# en/C2004310.01029701.xml.gz
# mt/C2004310.01029701.xml.gz

(src)="s1.1"> Celex Test
(trg)="s1.1"> Celex Test

(src)="s2.1"> 9.
(trg)="s2.1"> 9 .



(src)="s5.1"> RECALLING that the Czech Republic , the Republic of Estonia , the Republic of Cyprus , the Republic of Latvia , the Republic of Lithuania , the Republic of Hungary , the Republic of Malta , the Republic of Poland , the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovak Republic acceded to the European Communities and to the European Union established by the Treaty on European Union on 1 May 2004 ;
(trg)="s5.1"> FILWAQT LI JFAKKRU li r- Repubblika Ċeka , r- Repubblika ta ' l- Estonja , r- Repubblika ta ' Ċipru , r- Repubblika tal- Latvja , r- Repubblika tal- Litwanja , r- Repubblika ta ' l- Ungerija , r- Repubblika ta ' Malta , r- Repubblika tal- Polonja , r- Repubblika tas- Slovenja u r- Repubblika Slovakka , ingħaqdu mal- Komunitajiet Ewropej u ma ' l- Unjoni Ewropea stabbilita bit- Trattat dwar l- Unjoni Ewropea fl- 1 ta '  Mejju 2004 ;

(src)="s6.1"> CONSIDERING that Article IV-437(2)(e ) of the Constitution provides that the Treaty of 16 April 2003 concerning the accessions referred to above shall be repealed ;
(trg)="s6.1"> WARA LI KKUNSIDRAW li l- Artikolu IV- 437( 2 ) ( e ) tal- Kostituzzjoni jipprovdi li t- Trattat tas- 16 ta '  April 2003 li jikkonċerna l- adeżjonijiet hawn fuq previsti għandu jiġi imħassar ;

(src)="s7.1"> CONSIDERING that many of the provisions of the Act annexed to that Treaty of Accession remain relevant ; that Article IV-437(2 ) of the Constitution provides that those provisions must be set out or referred to in a Protocol , so that they remain in force and their legal effects are preserved ;
(trg)="s7.1"> WARA LI KKUNSIDRAW li ħafna mid- disposizzjonijiet ta ' l- Att anness ma ' dak it- Trattat ta ' Adeżjoni jibqgħu rilevanti ; li l- Artikolu IV- 437( 2 ) tal- Kostituzzjoni jipprovdi li dawk id- disposizzjonijiet iridu jiġu stabbiliti jew previsti fi Protokoll , sabiex jibqgħu fis- seħħ u biex l- effetti legali tagħhom ikunu ippreservati ;

(src)="s8.1"> CONSIDERING that some of those provisions require the technical adjustments necessary to bring them into line with the Constitution without altering their legal effect ,
(trg)="s8.1"> WARA LI KKUNSIDRAW li xi disposizzjonijiet in kwistjoni jeħtieġu l- aġġustamenti tekniċi neċessarji biex jiġu allinjati mal- Kostituzzjoni mingħajr ma jinbidel l- effett legali tagħhom ,

(src)="s9.1"> HAVE AGREED UPON the following provisions , which shall be annexed to the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe and to the Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community :
(trg)="s9.1"> FTEHMU dwar id- disposizzjonijiet li ġejjin , li għandhom jiġu annessi mat- Trattat li jistabbilixxi Kostituzzjoni għall- Ewropa u mat- Trattat li jistabbilixxi l- Komunità Ewropea dwar l- Enerġija Atomika :

(src)="s10.1"> PART ONE
(trg)="s10.1"> L- EWWEL PARTI


(src)="s12.1"> TITLE I
(trg)="s12.1"> TITOLU I

(src)="s13.1"> PRINCIPLES
(trg)="s13.1"> PRINĊIPJI

(src)="s14.1"> Article 1
(trg)="s14.1"> Artikolu 1

(src)="s15.1"> For the purposes of this Protocol :
(trg)="s15.1"> Għall- finijiet ta ' dan il- Protokoll :

(src)="s16.1"> ( a )
(trg)="s16.1"> a )

(src)="s17.1"> the expression & #x2018 ; Act of Accession of 16 April 2003 & #x2019 ; means the Act concerning the conditions of accession of the Czech Republic , the Republic of Estonia , the Republic of Cyprus , the Republic of Latvia , the Republic of Lithuania , the Republic of Hungary , the Republic of Malta , the Republic of Poland , the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovak Republic and the adjustments to the Treaties on which the European Union is founded ;
(trg)="s17.1"> il- frażi & # x201C ; Att ta ' l- Adeżjoni tas- 16 ta '  April 2003 & # x201D ; tfisser l- Att li jirrigwarda l- kondizzjonijet ta ' l- adeżjoni tar- Repubblika Ċeka , r- Repubblika ta ' l- Estonja , r- Repubblika ta ' Ċipru , r- Repubblika tal- Latvja , r- Repubblika tal- Litwanja , r- Repubblika ta ' l- Ungerija , r- Repubblika ta ' Malta , r- Repubblika tal- Polonja , r- Repubblika tas- Slovenja u r- Repubblika Slovakka u l- aġġustamenti għat- Trattati li fuqhom hi bbażata l- Unjoni Ewropea ;

