# cy/C10196979/C10196979.xml.gz
# en/C10196979/C10196979.xml.gz

(src)="s3.1"> t / a gwasanaethau γη yfarehnad sengl Ewropeaidd a g I e η h .y s b ysrwydd ar gyfer dinasyddion
(trg)="s3.1"> and services o r m a t Κο , ίι . ρ r o g r a m m

(src)="s6.1"> Dinasyddion yn gyntaf
(trg)="s7.1"> Citizens First

(src)="s7.1"> Fel dinesydd yr Undeb Ewropeaidd , y mae genny ­ ch rai hawliau a chyfleoedd nad ydych efallai 'n ymwybodol ohonynt .
(trg)="s8.1"> As a citizen of the European Union you have rights and opportunities which you may not always be aware of .

(src)="s7.2"> A wyddoch chi , er enghraifft , y cewch brynu nwyddau yn unrhyw un o wledydd yr Undeb ( heb orfod talu tolldaliadau wrth ddod â hwy 'n ôl i 'ch Aelod Wladwriaeth eich hunan ?
(trg)="s8.2"> Did you know that you can buy goods in any EU country , 1 without paying customs duty when you bring these goods home to your country of residence ( in the Union ) ?

(src)="s7.3"> A ble bynnag yn yr Undeb y byddweh yn siopa am eich nwyddau a 'ch gwasanaethau , y mae deddfwriaeth i 'w chael i 'ch diogelu rhag telerau annheg mewn unrhyw gontractau y byddweh yn eu harwyddo fel defnyddiwr .
(trg)="s8.3"> Where you also aware that , no matter where you shop for goods and services in the Union , you have remedies against unfair terms in any contracts you conclude in your capacity as consumer ?

(src)="s8.1"> Mae 'r ¡ lyfryn hum yn un o gyfres o gyhoeddiadau a gynhyrchwyd gan yr Undeb Ewropeaidd fel rhan o ymgyrch wybodaeth ' Dinasyddion yn Gyntaf .
(trg)="s9.1"> This guide is one of a series of publications produced by lhe European Union as part of its ' Citizens First ' information campaign .

(src)="s8.2"> ' Dinasyddion yn Gyntaf a 'r ddau gyfarwyddyd arali uehel eu blaenoriaeth sef ' Yr Ewro : arian unffurf led led Ewrop ' ae ' Adeiladwn Ewrop gyda 'n gilydd ' yw eynnwys y Rhaglen Wybodaeth a lansiwyd gan y Comisiwn Ewropeaidd a Senedd Ewrop ar gyfer Dinasyddion Ewrop .
(trg)="s9.2"> ' Citizens First ' and the other priority information actions , ' The euro : one currency for Europe ' and ' Let 's build Europe together ' comprise the information programme for the European citizen launched by the European Commission and the European Parliament .

(src)="s9.1"> Diben y gyfres hon o ganllawiau gan yr UE yw esbonio 'ch hawliau er mwyn i chi gael gwneud y gorau o bob cyfle fydd gennych .
(trg)="s10.1"> The EU is publishing this series of guides explaining your rights so that you can make the most of the opportunities available to you .

(src)="s9.2"> Cewch ynddynt hefyd holl amodau 'r hawliau dan sylw .
(trg)="s10.2"> The guides also point out the conditions attached to your rights .

(src)="s10.1"> Oherwydd cwmpas ae amrywlaeth yr hawliau hyn , y mae 'n anorfod na all yr un disgrifiad bras gynnwys pob un sefyllfa unigol .
(trg)="s11.1"> The scope and diversity of these rights are such that a brief description of them cannot hope to take in every individual situation .

(src)="s10.2"> Os ydych am wybod mwy felly , cysylltwch ag un o 'r rhifau / cyfeiriadau ar ddiwedd y llyfryn hwn .
(trg)="s11.2"> If you require any additional information , please do not hesitate to get in touch with one of the contact points listed at the end of this guide .

(src)="s11.1"> Nod y canllawiau hyn yw eieh hysbysu 'n fras o 'ch hawliau fel dinesydd Aelod Wladwriaeth sy 'n prynu nwyddau a gwasanaethau yn yfarchnad Sengl Ewropeaidd .
(trg)="s12.1"> This guide seeks only to give you an idea of your rights as a national of a Member State of the European Union purchasing goods and services in the single European market .

