# en/22004A0430_03_.xml.gz
# hr/22004A0430_03_.xml.gz

(src)="1"> Agreement between the European Community and the United States of America on the Mutual Recognition of Certificates of Conformity for Marine Equipment
(trg)="1"> Sporazum između Europske zajednice i Sjedinjenih Američkih Država o uzajamnom priznavanju potvrda o sukladnosti za pomorsku opremu

(src)="2"> PREAMBLE
(trg)="2"> PREAMBULA

(src)="3"> The EUROPEAN COMMUNITY , and the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA , hereinafter referred to as " the Parties " ,
(trg)="3"> EUROPSKA ZAJEDNICA i SJEDINJENE AMERIČKE DRŽAVE , dalje u tekstu „ stranke ” ,

(src)="4"> CONSIDERING the traditional links of friendship that exist between the United States of America ( US ) and the European Community ( EC ) ;
(trg)="4"> UZIMAJUĆI U OBZIR tradicionalne prijateljske veze između Sjedinjenih Američkih Država ( SAD-a ) i Europske zajednice ( EZ-a ) ;

(src)="5"> DESIRING to facilitate bilateral trade in marine equipment and to increase the effectiveness of each Party 's regulatory actions ;
(trg)="5"> ŽELEĆI olakšati bilateralnu trgovinu pomorskom opremom i povećati učinkovitost regulatornih aktivnosti svake stranke ;

(src)="6"> RECOGNISING the opportunities offered to regulators by the elimination of unnecessary duplication of their activities ;
(trg)="6"> PREPOZNAJUĆI mogućnosti ponuđene regulatornim tijelima ukidanjem nepotrebnih umnožavanja njihovih aktivnosti ;

(src)="7"> NOTING the shared commitment of the Parties to the work of the International Maritime Organisation ( IMO ) ;
(trg)="7"> PRIMJEĆUJUĆI zajedničku obvezu stranaka prema radu Međunarodne pomorske organizacije ( IMO ) ;

(src)="8"> CONSIDERING that the aim of the Parties is enhancing safety at sea and the prevention of marine pollution ;
(trg)="8"> UZIMAJUĆI U OBZIR da je cilj stranaka sigurnost na moru i sprečavanje onečišćenja mora ;

(src)="9"> RECOGNISING , on the one hand , that mutual recognition agreements can positively contribute to greater international harmonisation of standards ;
(trg)="9"> PREPOZNAJUĆI , s jedne strane , da uzajamno priznavanje sporazuma može pozitivno doprinijeti većem međunarodnom usklađivanju standarda ;

(src)="10"> BEARING IN MIND , on the other hand , that the determination of equivalence must ensure that the fulfilment of the regulatory objectives of the Parties is fully respected and shall not lead to a lowering of their respective levels of safety and protection ;
(trg)="10"> IMAJUĆI NA UMU , s druge strane , da se pri utvrđivanju jednakosti mora u potpunosti osigurati poštivanje ispunjenja regulatornih ciljeva stranaka te da ono ne vodi smanjivanju njihovih razina sigurnosti i zaštite ;

(src)="11"> RECOGNISING that mutual recognition of certificates of conformity based on the equivalence of EC and US marine equipment regulations is an important means of enhancing market access between the Parties ;
(trg)="11"> PREPOZNAJUĆI da je uzajamno priznavanje potvrda o sukladnosti utemeljeno na jednakosti propisa EZ-a i SAD-a o pomorskoj opremi važan način povećanja pristupa tržištu između stranaka ;

(src)="12"> RECOGNISING that agreements providing for mutual recognition are of particular interest to small and medium-sized businesses in the US and the EC ;
(trg)="12"> PREPOZNAJUĆI da su sporazumi o uzajamnom priznavanju od posebnog interesa malom i srednjem poduzetništvu u EZ-u i SAD-u ;

(src)="13"> RECOGNISING that any mutual recognition also requires confidence in the continued reliability of the other Party 's conformity assessments ;
(trg)="13"> PREPOZNAJUĆI da svako uzajamno priznavanje također zahtijeva neprekidno povjerenje u ocjene sukladnosti druge stranke ;