(src)="s18.1"> ( b )
(trg)="s18.1"> b )

(src)="s19.1"> the expressions & #x2018 ; Treaty establishing the European Community & #x2019 ; ( EC Treaty ) and & #x2018 ; Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community & #x2019 ; ( EAEC Treaty ) mean those Treaties as supplemented or amended by treaties or other acts which entered into force before 1 May 2004 ;
(trg)="s19.1"> il- frażijiet & # x201C ; Trattat li jistabbilixxi l- Komunità Ewropea & # x201D ; ( & # x201C ; Trattat tal- KE & # x201D ; ) u & # x201C ; Trattat li jistabbilixxi l- Komunità Ewropea dwar l- Enerġija Atomika & # x201D ; ( & # x201C ; Trattat tal- KEEA & # x201D ; ) , ifissru dawk it- Trattati kif issupplementati jew emendati bi trattati jew b' atti oħra li daħlu fis- seħħ qabel l- 1 ta '  Mejju 2004 ;

(src)="s20.1"> ( c )
(trg)="s20.1"> ċ )

(src)="s21.1"> the expression & #x2018 ; Treaty on European Union & #x2019 ; ( EU Treaty ) means that Treaty as supplemented or amended by treaties or other acts which entered into force before 1 May 2004 ;
(trg)="s21.1"> il- frażi it - & # x201C ; Trattat dwar l- Unjoni Ewropea & # x201D ; ( & # x201C ; Trattat dwar l- UE & # x201D ; ) , tfisser dak it- Trattat kif issupplimentat jew emendat bi trattati jew atti oħra li daħlu fis- seħħ qabel l- 1 ta '  Mejju 2004 ;

(src)="s22.1"> ( d )
(trg)="s22.1"> d )

(src)="s23.1"> the expression & #x2018 ; the Community & #x2019 ; means one or both of the Communities referred to in ( b ) as the case may be ;
(trg)="s23.1"> il- frażi & # x201C ; il- Komunità & # x201D ; tfisser , skond il- każ , waħda mill- Komunitajiet previsti f ' ( b ) jew it- tnejn li huma ;

(src)="s24.1"> ( e )
(trg)="s24.1"> e )

(src)="s25.1"> the expression & #x2018 ; present Member States & #x2019 ; means the following Member States : the Kingdom of Belgium , the Kingdom of Denmark , the Federal Republic of Germany , the Hellenic Republic , the Kingdom of Spain , the French Republic , Ireland , the Italian Republic , the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg , the Kingdom of the Netherlands , the Republic of Austria , the Portuguese Republic , the Republic of Finland , the Kingdom of Sweden and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ;
(trg)="s25.1"> il- frażi & # x201C ; Stati Membri attwali & # x201D ; tfisser l- Istati Membri li ġejjin : ir- Renju tal- Belġju , r- Renju tad- Danimarka , r- Repubblika Federali tal- Ġermanja , r- Repubblika Ellenika , r- Renju ta ' Spanja , r- Repubblika Franċiża , l- Irlanda , r- Repubblika Taljana , l- Gran Dukat tal- Lussemburgu , r- Renju ta ' l- Olanda , r- Repubblika Awstrijaka , r- Repubblika Portugiża , r- Repubblika tal- Finlandja , r- Renju ta ' l- Isvezja u r- Renju Unit tal- Gran Brittanja u l- Irlanda ta ' Fuq ;

(src)="s26.1"> ( f )
(trg)="s26.1"> f )

(src)="s27.1"> the expression & #x2018 ; new Member States & #x2019 ; means the following Member States : the Czech Republic , the Republic of Estonia , the Republic of Cyprus , the Republic of Latvia , the Republic of Lithuania , the Republic of Hungary , the Republic of Malta , the Republic of Poland , the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovak Republic .
(trg)="s27.1"> il- frażi & # x201C ; Stati Membri l- ġodda & # x201D ; tfisser l- Istati Membri li ġejjin : ir- Repubblika Ċeka , r- Repubblika ta ' l- Estonja , r- Repubblika ta ' Ċipru , r- Repubblika tal- Latvja , r- Repubblika tal- Litwanja , r- Repubblika ta ' l- Ungerija , r- Repubblika ta ' Malta , r- Repubblika tal- Polonja , r- Repubblika tas- Slovenja u r- Repubblika Slovakka .

(src)="s28.1"> Article 2
(trg)="s28.1"> Artikolu 2

(src)="s29.1"> The rights and obligations resulting from the Treaty on the Accession of the Czech Republic , the Republic of Estonia , the Republic of Cyprus , the Republic of Latvia , the Republic of Lithuania , the Republic of Hungary , the Republic of Malta , the Republic of Poland , the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovak Republic , referred to in Article IV-437(2)(e ) of the Constitution , took effect , under the conditions laid down in that Treaty , as from 1 May 2004.
(trg)="s29.1"> Id- drittijiet u l- obbligi li jirriżultaw mit- Trattati ta ' Adeżjoni tar- Repubblika Ċeka , r- Repubblika ta ' l- Estonja , r- Repubblika ta ' Ċipru , r- Repubblika tal- Latvja , r- Repubblika tal- Litwanja , r- Repubblika ta ' l- Ungerija , r- Repubblika ta ' Malta , r- Repubblika tal- Polonja , r- Repubblika tas- Slovenja u r- Repubblika Slovakka , previsti fl- Artikolu IV- 437( 2 ) ( e ) tal- Kostituzzjoni , daħlu fis- seħħ , taħt il- kondizzjonijiet stabbiliti f' dak it- Trattat , mill- 1 ta '  Mejju 2004 .