(src)="s11.2"> Nid ydynt yn disgrifto pob un o 'r hawliau hynny na 'r dylctswyddatt a fy d d arnoch mewn gwahanol Aelod Wladwriaethau wrth brynu nwyddau a gwasanaethau .
(trg)="s12.2"> It does not describe all the rights you may rely on and the obligations which may be imposed on you in lhe individual Member State in which you buy these goods or services .

(src)="s11.3"> Os bydd gennych ymholiadau ynghylch cwmpas hawliau / dyletswyddau sy 'n deillio o gyfraith y Gymuned , fe 'ch eynghorir i ganolbwyntio 'eh sylw ar destunau offerynnau eyfreithiol swyddogol megis eytundebau , rheoliadau , cyfarwyddebau , penderfyniadau ae ati , am mai gan y rheiny 'n unig y mae gwir awdurdod .
(trg)="s12.3"> In case of any doubt concerning the extent of a right or obligation resulting from Community law , you are advised that only the texts of official legal instruments ( treaties , regulations , directives , decisions , etc . ) are authoritative .

(src)="s12.1"> Mae canllawiau eraill i 'w ene / hefyd sy 'n ymdrin à ' Byw yn un o wledydd eraill yr Undeb Ewropeaidd ' , ' Astudio , hyfforddi ae ymchwilio yn un o wledydd eraill yr Undeb Ewropeaidd ' , ' Teithio yn un o wledydd eraill yr Undeb Ewropeaidd ' a ' Hawliau a Chyfle Cyfartal i Fenywod a Dynion yn yr Undeb Ewropeaidd ' .
(trg)="s13.1"> Practical information about your rights and how to exercise them is also given in a series of fact sheets on the topics indicated on the back page of this guide .

(src)="s13.1"> Cewch wybodaeth ymarferol hefyd am yr hawliau hyn a sut i 'w harfer mewn cyfres o ffeithlenni sy 'n trafod y pynciau a restrir ar gefn y llyfryn hwn .
(trg)="s13.2"> Each fact sheet covers one country and describes what you have to do there to use your rights .

(src)="s13.2"> Mae pob ffeithlen yn trafod un wlad yr un , gan ddisgrifio sut yn union y dylech fynd ati i arter eich hawliau .
(trg)="s13.3"> For example , the fact sheet on unfair terms explains , in your language , how to exercise your rights if you have been harmed by such terms in the country in question .

(src)="s13.3"> Er enghraifft , y mae 'r ffeithlen ynglŷn â thelerau annheg yn esbonio yn eieh iaith eich hunan sut i arfer eieh hawliau os cynigir telerau felly i chi mewn gwlad arali yn yr Undeb .
(trg)="s14.1"> Guides on ' Working in another country of the European Union ' , ' Living in another country of the European Union ' or ' Studying , training and doing research in another country of the European Union ' , ' Travelling in another country of the European Union ' , and ' Equal rights and opportunities for men and women in the European Union ' are also available .

(src)="s17.1"> Mae 'r farchnad sengl Ewropeaidd yn rhoi dewis ehangach o nwyddau a gwasanaethau i 'r defnyddiwr am brisiau cystadleuol .

(src)="s18.1"> Rheolau penodol sectorau unigol • Banciau • Buddsoddi mewn gwarannau • Yswiriant • Cludiant
(trg)="s19.1"> • Transport Package travel Timeshares • •

(src)="s20.1"> Serch hynny , i sicrhau bod y nwyddau y byddweh yn eu prynu 'n ddiogel a 'r fasnach nwyddau a gwasanaethau 'n deg ym mhob rhan o 'r UE , y mae cyfraith y Gymuned yn gosod dyletswyddau arbennig ar fusnesau ae yn rhoi amryw o hawliau defnyddiol i 'r defnyddi ­ wr .
(trg)="s20.1"> As a consumer , the existence of a single European market gives you access to a wider range of products and services at competitive prices .

(src)="s21.1"> Telerau gwerthu eglur a dulliau gwerthu teg • Hysbysebu , canfasio , telerau annheg
(trg)="s21.1"> Clear terms of sale and fair selling methods Advertising • , canvassing , unfair terms


(src)="s25.1"> • Gofynion diogelwch cyffredinol • Rheolau penodol • Nwyddau diffygiol - atal , sancsiynu ae atebolrwydd
(trg)="s24.1"> However , to ensure that the products you buy are safe and that goods and services are fairly traded throug ­ hout the EU , Community law imposes certain obliga ­ tions on business enterprises and grants you rights which it is useful to know .

