# en/C2004310.01029701.xml.gz
# sl/C2004310.01029701.xml.gz

(src)="s1.1"> Celex Test
(trg)="s1.1"> Celex Test

(src)="s2.1"> 9.
(trg)="s2.1"> 9 .



(src)="s5.1"> RECALLING that the Czech Republic , the Republic of Estonia , the Republic of Cyprus , the Republic of Latvia , the Republic of Lithuania , the Republic of Hungary , the Republic of Malta , the Republic of Poland , the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovak Republic acceded to the European Communities and to the European Union established by the Treaty on European Union on 1 May 2004 ;
(trg)="s5.1"> OB SKLICEVANJU NA DEJSTVO , da so 1 .  maja 2004 Češka republika , Republika Estonija , Republika Ciper , Republika Latvija , Republika Litva , Republika Madžarska , Republika Malta , Republika Poljska , Republika Slovenija in Slovaška republika pristopile k Evropskima skupnostima in k Evropski uniji , ustanovljeni s Pogodbo o Evropski uniji ,

(src)="s6.1"> CONSIDERING that Article IV-437(2)(e ) of the Constitution provides that the Treaty of 16 April 2003 concerning the accessions referred to above shall be repealed ;
(trg)="s6.1"> GLEDE NA TO , da točka e ) drugega odstavka IV- 437 .  člena Ustave predvideva razveljavitev Pogodbe z dne 16 .  aprila 2003 o zgoraj omenjenih pristopih ,

(src)="s7.1"> CONSIDERING that many of the provisions of the Act annexed to that Treaty of Accession remain relevant ; that Article IV-437(2 ) of the Constitution provides that those provisions must be set out or referred to in a Protocol , so that they remain in force and their legal effects are preserved ;
(trg)="s7.1"> GLEDE NA TO , da mnoge določbe Akta , ki je priloga k tej pogodbi o pristopu , ostajajo relevantne ; da drugi odstavek IV- 437 .  člena Ustave določa , da morajo biti takšne določbe navedene v protokolu ali se je treba nanje v protokolu sklicevati , da bi ostale v veljavi in bi se njihovi pravni učinki ohranili ,

(src)="s8.1"> CONSIDERING that some of those provisions require the technical adjustments necessary to bring them into line with the Constitution without altering their legal effect ,
(trg)="s8.1"> GLEDE NA TO , da je treba te določbe ustrezno tehnično prilagoditi , če naj bodo združljive z Ustavo , ne da bi se s tem spremenili njihovi pravni učinki –

(src)="s9.1"> HAVE AGREED UPON the following provisions , which shall be annexed to the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe and to the Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community :
(trg)="s9.1"> DOGOVORILE o naslednjih določbah , ki so priložene k Pogodbi o Ustavi za Evropo in Pogodbi o ustanovitvi Evropske skupnosti za atomsko energijo :

(src)="s10.1"> PART ONE
(trg)="s10.1"> PRVI DEL

(trg)="s11.2"> APRILA 2003

(src)="s12.1"> TITLE I
(trg)="s12.1"> I .
(trg)="s12.2"> NASLOV

(src)="s13.1"> PRINCIPLES
(trg)="s13.1"> NAČELA

(src)="s14.1"> Article 1
(trg)="s14.1"> 1 . člen

(src)="s15.1"> For the purposes of this Protocol :
(trg)="s15.1"> V tem protokolu :

(src)="s16.1"> ( a )
(trg)="s16.1"> a )

(src)="s17.1"> the expression & #x2018 ; Act of Accession of 16 April 2003 & #x2019 ; means the Act concerning the conditions of accession of the Czech Republic , the Republic of Estonia , the Republic of Cyprus , the Republic of Latvia , the Republic of Lithuania , the Republic of Hungary , the Republic of Malta , the Republic of Poland , the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovak Republic and the adjustments to the Treaties on which the European Union is founded ;
(trg)="s17.1"> izraz & # x201E ; Akt o pristopu z dne 16 .  aprila 2003 & # x201C ; pomeni Akt o pogojih pristopa Češke republike , Republike Estonije , Republike Ciper , Republike Latvije , Republike Litve , Republike Madžarske , Republike Malte , Republike Poljske , Republike Slovenije in Slovaške republike in o prilagoditvah pogodb , na katerih temelji Evropska unija ;

(src)="s18.1"> ( b )
(trg)="s18.1"> b )