(src)="s30.1"> Article 3
(trg)="s30.1"> Artikolu 3

(src)="s31.1"> 1.
(trg)="s31.1"> 1 .

(src)="s31.2"> The provisions of the Schengen
(trg)="s31.2"> Id- disposizzjoni ta ' l -

(src)="s32.1"> acquis
(trg)="s32.1"> acquis

(src)="s33.1"> integrated into the framework of the Union by the Protocol annexed to the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe ( hereinafter referred to as the & #x2018 ; Schengen Protocol & #x2019 ; ) and the acts building upon it or otherwise related to it , listed in Annex I to the Act of Accession of 16 April 2003 , as well as any further such acts adopted before 1 May 2004 , shall be binding on and applicable in the new Member States from 1 May 2004.
(trg)="s33.1"> Schengen integrati fil- qafas ta ' l- Unjoni permezz tal- Protokoll anness mat- Trattat li jistabbilixxi Kostituzzjoni għall- Ewropa ( minn hawn ' il quddiem imsejjaħ bħala l - & # x201C ; Protokoll ta ' Schengen & # x201D ; ) u l- atti li jibnu fuqu jew li b' xi mod għandhom x' jaqsmu miegħu , elenkati fl- Anness I ta ' l- Att ta ' l- Adeżjoni tas- 16 ta '  April 2003 , kif ukoll atti oħra bħal dawn adottati qabel l- 1 ta '  Mejju 2004 , għandhom jorbtu u jkunu applikabbli fl- Istati Membri l- ġodda mill- 1 ta '  Mejju 2004 .

(src)="s34.1"> acquis
(trg)="s34.1"> acquis

(src)="s35.1"> as integrated into the framework of the Union and the acts building upon it or otherwise related to it not referred to in paragraph 1 , while binding on the new Member States from 1 May 2004 , shall apply in a new Member State only pursuant to a European decision of the Council to that effect after verification in accordance with the applicable Schengen evaluation procedures that the necessary conditions for the application of all parts of the
(trg)="s35.1"> ta ' Schengen li ġew integrati fil- qafas ta ' l- Unjoni u l- atti li jibnu fuqu jew li għandhom x' jaqsmu miegħu li m' hemmx referenza għalihom fil- paragrafu 1 , waqt li jorbtu lill- Istati Membri l- ġodda mill- 1 ta '  Mejju 2004 , għandhom japplikaw fi Stat Membru ġdid biss wara deċiżjoni Ewropea tal- Kunsill , li tkun ivverifikat skond il- proċeduri ta ' valutazzjoni ta ' Schengen applikabbli , li l- kondizzjonijiet meħtieġa għall- applikazzjoni tal- partijiet kollha ta ' l -

(src)="s36.1"> acquis
(trg)="s36.1"> acquis

(src)="s37.1"> concerned have been met in that new Member State .
(trg)="s37.1"> kkonċernat kienu sodisfatti f' dak l- Istat Membru l- ġdid .

(src)="s38.1"> The Council shall take its decision , after consulting the European Parliament , acting with the unanimity of its members representing the Governments of the Member States in respect of which the provisions referred to in the present paragraph have already been put into effect and of the representative of the Government of the Member State in respect of which those provisions are to be put into effect .
(trg)="s38.1"> Il- Kunsill għandu jieħu d- deċiżjoni tiegħu , wara li jikkonsulta l- Parlament Ewropew , billi jaġixxi bl- unanimità tal- membri tiegħu li jirrappreżentaw il- Gvernijiet ta ' l- Istati Membri li fir- rigward tagħhom id- disposizzjonijiet previsti f' dan il- paragrafu diġà daħlu fis- seħħ u tar- rappreżentant tal- Gvern ta ' l- Istat Membru li fir- rigward tiegħu dawk id- disposizzjonijiet għad iridu jiddaħħlu fis- seħħ .

(src)="s38.2"> The members of the Council representing the Governments of Ireland and of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland shall take part in such a decision insofar as it relates to the provisions of the Schengen
(trg)="s38.2"> Il- membri tal- Kunsill li jirrappreżentaw il- Gvernijiet ta ' l- Irlanda u tar- Renju Unit tal- Gran Brittanja u l- Irlanda ta ' Fuq għandhom jieħdu sehem f' din id- deċiżjoni sakemm din tirrigwarda id- disposizzjonijiet ta ' l -

(src)="s39.1"> acquis
(trg)="s39.1"> acquis

(src)="s40.1"> and the acts building upon it or otherwise related to it in which these Member States participate .
(trg)="s40.1"> ta ' Schengen u l- atti li jibnu fuqu jew li għandhom x' jaqsmu miegħu b' xi mod ieħor li fih jipparteċipaw dawn l- Istati Membri .

