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(src)="1"> Navigation Path : Home > Press > Press releases > By date > 2008 > 4 December 2008
(trg)="1"> Navigation Path : Home > Press > Press releases > By date > 2008 > 4 ta » Diċembru 2008
(src)="2"> The European Central Bank
(trg)="2"> The European Central Bank
(src)="3"> Press
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(src)="4"> Events
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(src)="7"> The Euro
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(src)="8"> Monetary Policy
(trg)="8"> Monetary Policy
(src)="9"> Payments & Markets
(trg)="9"> Payments & Markets
(src)="10"> PRESS RELEASE
(src)="11"> 4 December 2008 - Monetary policy decisions
(trg)="11"> 4 ta » Diċembru 2008 - Deċiżjonijiet dwar il-politika monetarja
(src)="12"> At today 's meeting , which was held in Brussels , the Governing Council of the ECB took the following monetary policy decisions :
(trg)="12"> Fil-laqgħa tal-lum , li saret fi Brussell , il-Kunsill Governattiv tal-BĊE ħa d-deċiżjonijiet li ġejjin dwar il-politika monetarja :
(src)="13"> The interest rate on the main refinancing operations of the Eurosystem will be decreased by 75 basis points to 2.50% , starting from the operation to be settled on 10 December 2008 .
(trg)="13"> Ir-rata minima fuq l-operazzjonijiet ewlenin ta » rifinanzjament tal-Eurosistema se tonqos b' 75 punt bażi għal 2.50% , u dan b' seħħ mill-operazzjoni li għandha tiġi regolata fl-10 ta » Diċembru 2008 .
(src)="14"> The interest rate on the marginal lending facility will be decreased by 75 basis points to 3.00% , with effect from 10 December 2008 .
(trg)="14"> Ir-rata tal-imgħax fuq il-faċilità tas-self marġinali se tonqos b' 75 punt bażi għal 3.00% , b' seħħ mill-10 ta » Diċembru 2008 .
(src)="15"> The interest rate on the deposit facility will be decreased by 75 basis points to 2.00% , with effect from 10 December 2008 .
(trg)="15"> Ir-rata tal-imgħax fuq il-faċilità tad-depożitu se tonqos b' 75 punt bażi għal 2.00% , b' seħħ mill-10 ta » Diċembru 2008 .
(src)="16"> The President of the ECB will comment on the considerations underlying these decisions at a press conference starting at 2.30 p.m. CET today .
(trg)="16"> Il-President tal-BĊE se jagħti l-kummenti tiegħu dwar ir-raġunijiet li wasslu għal dawn id-deċiżjonijiet f' konferenza għall-istampa li tibda llum fis-2 . 30 CET ta » wara nofsinhar .
(src)="17"> European Central Bank
(trg)="17"> Bank Ċentrali Ewropew
(src)="18"> Directorate Communications
(trg)="18"> Direttorat tal-Komunikazzjoni
(src)="19"> Press and Information Division
(trg)="19"> Taqsima ta » l-Istampa u l-Informazzjoni
(src)="20"> Kaiserstrasse 29 , D-60311 Frankfurt am Main
(trg)="20"> Kaiserstrasse 29 , D-60311 Frankfurt am Main
(src)="21"> Tel .: + 49 69 1344 7455 , Fax : + 49 69 1344 7404
(trg)="21"> Tel .: 0049 69 1344 7455 , Fax : 0049 69 1344 7404
(src)="22"> Internet : http://www.ecb.europa.eu
(trg)="22"> Internet : http://www.ecb.europa.eu
(src)="23"> Reproduction is permitted provided that the source is acknowledged . back to top
(trg)="23"> Ir-riproduzzjoni hi permessa bil-patt illi tiġi rikonoxxuta din l-istqarrija .
