# en/EhuHacEnEu.xml.gz
# eu/EhuHacEnEu.xml.gz

(src)="1"> Arrival at Grandmother 's
(trg)="1"> Amonarenera

(src)="2"> We arrive from the Big Town .
(trg)="2"> Hiri Handitik gatoz .

(src)="3"> We 've been traveling all night .
(trg)="3"> Gau osoan bidaiatu dugu .

(src)="4"> Mother 's eyes are red .
(trg)="4"> Amak gorriturik dauzka begiak .

(src)="5"> She 's carrying a big cardboard box , and the two of us are each carrying a small suitcase containing our clothes , plus Father 's big dictionary , which we pass back and forth when our arms get tired .
(trg)="5"> Kartoizko kutxa handi bat darama ; eta guk biok maletatxo bana , nork bere arropekin , eta aitaren hiztegi handia , zeina , besoak nekatzen zaizkigunean , batak besteari pasatzen baitiogu .

(src)="6"> We walk for a long time .
(trg)="6"> Ibili gabiltza luzaroan .

(src)="7"> Grandmother 's house is far from the station , at the other end of the Little Town .
(trg)="7"> Amonaren etxea geltokitik urrun dago , Hiri Txikiaren beste muturrean .

(src)="8"> There are no trams , buses , or cars here .
(trg)="8"> Hemen ez dago tranbiarik , ez autobusik , ez autorik .

(src)="9"> Just a few army trucks driving around .
(trg)="9"> Kalean ez dabiltza kamioi militar batzuk baino .

(src)="10"> There are n't many people in the streets .
(trg)="10"> Jende gutxi dabil kalean ;

(src)="11"> The town is very quiet .
(trg)="11"> hiria isilik dago .

(src)="12"> Our footsteps echo on the pavement ;
(trg)="12"> Geure pausoen hotsa entzun dezakegu ;

(src)="13"> we walk without speaking , Mother in the middle , between the two of us .
(trg)="13"> hitzik egin gabe goaz , Ama erdian , gu bion artean .

(src)="14"> When we get to Grandmother 's garden gate , Mother says :
(trg)="14"> Amonaren etxeko baratzearen atean , Amak diosku :

(src)="15"> " Wait for me here . "
(trg)="15"> -Itxaroidazue hementxe .

(src)="16"> We wait for a while , then we go into the garden , walk around the house , and crouch down under a window where we can hear voices .
(trg)="16"> etxea ingurutzen dugu ; leiho baten azpian ahots batzuk entzuten ditugu eta hantxe jartzen gara kokoriko .

(src)="17"> Mother 's voice says :
(trg)="17"> Amaren ahotsak dio :

(src)="18"> " There 's nothing more to eat at home , no bread , no meat , no vegetables , no milk .
(trg)="18"> -Gurean ez da geratzen jatekorik ; ez ogirik , ez okelarik , ez barazkirik , ez esnerik .

(src)="19"> Nothing .
(trg)="19"> Deus ez .

(src)="20"> I ca n't feed them anymore . "
(trg)="20"> Ezin ditut mantendu .

(src)="21"> Another voice says :
(trg)="21"> Beste ahots batek dio :

(src)="22"> " So you 've remembered me .
(trg)="22"> -Eta nitaz oroitu zara .

(src)="23"> For ten years you did n't give me a thought .
(trg)="23"> Hamar urtean ez zara oroitu .

(src)="24"> You never came .
(trg)="24"> ez duzu idatzi .

(src)="25"> Mother says :
(trg)="25"> Amak :

(src)="26"> " You know why .
(trg)="26"> -Ongi dakizu zergatik .

(src)="27"> I loved my father . "
(trg)="27"> Nik aita , huraxe maite nuen nik .

(src)="28"> The other voice says :
(trg)="28"> Beste ahotsak :

(src)="29"> " Yes , and now you remember that you also have a mother .
(trg)="29"> -Bai , eta orain ama ere baduzula gogoratu zara .

(src)="30.1"> You come here and ask me to help you . "
(src)="30.2"> Mother says :
(trg)="30.1"> Eta etorri , eta laguntzeko eskatzen didazu .
(trg)="30.2"> Amak dio :

(src)="31"> " I 'm not asking anything for myself .
(trg)="31"> -Ez dut niretzako ezer eskatzen .

(src)="32"> I just want my children to survive this war .
(trg)="32"> Nire haurrak gerra honetatik bizirik irten daitezen baino ez dut nahi .

(src)="33"> The Big Town is being bombed night and day , and there 's no food left .
(trg)="33"> Gau eta egun bonbardatzen dute Hiri Handia , eta jada ez dago jatekorik .