(src)="s41.1"> 3.
(trg)="s41.1"> 3 .

(src)="s41.2"> The Agreements concluded by the Council under Article 6 of the Schengen Protocol shall be binding on the new Member States from 1 May 2004.
(trg)="s41.2"> Kull Ftehim milħuq mill- Kunsill taħt l- Artikolu 6 tal- Protokoll ta ' Schengen għandu jorbot l- Istati Membri l- ġodda mill- 1 ta '  Mejju 2004 .

(src)="s42.1"> 4.
(trg)="s42.1"> 4 .

(src)="s42.2"> The new Member States shall be required in respect of those conventions or instruments in the field of justice and home affairs which are inseparable from the attainment of the objectives of the EU Treaty :
(trg)="s42.2"> F' dak li għandu x' jaqsam mal- konvenzjonijiet jew l- istrumenti fil- qasam tal- ġustizzja u affarijiet interni li huma inseparabbli mill- kisba tal- miri tat- Trattat ta ' l- UE , l- Istat Membri ġodda huma marbuta :

(src)="s43.1"> ( a )
(trg)="s43.1"> a )

(src)="s44.1"> to accede to those which , by 1 May 2004 , have been opened for signature by the present Member States , and to those which have been drawn up by the Council in accordance with Title VI of the EU Treaty and recommended to the Member States for adoption ;
(trg)="s44.1"> li jaderixxu ma ' dawk li , fl- 1 ta '  Mejju 2004 , jkunu ġew miftuħa għall- firma mill- Istati Membri attwali , u ma ' dawk li kienu abbozzati mill- Kunsill skond it- Titolu VI tat- Trattat ta ' l- UE u rrakkomandati lill- Istati Membri għall- adozzjoni ;

(src)="s45.1"> ( b )
(trg)="s45.1"> b )

(src)="s46.1"> to introduce administrative and other arrangements , such as those adopted by 1 May 2004 by the present Member States or by the Council , to facilitate practical cooperation between the Member States ' institutions and organisations working in the field of justice and home affairs .
(trg)="s46.1"> li jintroduċu arranġamenti amministrattivi u oħrajn , bħal dawk adottati sa l- 1 ta '  Mejju 2004 mill- Istati Membri attwali jew mill- Kunsill , biex jiffaċilitaw koperazzjoni prattika bejn l- istituzzjonijiet u l- organizzazzjonijiet ta ' l- Istati Membri li jaħdmu fil- qasam tal- ġustizzja u l- intern .

(src)="s47.1"> Article 4
(trg)="s47.1"> Artikolu 4

(src)="s48.1"> Each of the new Member States shall participate in Economic and Monetary Union from 1 May 2004 as a Member State with a derogation within the meaning of Article III-197 of the Constitution .
(trg)="s48.1"> Kull wieħed mill- Istati membri l- ġodda għandu jipparteċipa fl- Unjoni Ekonomika u Monetarja mill- 1 ta '  Mejju 2004 bħala Stat Membru b' deroga fis- sens ta ' l- Artikolu III- 197 tal- Kostituzzjoni .

(src)="s49.1"> Article 5
(trg)="s49.1"> Artikolu 5

(src)="s50.1"> 1.
(trg)="s50.1"> 1 .

(src)="s50.2"> The new Member States , which have acceded by the Act of Accession of 16 April 2003 to the decisions and agreements adopted by the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States , meeting within the Council , shall be required to accede to all other agreements concluded by the present Member States relating to the functioning of the Union or connected with the activities thereof.2 .
(trg)="s50.2"> L- Istati Membri l- ġodda , li ngħaqdu bl- Att ta ' l- Adeżjoni tas- 16 ta '  April 2003 mad- deċiżjonijiet u l- ftehim adottati mir- Rappreżentanti tal- Gvernijiet ta ' l- Istati Membri , li jiltaqgħu fi ħdan il- Kunsill , għandhom ikunu meħtieġa li jaderixxu ma ' kull ftehim ieħor konkluż mill- Istati Membri attwali dwar il- funzjonament ta ' l- Unjoni jew li huma konnessi ma ' l- attivitajiet tagħha. 2 .

(src)="s50.3"> The new Member States shall be required to accede to the conventions provided for in Article 293 of the EC Treaty and to those that are inseparable from the attainment of the objectives of the EC Treaty , insofar as they are still in force , and also to the protocols on the interpretation of those conventions by the Court of Justice of the European Communities , signed by the present Member States , and to this end they shall be required to enter into negotiations with the present Member States in order to make the necessary adjustments thereto .
(trg)="s50.3"> L- Istati Membri l- ġodda għandhom ikun meħtieġa li jaderixxu għall- konvenzjonijiet previsti mill- Artikolu 293 tat- Trattat tal- KE u għal dawk li huma inseparabbli mill- kisba ta ' l- għanijiet tat- Trattat tal- KE , jekk ikunu għadhom fis- seħħ , u wkoll mal- protokolli dwar l- interpretazzjoni ta ' dawk il- konvenzjonijiet mill- Qorti tal- Ġustizzja tal- Komunitajiet Ewropej , iffirmati mill- Istati Membri attwali , u għal dan l- iskop huma għandhom ikunu marbuta li jidħlu f' negozjati ma ' l- Istati Membri attwali biex jagħmlu l- aġġustamenti meħtieġa għalihom .