(src)="s19.1"> the expressions & #x2018 ; Treaty establishing the European Community & #x2019 ; ( EC Treaty ) and & #x2018 ; Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community & #x2019 ; ( EAEC Treaty ) mean those Treaties as supplemented or amended by treaties or other acts which entered into force before 1 May 2004 ;
(trg)="s19.1"> izraza & # x201E ; Pogodba o ustanovitvi Evropske skupnosti & # x201C ; ( & # x201E ; Pogodba ES & # x201C ; ) in & # x201E ; Pogodba o ustanovitvi Evropske skupnosti za atomsko energijo & # x201C ; ( & # x201E ; Pogodba Euratom & # x201C ; ) pomenita ti pogodbi , kakor sta bili dopolnjeni ali spremenjeni s pogodbami ali drugimi akti , ki so začeli veljati pred 1 .  majem 2004 ;

(src)="s20.1"> ( c )
(trg)="s20.1"> c )

(src)="s21.1"> the expression & #x2018 ; Treaty on European Union & #x2019 ; ( EU Treaty ) means that Treaty as supplemented or amended by treaties or other acts which entered into force before 1 May 2004 ;
(trg)="s21.1"> izraz & # x201E ; Pogodba o Evropski uniji & # x201C ; ( & # x201E ; Pogodba EU & # x201C ; ) pomeni to pogodbo , kakor je bila dopolnjena ali spremenjena s pogodbami ali drugimi akti , ki so začeli veljati pred 1 .  majem 2004 ;

(src)="s22.1"> ( d )
(trg)="s22.1"> d )

(src)="s23.1"> the expression & #x2018 ; the Community & #x2019 ; means one or both of the Communities referred to in ( b ) as the case may be ;
(trg)="s23.1"> izraz & # x201E ; Skupnost & # x201C ; pomeni eno oziroma obe skupnosti iz točke b ) tega člena ;

(src)="s24.1"> ( e )
(trg)="s24.1"> e )

(src)="s25.1"> the expression & #x2018 ; present Member States & #x2019 ; means the following Member States : the Kingdom of Belgium , the Kingdom of Denmark , the Federal Republic of Germany , the Hellenic Republic , the Kingdom of Spain , the French Republic , Ireland , the Italian Republic , the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg , the Kingdom of the Netherlands , the Republic of Austria , the Portuguese Republic , the Republic of Finland , the Kingdom of Sweden and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ;
(trg)="s25.1"> izraz & # x201E ; sedanje države članice & # x201C ; pomeni naslednje države članice :
(trg)="s25.2"> Kraljevino Belgijo , Kraljevino Dansko , Zvezno republiko Nemčijo , Helensko republiko , Francosko republiko , Kraljevino Španijo , Irsko , Italijansko republiko , Veliko vojvodstvo Luksemburg , Kraljevino Nizozemsko , Republiko Avstrijo , Portugalsko republiko , Republiko Finsko , Kraljevino Švedsko , Združeno kraljestvo Velike Britanije in Severne Irske ;

(src)="s26.1"> ( f )
(trg)="s26.1"> f )

(src)="s27.1"> the expression & #x2018 ; new Member States & #x2019 ; means the following Member States : the Czech Republic , the Republic of Estonia , the Republic of Cyprus , the Republic of Latvia , the Republic of Lithuania , the Republic of Hungary , the Republic of Malta , the Republic of Poland , the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovak Republic .
(trg)="s27.1"> izraz & # x201E ; nove države članice & # x201C ; pomeni naslednje države članice :
(trg)="s27.2"> Češko republiko , Republiko Estonijo , Republiko Ciper , Republiko Latvijo , Republiko Litvo , Republiko Madžarsko , Republiko Malto , Republiko Poljsko , Republiko Slovenijo in Slovaško republiko .

(src)="s28.1"> Article 2
(trg)="s28.1"> 2 . člen

(src)="s29.1"> The rights and obligations resulting from the Treaty on the Accession of the Czech Republic , the Republic of Estonia , the Republic of Cyprus , the Republic of Latvia , the Republic of Lithuania , the Republic of Hungary , the Republic of Malta , the Republic of Poland , the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovak Republic , referred to in Article IV-437(2)(e ) of the Constitution , took effect , under the conditions laid down in that Treaty , as from 1 May 2004.
(trg)="s29.1"> Pravice in obveznosti iz točke e ) drugega odstavka IV- 437 .  člena Ustave , ki izhajajo iz Pogodbe o pristopu Češke republike , Republike Estonije , Republike Ciper , Republike Latvije , Republike Litve , Republike Madžarske , Republike Malte , Republike Poljske , Republike Slovenije in Slovaške republike , so začele učinkovati v skladu s pogoji , določenimi z omenjeno pogodbo , od 1 .  maja 2004 .