(src)="34"> All the children are being evacuated to the country , with relatives or with strangers , anywhere . "
(trg)="34"> Haurrak kanpora eramaten dituzte , ahaideen etxeetara nahiz arrotzenetara , nora edo hara .

(src)="35"> The other voice says :
(trg)="35"> Beste ahotsak dio :

(src)="36"> " Then send them to strangers , anywhere . "
(trg)="36"> -Haurrak arrotzen batzuen etxera eraman baino ez zenuen , nora edo hara .

(src)="37"> Mother says :
(trg)="37"> Amak dio :

(src)="38"> " They 're your grandsons . "
(trg)="38"> -Zure bilobak dira .

(src)="39"> " My grandsons ?
(trg)="39"> -Nire bilobak ?

(src)="40"> I do n't even know them .
(trg)="40"> Ezagutu ere ez ditut egiten eta .

(src)="41"> How many are there ? "
(trg)="41"> Zenbat dira ?

(src)="42"> " Two .
(trg)="42"> -Bi .

(src)="43"> Two boys .
(trg)="43"> Bi mutiko .

(src)="44"> Twins . "
(trg)="44"> Bikiak .

(src)="45"> The other voice asks :
(trg)="45"> Beste ahotsak galdetzen du :

(src)="46"> " What have you done with the others ? "
(trg)="46"> -Zer egin duzu besteekin ?

(src)="47"> Mother asks :
(trg)="47"> Amak galdetzen du :

(src)="48"> Mother asks :
(trg)="48"> Amak galdetzen du :

(src)="49"> " What others ? "
(trg)="49"> -Zer besteekin ?

(src)="50"> " Bitches have four or five puppies at a time .
(trg)="50"> -Txakur emea lauzpabost kumez batera erdi ohi da .

(src)="51"> You keep one or two and drown the others . "
(trg)="51"> Batekin edo birekin geratu eta gainerakoak ito egiten dira .

(src)="52"> The other voice laughs loudly .
(trg)="52"> Beste ahotsak gogotik egiten du barre .

(src)="53"> Mother says nothing , and the other voice asks :
(trg)="53"> Amak ez dio ezer , eta beste ahotsak galdetzen du :

(src)="54"> " They have a father , at least ?
(trg)="54"> -Badute aitarik , behintzat ?

(src)="55"> You are n't married , as far as I know .
(trg)="55"> Ez zaude ezkondurik , nik dakidanez .

(src)="56"> I was n't invited to any wedding . "
(trg)="56"> Ez nintzen gonbidatua izan zure ezkontzara .

(src)="57"> " I am married .
(trg)="57"> -Ezkondurik nago .

(src)="58"> Their father is at the front .
(trg)="58"> Haurren aita frontean da .

(src)="59"> I have n't had any news of him for six months . "
(trg)="59"> Ez dut izan haren berririk azken sei hilabeteotan .

(src)="60"> " Then you can put a cross over him . "
(trg)="60"> -Jar diezaiokezu gurutze bat gainean , orduan .

(src)="61.1"> The other voice laughs again .
(src)="61.2"> Mother starts crying .
(trg)="61"> Beste ahotsak barre egiten du berriro ; Ama negarrez dago .

(src)="62"> We go back to the garden gate .
(trg)="62"> Baratzeko ate aurrera itzultzen gara .

(src)="63"> Mother comes out of the house with an old woman .
(trg)="63"> Ama emakume zahar batekin irteten da etxetik .

(src)="64"> Mother says to us :
(trg)="64"> Amak diosku :

(src)="65"> " This is your Grandmother .
(trg)="65"> -Hau zuen Amona da .

(src)="66"> You 'll be staying with her for a while , till the end of the war . "
(trg)="66"> Bere etxean egongo zarete denboraldi batez , gerra amaitu artean .

(src)="67"> Grandmother says :
(trg)="67"> Amonak dio :

(src)="68"> " It could last a long time .
(trg)="68"> -Luze jo dezake horrek .

(src)="69"> But I 'll put them to work , do n't you fret .
(trg)="69"> Lanean jarriko ditut , ez izan ardurarik .

(src)="70"> Food is n't free here either . "
(trg)="70"> Hemen ere jatekoa ez da doakoa .

(src)="71"> Mother says :
(trg)="71"> Amak dio :

(src)="72"> " I 'll send you money .
(trg)="72"> -Bidaliko dizut dirua .

(src)="73"> Their clothes are in the suitcases .
(trg)="73"> Maletetan , beren arropak daude .

(src)="74"> And there are sheets and blankets in the box .
(trg)="74"> Eta kutxan , izarak eta burusiak .

(src)="75"> Be good , you two .
(trg)="75"> Zintzoak izan , enetxook .