(src)="14"> BEARING IN MIND that the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade , an agreement annexed to the Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organisation ( WTO ) , encourages WTO Members to enter into negotiations for the conclusion of agreements for the mutual recognition of results of each other 's conformity assessment procedures , as well as to give positive consideration to accepting as equivalent the technical regulations of other Members , provided they are satisfied that these regulations adequately fulfil the objectives of their own regulations ,
(trg)="14"> IMAJUĆI NA UMU da Sporazum o tehničkim preprekama u trgovini koji je priložen Sporazumu o osnivanju Svjetske trgovinske organizacije ( WTO ) potiče članice WTO-a da pristupe pregovorima o sklapanju sporazuma o uzajamnom priznavanju rezultata međusobnih postupaka ocjene sukladnosti , kao i da budu naklonjene prihvaćanju jednakosti tehničkih propisa ostalih članica , pod uvjetom da su uvjerene da ovi propisi na odgovarajući način ispunjavaju ciljeve njihovih vlastitih propisa ,

(trg)="15"> SPORAZUMJELE SU SE :

(src)="16"> CHAPTER 1
(trg)="16"> POGLAVLJE 1 .


(src)="18"> Definitions
(trg)="18"> Definicije

(src)="19"> The following terms and definitions shall apply to this Agreement :
(trg)="19"> Sljedeći se pojmovi i definicije primjenjuju u ovom Sporazumu :

(src)="20"> " Regulatory Authority " means a government agency or entity that has the authority to issue regulations regarding issues related to safety at sea and prevention of marine pollution , that exercises a legal right to control the use or sale of marine equipment within a Party 's jurisdiction , and that may take enforcement action to ensure that products marketed within its jurisdiction comply with applicable legal requirements .
(trg)="20"> „ regulatorno tijelo ” znači vladina agencija ili tijelo koje ima ovlast izdavati propise u vezi s pitanjima sigurnosti na moru i sprečavanja onečišćenja mora , koje ostvaruje zakonsko pravo kontrole uporabe ili prodaje pomorske opreme u okviru nadležnosti stranke i koje može poduzeti provedbene mjere kako bi osiguralo da proizvodi na tržištu u okviru njegove nadležnosti udovoljavaju važećim pravnim zahtjevima .

(src)="21"> The Parties ' respective Regulatory Authorities are identified in Annex III .
(trg)="21"> Regulatorna tijela stranaka navedena su u Prilogu III . ;

(src)="22"> " Conformity Assessment Body " means a legal entity , whether a Regulatory Authority or another body , public or private , that has the authority to issue Certificates of Conformity under a Party 's domestic laws and regulations .
(trg)="22"> „ tijelo za ocjenu sukladnosti ” znači pravno tijelo , bilo regulatorno tijelo ili drugo tijelo , javno ili privatno , koje ima ovlast izdavati potvrde o sukladnosti na temelju domaćih zakona i propisa stranke .

(src)="23"> For purposes of this Agreement , the Parties ' respective Conformity Assessment Bodies are those referred to in Article 6 .
(trg)="23"> U smislu ovog Sporazuma , tijela za ocjenu sukladnosti stranaka su navedena u članku 6 . ;

(src)="24"> " Technical regulations " comprise the mandatory product requirements , testing and performance standards and conformity assessment procedures laid down in the legislative , regulatory and administrative provisions of the Parties related to marine equipment , as well as any applicable guidelines for their application .
(trg)="24"> „ tehnički propisi ” obuhvaćaju obvezujuće uvjete za proizvode , standarde testiranja i izvedbe te postupke za ocjenu sukladnosti koji su utvrđeni zakonskim i drugim propisima stranaka povezanih s pomorskom opremom , kao i sve smjernice za njihovu primjenu ;

(src)="25"> " Certificate of Conformity " means the document or documents issued by a Conformity Assessment Body of a Party certifying that a product fulfils the relevant legislative , regulatory and administrative requirements of that Party .
(trg)="25"> „ potvrda o sukladnosti ” znači dokument ili dokumente koje je izdalo tijelo za ocjenu sukladnosti stranke koja potvrđuje da proizvod ispunjava odgovarajuće zakonske i druge propise te stranke .