(src)="s30.1"> Article 3
(trg)="s30.1"> 3 . člen

(src)="s33.1"> integrated into the framework of the Union by the Protocol annexed to the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe ( hereinafter referred to as the & #x2018 ; Schengen Protocol & #x2019 ; ) and the acts building upon it or otherwise related to it , listed in Annex I to the Act of Accession of 16 April 2003 , as well as any further such acts adopted before 1 May 2004 , shall be binding on and applicable in the new Member States from 1 May 2004.
(trg)="s31.1"> ( 1 )    Določbe schengenskega pravnega reda , kakor so vključene v okvir Unije s protokolom , ki je priložen Pogodbi o Ustavi za Evropo ( v nadaljevanju & # x201E ; Schengenski protokol & # x201C ; ) , in akti , ki temeljijo na njem oziroma so z njim kako drugače povezani , našteti v Prilogi I Akta o pristopu z dne 16 .  aprila 2003 , kakor tudi vsi nadaljnji takšni akti , ki so sprejeti pred 1 .  majem 2004 , so zavezujoči in se uporabljajo v novih državah članicah od 1 .  maja 2004 .

(src)="s35.1"> as integrated into the framework of the Union and the acts building upon it or otherwise related to it not referred to in paragraph 1 , while binding on the new Member States from 1 May 2004 , shall apply in a new Member State only pursuant to a European decision of the Council to that effect after verification in accordance with the applicable Schengen evaluation procedures that the necessary conditions for the application of all parts of the
(src)="s36.1"> acquis
(trg)="s32.1"> ( 2 )    Določbe schengenskega pravnega reda , kakor so vključene v okvir Unije , in določbe aktov , ki na njih temeljijo oziroma so z njim kako drugače povezane in jih prejšnji odstavek ne zajema , so zavezujoče za nove države članice od 1 .  maja 2004 , vendar se v novi državi članici uporabljajo šele na podlagi ustreznega evropskega sklepa Sveta , ki se sprejme po preveritvi v skladu s schengenskimi postopki ocenjevanja , da so v tej novi državi članici izpolnjeni vsi potrebni pogoji za uporabo vseh delov zadevnega pravnega reda .

(src)="s38.1"> The Council shall take its decision , after consulting the European Parliament , acting with the unanimity of its members representing the Governments of the Member States in respect of which the provisions referred to in the present paragraph have already been put into effect and of the representative of the Government of the Member State in respect of which those provisions are to be put into effect .
(trg)="s33.1"> Svet odloča po posvetovanju z Evropskim parlamentom s soglasjem svojih članov , ki predstavljajo vlade držav članic , za katere določbe iz tega odstavka že veljajo , in predstavnika vlade države članice , za katero se morajo določbe še uveljaviti .

(src)="s38.2"> The members of the Council representing the Governments of Ireland and of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland shall take part in such a decision insofar as it relates to the provisions of the Schengen
(src)="s39.1"> acquis
(src)="s40.1"> and the acts building upon it or otherwise related to it in which these Member States participate .
(trg)="s33.2"> Člani Sveta , ki predstavljajo vladi Irske in Združenega kraljestva Velike Britanije in Severne Irske , sodelujejo pri teh odločitvah , kolikor te zadevajo določbe schengenskega pravnega reda in aktov , ki na njem temeljijo , ali so z njim kako drugače povezane , v katerih ti državi članici sodelujeta .

(src)="s41.1"> 3.
(src)="s41.2"> The Agreements concluded by the Council under Article 6 of the Schengen Protocol shall be binding on the new Member States from 1 May 2004.
(trg)="s34.1"> ( 3 )    Sporazumi , ki jih v skladu s 6 .  členom Schengenskega protokola sklene Svet , so od 1 .  maja 2004 zavezujoči za nove države članice .

(src)="s42.1"> 4.
(src)="s42.2"> The new Member States shall be required in respect of those conventions or instruments in the field of justice and home affairs which are inseparable from the attainment of the objectives of the EU Treaty :
(trg)="s35.1"> ( 4 )    Nove države članice morajo v zvezi s tistimi konvencijami ali instrumenti s področja pravosodja in notranjih zadev , ki so neločljivo povezani z doseganjem ciljev Pogodbe EU :

(src)="s43.1"> ( a )
(trg)="s36.1"> a )

(src)="s44.1"> to accede to those which , by 1 May 2004 , have been opened for signature by the present Member States , and to those which have been drawn up by the Council in accordance with Title VI of the EU Treaty and recommended to the Member States for adoption ;
(trg)="s37.1"> pristopiti k tistim , ki so jih sedanje države članice do 1 .  maja 2004 odprle za podpis , in k tistim , ki jih je Svet pripravil v skladu z naslovom VI Pogodbe EU in jih državam članicam priporočil v sprejetje ;

(src)="s45.1"> ( b )
(trg)="s38.1"> b )

(src)="s46.1"> to introduce administrative and other arrangements , such as those adopted by 1 May 2004 by the present Member States or by the Council , to facilitate practical cooperation between the Member States ' institutions and organisations working in the field of justice and home affairs .
(trg)="s39.1"> uvesti upravne in druge ukrepe , take kot so jih do 1 .  maja 2004 sprejele sedanje države članice ali Svet , da bi olajšale dejansko sodelovanje med institucijami in organizacijami držav članic na področju pravosodja in notranjih zadev .