(src)="s26.1"> Rheolau treth y dylech wybod amdanynt • TAW a threthi eraill • Pryniadau di-doll • Trethi cyfalaf
(trg)="s25.1"> • VAT and other taxes Tax ­ free purchases • Taxes on capital

(src)="s27.1"> Rhai pethau y dylech eu gwybod am gontractau • Y gyfraith sy 'n berthnasol i gontractau

(src)="s28.1"> Telerau contract safonol a dulliau gwerthu teg • Labelu ae arddangos • Hysbysebu • Canfasio • Telerau annheg
(trg)="s27.1"> A few things you should know about contracts The law applicable to the contract

(trg)="s29.1"> Safe products • A general safety requirement Specific rules • • Defective products prevention , sanctions and liability —

(src)="s31.1"> Busnesau 'n torri rheolau Anghydfod ynglŷn â chontract

(src)="s36.2"> AM FWYO WYBODAETH i
(trg)="s39.1"> VIJf ­ 7 ­ TOÍIND OUT MORE

(src)="s38.1"> ( ' ) Yn y llyfryn hwn , defnyddlr ' gwlad ' , ' gwladwriaeth ' ae ' Aelod Wladwriaeth ' I olygu Aelod Wladwriaethau 'r Undeb Ewropeaidd sef : Awstria , Gwlad Be ! g , Denmarc , y Ffindir , Ffrainc , yr Almaen , Gwlad Groeg , Iwerddon , yr Eidal , Lwcsembwrg , yr Isetdiroedd , Portiwgal , Sbaen , Sweden a Phrydain .
(trg)="s43.1"> In this guide , the terms ' country ' , ' State ' or ' Member State ' are employed interchangeably to designate the Member States of the Union , which are : Belgium , Denmark , Germany , Greece , Spain , France , Ireland , Italy , Luxembourg , the Netherlands , Austria , Portugal , Finland .

(src)="s38.2"> Cyfeirir at bob gwlad neu Wladwriaeth arali fel ' trydedd wlad ' .
(trg)="s43.2"> Sweden , and the United Kingdom .

(src)="s38.3"> Dylech nodi hefyd fod modd mwynhau bron pob un o 'r hawliau hyn o fewn fframwaith yr Ardal Economaidd Ewropeaidd yn Norwy .
(trg)="s43.3"> The other countries or States are called ' third countries ' .

(src)="s38.4"> Gwlad yr lã a Liechtenstein ac y gall dinasyd ­ dion y tair gwlad honno hefyd eu mwynhau pan fyddant yn teithio yn yr Undeb Ewropeaidd .
(trg)="s43.4"> However , note that in the framework of the European Economic Area you can rely on almost all the rights referred to in this guide in Norway , Iceland and Liechtenstein , while the same applies to the nationals of these third countries when they buy goods or services within the single European market .

(src)="s40.1"> Rydych chi am brynu nwyddau diogel o dan amodau masnachu teg
(trg)="s45.1"> You want to buy safe products under fair trading conditions

(src)="s41.1"> NWYDDAU Ü10GEL
(trg)="s46.1"> SAFE PRODUCTS

(src)="s43.1"> Er mwyn amddiffyn iechyd a diogelwch , y mae cyfralth y Gymuned yn gwahardd cynhyrchwyr rhag rhoi unrhyw nwyddau ar y farchnad nad ydynt yn gwbl ddiogel .
(trg)="s47.1"> A general safety requirement In order to protect your health and safety , Community law requires that producers must put only safe products on the market .

(src)="s43.2"> Ni ddylai unrhyw beth a werthir fod yn beryglus i 'w ddefnyddio neu 'n hytrach yn fwy peryglus i 'w ddefnyddio na 'r disgwyl o dan amodau arferol a rhagweladwy .
(trg)="s47.2"> This means that any product supplied to a consumer must not present any risk or , in any case , any risk which exceeds that which is compatible with the use of the product in normal or foreseeable conditions .

(src)="s43.3"> Felly , bernir beic , er enghraifft , wrth ba mor gadarn a dibynadwy yw ef ( h.y. wrth gyflwr el ffrwynau ae ati ) , a gwahanol iawn yw unrhyw berygl sy 'n codi o hynny i 'r perygl cyffredin o ddisgyn oddi arno .
(trg)="s47.3"> Thus , the safety of a bicycle is related to its robustness and reliability , for example the adequacy of its brakes , which is quite different from the basic risk of falling off a bicycle .

