# en/12005S.xml.gz
# sl/12005S.xml.gz

(src)="1"> Protocol
(trg)="1"> Protokol

(src)="2"> Concerning the conditions and arrangements for admission of the republic of Bulgaria and Romania to the European Union
(trg)="2"> O pogojih in načinu sprejema republike Bolgarije in Romunije v Evropsko unijo


(src)="4"> CONSIDERING that the Republic of Bulgaria and Romania become members of the European Union on 1 January 2007 ;
(trg)="4"> OB UPOŠTEVANJU , da bosta Republika Bolgarija in Romunija postali članici Evropske unije 1. januarja 2007 ,

(src)="5"> CONSIDERING that Article I-58 of the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe provides that the conditions and arrangements for admission shall be the subject of an agreement between the Member States and the candidate State ;
(trg)="5"> OB UPOŠTEVANJU , da I-58. člen Pogodbe o Ustavi za Evropo določa , da so pogoji in način sprejema urejeni s sporazumom med državo članico in državo kandidatko ,

(src)="6"> HAVE AGREED UPON the following provisions , which shall be annexed to the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe and to the Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community :
(trg)="6"> DOGOVORILE o naslednjih določbah , ki se priložijo Pogodbi o Ustavi za Evropo in Pogodbi o ustanovitvi Evropske skupnosti za atomsko energijo :

(src)="7"> PART ONE
(trg)="7"> PRVI DEL

(src)="8"> PRINCIPLES
(trg)="8"> NAČELA

(src)="9"> Article 1
(trg)="9"> Člen 1

(src)="10"> For the purposes of this Protocol :
(trg)="10"> V tem protokolu :

(src)="11"> the expression Constitution ‘ ’ means the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe ;
(trg)="11"> izraz „ Ustava “ pomeni Pogodbo o Ustavi za Evropo ;

(src)="12"> the expression EAEC Treaty ‘ ’ means the Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community , as supplemented or amended by treaties or other acts which entered into force before accession ;
(trg)="12"> izraz „ Pogodba ESAE “ pomeni Pogodbo o ustanovitvi Evropske skupnosti za atomsko energijo , kakor je bila dopolnjena ali spremenjena s pogodbami ali drugimi akti , ki so začeli veljati pred pristopom ;

(src)="13"> the expression present Member States ‘ ’ means the Kingdom of Belgium , the Czech Republic , the Kingdom of Denmark , the Federal Republic of Germany , the Republic of Estonia , the Hellenic Republic , the Kingdom of Spain , the French Republic , Ireland , the Italian Republic , the Republic of Cyprus , the Republic of Latvia , the Republic of Lithuania , the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg , the Republic of Hungary , the Republic of Malta , the Kingdom of the Netherlands , the Republic of Austria , the Republic of Poland , the Portuguese Republic , the Republic of Slovenia , the Slovak Republic , the Republic of Finland , the Kingdom of Sweden and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ;
(trg)="13"> izraz „ sedanje države članice “ pomeni Kraljevino Belgijo , Češko republiko , Kraljevino Dansko , Zvezno republiko Nemčijo , Republiko Estonijo , Helensko republiko , Kraljevino Španijo , Francosko republiko , Irsko , Italijansko republiko , Republiko Ciper , Republiko Latvijo , Republiko Litvo , Veliko vojvodstvo Luksemburg , Republiko Madžarsko , Republiko Malto , Kraljevino Nizozemsko , Republiko Avstrijo , Republiko Poljsko , Portugalsko republiko , Republiko Slovenijo , Slovaško republiko , Republiko Finsko , Kraljevino Švedsko ter Združeno kraljestvo Velike Britanije in Severne Irske ;

(src)="14"> the expression new Member States ‘ ’ means the Republic of Bulgaria and Romania ;
(trg)="14"> izraz „ novi državi članici “ pomeni Republiko Bolgarijo in Romunijo ;

(src)="15"> the expression the institutions ‘ ’ means the institutions established by the Constitution .
(trg)="15"> izraz „ institucije “ pomeni institucije , ustanovljene z Ustavo .