(src)="s47.1"> Article 4
(trg)="s40.1"> 4 . člen

(src)="s48.1"> Each of the new Member States shall participate in Economic and Monetary Union from 1 May 2004 as a Member State with a derogation within the meaning of Article III-197 of the Constitution .
(trg)="s41.1"> Vse nove države članice od 1 .  maja 2004 sodelujejo v ekonomski in monetarni uniji kot države članice s posebno ureditvijo v smislu III- 197 .  člena Ustave .

(src)="s49.1"> Article 5
(trg)="s42.1"> 5 . člen

(src)="s50.1"> 1.
(src)="s50.2"> The new Member States , which have acceded by the Act of Accession of 16 April 2003 to the decisions and agreements adopted by the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States , meeting within the Council , shall be required to accede to all other agreements concluded by the present Member States relating to the functioning of the Union or connected with the activities thereof.2 .
(src)="s50.3"> The new Member States shall be required to accede to the conventions provided for in Article 293 of the EC Treaty and to those that are inseparable from the attainment of the objectives of the EC Treaty , insofar as they are still in force , and also to the protocols on the interpretation of those conventions by the Court of Justice of the European Communities , signed by the present Member States , and to this end they shall be required to enter into negotiations with the present Member States in order to make the necessary adjustments thereto .
(trg)="s43.1"> ( 1 )    Nove države članice , ki so z Aktom o pristopu z dne 16 .  aprila 2003 pristopile k sklepom in sporazumom , ki so jih sprejeli predstavniki vlad in držav članic v okviru Sveta , morajo pristopiti k vsem drugim sporazumom , ki so jih sedanje države članice sklenile v zvezi z delovanjem Unije ali ki so povezani z njenimi dejavnostmi . ( 2 )    Nove države članice morajo pristopiti h konvencijam iz člena 293 Pogodbe ES in k tistim , ki so neločljivo povezane z doseganjem ciljev iz Pogodbe ES , če še vedno veljajo ,  ter tudi k protokolom o razlagi omenjenih konvencij s strani Sodišča , ki so jih podpisale sedanje države članice , in morajo v ta namen z njimi začeti pogajanja zaradi potrebnih prilagoditev le- teh .

(src)="s51.1"> Article 6
(trg)="s44.1"> 6 . člen

(src)="s52.1"> 1.
(src)="s52.2"> The new Member States shall be required to accede , under the conditions laid down in this Protocol , to the agreements or conventions concluded or provisionally applied by the present Member States and the Union or the European Atomic Energy Community , acting jointly , and to the agreements concluded by those States which are related to those agreements or conventions .
(trg)="s45.1"> ( 1 )    Nove države članice morajo pod pogoji iz tega protokola pristopiti k sporazumom ali konvencijam , ki so jih sedanje države članice in Unija ali Evropska skupnost za atomsko energijo sklenile skupaj ali jih skupaj začasno uporabljajo ,  ter k sporazumom , ki so jih sklenile te države in so povezani z omenjenimi sporazumi ali konvencijami .

(src)="s53.1"> The accession of the new Member States to the agreements or conventions mentioned in paragraph 4 , as well as the agreements with Belarus , China , Chile , Mercosur and Switzerland which have been concluded or signed by the Community and its present Member States jointly shall be agreed by the conclusion of a protocol to such agreements or conventions between the Council , acting unanimously on behalf of the Member States , and the third country or countries or international organisation concerned .
(trg)="s46.1"> Pristop novih držav članic k sporazumom ali konvencijam iz četrtega odstavka tega člena , kakor tudi k sporazumom z Belorusijo , Kitajsko , Čilom , Mercosurjem in Švico , ki so jih Skupnost in sedanje države članice sklenile ali podpisale skupaj , se opravi s sklenitvijo protokola k tem sporazumom ali konvencijam med Svetom , ki nastopa soglasno v imenu držav članic , in zadevno tretjo državo ali državami ali mednarodno organizacijo .

(src)="s53.2"> This procedure is without prejudice to the Union 's and the European Atomic Energy Community 's own competences and does not affect the allocation of powers between the Union and the European Atomic Energy Community and the Member States as regards the conclusion of such agreements in the future or any other amendments not related to accession .
(trg)="s46.2"> Ta postopek ne vpliva na pristojnosti Unije ali Evropske skupnosti za atomsko energijo in ne vpliva na porazdelitev pristojnosti med njima in državami članicami glede sklenitve takšnih sporazumov v prihodnje ali glede katerih koli drugih sprememb , ki niso povezane s pristopom .