(src)="24"> Address encoded for mobile use
(trg)="24"> Address encoded for mobile use
(src)="25"> http://www.ecb.europa.eu/press/pr/date/2008/html/pr081204.en.html
(trg)="25"> http://www.ecb.europa.eu/press/pr/date/2008/html/pr081204.mt.html
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(src)="44"> Navigation Path : Home > The European Central Bank > Legal framework > All by date > All years > CON / 2006/33
(trg)="44"> Navigation Path : Home > The European Central Bank > Qafas legali > Kollox skond id-data > Is-snin kollha > CON / 2006/33
(src)="45"> CON / 2006/33
(trg)="45"> CON / 2006/33
(src)="46"> Opinion on amendments to the Central Bank of Cyprus 's statutes in preparation for the adoption of the euro ( CON / 2006/33 )
(trg)="46"> Opinjoni dwar l-emendi ta » l-istatuti tal-Bank Ċentrali ta » Ċipru fil-preparazzjoni għall-adozzjoni tal-euro ( CON / 2006/33 )
(src)="47"> Cyprus , 28.6.2006 , pdf 39 kB , en Additional information
(trg)="47"> Ċipru , 28.6.2006 , pdf 39 kB , en
(src)="48"> Back to The European Central Bank
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(src)="52"> Legal framework of the ESCB
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(src)="53"> ECB institutional provisions
(trg)="53"> Dispożizzjonijiet istituzzjonali tal-BĊE
(src)="54"> Monetary policy and Operations
(trg)="54"> Politika monetarja w operazzjonijiet
(src)="55"> Payment and settlement systems
(trg)="55"> Sistemi ta » ħlas u ftehim finali
(src)="56"> Banknotes and coins , means of payment and currency matters
(trg)="56"> Karti tal-flus u muniti , mezzi ta » ħlas u kwistjonijiet dwar il-valuta
(src)="57"> Foreign exchange and Foreign reserves
(trg)="57"> Kambju fi flus barranin u riżervi barranin
(src)="58"> Statistics
(trg)="58"> Statistika
(src)="59"> Employment , conduct , fraud prevention and transparency
(trg)="59"> Impjieg , mġiba , prevenzjoni tal-frodi u trasparenza
(src)="60"> Financial market stability
(trg)="60"> Stabbilta ` tas-suq finanzjarju
(src)="61"> All ECB opinions
(trg)="61"> L-opinjonijiet tal-BĊE kollha
(src)="62"> All by date
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(src)="63"> 1998 ( EMI / ECB )
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(src)="68"> All years
(trg)="68"> Is-snin kollha
(src)="69"> Related ECB legislation
(trg)="69"> Leġiżlazzjoni tal-BĊE relatata
(src)="70"> Opinion CON / 2002/22
(trg)="70"> Opinion CON / 2002/22
(src)="71"> Opinion CON / 2006/4
(trg)="71"> Opinion CON / 2006/4
(src)="72"> Related information
(trg)="72"> Informazzjoni relatata
(src)="73"> Convergence Report 2004
(trg)="73"> Rapport ta » Konverġenza 2004
(src)="74"> Languages : CS | DA | DE | EL | English | ES | ET | FI | FR | HU | IT | LT | LV | MT | NL | PL | PT | SK | SL | SV
(trg)="74"> Languages : CS | DA | DE | EL | EN | ES | ET | FI | FR | HU | IT | LT | LV | Malti | NL | PL | PT | SK | SL | SV
(src)="75"> Navigation Path : Home > The European Central Bank > Educational > FACTS presentation > Organisation > Slide 14
(trg)="75"> Navigation Path : Home > The European Central Bank > Edukattiv > Preżentazzjoni tal-FATTI > L-organizzazzjoni > Slide 14
(src)="77"> ORGANISATION
(src)="78"> Other tasks of the Eurosystem10 Division of labour in the Eurosystem11 Tasks of the ECB ( 1/2 ) 12 Tasks of the ECB ( 2/2 ) 13 Tasks of the NCBs14 Decision-making bodies of the ECB15 Governing Council16 Executive Board17 General Council18 Eurosystem / ESCB committees19
(trg)="78"> Doveri oħra ta » l-Eurosistema10 Taqsim tax-xogħol fl-Eurosistema11 Doveri tal-BĊE ( 1/2 ) 12 Doveri tal-BĊE ( 2/2 ) 13 Doveri tal-BĊN14 Korpi tal-BĊE responsabbli għat-teħid tad-deċiżjonijiet15 Kunsill Governattiv16 Bord Esekuttiv17 Kunsill Ġenerali18 Kumitati ta » l-Eurosistema / SEBĊ19
(src)="79"> 14 / 19
(trg)="79"> 14 / 19
(src)="80"> Organisation
(trg)="80"> L-organizzazzjoni Id-doveri tal-banek ċentrali nazzjonali
(src)="81"> Tasks of the national central banks The operational set-up of the Eurosystem takes account of the principle of decentralisation .
