosan % s : % s
(trg)="s66"> Could not decode ICNS file

(src)="s67"> Þæt ICO onlícnesgesceap
(trg)="s67"> The ICNS image format

(src)="s68"> Ne genóg gemynd tó hládenne onlícnesse
(trg)="s68"> Couldn 't allocate memory for stream

(src)="s69"> Ne cúðe céosan % s : % s
(trg)="s69"> Couldn 't decode image

(src)="s71"> Onlícnescynn ' % s ' nis gewreðod
(trg)="s71"> Image type currently not supported

(src)="s72"> Ne genóg gemynd tó hládenne onlícnesse
(trg)="s72"> Couldn 't allocate memory for color profile

(src)="s74"> Ne genóg gemynd tó hládenne onlícnesse
(trg)="s74"> Couldn 't allocate memory to buffer image data

(src)="s75"> Þæt JPEG onlícnesgesceap
(trg)="s75"> The JPEG 2000 image format

(src)="s83"> Þæt JPEG onlícnesgesceap
(trg)="s83"> The JPEG image format

(src)="s86"> Onlícnes hæfþ ungóde wíde and / oþþe híehþe
(trg)="s86"> Image has invalid width and / or height

(src)="s87"> Onlícnes hæfþ ungewreðod bpp
(trg)="s87"> Image has unsupported bpp

(src)="s91"> Ne genóg gemynd tó hládenne onlícnesse
(trg)="s91"> Couldn 't allocate memory for PCX image

(src)="s94"> Þæt PCX onlícnesgesceap
(trg)="s94"> The PCX image format

(src)="s111"> Þæt PNG onlícnesgesceap
(trg)="s111"> The PNG image format

(src)="s122"> Ne genóg gemynd tó hládenne onlícnesse
(trg)="s122"> Cannot allocate memory for loading PNM image

(src)="s126"> Séo PNM / PBM / PGM / PPM onlícnesgesceapmǽgscír
(trg)="s126"> The PNM / PBM / PGM / PPM image format family

(src)="s128"> Tósǽlde tó hládenne onlícnesse ' % s ' : % s
(trg)="s128"> Failed to read QTIF header

(src)="s131"> Gesweðrung in rǽdunge GIF : % s
(trg)="s131"> File error when reading QTIF atom : % s

(src)="s134"> Tósǽlde tó rǽdenne fram hwílwendne cranic
(trg)="s134"> Failed to create GdkPixbufLoader object .

(src)="s135"> Tósǽlde tó hládenne onlícnesse ' % s ' : % s
(trg)="s135"> Failed to find an image data atom .

(src)="s136"> Þæt TIFF onlícnesgesceap
(trg)="s136"> The QTIF image format

(src)="s138"> RAS onlícnes hæfþ uncúþ cynn
(trg)="s138"> RAS image has unknown type

(src)="s141"> Þæt Sunnanrastere onlícnescynn
(trg)="s141"> The Sun raster image format

(src)="s156"> Þæt Targa onlícnesgesceap
(trg)="s156"> The Targa image format

(src)="s159"> Wídu oþþe híehþu TIFF-onlícnesse is náht
(trg)="s159"> Width or height of TIFF image is zero

(src)="s166"> Tósǽlde tó hládenne onlícnesse ' % s ' : % s
(trg)="s166"> Failed to save TIFF image

(src)="s170"> Þæt TIFF onlícnesgesceap
(trg)="s170"> The TIFF image format

(src)="s171"> Onlícnes hæfþ náhtwídu
(trg)="s171"> Image has zero width

(src)="s173"> Ne genóg gemynd tó hládenne onlícnesse
(trg)="s173"> Not enough memory to load image

(src)="s175"> Þæt WBMP onlícnessgesceap
(trg)="s175"> The WBMP image format

(src)="s176"> Ungód XBM cranic
(trg)="s176"> Invalid XBM file

(src)="s179"> Þæt XBM onlícnesgesceap
(trg)="s179"> The XBM image format

(src)="s181"> Ungód XBM cranic
(trg)="s181"> Invalid XPM header

(src)="s182"> XPM cranic hæfþ onlícneswíde < = 0
(trg)="s182"> XPM file has image width < = 0

(src)="s183"> XPM cranic hæfþ onlícneshíehþe < = 0
(trg)="s183"> XPM file has image height < = 0