(src)="s53.3"> The Commission shall negotiate these protocols on behalf of the Member States on the basis of negotiating directives approved by the Council , acting by unanimity , and in consultation with a committee comprised of the representatives of the Member States .
(trg)="s46.3"> Na podlagi pogajalskih smernic , ki jih s soglasjem odobri Svet , in ob posvetovanju z odborom , ki ga sestavljajo predstavniki držav članic , se o teh protokolih v imenu držav članic pogaja Komisija .

(src)="s53.4"> It shall submit a draft of the protocols for conclusion to the Council .
(trg)="s46.4"> Komisija Svetu predloži osnutke protokolov v sklenitev .

(src)="s54.1"> 2.
(src)="s54.2"> Upon acceding to the agreements and conventions referred to in paragraph 1 the new Member States shall acquire the same rights and obligations under those agreements and conventions as the present Member States.3 .
(src)="s54.3"> The new Member States shall be required to accede , under the conditions laid down in this Protocol , to the Agreement on the European Economic Area (
(trg)="s47.1"> ( 2 )    Ob pristopu k sporazumom in konvencijam iz prejšnjega odstavka pridobijo nove države članice iste pravice in obveznosti iz teh sporazumov in konvencij , kot jih imajo sedanje države članice . ( 3 )    Nove države članice morajo pod pogoji iz tega protokola pristopiti k Sporazumu o Evropskem gospodarskem prostoru (

(src)="s55.1"> 1
(trg)="s48.1"> 1

(src)="s56.1"> ) , in accordance with Article 128 of that Agreement .
(trg)="s49.1"> ) v skladu s členom 128 Sporazuma .

(src)="s57.1"> 4.
(src)="s57.2"> As from 1 May 2004 , and , where appropriate , pending the conclusion of the necessary protocols referred to in paragraph 1 , the new Member States shall apply the provisions of the Agreements concluded by the present Member States and , jointly , the Community , with Algeria , Armenia , Azerbaijan , Bulgaria , Croatia , Egypt , the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia , Georgia , Israel , Jordan , Kazakhstan , Kyrgyzstan , Lebanon , Mexico , Moldova , Morocco , Romania , the Russian Federation , San Marino , South Africa , South Korea , Syria , Tunisia , Turkey , Turkmenistan , Ukraine and Uzbekistan as well as the provisions of other agreements concluded jointly by the present Member States and the Community before 1 May 2004.
(trg)="s50.1"> ( 4 )    Od 1 .  maja 2004 in po potrebi , dokler niso sklenjeni potrebni protokoli iz prvega odstavka tega člena , nove države članice uporabljajo določbe sporazumov , ki so jih skupaj sklenile sedanje države članice in Skupnost z Alžirijo , Armenijo , Azerbajdžanom , Bolgarijo , Egiptom , Gruzijo , Hrvaško , Izraelom , Jordanijo , Južno Afriko , Južno Korejo , Kazahstanom , Kirgizistanom , Libanonom , Marokom , Mehiko , Moldavijo , Nekdanjo jugoslovansko republiko Makedonijo , Romunijo , Rusko federacijo , San Marinom , Sirijo , Tunizijo , Turčijo , Turkmenistanom , Ukrajino in Uzbekistanom , kakor tudi določbe drugih sporazumov , ki so jih sedanje države članice in Skupnost skupaj sklenile pred 1 .  majem 2004 .

(src)="s58.1"> Any adjustments to these Agreements shall be the subject of protocols concluded with the co-contracting countries in conformity with the provisions of the second subparagraph of paragraph 1.
(trg)="s51.1"> Vse prilagoditve teh sporazumov se uredijo s protokoli , ki se sklenejo z državami sopogodbenicami skladno z določbami drugega pododstavka prvega odstavka tega člena .

(src)="s58.2"> Should the protocols not have been concluded by 1 May 2004 , the Union , the European Atomic Energy Community and the Member States shall take , in the framework of their respective competences , the necessary measures to deal with that situation .
(trg)="s51.2"> Če protokoli do 1 .  maja 2004 niso sklenjeni , Unija , Evropska skupnost za atomsko energijo in države članice v okviru svojih pristojnosti sprejmejo potrebne ukrepe za ureditev tega stanja .

(src)="s59.1"> 5.
(src)="s59.2"> As from 1 May 2004 , the new Member States shall apply the bilateral textile agreements and arrangements concluded by the Community with third countries .
(trg)="s52.1"> ( 5 )    Od 1 .  maja 2004 nove države članice uporabljajo dvostranske sporazume in dogovore o tekstilu , ki jih je Skupnost sklenila s tretjimi državami .