(src)="16"> The references in this Protocol to the Constitution and to the Union shall , where appropriate , be taken as references , respectively , to the EAEC Treaty and to the Community established by the EAEC Treaty .
(trg)="16"> Sklicevanja na Ustavo in na Unijo se v tem protokolu glede na sobesedila štejejo za sklicevanja na Pogodbo ESAE oziroma na Skupnost , ustanovljeno s Pogodbo ESAE .

(src)="17"> Article 2
(trg)="17"> Člen 2

(src)="18"> From the date of accession , the provisions of the Constitution , the EAEC Treaty and the acts adopted by the institutions before accession shall be binding on Bulgaria and Romania and shall apply in those States under the conditions laid down in the Constitution , in the EAEC Treaty and in this Protocol .
(trg)="18"> Z dnem pristopa so določbe Ustave , Pogodbe ESAE in aktov , ki so jih institucije sprejele pred pristopom , za Bolgarijo in Romunijo zavezujoče in se v njiju uporabljajo pod pogoji , ki jih določajo Ustava , Pogodba ESAE in ta protokol .

(src)="19"> Article 3
(trg)="19"> Člen 3

(src)="20"> Bulgaria and Romania accede to the decisions and agreements adopted by the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States meeting within the Council .
(trg)="20"> Bolgarija in Romunija pristopata k sklepom in sporazumom , ki so jih sprejeli predstavniki vlad držav članic v okviru Sveta .

(src)="21"> Bulgaria and Romania are in the same situation as the present Member States in respect of declarations or resolutions of , or other positions taken up by , the European Council or the Council and in respect of those concerning the Union adopted by common agreement of the Member States ; they will accordingly observe the principles and guidelines deriving from those declarations , resolutions or other positions and will take such measures as may be necessary to ensure their implementation .
(trg)="21"> Bolgarija in Romunija sta v zvezi z izjavami ali resolucijami ali drugimi stališči Evropskega sveta ali Sveta in v zvezi s tistimi , ki zadevajo Unijo in ki so jih države članice sprejele v medsebojnem soglasju , v enakem položaju kakor sedanje države članice ; ustrezno temu bosta spoštovali načela in smernice , izhajajoče iz navedenih izjav , resolucij ali drugih stališč , ter sprejeli ukrepe , ki so potrebni za zagotovitev njihovega izvajanja .

(src)="22"> Bulgaria and Romania accede to the conventions and protocols listed in Annex I. Those conventions and protocols shall enter into force in relation to Bulgaria and Romania on the date determined by the Council in the decisions referred to in paragraph 4 .
(trg)="22"> Bolgarija in Romunija pristopata h konvencijam in protokolom , naštetim v Prilogi I . Te konvencije in protokoli začnejo za Bolgarijo in Romunijo veljati na dan , ki ga določi Svet v sklepih iz četrtega odstavka .

(src)="23"> The Council , acting unanimously on a recommendation by the Commission and after consulting the European Parliament , shall adopt European decisions making all adjustments required by reason of accession to the conventions and protocols referred to in paragraph 3 and publish the adapted text in the Official Journal of the European Union .
(trg)="23"> Svet na priporočilo Komisije in po posvetovanju z Evropskim parlamentom soglasno sprejme evropske sklepe o prilagoditvah konvencij in protokolov iz tretjega odstavka , potrebnih zaradi pristopa , ter prilagojena besedila objavi v Uradnem listu Evropske unije .

(src)="24"> Bulgaria and Romania undertake in respect of the conventions and protocols referred to in paragraph 3 to introduce administrative and other arrangements , such as those adopted by the date of accession by the present Member States or by the Council , and to facilitate practical cooperation between the Member States ' institutions and organisations .
(trg)="24"> Bolgarija in Romunija se zavezujeta , da bosta glede na konvencije in protokole iz odstavka 3 uvedli take upravne in druge ukrepe , kot so jih do dne pristopa sprejele sedanje države članice ali Svet , in olajšali dejansko sodelovanje med institucijami in organi ter telesi držav članic .

