# en/ecb-en-sl.xml.gz
# sl/ecb-en-sl.xml.gz
(src)="1"> Navigation Path : Home > Press > Press releases > By date > 2004 > 18 March 2004
(trg)="1"> Navigation Path : Home > Press > Press releases > By date > 2004 > 18 . marec 2004
(src)="2"> The European Central Bank
(trg)="2"> The European Central Bank
(src)="3"> Press
(trg)="3"> Press
(src)="4"> Events
(trg)="4"> Events
(src)="5"> Publications
(trg)="5"> Publications
(src)="6"> Statistics
(trg)="6"> Statistics
(src)="7"> The Euro
(trg)="7"> The Euro
(src)="8"> Monetary Policy
(trg)="8"> Monetary Policy
(src)="9"> Payments & Markets
(trg)="9"> Payments & Markets
(src)="10"> PRESS RELEASE
(src)="11"> 18 March 2004 - ECB chooses participants for the revision phase of the « New ECB Premises » project
(trg)="11"> 18 . marec 2004 - ECB je izbrala udeležence revizije za projekt » novogradnja ECB «
(src)="12"> The Governing Council of the European Central Bank ( ECB ) has decided to invite the following prizewinners of the international urban planning and architectural design competition for the new ECB premises to participate in the project 's revision phase :
(trg)="12"> Svet Evropske centralne banke ( ECB ) je sklenil , da k reviziji , ki sledi drugi fazi mednarodnega natečaja za urbanistično načrtovanje in arhitekturne koncepte za novogradnjo ECB , povabi naslednje nagrajence :
(src)="13"> Coop Himmelb ( l ) au , Vienna , Austria ;
(trg)="13"> Coop Himmelb ( l ) au , Dunaj , Avstrija ;
(src)="14"> ASP Schweger Assoziierte , Berlin , Germany ;
(trg)="14"> ASP Schweger Assoziierte , Berlin , Nemčija ;
(src)="15"> 54f architekten / T. R. Hamzah & Yeang , Darmstadt , Germany / Selangor , Malaysia .
(trg)="15"> 54f architekten / T. R. Hamzah & Yeang , Darmstadt , Nemčija / Selangor , Malezija .
(src)="16"> The main purpose of the revision phase is to review the design proposals to take account of the recommendations and requirements of the jury , the ECB and the City of Frankfurt .
(trg)="16"> Glavni namen revizije je podrobnejša obravnava oblikovnih predlogov , da bi se pri nadaljnjem oblikovanju upoštevala priporočila in zahteve žirije , ECB in mesta Frankfurt .
(src)="17"> This phase will therefore be conducted in close cooperation with the City of Frankfurt .
(trg)="17"> Ta faza bo zato potekala v tesnem sodelovanju z mestom Frankfurt .
(src)="18"> On 13 February 2004 an international jury chose the design proposals of these three architecture offices as winning designs in the new ECB premises competition ( see the Press Release of 13 February 2004 entitled « International jury chooses the three prizewinning designs in the architectural competition for the ECB 's new premises ") .
(trg)="18"> februarja 2004 na natečaju za novogradnjo ECB izbrala in nagradila oblikovne predloge teh treh arhitekturnih birojev ( glej sporočilo za javnost z dne 13 . februarja 2004 z naslovom » Mednarodna žirija je na arhitekturnem natečaju za novogradnjo ECB nagradila tri koncepte «) .
(src)="19"> The three architecture offices will present their revised design concepts to the ECB in September 2004 .
(trg)="19"> Trije arhitekturni biroji bodo septembra 2004 svoje revidirane oblikovne koncepte predstavili ECB .
(src)="20"> The Governing Council will then award the contract for planning the ECB 's new premises to one of the three prizewinning architecture offices , probably in September or October 2004 .
(trg)="20"> Svet ECB bo tedaj , verjetno septembra ali oktobra 2004 , z enim od treh nagrajencev sklenil pogodbo za načrtovanje novogradnje .