(src)="s60.1"> The quantitative restrictions applied by the Union on imports of textile and clothing products shall be adjusted to take account of the accession of the new Member States .
(trg)="s53.1"> Količinske omejitve , ki jih Unija uporablja za uvoz tekstilnih izdelkov in oblačil , se prilagodijo tako , da se upošteva pristop novih držav članic .

(src)="s61.1"> Should the amendments to the bilateral textile agreements and arrangements not have entered into force by 1 May 2004 , the Union shall make the necessary adjustments to its rules for the import of textile and clothing products from third countries to take into account the accession of the new Member States .
(trg)="s54.1"> Če spremembe dvostranskih sporazumov in dogovorov o tekstilu ne začnejo veljati do 1 .  maja 2004 , Unija sprejme potrebne prilagoditve svojih pravil za uvoz tekstilnih izdelkov in oblačil iz tretjih držav , da bi se upošteval pristop novih držav članic .

(src)="s62.1"> 6.
(src)="s62.2"> The quantitative restrictions applied by the Union on imports of steel and steel products shall be adjusted on the basis of imports by new Member States during the years immediately preceding the signing of the Accession Treaty of steel products originating in the supplier countries concerned .
(trg)="s55.1"> ( 6 )    Količinske omejitve , ki jih Unija uporablja za uvoz jekla in izdelkov iz jekla , se prilagodijo na podlagi uvoza izdelkov iz jekla s poreklom iz zadevnih držav dobaviteljic v nove države članice v letih neposredno pred podpisom pristopne pogodbe .

(src)="s63.1"> 7.
(src)="s63.2"> Fisheries agreements concluded before 1 May 2004 by the new Member States with third countries shall be managed by the Union .
(trg)="s56.1"> ( 7 )    Sporazume o ribolovu , ki so jih nove države članice sklenile s tretjimi državami pred 1 .  majem 2004 , upravlja Unija .

(src)="s64.1"> The rights and obligations resulting for the new Member States from those agreements shall not be affected during the period in which the provisions of those agreements are provisionally maintained .
(trg)="s57.1"> Pravice in obveznosti novih držav članic , ki izhajajo iz teh sporazumov , ostanejo v obdobju , v katerem se določbe teh sporazumov prehodno ohranjajo , nespremenjene .

(src)="s65.1"> As soon as possible , and in any event before the expiry of the agreements referred to in the first subparagraph , appropriate European decisions for the continuation of fishing activities resulting from those agreements shall be adopted in each case by the Council on a proposal from the Commission , including the possibility of extending certain agreements for periods not exceeding one year .
(trg)="s58.1"> Čim prej , vsekakor pa pred potekom sporazumov iz prvega pododstavka tega odstavka , Svet na predlog Komisije za vsak posamezni primer sprejme ustrezne evropske sklepe o nadaljevanju ribolovne dejavnosti , ki izhaja iz teh sporazumov , vključno z možnostjo podaljševanja nekaterih sporazumov za obdobje največ enega leta .

(src)="s66.1"> 8.
(src)="s66.2"> With effect from 1 May 2004 , the new Member States shall withdraw from any free trade agreements with third countries , including the Central European Free Trade Agreement .
(trg)="s59.1"> ( 8 )    Z učinkom od 1 .  maja 2004 nove države članice odstopijo od sporazumov o prosti trgovini , sklenjenih s tretjimi državami , vključno s Srednjeevropskim sporazumom o prosti trgovini .

(src)="s67.1"> To the extent that agreements between one or more of the new Member States on the one hand , and one or more third countries on the other , are not compatible with the obligations arising from the Constitution and in particular from this Protocol , the new Member States shall take all appropriate steps to eliminate the incompatibilities established .
(trg)="s60.1"> Kolikor sporazumi med eno ali več novimi državami članicami na eni strani in eno ali več tretjimi državami na drugi strani niso združljivi z obveznostmi , ki izhajajo iz Ustave in zlasti iz tega protokola , nove države članice ukrenejo vse potrebno , da odpravijo ugotovljene neskladnosti .

(src)="s67.2"> If a new Member State encounters difficulties in adjusting an agreement concluded with one or more third countries before accession , it shall , according to the terms of the agreement , withdraw from that agreement .
(trg)="s60.2"> Če se nova država članica sooča s težavami pri prilagoditvi sporazuma , ki ga je pred pristopom sklenila z eno ali več tretjimi državami , od tega sporazuma odstopi v skladu s pogoji , določenimi v sporazumu .

(src)="s68.1"> 9.
(src)="s68.2"> The new Member States shall take appropriate measures , where necessary , to adjust their position in relation to international organisations , and in relation to those international agreements to which the Union or the European Atomic Energy Community or other Member States are also parties , to the rights and obligations arising from their accession to the Union .
(trg)="s61.1"> ( 9 )    Nove države članice sprejmejo ustrezne ukrepe , kadar je to potrebno , da svoj položaj v razmerju do mednarodnih organizacij in do mednarodnih sporazumov , katerih stranka je tudi Unija ali Evropska skupnost za atomsko energijo ali druge države članice , prilagodijo glede na pravice in obveznosti , ki izhajajo iz njihovega pristopa k Uniji .