(src)="s51.1"> Article 6
(trg)="s51.1"> Artikolu 6

(src)="s52.1"> 1.
(trg)="s52.1"> 1 .

(src)="s52.2"> The new Member States shall be required to accede , under the conditions laid down in this Protocol , to the agreements or conventions concluded or provisionally applied by the present Member States and the Union or the European Atomic Energy Community , acting jointly , and to the agreements concluded by those States which are related to those agreements or conventions .
(trg)="s52.2"> L- Istati Membri l- ġodda għandhom ikunu obbligati li jaderixxu , bil- kondizzjonijiet stabbiliti f' dan il- Protokoll , mal- ftehim jew il- konvenzjonijiet konklużi jew applikati b' mod provviżorju mill- Istati Membri attwali li jaġixxu konġuntement ma ' l- Unjoni jew il- Komunità Ewropea dwar l- Enerġija Atomika , u għal kull ftehim konkluż minn dawk l- Istati li huma marbuta ma ' dawk il- ftehim jew il- konvenzjonijiet .

(src)="s53.1"> The accession of the new Member States to the agreements or conventions mentioned in paragraph 4 , as well as the agreements with Belarus , China , Chile , Mercosur and Switzerland which have been concluded or signed by the Community and its present Member States jointly shall be agreed by the conclusion of a protocol to such agreements or conventions between the Council , acting unanimously on behalf of the Member States , and the third country or countries or international organisation concerned .
(trg)="s53.1"> L- adeżjoni ta ' l- Istati Membri l- ġodda għal kull ftehim jew konvenzjoni previsti fil- paragrafu 4 hawn taħt , kif ukoll għall- Ftehim mal- Belarus , iċ- Ċina , ċ- Ċile , il- Mercosur u l- Isvizzera , li ġew konklużi jew iffirmati mill- Komunità u l- Istati Membri attwali tagħha flimkien , għandha tkun approvata permezz ta ' konklużjoni ta ' protokoll għal dawn il- ftehim jew il- konvenzjonijiet bejn il- Kunsill , li jaġixxi b' mod unanimu għan- nom ta ' l- Istati Membri , u l- pajjiż jew il- pajjiżi terzi jew l- organizzazzjoni internazzjonali , kkonċernati .

(src)="s53.2"> This procedure is without prejudice to the Union 's and the European Atomic Energy Community 's own competences and does not affect the allocation of powers between the Union and the European Atomic Energy Community and the Member States as regards the conclusion of such agreements in the future or any other amendments not related to accession .
(trg)="s53.2"> Din il- proċedura hija bla ħsara għall- kompetenzi ta ' l- Unjoni u tal- Komunità Ewropea dwar l- Enerġija Atomika u ma tolqotx l- allokazzjoni ta ' kompetenzi bejn l- Unjoni u l- Komunità Ewropea dwar l- Enerġija Atomika u l- Istati Membri fir- rigward tal- konklużjoni ta ' ftehim bħal dan fil- futur jew kwalunkwe emenda oħra li ma għandhiex x' taqsam ma ' l- adeżjoni .

(src)="s53.3"> The Commission shall negotiate these protocols on behalf of the Member States on the basis of negotiating directives approved by the Council , acting by unanimity , and in consultation with a committee comprised of the representatives of the Member States .
(trg)="s53.3"> Il- Kummissjoni għandha tinnegozja dawn il- protokolli għan- nom ta ' l- Istati Membri abbażi ta ' direttivi dwar in- negozjati approvati mill- Kunsill , li jaġixxi bl- unanimità , u wara konsultazzjoni ma ' kumitat magħmul mir- rappreżentanti ta ' l- Istati Membri .

(src)="s53.4"> It shall submit a draft of the protocols for conclusion to the Council .
(trg)="s53.4"> Għandha tissottometti abbozzi tal- protokolli lill- Kunsill sabiex jiġu konklużi .

(src)="s54.1"> 2.
(trg)="s54.1"> 2 .

(src)="s54.2"> Upon acceding to the agreements and conventions referred to in paragraph 1 the new Member States shall acquire the same rights and obligations under those agreements and conventions as the present Member States.3 .
(trg)="s54.2"> Hekk kif jaderixxu mal- ftehim u l- konvenzjonijiet previsti fil- paragrafu 1 , l- Istati Membri l- ġodda għandhom jiksbu l- istess drittijiet u obbligi taħt dawk il- ftehim u l- konvenzjonijiet bħall- Istati Membri attwali. 3 .