(src)="76"> I 'll write you . "
(trg)="76"> Idatziko dizuet .

(src)="77"> She kisses us and goes away crying .
(trg)="77"> Gu besarkatu eta badoa , negarrez .

(src)="78"> Grandmother laughs very loudly and says to us :
(trg)="78"> Amonak barre egiten du ozenki , eta badiosku :

(src)="79"> " Sheets and blankets !
(trg)="79"> -Izarak , burusiak !

(src)="80"> White shirts and patent leather shoes !
(trg)="80"> Alkandora zuriak eta txarolezko zapatak !

(src)="81"> I 'll teach you what life is about ! "
(trg)="81"> Erakutsiko dizuet nik bizimodua zer den !

(src)="82"> We stick our tongues out at Grandmother .
(trg)="82"> Mihia ateratzen diogu Amonari .

(src)="83"> She laughs even louder and slaps her thighs .
(trg)="83"> Barre egiten du , are ozenago , eskuez txapaka eginez izter gainetan .

(src)="84"> Grandmother 's House
(trg)="84"> Amonaren etxea

(src)="85"> Grandmother 's house is five minutes ' walk from the last houses in the Little Town .
(trg)="85"> Amonaren etxea Hiri Txikiko azken etxeetatik bost minutura dago oinez .

(src)="86"> After that , there is nothing but the dusty road , soon blocked off by a barrier .
(trg)="86"> Gero , bide hautseztua baino ez dago , berehala hesi batez etena .

(src)="87"> It is forbidden to go any further , a soldier is on guard there .
(trg)="87"> Debekaturik dago aurrerago egitea ; han soldadu bat dago zaindari .

(src)="88"> He has a machine gun and binoculars , and when it rains , he takes shelter in a sentry box .
(trg)="88"> Metraileta bat du , eta largabista batzuk , eta , euria egiten duenean , garita batean babesten da .

(src)="89"> We know that beyond the barrier , hidden by the trees , there 's a secret military base , and beyond the base , the frontier and another country .
(trg)="89"> Guk badakigu hesiaren beste aldean , arbola artean ezkutaturik , base militar sekretu bat dagoela , eta , basearen atzean , muga eta beste herrialde bat .

(src)="90"> Grandmother 's house is surrounded by a garden at the bottom of which is a stream , then the forest .
(trg)="90"> Amonaren etxeak baratzea du inguru osoan , eta baratzearen ertzean erreka bat ; handik aurrera , basoa .

(src)="91"> The garden is planted with all sorts of vegetables and fruit trees .
(trg)="91"> Baratzean era guztietako barazkiak eta fruta-arbolak daude .

(src)="92"> In a corner , there 's a hutch , a henhouse , a pigsty , and a shed for the goats .
(trg)="92"> Bazter batean , untxi-kaiola bat , oilategi bat , txerritoki bat eta ahuntzentzako txabola bat .

(src)="93"> We have tried to ride the biggest of the pigs , but it 's impossible to stay on .
(trg)="93"> Behin baino gehiagotan saiatu gara txerri potoloenaren bizkar gainera igotzen , baina ezinezkoa da luze irautea .

(src)="94"> The vegetables , the fruit , the rabbits , the ducks , and the chickens are sold at market by Grandmother , as well as the hens ' and ducks ' eggs and the goat cheese .
(trg)="94"> Amonak barazkiak , frutak , untxiak , ahateak eta oilaskoak saltzen ditu azokan , baita oiloen eta ahateen arrautzak eta ahuntz-gaztak ere .

(src)="95"> The pigs are sold to the butcher , who pays for them with money , and with hams and smoked sausage too .
(trg)="95"> Txerriak harakinari saldu eta hark dirutan ordaintzen dizkio , edo urdaiazpiko eta saltxitxoi ketuen truk bestela .

(src)="96"> There is also a dog to keep away thieves , and a cat to keep away mice and rats .
(trg)="96"> Bada txakur bat ere , lapurrak uxatzeko , eta katu bat , saguak eta arratoiak harrapatzeko .

(src)="97"> We must n't give the cat anything to eat so that he 's always hungry .
(trg)="97"> Katuari ez zaio jaten eman behar , goseak egon dadin beti .

(src)="98"> Grandmother also owns a vineyard on the other side of the road .
(trg)="98"> Amonak badu , gainera , mahasti bat bidearen beste aldean .

(src)="99"> Grandmother also owns a vineyard on the other side of the road .
(trg)="99"> Amonak badu , gainera , mahasti bat bidearen beste aldean .

(src)="100"> You enter the house through the kitchen , which is large and warm .
(trg)="100.1"> Etxera sukaldetik sartzen da .
(trg)="100.2"> Handia eta beroa da sukaldea .