(src)="25"> The Council , acting unanimously on a proposal from the Commission , may adopt European decisions supplementing Annex I with those conventions , agreements and protocols signed before the date of accession .
(trg)="25"> Svet lahko na predlog Komisije soglasno sprejme evropske sklepe o dopolnitvi Priloge I s konvencijami , sporazumi in protokoli , podpisanimi pred pristopom .

(src)="26"> The particular instruments mentioned in this Article include those referred to in Article IV 438 ‐ of the Constitution .
(trg)="26"> Med instrumente iz tega členu , štejejo tudi tisti iz IV- 438. člena Ustave .

(src)="27"> Article 4
(trg)="27"> Člen 4

(src)="28"> The provisions of the Schengen acquis , referred to in Protocol No 17 to the Constitution on the Schengen acquis integrated into the framework of the European Union , and the acts building upon it or otherwise related to it , listed in Annex II , as well as any further such acts adopted before the date of accession , shall be binding on and applicable in Bulgaria and Romania from the date of accession .
(trg)="28"> Določbe schengenskega pravnega reda iz Protokola št. 17 o schengenskem pravnem redu , vključenem v okvir Evropske unije , priloženem k Ustavi , in akti , ki temeljijo na njem oziroma so z njim kako drugače povezani , navedeni v Prilogi II , kakor tudi vsi nadaljnji takšni akti , sprejeti pred dnem pristopa , so za Bolgarijo in Romunijo zavezujoči in se v njiju uporabljajo z dnem pristopa .

(src)="29"> Those provisions of the Schengen acquis as integrated into the framework of the European Union and the acts building upon it or otherwise related to it not referred to in paragraph 1 , while binding on Bulgaria and Romania from the date of accession , shall only apply in each of those States pursuant to a European decision of the Council to that effect after verification in accordance with the applicable Schengen evaluation procedures that the necessary conditions for the application of all parts of the acquis concerned have been met in that State .
(trg)="29"> Določbe schengenskega pravnega reda , kakor so vključene v okvir Evropske unije , in akti , ki na njem temeljijo oziroma so z njim kako drugače povezani in jih prvi odstavek ne vsebuje , so za Bolgarijo in Romunijo zavezujoči z dnem pristopa , vendar se v vsaki od teh državah uporabljajo šele na podlagi evropskega sklepa Sveta , sprejetega v ta namen po preveritvi v skladu z ustreznimi schengenskimi postopki ocenjevanja , da so v tej državi izpolnjeni potrebni pogoji za uporabo vseh delov zadevnega pravnega reda .

(src)="30"> The Council shall take its decision , after consulting the European Parliament , acting with the unanimity of its members representing the Governments of the Member States in respect of which the provisions referred to in this paragraph have already been put into effect and of the representative of the Government of the Member State in respect of which those provisions are to be put into effect .
(trg)="30"> Svet odloča po posvetovanju z Evropskim parlamentom s soglasjem svojih članov , ki predstavljajo vlade držav članic , za katere določbe tega odstavka že veljajo , in predstavnika vlade države članice , za katero se morajo te določbe še uveljaviti .

(src)="31"> The members of the Council representing the Governments of Ireland and of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland shall take part in such a decision insofar as it relates to the provisions of the Schengen acquis and the acts building upon it or otherwise related to it in which these Member States participate .
(trg)="31"> Člani Sveta , ki predstavljajo vladi Irske in Združenega kraljestva Velike Britanije in Severne Irske , sodelujejo pri taki odločitvi , kolikor se ta nanaša na določbe schengenskega pravnega reda in na akte , ki na njem temeljijo , ali so z njim kako drugače povezani , pri katerih ti državi članici sodelujeta .

(src)="32"> Article 5
(trg)="32"> Člen 5

(src)="33"> Bulgaria and Romania shall participate in Economic and Monetary Union from the date of accession as Member States with a derogation within the meaning of Article III-197 of the Constitution .
(trg)="33"> Bolgarija in Romunija od dne pristopa sodelujeta v ekonomski in monetarni uniji kot državi članici s posebno ureditvijo v smislu III-197. člena Ustave .