(trg)="81"> L-istruttura operazzjonali tal-Eurosistema tqis il-prinċipju tad-deċentralizzazzjoni .
(src)="82"> The national central banks ( NCBs ) perform almost all operational tasks of the Eurosystem .
(trg)="82"> Il-banek ċentrali nazzjonali ( BĊN ) iwettqu d-doveri operazzjonali kważi kollha tal-Eurosistema .
(src)="83"> In doing so , they enact the decisions made centrally by the Governing Council of the ECB .
(trg)="83"> Meta jagħmlu dan , ikunu qed iwettqu d-deċiżjonijiet meħuda ċentralment mill-Kunsill Governattiv tal-BĊE .
(src)="84"> The NCBs are responsible for
(trg)="84"> Il-BĊN huma responsabbli għal
(src)="85"> Execution of monetary policy operations : this means that the NCBs carry out the actual transactions , such as providing the commercial banks with central bank money .
(trg)="85"> Twettiq tal-operazzjonijiet tal-politika monetarja : dan ifisser li l-BĊN iwettqu transazzjonijiet attwali bħal , per eżempju , jipprovdu lill-banek kummerċjali bi flus tal-bank ċentrali .
(src)="86"> Operational management of the ECB 's foreign reserves : this includes the execution and the settlement of the market transactions necessary to invest the ECB 's foreign reserves .
(trg)="86"> Maniġġ operazzjonali tar-riżervi barranin tal-BĊE : dan jinkludi t-twettiq u l-ħlas tat-transazzjonijiet tas-suq meħtieġa għall-investiment tar-riżervi barranin tal-BĊE .
(src)="87"> Management of their own foreign reserves : planned NCB operations in this area are subject to approval from the ECB , if such transactions could affect exchange rates or domestic liquidity conditions and if they exceed certain limits established by ECB guidelines .
(trg)="87"> Maniġġ tar-riżervi barranin tagħhom stess : operazzjonijiet tal-BĊN ippjanati f ’ dan il-qasam huma soġġetti għall-approvazzjoni tal-BĊE , jekk tali transazzjonijiet jistgħu jaffettwaw ir-rati tal-kambju jew il-kondizzjonijiet tal-likwidità domestika u jekk jaqbżu ċerti limiti stabbiliti mill-linji gwida tal-BĊE .
(src)="88"> The aim is to ensure consistency with the monetary and exchange rate policy of the ECB .
(trg)="88"> L-għan hu li tiġi żgurata l-konsistenza mal-politika monetarja u dik dwar ir-rati tal-kambju tal-BĊE .
(src)="89"> Operation and supervision of payment systems : payment systems are a means to transfer money within the banking system .
(trg)="89"> Operazzjoni u sorveljanza tas-sistemi tal-pagament : is-sistemi tal-pagament huma mezz ta ’ trasferiment ta ’ flus fi ħdan is-sistema bankarja .
(src)="90"> Since May 2008 each NCB and its respective national user community have been able to participate in the single platform TARGET2 , the payment system for the euro .
(trg)="90"> Minn Mejju tal-2008 , kull BĊN u l-komunità tal-utenti rispettivi nazzjonali tiegħu setgħu jipparteċipaw fil-pjattaforma unika , it-TARGET2 , is-sistema tal-pagamenti f' euro .