(src)="21"> Further details about the new ECB premises can be found on the ECB 's website .
(trg)="21"> Dodatne informacije o novogradnji ECB je mogoče najti na spletni strani ECB na http://www.ecb.europa.eu/ecb/premises .
(src)="22"> European Central Bank
(trg)="22"> Evropska centralna banka
(src)="23"> Directorate Communications
(trg)="23"> Direktorat za stike z javnostjo
(src)="24"> Press and Information Division
(trg)="24"> Oddelek za tisk in informiranje
(src)="25"> Kaiserstrasse 29 , D-60311 Frankfurt am Main
(trg)="25"> Kaiserstrasse 29 , D-60311 Frankfurt na Majni
(src)="26"> Tel .: + 49 69 1344 7455 , Fax : + 49 69 1344 7404
(trg)="26"> Tel .: 0049 69 1344 7455 , Faks : 0049 69 1344 7404
(src)="27"> Internet : http://www.ecb.europa.eu
(trg)="27"> Internet : http://www.ecb.europa.eu
(src)="28"> Reproduction is permitted provided that the source is acknowledged .
(trg)="28"> Razmnoževanje je dovoljeno ob navedbi vira .
(src)="29"> back to top
(trg)="29"> back to top
(src)="30"> Address encoded for mobile use
(trg)="30"> Address encoded for mobile use
(src)="31"> http://www.ecb.europa.eu/press/pr/date/2004/html/pr040318_2.en.html
(trg)="31"> http://www.ecb.europa.eu/press/pr/date/2004/html/pr040318_2.sl.html
(src)="32"> Back to Press
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(src)="33"> Press releases
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(src)="40"> Cross-navigation Menu
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(src)="41"> European Central Bank
(trg)="41"> European Central Bank
(src)="42"> New premises New ECB premises external project website
(trg)="42"> New premises New ECB premises external project website
(src)="43"> ECB Home
(trg)="43"> ECB Home
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(trg)="44"> Home | Site Directory | Glossary | Links | Contact | Disclaimer & Copyright | Search
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(src)="48"> Navigation Path : Home > The European Central Bank > Legal framework > All ECB opinions > CON / 2001/3
(trg)="48"> Navigation Path : Home > The European Central Bank > Pravni okvir > Vsa mnenja ECB > CON / 2001/3
(src)="49"> CON / 2001/3
(trg)="49"> CON / 2001/3
(src)="50"> Opinion on a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation ( EC , Euratom ) No 58/97 concerning structural business statistics ( CON / 2001/3 )
(trg)="50"> Mnenje o Uredbi Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta o spremembi Uredbe ( ES , Euratom ) št . 58/97 o strukturni statistiki podjetij ( CON / 2001/3 )
(src)="51"> OJ C 131 , 3.5.2001 , p. 5 , pdf 30 kB , da .
(trg)="51"> 2001 , str . 5 , pdf 30 kB , da .
(src)="52"> de .
(trg)="52"> de .
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(trg)="53"> el .
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(trg)="54"> en .
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(trg)="56"> fi .
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(trg)="57"> fr .
(src)="58"> it .
(trg)="58"> it .
(src)="59"> nl .
(trg)="59"> nl .
(src)="60"> pt .
(trg)="60"> pt .