(src)="s44.1"> Er mwyn sicrhau bod eu nwyddau 'n cwrdd â 'r safon uchel hon o Iechyd a diogelwch , y mae gofyn i gynhyrchwyr ystyried y canlynol :
(trg)="s48.1"> In order to ensure that products meet this high level of health and safety protection , producers must , in particular , take into account :

(src)="s45.1"> • nodweddion y nwyddau dan sylw megis cynnwys a phecynnu ,
(trg)="s49.1"> • the characteristics of the product , such as its composition or packaging ;

(src)="s46.1"> • eu heffaith ar nwyddau eraill ile y mae 'n rhesymol rhagweld defnyddio 'r nwyddau hynny gyda rhai eraill ,
(trg)="s50.1"> • its effects on other products , where it is reasonably foreseeable that it will be used with other products ;

(src)="s47.1"> Mae 'n rhald i ddosbarthwyr hefyd sicrhau diogelw ­ ch nwyddau 'n bennaf drwy beidio â chyflenwi unrhyw beth sydd , yn ol gwybodaeth sydd ganddynt neu a ddylai fod ganddynt , yn methu â chwrdd â 'r safonau diogelwch angenrheidiol .
(trg)="s51.1"> • the presentation of the product , its labelling and any instructions for its use and disposal ;

(src)="s48.1"> • cyflwyniad megis labelu 'r nwyddau a 'r cyfarwyddiadau ar gyfer eu defnyddio a 'u gwaredu ,
(trg)="s52.1"> Moreover , distributors are required to act with due care in regard to product safety , in particular by not supplying products which they know or should have known , on the basis of the information in their possession , do not comply with safety standards .

(src)="s49.1"> • y categorïau o ddefnyddwyr sydd mewn perygl wrth ddefnyddio 'r nwyddau dan sylw , yn enwedig plant .
(trg)="s53.1"> • the categories of consumers at serious risk when using the product , in particular children .

(src)="s50.1"> ( Gweler y ffeithlen ynglŷn â Diogelwch Nwyddau )
(trg)="s54.1"> ( See fact sheet on product safety . ) i

(src)="s54.1"> Rheolau penodol hunain neu i 'w gofalwyr .
(trg)="s57.1"> -Ü risks .
(trg)="s57.2"> As a consumer you should know that the CE

(src)="s54.2"> Fel defnyddiwr , dylech wybod hefyd ei bod yn rhaid i bob tegan neu becyn tegan ddangos nod CE i brofi iddo gael ei wneud yn unol â rheolau cynhyrchu 'r Gymuned .
(trg)="s58.1"> Specific rules In addition to this general rule , specific provisions have been adopted to take account of the more sensitive nature of certain products .

(src)="s55.1"> Yn ogystal â 'r rheol gyffredino ! hon , mabwysiadwyd ambell i reol benodol er mwyn trafod natur fwy sensitif rhai nwyddau .
(trg)="s59.1"> marking must be affixed to the toy or its packaging as a declaration that it has been manufactured in compliance with these Community " rules .

(src)="s56.1"> Dylai pob offeryn trydanol domestig hefyd arddangos nod CE .
(trg)="s60.1"> The CE marking must also feature on domestic electric appliances .

(src)="s56.2"> Mae gofynion diogelwch caeth iawn ar gyfer y rhaln sy 'n ymwneud yn bennaf â 'u priodweddau ffisegol , mecanyddol a thrydanol .
(trg)="s60.2"> These products must also meet very strict safety requirements , notably as regards their physical , mechanical and electrical " properties .

(src)="s57.1"> Mae disgwyl i 'r rheolau ar gyfer bwydydd er engh ­ raifft , gysoni gofynion hanfodol ynglŷn â labelu , ychwanegiadau , archwiliadau glendid a monitro â gofynion nwyddau a fwriadwyd fel maeth .
(trg)="s61.1"> These include foodstuffs where there are specific rules that harmonize essential requirements relating notably to labelling , additives , hygiene inspection and monitoring , and products intended for particular nutritional uses .

(src)="s57.2"> Mae hynny 'n golygu y cewch wybod cynnwys , oes silff a sut yn union i ddefnyddio bwydydd pecyn wrth edrych ar eu labeli .
(trg)="s61.2"> This enables you to know the ingredients , the instructions for use and the shelf-life of prepackaged food .