(src)="34"> Article 6
(trg)="34"> Člen 6

(src)="35"> The agreements or conventions concluded or provisionally applied by the Union with one or more third States , with an international organisation or with a national of a third State , shall , under the conditions laid down in the Constitution and in this Protocol , be binding on Bulgaria and Romania .
(trg)="35"> Sporazumi ali konvencije , ki jih sklene ali začasno uporablja Unija z eno ali več tretjimi državami , mednarodno organizacijo ali državljanom tretje države , so pod pogoji iz Ustave in tega protokola zavezujoči za Bolgarijo in Romunijo .

(src)="36"> Bulgaria and Romania undertake to accede , under the conditions laid down in this Protocol , to the agreements or conventions concluded or signed by the Union and the present Member States , acting jointly .
(trg)="36"> Bolgarija in Romunija se zavezujeta , da bosta pod pogoji iz tega protokola pristopili k sporazumom in konvencijam , ki so jih skupaj sklenile ali podpisale Unija in sedanje države članice .

(src)="37"> The accession of Bulgaria and Romania to the agreements or conventions concluded or signed by the Union and the present Member States acting jointly with particular third countries or international organisations shall be agreed by the conclusion of a protocol to such agreements or conventions between the Council , acting unanimously on behalf of the Member States , and the third country or countries or international organisation concerned .
(trg)="37"> Pristop Bolgarije in Romunije k sporazumom ali konvencijam , ki so jih Unija in sedanje države članice skupaj sklenile ali podpisale z določenimi tretjimi državami ali mednarodnimi organizacijami , se opravi s sklenitvijo protokolov k tem sporazumom ali konvencijam med Svetom , ki nastopa soglasno v imenu držav članic in tretjo državo oziroma tretjimi državami ali zadevno mednarodno organizacijo .

(src)="38"> The Commission shall negotiate these protocols on behalf of the Member States on the basis of negotiating directives approved by the Council , acting unanimously , and in consultation with a committee comprised of the representatives of the Member States .
(trg)="38"> O teh protokolih se v imenu držav članic na podlagi pogajalskih smernic , ki jih s soglasjem odobri Svet , in ob posvetovanju z odborom , ki ga sestavljajo predstavniki držav članic , pogaja Komisija .

(src)="39"> It shall submit a draft of the protocols for conclusion to the Council .
(trg)="39"> Komisija Svetu predloži osnutke protokolov , ki jih je treba skleniti .

(src)="40"> This procedure is without prejudice to the exercise of the Union 's own competences and does not affect the allocation of powers between the Union and the Member States as regards the conclusion of such agreements in the future or any other amendments not related to accession .
(trg)="40"> Ta postopek ne posega v izvajanje pristojnosti Unije in ne vpliva na razdelitev pristojnosti med Unijo in državami članicami glede sklenitve takih sporazumov v prihodnje ali glede katerih koli drugih sprememb , ki niso povezane s pristopom .

(src)="41"> Upon acceding to the agreements and conventions referred to in paragraph 2 Bulgaria and Romania shall acquire the same rights and obligations under those agreements and conventions as the present Member States .
(trg)="41"> Ob pristopu k sporazumom in konvencijam iz odstavka 2 pridobita Bolgarija in Romunija enake pravice in obveznosti iz teh sporazumov in konvencij , kot jih imajo sedanje države članice .

(src)="42"> As from the date of accession , and pending the entry into force of the necessary protocols referred to in paragraph 2 , Bulgaria and Romania shall apply the provisions of the agreements or conventions concluded jointly by the Union and the present Member States before accession , with the exception of the agreement on the free movement of persons concluded with Switzerland .
(trg)="42"> Od dne pristopa in dokler ne začnejo veljati potrebni protokoli iz drugega odstavka , Bolgarija in Romunija uporabljata določbe sporazumov ali konvencij , ki so jih pred pristopom skupaj sklenile Unija in sedanje države članice , z izjemo sporazuma o prostem pretoku oseb , sklenjenega s Švico .