(src)="61"> sv
(trg)="61"> sv
(src)="62"> Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation ( EC , Euratom ) n° 58/97 concerning structural business statistics ( COM ( 2001 ) 38 ) , pdf 110 kB , en Back to The European Central Bank
(trg)="62"> Back to The European Central Bank Pravni okvir
(src)="63"> Legal framework User guide
(trg)="63"> Navodilo za uporabo
(src)="64"> Search the Legal framework
(trg)="64"> Iskanje po Pravnem okviru
(src)="65"> Legal framework of the ESCB
(trg)="65"> Pravni okvir ESCB
(src)="66"> ECB institutional provisions
(trg)="66"> Institucionalne določbe ECB
(src)="67"> Monetary policy and Operations
(trg)="67"> Denarna politika in operacije denarne politike
(src)="68"> Payment and settlement systems
(trg)="68"> Plačilni sistemi in sistemi za poravnavo
(src)="69"> Banknotes and coins , means of payment and currency matters
(trg)="69"> Bankovci in kovanci , plačilna sredstva in valutna vprašanja
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(trg)="71"> Statistika
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(trg)="73"> Stabilnost finančnih trgov
(src)="74"> All ECB opinions
(trg)="74"> Vsa mnenja ECB
(src)="75"> All by date
(trg)="75"> Vse po datumu
(src)="76"> Adopted Community legislation
(trg)="76"> Sprejeti predpisi Skupnosti
(src)="77"> Regulation ( EC ) No 2056/2002
(trg)="77"> Regulation ( EC ) No 2056/2002
(src)="78"> Navigation Path : Home > The European Central Bank > Legal framework > Legal framework of the ESCB > Related ECB opinions > CON / 2005/48
(trg)="78"> Navigation Path : Home > The European Central Bank > Pravni okvir > Pravni okvir ESCB > Povezana mnenja ECB > CON / 2005/48
(src)="79"> CON / 2005/48
(trg)="79"> CON / 2005/48
(src)="80"> Opinion on interest cost remuneration paid by Sveriges Riksbank to undertakings that separate and store cash ( CON / 2005/48 )
(trg)="80"> Mnenje o nadomestilu stroškov obresti , ki ga centralna banka Sveriges Riksbank plačuje podjetjem , ki ločujejo in hranijo gotovino ( CON / 2005/48 )
(src)="81"> Sweden , 18.11.2005 , pdf 21 kB , en .
(trg)="81"> 11 . 2005 , pdf 21 kB , en .
(src)="82"> Back to The European Central Bank
(trg)="82"> Back to The European Central Bank
(src)="83"> Legal framework
(trg)="83"> Pravni okvir
(src)="84"> User guide
(trg)="84"> Navodilo za uporabo
(src)="85"> Treaty on European Union and Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union
(trg)="85"> Pogodba o Evropski uniji in Pogodba o delovanju Evropske unije
(src)="86"> Relevant Protocols annexed to the Treaties
(trg)="86"> Ustrezni protokoli , ki so priloga Pogodb
(src)="87"> Relevant Declarations annexed to the Treaties
(trg)="87"> Ustrezne izjave , ki so priloga Pogodb
(src)="88"> Statute of the ESCB and of the ECB
(trg)="88"> Statut ESCB in ECB
(src)="89"> Statutes of NCBs
(trg)="89"> Statuti NCB
(src)="90"> Related ECB opinions
(trg)="90"> Povezana mnenja ECB
(src)="91"> Related ECB legislation
(trg)="91"> Povezani predpisi ECB
(src)="92"> Opinion CON / 2004/28
(trg)="92"> Opinion CON / 2004/28
(src)="93"> Navigation Path : Home > The European Central Bank > Legal framework > All by date > All years > ECB / 2007/12
(trg)="93"> Navigation Path : Home > The European Central Bank > Pravni okvir > Vse po datumu > Vsa leta > ECB / 2007/12
(src)="94"> ECB / 2007/12
(trg)="94"> ECB / 2007/12
(src)="95"> Recommendation of the ECB of 15 November 2007 to the Council of the European Union on the external auditors of the Central Bank of Cyprus ( ECB / 2007/12 )
(trg)="95"> Priporočilo ECB z dne 15 . novembra 2007 Svetu Evropske unije o zunanjem revizorju centralne banke Central Bank of Cyprus ( ECB / 2007/12 )
(src)="96"> OJ C 277 , 20.11.2007 , p. 1 , pdf 45 kB , bg .
(trg)="96"> 2007 , str . 1 , pdf 50 kB , bg .
(src)="97"> cs .
(trg)="97"> cs .
(src)="98"> da .
(trg)="98"> da .
(src)="99"> et.
(trg)="99"> et.
(src)="100"> hu .
(trg)="100"> hu .