(src)="s59.1"> Yn ogystal â dibynnu ar reolau awdurdodau 'r gwahanol Aelod Wladwriaethau , y ffordd orau i chi osgoi peryglon bob dydd fel defnyddiwr yw bod yn wyliadwrus - er enghraifft drwy sylwi ar ' ddyddiadau olaf gwerthu ' bwydydd ae ar yr oedran y bwriadwyd y nwyddau ar ei gyfer , wrth brynu i
(trg)="s62.1"> Defective products — prevention , sanctions and liability Where safety is concerned , in addition to the controls carried out by the authorities of each Member State of the Union , your alertness as a consumer is the best way of averting everyday risks — for example , by checking the sell-by date of the food you consume or the age recommended by the manufacturer of the product you would like to buy for your child .

(src)="s61.1"> Mae gofyn archwilio nwyddau fferyllol yn ofalus iawn cyn eu rhoi ar y farchnad ae y mae 'n rhaid i bob moddion sydd ar gael i 'r cyhoedd hefyd gynnwys taflen wybodaeth i gleifion .
(trg)="s63.1"> Pharmaceutical products are subject to a very strict authorization procedure prior to their being placed on the market .

(src)="s61.2"> Cynnwys y daflen honno fydd cyfarwyddiadau , rhagofalon , rhybuddion a rhestr o sgîl-effeithiau 'r moddion dan sylw .
(trg)="s63.2"> Moreover , a patient information leaflet must accompany medicines available to the public .

(src)="s66.1"> Pryd bynnag y bydd nwyddau o fath neu wneuthu-
(trg)="s63.3"> In addition to giving the patient instructions for use of the product , the leaflet must contain information on precautions for use , contraindications and possible side effects of the product .

(src)="s67.1"> Mae rheolau caeth iawn ar gyfer nwyddau cosmetig hefyd yn enwedig ynglŷn â chynnwys lliw , cadwolion a hidlwyr uwchfioled .
(trg)="s64.1"> Cosmetic products are also subject to very strict regulation , notably as regards the substances used , such as colouring agents , preservatives or ultraviolet ( UV ) filters .

(src)="s67.2"> Mae rhestr o ryw 400 o sylweddau gwaharddedig i 'w chael a ddiwedderir yn gyson .
(trg)="s64.2"> A list of approximately 400 substances banned from use in cosmetic products is regularly updated .

(src)="s67.3"> Dylai 'r labeli gorfodol a manwl roi digon o wybodaeth i chi .
(trg)="s64.3"> Mandatory and detailed labelling should provide you with adequate information .

(src)="s68.1"> riad arbennig yn cael eu hystyried yn beryglus , mae gan awdurdodau arolygu 'r farchnad hawl i ymateb i ddifrifoldeb y sefyllfa a 'r brys y gofynnir amdano drwy gyflwyno mesurau un ai i 'w cadw rhag cael eu gwerthu o gwbl neu eu tynnu oddi ar y silffoedd .
(trg)="s65.1"> Whenever a consumer product of a certain brand or type is deemed to be dangerous , the market surveillance authorities are entitled to take appropriate measures according to the urgency or severity of the situation , such as measures banning the sale of the product or requiring the withdrawal of the product from the market .

(src)="s68.2"> O dan reolau 'r Gymuned bydd disgwyl hefyd i 'r awdurdodau hynny sefydlu systemau ar gyfer trosglwyddo 'r wybodaeth sydd ganddynt i 'r Comisiwn .
(trg)="s65.2"> The Community rules also require that these authorities establish systems for the exchange 'of information between themselves and the Commission .

(src)="s68.3"> Byddant felly yn gallu gweithredu ar y lefel briodol .
(trg)="s65.3"> Thus , action may be taken at the appropriate level .

(src)="s68.4"> Mae camddefnyddio 'r nod CE neu ei ' A hepgor ar deganau , ar becynnau teganau neu ar
(trg)="s65.4"> Moreover , abuse of the CE marking or its absence on toys or their packaging , or on domestic electric appliances , constitutes an infringement of Community law , mm and dissuasive penalties may be imposed in accordance with procedures laid down by the individual Member States .

(src)="s69.1"> Mae gofyn i deganau ar gyfer plant o dan 14 oed ddilyn rheolau caeth iawn .
(trg)="s66.1"> Toys intended for children aged under 14 are also very strictly regulated .