(src)="s54.3"> The new Member States shall be required to accede , under the conditions laid down in this Protocol , to the Agreement on the European Economic Area (
(trg)="s54.3"> L- Istati Membri l- ġodda għandhom ikunu obbligati li jaderixxu , taħt il- kondizzjonijiet stabbiliti f' dan il- Protokoll , għall- Ftehim dwar iż- Żona Ekonomika Ewropea (

(src)="s55.1"> 1
(trg)="s55.1"> 1

(src)="s56.1"> ) , in accordance with Article 128 of that Agreement .
(trg)="s56.1"> ) skond l- Artikolu 128 tiegħu .

(src)="s57.1"> 4.
(trg)="s57.1"> 4 .

(src)="s57.2"> As from 1 May 2004 , and , where appropriate , pending the conclusion of the necessary protocols referred to in paragraph 1 , the new Member States shall apply the provisions of the Agreements concluded by the present Member States and , jointly , the Community , with Algeria , Armenia , Azerbaijan , Bulgaria , Croatia , Egypt , the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia , Georgia , Israel , Jordan , Kazakhstan , Kyrgyzstan , Lebanon , Mexico , Moldova , Morocco , Romania , the Russian Federation , San Marino , South Africa , South Korea , Syria , Tunisia , Turkey , Turkmenistan , Ukraine and Uzbekistan as well as the provisions of other agreements concluded jointly by the present Member States and the Community before 1 May 2004.
(trg)="s57.2"> Mill- 1 ta '  Mejju 2004 , u , jekk ikun il- każ , sakemm jiġu konklużi l- protokolli meħtieġa previsti fil- paragrafu 1 , l- Istati Membri l- ġodda għandhom japplikaw id- disposizzjonijiet tal- Ftehim konklużi mill- Istati Membri attwali , u , konġuntament , mal- Komunità , ma ' l- Alġerija , l- Armenja , l- Azerbajġan , il- Bulgarija , l- Kroazja , l- Eġittu , dik li qabel kienet ir- Repubblika Jugoslava tal- Maċedonja , l- Ġeorġja , l- Iżrael , il- Ġordan , il- Kazakstan , il- Kirgiżistan , il- Libanu , l- Messiku , l- Moldova , l- Marokk , ir- Rumanija , l- Federazzjoni Russa , San Marino , l- Afrika t' Isfel , il- Koreja t' Isfel , is- Sirja , t- Tuniżija , t- Turkija , t- Turkmenistan , l- Ukraina u l- Użbekistan kif ukoll d- disposizzjonijiet ta ' kull ftehim ieħor konkluż mill- Istati Membri attwali u l- Komunità flimkien qabel l- 1 ta '  Mejju 2004 .

(src)="s58.1"> Any adjustments to these Agreements shall be the subject of protocols concluded with the co-contracting countries in conformity with the provisions of the second subparagraph of paragraph 1.
(trg)="s58.1"> Kwalunkwe aġġustament għal dawn il- Ftehim għandu jsir permezz ta ' protokolli mal- pajjiżi ko- kontraenti skond it- tieni sottoparagrafu tal- paragrafu 1 .

(src)="s58.2"> Should the protocols not have been concluded by 1 May 2004 , the Union , the European Atomic Energy Community and the Member States shall take , in the framework of their respective competences , the necessary measures to deal with that situation .
(trg)="s58.2"> Jekk il- Protokolli ma jkunux ġew konklużi sa l- 1 ta '  Mejju 2004 , l- Unjoni , l- Komunità Ewropea dwar l- Enerġija Atomika u l- Istati Membri għandhom jieħdu , fil- qafas tal- kompetenzi rispettivi tagħhom , il- miżuri meħtieġa biex jittrattaw dik is- sitwazzjoni .

(src)="s59.1"> 5.
(trg)="s59.1"> 5 .

(src)="s59.2"> As from 1 May 2004 , the new Member States shall apply the bilateral textile agreements and arrangements concluded by the Community with third countries .
(trg)="s59.2"> Mill- 1 ta '  Mejju 2004 , l- Istati Membri l- ġodda għandhom japplikaw il- ftehim u l- arranġamenti bilaterali dwar it- tessuti konklużi mill- Komunità ma ' pajjiżi terzi .

(src)="s60.1"> The quantitative restrictions applied by the Union on imports of textile and clothing products shall be adjusted to take account of the accession of the new Member States .
(trg)="s60.1"> Ir- restrizzjonijiet kwantitattivi applikati mill- Unjoni fuq l- importazzjoni tat- tessuti u l- prodotti tal- ħwejjeġ għandhom jiġu aġġustati sabiex jieħdu in konsiderazzjoni l- adeżjoni ta ' l- Istati Membri l- ġodda .

(src)="s61.1"> Should the amendments to the bilateral textile agreements and arrangements not have entered into force by 1 May 2004 , the Union shall make the necessary adjustments to its rules for the import of textile and clothing products from third countries to take into account the accession of the new Member States .
(trg)="s61.1"> Jekk l- emendi għall- ftehim u l- arranġamenti bilaterali dwar it- tessuti ma jkunux daħlu fis- seħħ sa l- 1 ta '  Mejju 2004 , l- Unjoni għandha tagħmel l- aġġustamenti meħtieġa għar- regoli tagħha dwar l- importazzjoni ta ' tessuti u ta ' prodotti tal- ħwejjeġ ta ' lbies minn pajjiżi terzi biex jieħdu in konsiderazzjoni l- adeżjoni ta ' l- Istati Membri l- ġodda .