(src)="91"> Other private payment and security settlement systems also exist ;
(trg)="91"> Jeżistu wkoll sistemi oħra privati ta ’ pagament u ħlas ta ’ titoli ;
(src)="92"> they are supervised to ensure their smooth functioning .
(trg)="92"> dawn jiġu sorveljati biex jiġi żgurat it-tħaddim bla xkiel tagħhom .
(src)="93"> Joint issuance of banknotes together with the ECB : both the ECB and the NCBs are issuers of euro banknotes .
(trg)="93"> Ħruġ ta ’ karti tal-flus flimkien mal-BĊE : kemm il-BĊE kif ukoll il-BĊN joħorġu karti tal-flus tal-euro .
(src)="94"> All banknotes are put into circulation by the NCBs , which accommodate any demand for euro banknotes by launching annual banknote production orders and by operating a Eurosystem-wide stock management system .
(trg)="94"> Il-karti tal-flus kollha jitqiegħdu fiċ-ċirkolazzjoni mill-BĊN , li jissodisfaw kwalunkwe domanda għall-karti tal-flus tal-euro billi jniedu ordnijiet annwali għall-produzzjoni tal-karti tal-flus u billi jħaddmu sistema tal-maniġġ tal-istokk fl-Eurosistema kollha .
(src)="95"> Both activities are coordinated by the ECB .
(trg)="95"> Iż-żewġ attivitajiet jiġu kkoordinati mill-BĊE .
(src)="96"> NCBs take measures to achieve a high quality of banknotes in circulation and to analyse counterfeits .
(trg)="96"> Il-BĊN jieħdu passi biex tintlaħaq kwalità għolja tal-karti tal-flus fiċ-ċirkolazzjoni u biex janalizzaw il-flus foloz .
(src)="97"> Collection of statistics and providing assistance to the ECB : the ECB requires a wide range of economic and financial data to support the conduct of its monetary policy and the fulfilment of other Eurosystem tasks .
(trg)="97"> Ġbir ta ’ statistika u għoti ta ’ għajnuna lill-BĊE : il-BĊE jeħtieġ firxa wiesgħa ta ’ dejta ekonomika u finanzjarja biex isostni t-tmexxija tal-politika monetarja tiegħu u biex iwettaq id-doveri l-oħra tal-Eurosistema .
(src)="98"> The main areas where the NCBs help by collecting data from the national financial institutions are i ) money , banking and financial markets , ii ) balance of payments statistics and on the Eurosystem 's international reserves , and iii ) financial accounts .
(trg)="98"> L-oqsma ewlenin fejn il-BĊN jgħinu billi jiġbru dejta mill-istituzzjonijiet finanzjarji nazzjonali huma i ) il-flus , l-attività bankarja u s-swieq finanzjarji , ii ) statistika dwar il-bilanċ tal-pagamenti u dwar ir-riżervi internazzjonali tal-Eurosistema , u iii ) il-kontijiet finanzjarji .
(src)="99"> Functions outside the European System of Central Banks ( ESCB ) : national central banks may also perform functions other than those specified in the Statute unless the Governing Council finds , by a majority of two-thirds of the votes cast , that these interfere with the objectives and tasks of the ESCB .
(trg)="99"> Funzjonijiet barra s-Sistema Ewropea ta » Banek Ċentrali : il-banek ċentrali nazzjonali jistgħu wkoll iwettqu funzjonijiet oħra minbarra dawk speċifikati fl-Istatut sakemm il-Kunsill Governattiv ma jiddeċiedix , b ’ maġġoranza ta ’ żewġ terzi tal-voti mitfugħa , li funzjonijiet bħal dawn itellfu l-għanijiet u x-xogħol tas-SEBĊ .
(src)="100"> Such functions are the responsibility of the national central banks .
(trg)="100"> Għal funzjonijiet bħal dawn huma responsabbli l-banek ċentrali nazzjonali .