(src)="s69.1"> They shall in particular withdraw at 1 May 2004 or the earliest possible date thereafter from international fisheries agreements and organisations to which the Union is also a party , unless their membership relates to matters other than fisheries .
(trg)="s62.1"> Še zlasti s 1 .  majem 2004 ali kakor hitro po tem dnevu je to mogoče odstopijo od mednarodnih sporazumov o ribolovu in izstopijo iz mednarodnih ribolovnih organizacij , katerih stranka je tudi Unija , razen če se njihovo članstvo nanaša na zadeve , ki niso povezane z ribolovom .

(src)="s70.1"> Article 7
(trg)="s63.1"> 7 . člen

(src)="s71.1"> Acts adopted by the institutions to which the transitional provisions laid down in this Protocol relate shall retain their status in law ; in particular , the procedures for amending those acts shall continue to apply .
(trg)="s64.1"> Akti , ki so jih sprejele institucije in na katere se nanašajo prehodne določbe iz tega protokola , ohranijo svojo pravno naravo ; zlasti se še naprej uporabljajo postopki za spremembe omenjenih aktov .

(src)="s72.1"> Article 8
(trg)="s65.1"> 8 . člen

(src)="s73.1"> Provisions of the Act of Accession of 16 April 2003 , as interpreted by the Court of Justice of the European Communities and the Court of First Instance , the purpose or effect of which is to repeal or amend , otherwise than as a transitional measure , acts adopted by the institutions , bodies , offices or agencies of the Community or of the European Union established by the Treaty on European Union shall remain in force subject to the application of the second paragraph .
(trg)="s66.1"> Določbe Akta o pristopu z dne 16 .  aprila 2003 , katerih namen ali učinek je , drugače kakor v obliki prehodnega ukrepa , razveljaviti ali spremeniti akte , ki so jih sprejele institucije , organi , uradi ali agencije Skupnosti ali Evropske unije , ustanovljene s Pogodbo o Evropski uniji , kakor jih razlagata Sodišče Evropskih skupnosti in Sodišče prve stopnje , ostanejo v veljavi ob upoštevanju drugega odstavka tega člena .

(src)="s74.1"> These provisions shall have the same status in law as the acts which they repeal or amend and shall be subject to the same rules as those acts .
(trg)="s67.1"> Te določbe imajo isto pravno naravo kakor akti , ki jih razveljavljajo ali spreminjajo , in zanje veljajo enaka pravila kot za omenjene akte .

(src)="s75.1"> Article 9
(trg)="s68.1"> 9 . člen

(src)="s76.1"> The texts of the acts of the institutions , bodies , offices and agencies of the Community or of the European Union established by the Treaty on European Union and the texts of acts of the European Central Bank which were adopted before 1 May 2004 and which were drawn up in the Czech , Estonian , Latvian , Lithuanian , Hungarian , Maltese , Polish , Slovenian and Slovak languages shall be authentic from that date , under the same conditions as the texts drawn up and authentic in the other languages .
(trg)="s69.1"> Besedila aktov institucij , organov , uradov ali agencij Skupnosti ali Evropske unije , ustanovljene s Pogodbo o Evropski uniji , in besedila aktov Evropske centralne banke , ki so bila sprejeta pred 1 .  majem 2004 in ki so bila sestavljena v češkem , estonskem , latvijskem , litovskem , madžarskem , malteškem , poljskem , slovaškem in slovenskem jeziku , so od tega dne verodostojna pod enakimi pogoji kakor besedila , sestavljena in verodostojna v drugih jezikih .

(src)="s77.1"> Article 10
(trg)="s70.1"> 10 . člen

(src)="s78.1"> A European law of the Council may repeal the transitional provisions set out in this Protocol , when they are no longer applicable .
(trg)="s71.1"> Evropski zakon Sveta lahko razveljavi prehodne določbe iz tega protokola , ki se več ne uporabljajo .

(src)="s78.2"> The Council shall act unanimously after consulting the European Parliament .
(trg)="s71.2"> Svet odloča soglasno po posvetovanju z Evropskim parlamentom .

(src)="s79.1"> Article 11
(trg)="s72.1"> 11 . člen

(src)="s80.1"> The application of the Constitution and acts adopted by the institutions shall , as a transitional measure , be subject to the derogations provided for in this Protocol .
(trg)="s73.1"> Pri uporabi Ustave in aktov , ki so jih sprejele institucije , veljajo izjeme , predvidene v tem protokolu kot prehodni ukrep .