(src)="s62.1"> 6.
(trg)="s62.1"> 6 .

(src)="s62.2"> The quantitative restrictions applied by the Union on imports of steel and steel products shall be adjusted on the basis of imports by new Member States during the years immediately preceding the signing of the Accession Treaty of steel products originating in the supplier countries concerned .
(trg)="s62.2"> Ir- restrizzjonijiet kwantitattivi applikati mill- Unjoni fuq l- importazzjoni ta ' l- azzar u prodotti ta ' l- azzar għandhom jiġu aġġustati abbażi ta ' l- importazzjoni mill- Istati Membri l- ġodda matul is- snin li jiġu eżatt qabel l- iffirmar tat- Trattat ta ' l- Adeżjoni ta ' prodotti ta ' l- azzar li joriġinaw mill- pajjiżi fornituri kkonċernati .

(src)="s63.1"> 7.
(trg)="s63.1"> 7 .

(src)="s63.2"> Fisheries agreements concluded before 1 May 2004 by the new Member States with third countries shall be managed by the Union .
(trg)="s63.2"> Ftehim dwar is- sajd konklużi qabel l- 1 ta '  Mejju 2004 mill- Istati Membri l- ġodda ma ' pajjiżi terzi għandhom jiġu amministrati mill- Unjoni .

(src)="s64.1"> The rights and obligations resulting for the new Member States from those agreements shall not be affected during the period in which the provisions of those agreements are provisionally maintained .
(trg)="s64.1"> Id- drittijiet u l- obbligi ta ' l- Istati Membri l- ġodda li jirriżultaw minn dawk il- ftehim ma għandhomx ikunu milquta matul il- perijodu li fih id- disposizzjonijiet ta ' dawk il- ftehim ikunu fis- seħħ b' mod provviżorju .

(src)="s65.1"> As soon as possible , and in any event before the expiry of the agreements referred to in the first subparagraph , appropriate European decisions for the continuation of fishing activities resulting from those agreements shall be adopted in each case by the Council on a proposal from the Commission , including the possibility of extending certain agreements for periods not exceeding one year .
(trg)="s65.1"> Kemm jista ' jkun malajr , u fi kwalunkwe każ qabel l- iskadenza tal- ftehim previsti fl- ewwel subparagrafu , l- Kunsill fuq proposta mill- Kummissjoni , għandu jadotta deċiżjonijiet Ewropej xierqa għall- kontinwazzjoni ta ' l- attivitajiet ta ' sajd li jirriżultaw minn dawk il- ftehim , inkluża l- possibiltà li jiġu estiżi ċerti ftehim għal perijodi ta ' mhux aktar minn sena .

(src)="s66.1"> 8.
(trg)="s66.1"> 8 .

(src)="s66.2"> With effect from 1 May 2004 , the new Member States shall withdraw from any free trade agreements with third countries , including the Central European Free Trade Agreement .
(trg)="s66.2"> B' effett mill- 1 ta '  Mejju 2004 , l- Istati Membri l- ġodda għandhom jirtiraw minn kwalunkwe ftehim ta ' kummerċ ħieles ma ' pajjiżi terzi , inkluż il- Ftehim dwar il- Kummerċ Ħieles ta ' l- Ewropa Ċentrali .

(src)="s67.1"> To the extent that agreements between one or more of the new Member States on the one hand , and one or more third countries on the other , are not compatible with the obligations arising from the Constitution and in particular from this Protocol , the new Member States shall take all appropriate steps to eliminate the incompatibilities established .
(trg)="s67.1"> Sa fejn ftehim bejn Stat Membru wieħed ġdid jew iktar min- naħa l- waħda , u pajjiż terz wieħed jew iżjed min- naħa l- oħra , ma jkunux kompatibbli ma ' l- obbligi li jinħolqu mill- Kostituzzjoni , u b' mod partikolari minn dan il- Protokoll , l- Istati Membri l- ġodda għandhom jieħdu l- miżuri xierqa kollha biex jeliminaw l- inkompatibilitajiet eżistenti .

(src)="s67.2"> If a new Member State encounters difficulties in adjusting an agreement concluded with one or more third countries before accession , it shall , according to the terms of the agreement , withdraw from that agreement .
(trg)="s67.2"> Jekk Stat Membru ġdid jiltaqa ' ma ' diffikultajiet biex jadatta ftehim konkluż ma ' pajjiż terz jew iżjed qabel l- adeżjoni , għandu , skond it- termini ta ' dan il- ftehim , jirtira minn dak il- ftehim .

(src)="s68.1"> 9.
(trg)="s68.1"> 9 .