(src)="s185"> XPM cranic hæfþ ungódne híwa rím
(trg)="s185"> XPM file has invalid number of colors

(src)="s186"> Ne genóg gemynd tó hládenne onlícnesse
(trg)="s186"> Cannot allocate memory for loading XPM image

(src)="s189"> Þæt XPM onlícnesgesceap
(trg)="s189"> The XPM image format

(src)="s190"> Þæt BMP onlícnesgesceap
(trg)="s190"> The EMF image format

(src)="s191"> Ne genóg gemynd tó hládenne onlícnesse
(trg)="s191"> Could not allocate memory : % s

(src)="s192"> Ne cúðe scieppan sciftere % s : % s
(trg)="s192"> Could not create stream : % s

(src)="s193"> Ne cúðe scieppan sciftere % s : % s
(trg)="s193"> Could not seek stream : % s

(src)="s194"> Ne cúðe scieppan sciftere % s : % s
(trg)="s194"> Could not read from stream : % s

(src)="s195"> Ne cúðe céosan % s : % s
(trg)="s195"> Couldn 't load bitmap

(src)="s196"> Ne cúðe céosan % s : % s
(trg)="s196"> Couldn 't load metafile

(src)="s198"> Ne cúðe céosan % s : % s
(trg)="s198"> Couldn 't save

(src)="s199"> Þæt WBMP onlícnessgesceap
(trg)="s199"> The WMF image format

# ang/gdk-pixbuf.gdk-pixbuf-2-26/gdk-pixbuf.gdk-pixbuf-2-26.xml.gz
# en/gdk-pixbuf.gdk-pixbuf-2-26/gdk-pixbuf.gdk-pixbuf-2-26.xml.gz

(src)="s1"> Tósǽlde tó openienne dǽles ' % s ' : % s
(trg)="s1"> Failed to open file ' % s ' : % s

(src)="s2"> Onlícnescranic ' % s ' næfþ giefa
(trg)="s2"> Image file ' % s ' contains no data

(src)="s3"> Tósǽlde tó hládenne onlícnesse ' % s ' :
(trg)="s3"> Failed to load image ' % s ' : reason not known , probably a corrupt image file

(src)="s7"> Onlícnescynn ' % s ' nis gewreðod
(trg)="s7"> Image type ' % s ' is not supported

(src)="s9"> Unrecognized onlícnescranicgesceap
(trg)="s9"> Unrecognized image file format

(src)="s10"> Tósǽlde tó hládenne onlícnesse ' % s ' : % s
(trg)="s10"> Failed to load image ' % s ' : % s

(src)="s11"> Gesweðrung in wrítung þǽm onlícnescranic : % s
(trg)="s11"> Error writing to image file : % s

(src)="s14"> Tósǽlde tó openienne hwílwendne cranic
(trg)="s14"> Failed to open temporary file

(src)="s15"> Tósǽlde tó rǽdenne fram hwílwendne cranic
(trg)="s15"> Failed to read from temporary file

(src)="s16"> Tósǽlde tó openienne ' % s ' for wrítunge : % s
(trg)="s16"> Failed to open ' % s ' for writing : % s

(src)="s19"> Gesweðrung in wrítung þǽm onlícnescranic : % s
(trg)="s19"> Error writing to image stream

(src)="s23"> Onlícnesgesceap ungecnáwen
(trg)="s23"> Image format unknown

(src)="s29"> Þæt ANI onlícnesgesceap
(trg)="s29"> The ANI image format

(src)="s31"> Nis genóg gemynd tó hládenne bitmap-onlícnesse
(trg)="s31"> Not enough memory to load bitmap image

(src)="s32"> BMP onlícnes hæfþ ungewreðode xxxxx micelnessa
(trg)="s32"> BMP image has unsupported header size

(src)="s35"> Ne genóg gemynd tó hládenne onlícnesse
(trg)="s35"> Couldn 't allocate memory for saving BMP file

(src)="s37"> Þæt BMP onlícnesgesceap
(trg)="s37"> The BMP image format

(src)="s38"> Þæt BMP onlícnesgesceap
(trg)="s38"> The EMF image format

(src)="s39"> Þæt GIF onlícnesgesceap
(trg)="s39"> The GIF image format