(src)="s69.2"> Er enghraifft , o dan reolau 'r Gymuned , y mae 'n rhaid sicrhau bod rhannau a darnau rhydd mewn teganau i blant o dan 36 mis oed yn rhy fawr i 'w hanadlu i mewn neu 'u llyncu .
(trg)="s66.2"> For example , Community rules provide that toys , including their components and detachable parts , intended for use by children under 36 months must be large enough to prevent them being swallowed or inhaled .

(src)="s69.3"> Hefyd , dylai 'r labeli ar y teganau hynny neu ar eu pecynnau a 'r cyfarwyddiadau fynegi unrhyw beryglon a sut orau i 'w hosgoi mewn ffordd sy 'n gwbl ddealladwy i 'r plant eu offer trydanol domestig , yn torri cyfraith y Gymuned a chaiff pwy bynnag sy 'n gyfrifol ei gosbi 'n unol â dulliau gweithredu 'r Aelod Wladwriaethau unigol .
(trg)="s66.3"> Moreover , labels on toys or their packaging and the instructions for use must explain to children or the persons taking care of

(src)="s72.1"> Mae gan y Gymuned reolau hefyd sy 'n ymdrin ag atebolrwydd dros nwyddau diffygiol .
(trg)="s69.1"> There are also Community rules governing liability for defective products .

(src)="s72.2"> Os buoch yn ddigon anffodus i brynu nwyddau diffygiol eich hunan , gallwch hawlio iawndal oddi wrth y cynhyrchwr , y mewnforiwr neu hyd yn oed gyflenwr arali o dan rai amgylchiadau ar y sail eu bod yn wreiddiol o safon diogelwch is nag yr oedd yn rhesymol i 'w disgwyl .
(trg)="s69.2"> If you have been the victim of a defective product , the producer , the importer and , In certain circumstances , other suppliers may be liable for damage caused by the fact that the product did not offer the safety which could reasonably have been expected .

(src)="s72.3"> Cyflwyniad y nwyddau a 'r defnydd rhesymol y gellir ei wneud ohonynt yw 'r meini prawf ar gyfer pennu pa mor ddiffygiol ydynt .
(trg)="s69.3"> In evaluating a product 's defectiveness , the main criteria are its presentation and the use to which it could reasonably be expected to be put .


(src)="s74.1"> Os ydych wedi dioddef anaf corfforol neu ddifrod yn sgîl prynu nwyddau diffygiol , gallwch ddal i hawlio iawndal hyd yn oed os nad oedd bai ar y cynhyrchwr .
(trg)="s72.2"> Moreover , plaintiffs must bring proceeding within three years of the date on which they became aware , or should reasonably have become aware , of the damage , the defect and the identity of the manufacturer .

(src)="s74.2"> Y cwbl sydd angen ei wneud yw profi bod diffyg ar y nwyddau , bod anaf neu ddifrod wedi digwydd a bod y diffyg hwnnw 'n gyfrifol am yr anaf neu 'r difrod hwnnw .
(trg)="s72.3"> In any event , actions against the manufacturer must be brought within 10 years from the date on which the product was put on the market .

(src)="s75.1"> Labelu ac arddangos Yn ogystal â gwarantu diogelwch nwyddau , diben deddfwriaeth labelu 'r Gymuned yw mynegi pris cywir nwyddau a disgrifio 'r priodweddau a 'r nodweddion hanfodol eraill sy 'n perthyn iddynt .
(trg)="s73.1"> Labelling and display Besides the labelling rules governing product safety , Community labelling legislation is designed not only to inform you correctly as to the price , but also as to other essential properties or characteristics of the product .

(src)="s76.1"> Mae 'n rhaid i nwyddau defnyddwyr arddangos eu prisiau gwerthu .
(trg)="s74.1"> Display of the selling price is required for all consumer goods .

(src)="s77.3"> Fodd bynnag , y mae 'n rhaid i unrhyw achos yn erbyn gwneuthurwr gael ei ddwyn o fewn 10 mlynedd o ddyddiad marchnata 'r nwyddau dan sylw am y tro cyntaf erioed .
(trg)="s75.1"> However , liability for farm produce is subject to the liability rules of the individual Member States .

