# en/ecb-en-es.xml.gz
# es/ecb-en-es.xml.gz
(src)="1"> Navigation Path : Home > The European Central Bank > Legal framework > All by date > 2009 > CON / 2009/7
(trg)="1"> Navigation Path : Home > The European Central Bank > Marco jurídico > Recopilación general por fecha > 2009 > CON / 2009/7
(src)="2"> The European Central Bank
(trg)="2"> The European Central Bank
(src)="3"> Press
(trg)="3"> Press
(src)="4"> Events
(trg)="4"> Events
(src)="5"> Publications
(trg)="5"> Publications
(src)="6"> Statistics
(trg)="6"> Statistics
(src)="7"> The Euro
(trg)="7"> The Euro
(src)="8"> Monetary Policy
(trg)="8"> Monetary Policy
(src)="9"> Payments & Markets
(trg)="9"> Payments & Markets
(src)="10"> CON / 2009/7
(trg)="10"> CON / 2009/7
(src)="11"> Opinion on the Banque centrale du Luxembourg 's role in the compilation of certain statistics ( CON / 2009/7 )
(trg)="11"> Dictamen sobre las funciones de la Banque centrale du Luxembourg en cuanto a la elaboración de determinadas estadísticas ( CON / 2009/7 )
(src)="12"> Luxembourg , 27.1.2009 , pdf 37 kB , en .
(trg)="12"> Luxemburgo , 27.1.2009 , pdf 37 kB , en .
(src)="13"> fr
(trg)="13"> fr
(src)="14"> Back to The European Central Bank
(trg)="14"> Back to The European Central Bank
(src)="15"> Legal framework
(trg)="15"> Marco jurídico
(src)="16"> User guide
(trg)="16"> Guía del usuario
(src)="17"> Search the Legal framework
(trg)="17"> Buscar en Marco jurídico
(src)="18"> Legal framework of the ESCB
(trg)="18"> Régimen jurídico del SEBC
(src)="19"> ECB institutional provisions
(trg)="19"> Disposiciones institucionales del BCE
(src)="20"> Monetary policy and Operations
(trg)="20"> Política monetaria y operaciones
(src)="21"> Payment and settlement systems
(trg)="21"> Sistemas de pago y liquidación
(src)="22"> Banknotes and coins , means of payment and currency matters
(trg)="22"> Billetes de banco y monedas , medios de pago y cuestiones de moneda
(src)="23"> Foreign exchange and Foreign reserves
(trg)="23"> Divisas y reservas exteriores
(src)="24"> Statistics
(trg)="24"> Estadísticas
(src)="25"> Employment , conduct , fraud prevention and transparency
(trg)="25"> Contratación , conducta , prevención del fraude y transparencia
(src)="26"> Financial market stability
(trg)="26"> Estabilidad de los mercados financieros
(src)="27"> All ECB opinions All by date
(trg)="27"> Recopilación general por fecha
(src)="28"> 1998 ( EMI / ECB )
(trg)="28"> 1998 ( BCE / IME )
(src)="29"> 1997 ( EMI )
(trg)="29"> 1997 ( IME )
(src)="30"> 1996 ( EMI )
(trg)="30"> 1996 ( IME )
(src)="31"> 1995 ( EMI )
(trg)="31"> 1995 ( IME )
(src)="32"> 1994 ( EMI )
(trg)="32"> 1994 ( IME )
(src)="33"> All years
(trg)="33"> Todos los años
(src)="34"> Cross-navigation Menu
(trg)="34"> Cross-navigation Menu
(src)="35"> Related ECB legislation
(trg)="35"> Actos jurídicos del BCE conexos
(src)="36"> Opinion CON / 2007/35
(trg)="36"> Dictamen CON / 2007/35
(src)="37"> Guideline ECB / 2004/15
(trg)="37"> Orientación BCE / 2004/15
(src)="38"> Guideline ECB / 2002/7
(trg)="38"> Orientación BCE / 2002/7
(src)="39"> Opinion CON / 2008/17
(trg)="39"> Opinion CON / 2008/17
(src)="40"> Opinion CON / 2008/6
(trg)="40"> Opinion CON / 2008/6
(src)="41"> Opinion CON / 2008/42
(trg)="41"> Opinion CON / 2008/42
(src)="42"> ECB Home
(trg)="42"> ECB Home