(src)="43"> This obligation also applies to those agreements or conventions which the Union and the present Member States have agreed to apply provisionally .
(trg)="43"> Ta obveznost velja tudi za tiste sporazume ali konvencije , za katere so se Unija in sedanje države članice dogovorile , da jih bodo uporabljale začasno .

(src)="44"> Pending the entry into force of the protocols referred to in paragraph 2 , the Union and the Member States , acting jointly as appropriate in the framework of their respective competences , shall take any appropriate measure .
(trg)="44"> Do začetka veljavnosti protokolov iz drugega odstavka , Unija in države članice skupaj v okviru svojih pristojnosti sprejmejo ustrezne ukrepe .

(src)="45"> Bulgaria and Romania accede to the Partnership Agreement between the members of the African , Caribbean and Pacific Group of States of the one part , and the European Community and its Member States , of the other part , signed in Cotonou on 23 June 2000 .
(trg)="45"> Bolgarija in Romunija pristopita k Sporazumu o partnerstvu med člani afriške , karibske in pacifiške skupine držav na eni strani in Evropsko skupnostjo in njenimi državami članicami na drugi strani , ki je bil podpisan 23. junija 2000 v Cotonouju .

(src)="46"> Bulgaria and Romania undertake to accede , under the conditions laid down in this Protocol , to the Agreement on the European Economic Area , in accordance with Article 128 of that Agreement .
(trg)="46"> Bolgarija in Romunija se zavezujeta , da pod pogoji iz tega protokola pristopita k Sporazumu o Evropskem gospodarskem prostoru v skladu s členom 128 tega sporazuma .

(src)="47"> As from the date of accession , Bulgaria and Romania shall apply the bilateral textile agreements and arrangements concluded by the Union with third countries .
(trg)="47"> Od dne pristopa Bolgarija in Romunija uporabljata dvostranske sporazume in dogovore o tekstilu , ki jih je Unija sklenila s tretjimi državami .

(src)="48"> The quantitative restrictions applied by the Union on imports of textile and clothing products shall be adjusted to take account of the accession of Bulgaria and Romania to the Union .
(trg)="48"> Količinske omejitve , ki jih Unija uporablja za uvoz tekstilnih izdelkov in oblačil , se prilagodijo tako , da se upošteva pristop Bolgarije in Romunije k Uniji .

(src)="49"> To that effect , amendments to the bilateral agreements and arrangements referred to above may be negotiated by the Union with the third countries concerned prior to the date of accession .
(trg)="49"> V ta namen se lahko Unija o spremembah zgoraj omenjenih dvostranskih sporazumov in dogovorov dogovori v pogajanjih z zadevnimi tretjimi državami pred dnem pristopa .

(src)="50"> Should the amendments to the bilateral textile agreements and arrangements not have entered into force by the date of accession , the Union shall make the necessary adjustments to its rules for the import of textile and clothing products from third countries to take into account the accession of Bulgaria and Romania .
(trg)="50"> Če spremembe dvostranskih sporazumov in dogovorov o tekstilu ne začnejo veljati do dne pristopa , Unija sprejme potrebne prilagoditve svojih pravil za uvoz tekstilnih izdelkov in oblačil iz tretjih držav , tako da se upošteva pristop Bolgarije in Romunije k Uniji .

(src)="51"> The quantitative restrictions applied by the Union on imports of steel and steel products shall be adjusted on the basis of imports of Bulgaria and Romania over recent years of steel products originating in the supplier countries concerned .
(trg)="51"> Količinske omejitve , ki jih Unija uporablja pri uvozu jekla in izdelkov iz jekla , se prilagodijo na podlagi uvoza izdelkov iz jekla s poreklom iz zadevnih držav dobaviteljic v Bolgarijo in Romunijo v zadnjih letih .

(src)="52"> To that effect , the necessary amendments to the bilateral steel agreements and arrangements concluded by the Union with third countries shall be negotiated prior to the date of accession .
(trg)="52"> V ta namen se pred dnem pristopa v pogajanjih dogovori o potrebnih spremembah dvostranskih sporazumov in dogovorov za jeklo , ki jih je Unija sklenila s tretjimi državami .