(src)="s78.1"> Mae gofyn arddangos prisiau uned ( h.y.pris y kilo , y litr neu 'r metr ac ati ) wrth farchnata nwyddau pecyn a werthir fesul pwysau amrywiol ( e.e. afalau pecyn a werthir mewn archfarchnadoedd ) neu gynnyrch a werthir wrth y llwyth ond y mae amryw o nwyddau pecyn serch hynny a werthir fesul maint sefydlog sy 'n eithriad i 'r rheol honno .
(src)="s78.2"> Yn
(trg)="s76.1"> The display of the unit price ( price per kilogram , litre or metre , etc . ) is required for products pre ­ packaged in variable quantities ( such as pre ­ packaged apples sold in supermarkets ) or products sold in bulk , except for a number of pre ­ packaged products sold in pre ­ established quantities .

(src)="s82.1"> ogystal â mynegi pris y nwyddau dan sylw , dylai tocynnau pris hefyd eich helpu i gymharu gwahanol nwyddau .
(trg)="s79.1"> the purchase price of the product but also help you compare products .

(src)="s82.2"> Mae 'r un peth yn wir am nodi pwysau cynnyrch pecyn .
(trg)="s79.2"> The same applies to the indication of the weight of prepackaged products .

(src)="s83.1"> Er mwyn penderfynu a fo math o hysbysebu 'n gamarweiniol ai peidio , dylech chi ystyried pob nodwedd sy 'n perthyn iddo - h.y. natur y nwyddau dan sylw , pa mor hawdd yw eu prynu , eu cyfansoddiad , eu pris , nifer neu faint , canlynladau tebygol eu defnyddio , canlyniadau unrhyw brofion ac enw neu gymwysterau 'r hysbysebwyr ac ati .
(trg)="s80.1"> expected from its use , the results of tests or the identity or qualifications of the advertiser , etc .

(src)="s84.1"> Er mwyn arbed dryswch , bydd deddfwriaeth y Gymuned yn diogelu 'r disgrifiadau a 'r lleoliadau a ddefnyddir ar labeli bwydydd ac wrth eu hysbyse ­ bu .
(trg)="s81.1"> It is also worth noting that , for the avoidance of confusion , Community legislation protects the description and geographic origin used in the labelling and advertising of certain foodstuffs .

(src)="s85.1"> Gall hysbysebu fod yn gamarweiniol ar sail ei gynnwys a 'r ffordd y bydd yn cyflwyno ei neges .
(trg)="s82.1"> Advertising may be considered as misleading both as regards its content and as regards the way the message is presented .

(src)="s85.2"> Enghraifft o hynny fyddai taflen hysbysebu sy 'n eich arwain yn gyffredinol i gredu ar gam eich bod wedi ennill swm o arian neu rodd .
(trg)="s82.2"> For example , this is the case if you receive an advertising brochure where the general presentation leads you to believe that you have won a sum of money or a gift , when this is not the case at all .

(src)="s86.1"> Mae gan yr Undeb Ewropeaidd system safonol bellach o nodi pa ffeibrau sydd yn eu tecstilau .
(trg)="s83.1"> In the case of textiles , the European Union has adopted a standard system for labelling fibre composition .

(src)="s86.2"> Mae 'n rhaid i bob tecstil a werthir ( ac eithrio 'r rhai a werthir wrth y metr sy 'n dilyn rheolau gwahanol ) ddwyn label eglur a hawdd ei ddarllen sy 'n mynegi canran ffeibrau unigol os yw 'r rheiny 'n cyfrif am fwy na 10 % yr un o 'r defnydd gorffenedig .
(trg)="s83.2"> The labels must be attached to all textile products sold ( except for fabric sold by the metre , where different rules apply ) , and -must be clear , legible and indicate the percentage composition of each fibre present in the finished product , provided this percentage is greater than 10 % .

(src)="s87.1"> Os cawsoch niwed oherwydd hysbysebu camar ­ weiniol , y mae gennych berffaith hawl i erlyn y rhai sy 'n gyfrifol am iawndal o dan ddeddfwriaeth y gwahanol Aelod Wladwriaethau , ac y mae cyfraith y Gymuned hefyd yn cynnig slcrwydd y caiff pob hysbysebu camarweiniol ei reoli 'n ddigonol ac yn effeithiol er lies defnyddwyr , cystadleuwyr a 'r cyhoedd yn gyffredinol .
(trg)="s84.1"> If you have been harmed by misleading advertising , you should know that , in addition to your entitlement to sue for damages under the law of each Member State , Community legislation obliges the Member States to provide adequate and effective means to control misleading advertising in the interests of consumers as well as competitors and the general public .