(src)="43"> Home | Site Directory | Glossary | Links | Contact | Disclaimer & Copyright | Search
(trg)="43"> Home | Site Directory | Glossary | Links | Contact | Disclaimer & Copyright | Search
(src)="44"> Print
(trg)="44"> Print
(src)="45"> RSS feed
(trg)="45"> RSS feed
(src)="46"> Languages : BG | CS | DA | DE | EL | English | ES | ET | FI | FR | HU | IT | LT | LV | MT | NL | PL | PT | RO | SK | SL | SV
(trg)="46"> Languages : BG | CS | DA | DE | EL | EN | Español | ET | FI | FR | HU | IT | LT | LV | MT | NL | PL | PT | RO | SK | SL | SV
(src)="47"> Navigation Path : Home > The European Central Bank > Legal framework > Financial market stability > Related ECB opinions > CON / 2007/8
(trg)="47"> Navigation Path : Home > The European Central Bank > Marco jurídico > Estabilidad de los mercados financieros > Dictámenes del BCE sobre esta materia > CON / 2007/8
(src)="48"> CON / 2007/8
(trg)="48"> CON / 2007/8
(src)="49"> Opinion on certain Česká národní banka tasks in the area of consumer protection ( CON / 2007/8 )
(trg)="49"> Dictamen sobre ciertas funciones del Česká národní banka en materia de protección de los consumidores ( CON / 2007/8 )
(src)="50"> Czech Republic , 21.3.2007 , pdf 120 kB , cs .
(trg)="50"> República Checa , 21.3.2007 , pdf 120 kB , cs .
(src)="51"> en
(trg)="51"> en
(src)="52"> Related ECB opinions
(trg)="52"> Dictámenes del BCE sobre esta materia
(src)="53"> Opinion CON / 2006/38
(trg)="53"> Opinion CON / 2006/38
(src)="54"> Opinion CON / 2006/47
(trg)="54"> Opinion CON / 2006/47
(src)="55"> Related information
(trg)="55"> Información conexa
(src)="56"> Convergence Report December 2006
(trg)="56"> Informe de Convergencia de diciembre de 2006
(src)="57"> Navigation Path : Home > The European Central Bank > Legal framework > All by date > 2006 > CON / 2006/51
(trg)="57"> Navigation Path : Home > The European Central Bank > Marco jurídico > Recopilación general por fecha > 2006 > CON / 2006/51
(src)="58"> CON / 2006/51
(trg)="58"> CON / 2006/51
(src)="59"> Opinion on the allocation of powers between supervisory authorities ( CON / 2006/51 )
(trg)="59"> Dictamen sobre el reparto de competencias entre las autoridades supervisoras ( CON / 2006/51 )
(src)="60"> Italy , 3.11.2006 , pdf 30 kB , en .
(trg)="60"> Italia , 3.11.2006 , pdf 30 kB , en .
(src)="61"> it
(trg)="61"> it
(src)="62"> Opinion CON / 2004/16
(trg)="62"> Opinion CON / 2004/16
(src)="63"> Opinion CON / 2005/34
(trg)="63"> Opinion CON / 2005/34
(src)="64"> Opinion CON / 2005/58
(trg)="64"> Opinion CON / 2005/58
(src)="65"> Opinion CON / 2006/44
(trg)="65"> Opinion CON / 2006/44
(src)="66"> Languages : CS | DA | DE | EL | English | ES | ET | FI | FR | HU | IT | LT | LV | MT | NL | PL | PT | SK | SL | SV
(trg)="66"> Languages : CS | DA | DE | EL | EN | Español | ET | FI | FR | HU | IT | LT | LV | MT | NL | PL | PT | SK | SL | SV
(src)="67"> Navigation Path : Home > The European Central Bank > Visiting the ECB > Book a visit
(trg)="67"> Navigation Path : Home > The European Central Bank > Visitantes > Solicitud de visitas al BCE
(src)="68"> Book a visit At least 3 months in advance
(trg)="68"> Solicitud de visitas al Banco Central Europeo
(src)="69"> In view of the large number of requests , visitor groups are kindly asked to book at least 3 months before the planned date of their visit .