(src)="53"> Should the amendments to the bilateral agreements and arrangements not have entered into force by the date of accession , the provisions of the first subparagraph shall apply .
(trg)="53"> Če spremembe dvostranskih sporazumov in dogovorov ne začnejo veljati do dne pristopa , se uporabijo določbe prvega pododstavka .

(src)="54"> Fisheries agreements concluded before accession by Bulgaria or Romania with third countries shall be managed by the Union .
(trg)="54"> S sporazumi o ribolovu , ki sta jih Bolgarija in Romunija sklenili s tretjimi državami pred pristopom , upravlja Unija .

(src)="55"> The rights and obligations resulting for Bulgaria and Romania from those agreements shall not be affected during the period in which the provisions of those agreements are provisionally maintained .
(trg)="55"> Pravice in obveznosti Bolgarije in Romunije , ki izhajajo iz teh sporazumov , ostanejo v obdobju , v katerem se določbe teh sporazumov prehodno ohranjajo , nespremenjene .

(src)="56"> As soon as possible , and in any event before the expiry of the agreements referred to in the first subparagraph , appropriate decisions for the continuation of fishing activities resulting from those agreements shall be adopted in each case by the Council on a proposal from the Commission , including the possibility of extending certain agreements for periods not exceeding one year .
(trg)="56"> Čim prej , vsekakor pa pred prenehanjem veljavnosti sporazumov iz prvega pododstavka , Svet na predlog Komisije za vsak posamezen primer ustrezno odloči o nadaljevanju ribolovne dejavnosti , ki izhaja iz teh sporazumov , vključno z možnostjo podaljšanja nekaterih sporazumov za čas največ enega leta .

(src)="57"> With effect from the date of accession , Bulgaria and Romania shall withdraw from any free trade agreements with third countries , including the Central European Free Trade Agreement .
(trg)="57"> Z učinkom z dnem pristopa Bolgarija in Romunija odstopita od sporazumov o prosti trgovini , sklenjenih s tretjimi državami , vključno s Srednjeevropskim sporazumom o prosti trgovini .

(src)="58"> To the extent that agreements between Bulgaria , Romania or both those States on the one hand , and one or more third countries on the other , are not compatible with the obligations arising from this Protocol , Bulgaria and Romania shall take all appropriate steps to eliminate the incompatibilities established .
(trg)="58"> Kolikor sporazumi med Bolgarijo , Romunijo ali obema državama na eni strani in eno ali več tretjimi državami na drugi niso združljivi z obveznostmi , ki izhajajo iz tega protokola , Bolgarija in Romunija ukreneta vse potrebno , da odpravita ugotovljene neskladnosti .

(src)="59"> If Bulgaria or Romania encounters difficulties in adjusting an agreement concluded with one or more third countries before accession , it shall , according to the terms of the agreement , withdraw from that agreement .
(trg)="59"> Če se Bolgarija ali Romunija sooči s težavami pri prilagoditvi sporazuma , ki ga je pred pristopom sklenila z eno ali več tretjimi državami , od tega sporazuma odstopi v skladu s pogoji , določenimi v tem sporazumu .

(src)="60"> Bulgaria and Romania accede under the conditions laid down in this Protocol to the internal agreements concluded by the present Member States for the purpose of implementing the agreements or conventions referred to in paragraphs 2 , 5 and 6 .
(trg)="60"> Bolgarija in Romunija pod pogoji iz tega protokola pristopita k notranjim sporazumom med sedanjimi državami članicami , ki so bili sklenjeni za izvajanje sporazumov ali konvencij iz drugega , petega in šestega odstavka .

(src)="61"> Bulgaria and Romania shall take appropriate measures , where necessary , to adjust their position in relation to international organisations , and to those international agreements to which the Union or to which other Member States are also parties , to the rights and obligations arising from their accession to the Union .
(trg)="61"> Bolgarija in Romunija , kolikor je to potrebno , sprejmeta ustrezne ukrepe , da svoj položaj v razmerju do mednarodnih organizacij in do tistih mednarodnih sporazumov , katerih pogodbenica je tudi Unija ali druge države članice , prilagodita glede na pravice in obveznosti , ki izhajajo iz njunega pristopa k Uniji .