(src)="s88.1"> Mae 'r Gymuned hefyd yn graddol ddatblygu mathau newydd o labelu sy 'n nodi priodweddau ecolegol neu ynni-arbedol rhai nwyddau .
(trg)="s87.1"> Furthermore , Community labelling concerning the ecological or energy-saving characteristics of certain products is gradually being developed , such as the Community eco-label or the labelling of the energy consumption of household appliances .

(src)="s88.2"> Enghreifftiau yw Ecolabel y Gymuned a 'r labeli ar offer domestig sy 'n nodi faint o ynni y maent yn ei ddefnyddio .
(trg)="s88.1"> persons or organizations regarded as having a legitimate interest may seek an injunction to ban the advertising in question .

(src)="s89.1"> Hysbysebu
(trg)="s91.1"> X in question- ^ ,

(src)="s90.1"> Mae rheolau cyffredinol ar gael ledled yr Undeb i 'ch diogelu rhag mathau camarweiniol o hysbyse ­ bu a 'r cystadlu annheg sy 'n digwydd o 'i herwydd .
(trg)="s92.1"> Advertising In order to protect you against misleading advertising and its consequences in terms of unfair competition , the common rules are applicable throughout the Union .

(src)="s91.1"> Hysbysebu camarweiniol yw unrhyw hysbysebu masnachol sy 'n eich twyllo neu sy 'n debyg o 'ch twyllo drwy amharu ar eich barn wrth i chi brynu nwyddau neu wasanaethau .
(trg)="s93.1"> Moreover / fCommunity rules also exist in specific areas such as drugs advertising and television advertising .

(src)="s92.1"> Caiff pobl neu sefydliadau sydd yn amlwg yn meddu ar resymau dilys dros wrthwynebu math arbennig o hysbysebu , wneud cais am orchymyn Nys i 'w wahardd gan ddibynnu ar yr Aelod Wladwriaeth sy 'n ymdrin â 'r mater .
(trg)="s95.1"> Misleading advertising is any advertising by a business enterprise which in any way deceives or is likely to deceive you , for example when your choice between products ( and services ) you want to purchase is affected by it .

(src)="s92.2"> Gallai 'r camau cyfreithiol neu 'r achos llys a ddygir gerbron awdurdodau gweinyddol neu gyfreithiol wedyn arwain yn y pen draw at wahardd neu atai yr hysbysebu camarweiniol .
(trg)="s97.1"> To determine whether advertising is misleading , . all its features must be taken into account notably — the nature of the product , its availability , composition , price or quantity , the results to be

(src)="s94.1"> Mae gan y Gymuned reolau penodol hefyd mewn meysydd arbennig megis hysbysebu cyffuriau a hysbysebu ar y teledu .
(trg)="s101.1"> Ι Ί surprise , and in such circumstances you will often be unable to compare the quality and price of the offer with other offers .

(src)="s95.1"> ( Gweler y ffeithlen ynglŷn â Hysbysebu Camarweiniol ) .
(trg)="s102.1"> The protection concerns contracts concluded between a trader providing goods ( or services ) and a consumer :

(src)="s97.1"> Cofiwch , serch hynny , na cheweh eich diogelu fel hyn pan fyddwch yn prynu bwydydd , diodydd neu nwyddau i 'w defnyddio 'n gyffredinol gan y teulu oddi wrth werthwyr sy 'n dod i 'r drws yn rheolaidd .
(trg)="s103.1"> • during an excursion organized by the trader away from his or her business premises ; or

(src)="s98.1"> Mae rheolau penodol hefyd ar gyfer contractau sy 'n cael eu harwyddo ar sail catalog a ddarl-
(trg)="s104.1"> • during a visit organized by the trader on his or her own initiative to the consumer 's home or place of work .

(src)="s99.2"> Mae cyfraith y Gymuned yn sich diogelu rhag peryglon y math hwn o fasnachu am ei bod yn hawdd i rywun ddrysu o dan amgylchiadau felly a methu â chymharu ansawdd a phrisiau 'r hyn a gynigir â 'r holl gynigion eraill sydd ar gael .
(trg)="s105.1"> In these circumstances , traders are required to give you written notice of your right of cancellation within a certain period .