(src)="s68.2"> The new Member States shall take appropriate measures , where necessary , to adjust their position in relation to international organisations , and in relation to those international agreements to which the Union or the European Atomic Energy Community or other Member States are also parties , to the rights and obligations arising from their accession to the Union .
(trg)="s68.2"> L- Istati Membri l- ġodda għandhom jieħdu l- miżuri xierqa biex jaġġustaw , fejn meħtieġ , il- posizzjoni tagħhom fir- rigward ta ' organizzazzjonijiet internazzjonali , u ta ' dawk il- ftehim internazzjonali li huma parti minnhom l- Unjoni jew il- Komunità Ewropea dwar l- Enerġija Atomika jew Stati Membri oħra , għad- drittijiet u l- obbligi li jinħolqu bl- adeżjoni tagħhom ma ' l- Unjoni .

(src)="s69.1"> They shall in particular withdraw at 1 May 2004 or the earliest possible date thereafter from international fisheries agreements and organisations to which the Union is also a party , unless their membership relates to matters other than fisheries .
(trg)="s69.1"> B' mod partikolari , għandhom jirtiraw fl- 1 ta '  Mejju 2004 , jew kemm jista ' jkun malajr wara din id- data , minn ftehim internazzjonali dwar organizzazzjonijiet tas- sajd anke minn dawk li tagħhom l- Unjoni wkoll hija parti , sakemm is- sħubija tagħhom f' dawn il- ftehim u organizzazzjonijiet ma tirrigwardax materji oħra barra s- sajd .

(src)="s70.1"> Article 7
(trg)="s70.1"> Artikolu 7

(src)="s71.1"> Acts adopted by the institutions to which the transitional provisions laid down in this Protocol relate shall retain their status in law ; in particular , the procedures for amending those acts shall continue to apply .
(trg)="s73.1"> ġuridiku tagħhom ; b' mod partikolari , l- proċeduri biex jiġu emendati dawk l- atti għandhom jibqgħu japplikaw .

(src)="s72.1"> Article 8
(trg)="s74.1"> Artikolu 8

(src)="s73.1"> Provisions of the Act of Accession of 16 April 2003 , as interpreted by the Court of Justice of the European Communities and the Court of First Instance , the purpose or effect of which is to repeal or amend , otherwise than as a transitional measure , acts adopted by the institutions , bodies , offices or agencies of the Community or of the European Union established by the Treaty on European Union shall remain in force subject to the application of the second paragraph .
(trg)="s75.1"> Disposizzjonijiet ta ' l- Att ta ' l- Adeżjoni tas- 16 ta '  April 2003 , kif interpretati mill- Qorti tal- Ġustizzja tal- Komunitajiet Ewropej u l- Qorti Ġenerali , li l- iskop jew l- effett tagħhom hu li jħassar jew jemenda , b' miżura li ma tkunx transitorja , atti adottati mill- istituzzjonijiet , mill- korpi jew mill- aġenziji tal- Komunità Ewropea jew ta ' l- Unjoni Ewropea stabbilita bit- Trattat dwar l- Unjoni Ewropea , għandhom jibqgħu fis- seħħ bla preġudizzju għall- applikazzjoni tat- tieni paragrafu .

(src)="s74.1"> These provisions shall have the same status in law as the acts which they repeal or amend and shall be subject to the same rules as those acts .
(trg)="s76.1"> Dawn id- disposizzjonijiet għandu jkollhom l- istess natura ġuridika bħall- atti li jħassru jew jemendaw , u għandhom ikunu suġġetti għall- istess regoli bħal dawk l- atti .

(src)="s75.1"> Article 9
(trg)="s77.1"> Artikolu 9

(src)="s76.1"> The texts of the acts of the institutions , bodies , offices and agencies of the Community or of the European Union established by the Treaty on European Union and the texts of acts of the European Central Bank which were adopted before 1 May 2004 and which were drawn up in the Czech , Estonian , Latvian , Lithuanian , Hungarian , Maltese , Polish , Slovenian and Slovak languages shall be authentic from that date , under the same conditions as the texts drawn up and authentic in the other languages .
(trg)="s78.1"> It- testi ta ' l- atti ta ' l- istituzzjonijiet , korpi u aġenziji tal- Komunità jew ta ' l- Unjoni Ewropea stabbiliti bit- Trattat dwar l- Unjoni Ewropea u t- testi ta ' l- atti tal- Bank Ċentrali Ewropew li ġew adottati qabel l- 1 ta '  Mejju 2004 , u li kienu mfassla bil- lingwa Ċeka , Estona , Latvjana , Litwana , Ungeriża , Maltija , Pollakka , Slovena u Slovakka għandhom ikunu awtentiċi minn dik id- data , bl- istess kondizzjonijiet bħat- testi stabbiliti u awtentiċi fil- lingwi l- oħra .

(src)="s77.1"> Article 10
(trg)="s79.1"> Artikolu 10

(src)="s78.1"> A European law of the Council may repeal the transitional provisions set out in this Protocol , when they are no longer applicable .
(trg)="s80.1"> Liġi Ewropea tal- Kunsill tista ' tħassar d- disposizzjonijiet transitorji stabbiliti f' dan il- Protokoll , meta ma jibqgħux iżjed applikabbli .

(src)="s78.2"> The Council shall act unanimously after consulting the European Parliament .
(trg)="s80.2"> Il- Kunsill għandu jaġixxi b' mod unanimu wara li jikkonsulta l- Parlament Ewropew .