(src)="62"> They shall in particular withdraw at the date of accession or the earliest possible date thereafter from international fisheries agreements and organisations to which the Union is also a party , unless their membership relates to matters other than fisheries .
(trg)="62"> Na dan pristopa ali takoj , ko je to mogoče , odstopita od mednarodnih sporazumov o ribolovu in izstopita iz mednarodnih ribolovnih organizacij , katerih pogodbenica oziroma članica je tudi Unija , razen če se njuno članstvo nanaša na zadeve , ki niso povezane z ribolovom .

(src)="63"> Where this Article refers to conventions and agreements concluded or signed by the Union , they include those referred to in Article IV-438 of the Constitution .
(trg)="63"> Med konvencije in sporazume iz tega člena , ki jih je sklenila ali podpisala Unija , štejejo tudi tisti iz IV-438. člena Ustave .

(src)="64"> Article 7
(trg)="64"> Člen 7

(src)="65"> A European law of the Council may repeal the transitional provisions set out in this Protocol , when they are no longer applicable .
(trg)="65"> Z evropskim zakonom Sveta se lahko razveljavijo prehodne določbe iz tega protokola , ki se več ne uporabljajo .

(src)="66"> The Council shall act unanimously after consulting the European Parliament .
(trg)="66"> Svet po posvetovanju z Evropskim parlamentom odloča soglasno .

(src)="67"> Article 8
(trg)="67"> Člen 8

(src)="68"> Acts adopted by the institutions to which the transitional provisions laid down in this Protocol relate shall retain their status in law ; in particular , the procedures for amending those acts shall continue to apply .
(trg)="68"> Akti institucij na katere se nanašajo prehodne določbe iz tega protokola , ohranijo svojo pravno naravo ; zlasti se še naprej uporabljajo postopki za spremembe navedenih aktov .

(src)="69"> Provisions of this Protocol the purpose or effect of which is to repeal or amend acts adopted by the institutions , otherwise than as a transitional measure , shall have the same status in law as the provisions which they repeal or amend and shall be subject to the same rules as those provisions .
(trg)="69"> Določbe tega protokola , katerih namen ali učinek je , drugače kakor v obliki prehodnega ukrepa , razveljaviti ali spremeniti akte institucij , imajo isto pravno naravo kakor določbe , ki jih razveljavljajo ali spreminjajo , in zanje veljajo enaka pravila kot za navedene določbe .

(src)="70"> Article 9
(trg)="70"> Člen 9

(src)="72"> PART TWO
(trg)="72"> DRUGI DEL

(src)="74"> TITLE I
(trg)="74"> NASLOV I


(src)="76"> Article 10
(trg)="76"> Člen 10

(src)="77"> Article 9 , first paragraph , of Protocol No 3 on the Statute of the Court of Justice of the European Union , annexed to the Constitution and the EAEC Treaty , shall be replaced by the following :
(trg)="77"> I . NASLOV

(src)="78"> ‘ When , every three years , the Judges are partially replaced , fourteen and thirteen Judges shall be replaced alternately . ’ .
(trg)="78"> « Ko se vsaka tri leta izvede delna zamenjava sodnikov , se izmenično zamenja štirinajst in trinajst sodnikov . »

(src)="80"> ‘ Article 48
(trg)="80"> « Člen 48

(src)="82"> Article 11
(trg)="82"> Člen 11

(src)="84"> the introductory sentence shall be replaced by the following :
(trg)="84"> se uvodni stavek nadomesti z naslednjim :

(src)="85"> The capital of the Bank shall be 164795737000 euro subscribed by the Member States as follows :
(trg)="85"> Kapital banke je 164795737000 EUR , države članice pa so vpisale naslednje deleže : “ ;

(src)="86"> the following shall be inserted between the entries for Ireland and Slovakia :
(trg)="86"> med vnosa za Irsko in Slovaško se vstavi naslednje :