(trg)="69"> Las solicitudes deberán enviarse con una antelación mínima de tres meses Debido al gran número de solicitudes recibidas , se recomienda a los grupos que se pongan en contacto con nosotros con una antelación mínima de tres meses respecto a la fecha en que deseen realizar la visita .
(src)="70"> Please note , however , that a visit date cannot be guaranteed , even if very early notification is given . back to top
(trg)="70"> Téngase en cuenta que no es posible garantizar una fecha concreta , aun cuando la petición se haya presentado con la suficiente antelación .
(src)="71"> Session slots
(trg)="71"> Principio de página
(src)="72"> Morning : 10.30 a.m. -- 12 noon (" AM ")
(trg)="72"> Horario de visitas Mañanas : de 10.30 h. a 12 h. ( « AM » )
(src)="73"> Afternoon : 2.30 -- 4 p.m. (" PM ")
(trg)="73"> Tardes : de 14.30 h. a 16 h. ( « PM » )
(src)="74"> How to book
(trg)="74"> Cómo solicitar la visita
(src)="75"> Select a date in the calendar showing a free , green session .
(trg)="75"> Elija alguna de las fechas libres señaladas en verde en el calendario .
(src)="76"> Clicking the desired « AM » or « PM » will open a form with a secure connection ( https ) .
(trg)="76"> Al hacer clic en la opción deseada — « AM » o « PM » — , se abrirá un formulario con conexión segura ( https ) .
(src)="77"> Complete the required fields and send it off .
(trg)="77"> Rellene el formulario y envíelo .
(src)="78"> Indicate group category :
(trg)="78"> Indicar el tipo de grupo :
(src)="79"> Please select
(trg)="79"> Seleccione
(src)="80"> University / higher education
(trg)="80"> Educación universitaria / superior
(src)="81"> Secondary school
(trg)="81"> Colegio / Instituto
(src)="82"> Political association
(trg)="82"> Asociación política
(src)="83"> Single visitor
(trg)="83"> Particular
(src)="84"> Analyst / expert Journalist
(trg)="84"> Analista / Experto
(src)="85"> Business / social organisation
(trg)="85"> Periodista Empresa / Asociación
(src)="86"> Central bank
(trg)="86"> Banco central
(src)="87"> Teacher / professor
(trg)="87"> Enseñante / Profesor
(src)="88"> Vocational / adult education
(trg)="88"> Formación / Educación de adultos
(src)="89"> Previous month
(trg)="89"> Mes anterior
(src)="90"> Next month
(trg)="90"> Mes siguiente
(src)="91"> Jan - 2012
(trg)="91"> Ene - 2012
(src)="92"> Mon
(trg)="92"> Lun
(src)="93"> Tue
(trg)="93"> Mar
(src)="94"> Wed
(trg)="94"> Mie
(src)="95"> Thu
(trg)="95"> Jue
(src)="96"> Fri
(trg)="96"> Vie
(src)="97"> Sat
(trg)="97"> Sab
(src)="98"> Sun
(trg)="98"> Dom
(src)="99"> To see links to suitable dates , please select the type of visitor group in the box above
(trg)="99"> Para ver los enlaces de las fechas disponibles , seleccione el tipo de grupo en la casilla superior
(src)="100"> Visiting the ECB
(trg)="100"> Visitantes