(src)="s81.1"> TITLE II
(trg)="s74.1"> II .
(trg)="s74.2"> NASLOV

(trg)="s75.1"> TRAJNE DOLOČBE

(src)="s83.1"> Article 12
(trg)="s76.1"> 12 . člen

(src)="s84.1"> The adaptations to the acts listed in Annex III to the Act of Accession of 16 April 2003 made necessary by accession shall be drawn up in conformity with the guidelines set out in that Annex and in accordance with the procedure and under the conditions laid down in Article 36.
(trg)="s77.1"> Prilagoditve aktov , naštetih v Prilogi III k Aktu o pristopu z dne 16 .  aprila 2003 , ki so potrebne zaradi pristopa , se oblikujejo skladno s smernicami iz omenjene priloge in v skladu s postopkom ter pod pogoji iz 36 .  člena tega protokola .

(src)="s85.1"> Article 13
(trg)="s78.1"> 13 . člen

(src)="s86.1"> The measures listed in Annex IV to the Act of Accession of 16 April 2003 shall be applied under the conditions laid down in that Annex .
(trg)="s79.1"> Ukrepi , našteti v Prilogi IV k Aktu o pristopu z dne 16 .  aprila 2003 , se uporabijo pod pogoji , ki jih določa omenjena priloga .

(src)="s87.1"> Article 14
(trg)="s80.1"> 14 . člen

(src)="s88.1"> A European law of the Council may make the adaptations to the provisions of this Protocol relating to the common agricultural policy which may prove necessary as a result of a modification of Union law .
(trg)="s81.1"> Svet lahko z evropskim zakonom sprejme prilagoditve določb tega protokola glede skupne kmetijske politike , ki bi se izkazale za potrebne zaradi spremembe prava Unije .

(src)="s88.2"> The Council shall act unanimously after consulting the European Parliament .
(trg)="s81.2"> Svet odloča soglasno po posvetovanju z Evropskim parlamentom .

(src)="s89.1"> TITLE III
(trg)="s82.1"> III .
(trg)="s82.2"> NASLOV

(trg)="s83.1"> ZAČASNE DOLOČBE

(src)="s91.1"> Article 15
(trg)="s84.1"> 15 . člen

(src)="s92.1"> The measures listed in Annexes V , VI , VII , VIII , IX , X , XI , XII , XIII and XIV to the Act of Accession of 16 April 2003 shall apply in respect of the new Member States under the conditions laid down in those Annexes .
(trg)="s85.1"> Ukrepi , navedeni v Prilogah V , VI , VII , VIII , IX , X , XI , XII , XIII in XIV k Aktu o pristopu z dne 16 .  aprila 2003 , se za nove države članice uporabljajo pod pogoji , določenimi v teh prilogah .

(src)="s93.1"> Article 16
(trg)="s86.1"> 16 . člen

(src)="s94.1"> 1.
(src)="s94.2"> The revenue designated as & #x2018 ; Common Customs Tariff duties and other duties & #x2019 ; referred to in Article 2(1)(b ) of Council Decision 2000/ 597/ EC , Euratom of 29 September 2000 on the system of the European Communities ' own resources (
(trg)="s87.1"> ( 1 )    Prihodek , določen kot & # x201E ; dajatve skupne carinske tarife in druge dajatve & # x201C ; iz člena 2( 1 ) ( b ) Sklepa Sveta 2000/ 597/ ES , Euratom z dne 29 .  septembra 2000 o sistemu virov lastnih sredstev Evropskih skupnosti (

(src)="s95.1"> 2
(trg)="s88.1"> 2

(src)="s96.1"> ) , or the corresponding provision in any Decision replacing it , shall include the customs duties calculated on the basis of the rates resulting from the Common Customs Tariff and any tariff concession relating thereto applied by the Union in the new Member States ' trade with third countries.2 .
(src)="s96.2"> For the year 2004 , the harmonised VAT assessment base and the GNI ( gross national income ) base of each new Member State , referred to in Article 2(1)(c ) and ( d ) of Council Decision 2000/ 597/ EC , Euratom shall be equal to two thirds of the annual base .
(trg)="s89.1"> ) ali ustrezna določba katerega koli sklepa , ki ga nadomesti , vključuje carinske dajatve izračunane na podlagi stopenj iz skupne carinske tarife in iz katere koli tarifne koncesije glede skupne carinske tarife , ki jo Unija uporablja za trgovino novih držav članic s tretjimi državami . ( 2 )    Usklajena osnova za odmero DDV in osnova BND ( bruto nacionalnega dohodka ) za vsako novo državo članico iz členov 2( 1 ) ( c ) in ( d ) Sklepa 2000/ 597/ ES , Euratom je za leto 2004 enaka dvema tretjinama letne osnove .