(src)="87"> ‘ Romania
(trg)="87"> „ Romunija

(src)="88"> the following shall be inserted between the entries for Slovenia and Lithuania :
(trg)="88"> med vnosa za Slovenijo in Litvo se vstavi naslednje :

(src)="89"> ‘ Bulgaria
(trg)="89"> „ Bolgarija

(src)="90"> In Article 9 ( 2 ) the first , second and third paragraphs shall be replaced by the following :
(trg)="90"> V drugem odstavku 9. člena se drugi in tretji odstavek nadomestita z naslednjim :

(src)="91"> The Board of Directors shall consist of twenty-eight directors and eighteen alternate directors .
(trg)="91"> Svet direktorjev sestavlja osemindvajset direktorjev in osemnajst namestnikov direktorjev .

(src)="94"> The alternate directors shall be appointed by the Board of Governors for five years as shown below :
(trg)="94"> Namestnike direktorjev imenuje Svet guvernerjev za pet let , kakor sledi :

(src)="95"> two alternates nominated by the Federal Republic of Germany ,
(trg)="95"> dva namestnika predlaga Zvezna republika Nemčija ,

(src)="96"> two alternates nominated by the French Republic ,
(trg)="96"> dva namestnika predlaga Francoska republika ,

(src)="97"> two alternates nominated by the Italian Republic ,
(trg)="97"> dva namestnika predlaga Italijanska republika ,

(src)="98"> two alternates nominated by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ,
(trg)="98"> dva namestnika predlaga Združeno kraljestvo Velike Britanije in Severne Irske ,

(src)="99"> one alternate nominated by common accord between the Kingdom of Spain and the Portuguese Republic ,
(trg)="99"> enega namestnika v medsebojnem soglasju predlagata Kraljevina Španija in Portugalska republika ,

(src)="100"> one alternate nominated by common accord between the Kingdom of Belgium , the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the Kingdom of the Netherlands ,
(trg)="100"> enega namestnika v medsebojnem soglasju predlagajo Kraljevina Belgija , Veliko vojvodstvo Luksemburg in Kraljevina Nizozemska ,

(src)="101"> two alternates nominated by common accord between the Kingdom of Denmark , the Hellenic Republic , Ireland and Romania ,
(trg)="101"> dva namestnika v medsebojnem soglasju predlagajo Kraljevina Danska , Helenska republika , Irska in Romunija ,

(src)="102"> two alternates nominated by common accord between the Republic of Estonia , the Republic of Latvia , the Republic of Lithuania , the Republic of Austria , the Republic of Finland and the Kingdom of Sweden ,
(trg)="102"> dva namestnika v medsebojnem soglasju predlagajo Republika Estonija , Republika Latvija , Republika Litva , Republika Avstrija , Republika Finska in Kraljevina Švedska ,

(src)="103"> three alternates nominated by common accord between the Republic of Bulgaria , the Czech Republic , the Republic of Cyprus , the Republic of Hungary , the Republic of Malta , the Republic of Poland , the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovak Republic ,
(trg)="103"> tri namestnike v medsebojnem soglasju predlagajo Republika Bolgarija , Češka republika , Republika Ciper , Republika Madžarska , Republika Malta , Republika Poljska , Republika Slovenija in Slovaška republika ,

(src)="104"> one alternate nominated by the Commission . ’ .
(trg)="104"> enega namestnika predlaga Komisija . » .

(src)="105"> Article 12
(trg)="105"> Člen 12

(src)="106"> Article 134 ( 2 ) , first subparagraph , of the EAEC Treaty on the composition of the Scientific and Technical Committee shall be replaced by the following :
(trg)="106"> Prvi pododstavek člena 134 ( 2 ) Pogodbe ESAE o sestavi Znanstveno-tehničnega odbora se nadomesti z naslednjim :

(src)="107"> The Committee shall consist of forty-one members , appointed by the Council after consultation with the Commission . ’
(trg)="107"> Odbor ima enainštirideset članov , ki jih Svet imenuje po posvetovanju s Komisijo » .