(src)="26"> In the US , this is the Certificate of Type Approval issued by the United States Coast Guard .
(trg)="26"> U SAD-u je to potvrda o homologaciji koju izdaje Obalna straža SAD-a .

(src)="27"> In the EC , they are the certificates , approvals and declarations provided for by Directive 96/98/EC .
(trg)="27"> U EZ-u , to su potvrde , homologacije i deklaracije koje propisuje Direktiva 96 / 98 / EZ ;

(src)="28"> " Equivalence of technical regulations " means that the technical regulations of the Parties related to a specific product are sufficiently comparable to ensure that the objectives of each Party 's respective regulations are fulfilled .
(trg)="28"> „ jednakost tehničkih propisa ” znači da su tehnički propisi stranaka koji se odnose na poseban proizvod dovoljno usporedivi kako bi se osiguralo da su ciljevi propisa svake Stranke ispunjeni .

(src)="29"> Equivalence of technical regulations does not require that the respective technical regulations are identical .
(trg)="29"> Jednakost tehničkih propisa ne zahtijeva da su tehnički propisi jednaki ;

(src)="30"> " International Instrument " means the relevant international conventions , resolutions , codes and circulars of the International Maritime Organisation ( IMO ) , and the relevant testing standards .
(trg)="30"> „ međunarodni instrument ” znači relevantne međunarodne konvencije , rezolucije , kodekse i okružnice Međunarodne pomorske organizacije ( IMO ) i relevantne standarde testiranja .

(src)="31"> Other terms concerning conformity assessment used in this Agreement shall have the meaning given elsewhere in this Agreement or in the definitions contained in Guide 2 ( 1996 edition ) of the International Organization for Standardization ( ISO ) and the International Electrotechnical Commission ( IEC ) .
(trg)="31"> Ostali pojmovi u vezi s ocjenom sukladnosti upotrijebljeni u ovom Sporazumu imaju značenje navedeno drugdje u Sporazumu ili u definicijama koje se nalaze u Vodiču 2 . ( izdanje iz 1996. godine ) Međunarodne organizacije za normizaciju ( ISO ) i Međunarodnog elektroničkog povjerenstva ( MEP ) .

(src)="32"> In the event of an inconsistency between ISO/IEC Guide 2 and definitions in this Agreement , the definitions in this Agreement shall prevail .
(trg)="32"> U slučaju nedosljednosti između Vodiča 2 .

(src)="33"> Purpose of the Agreement
(trg)="33"> ISO-a / MEP-a i definicija u ovom Sporazumu , mjerodavne su definicije u Sporazumu .

(src)="34"> This Agreement establishes the conditions under which the importing Party 's Regulatory Authority shall accept the Certificates of Conformity issued by the exporting Party 's Conformity Assessment Bodies in accordance with the technical regulations of the exporting Party , hereinafter referred to as " mutual recognition " .
(trg)="34"> Svrha Sporazuma

(src)="37"> and ensuring a consistent application of this Agreement .
(trg)="37"> Ova se suradnja odvija uz potpuno poštovanje regulatorne neovisnosti stranaka i njihovih razvojnih politika i propisa , kao i uz njihovu zajedničku obvezu razvoja odgovarajućih međunarodnih instrumenata .

(src)="38"> This cooperation will take place fully respecting the Parties regulatory autonomy and their evolving policies and regulations as well as their shared commitment to the evolution of the relevant International Instruments .
(trg)="38"> Ovaj je Sporazum namijenjen da se razvija kako se razvijaju programi i politike stranaka .

(src)="39"> This Agreement is intended to evolve as programs and policies of the Parties evolve .
(trg)="39"> Stranke periodično preispituju ovaj Sporazum kako bi procijenile napredak i utvrdile moguća poboljšanja s obzirom na razvoj politika SAD-a i EZ-a .

(src)="40"> The Parties will review this Agreement periodically , in order to assess progress and identify potential enhancements to this Agreement as US and EC policies evolve over time .
(trg)="40"> Posebna se pažnja pridaje razvoju međunarodnih instrumenata .

(src)="41"> Particular attention will also be given to the evolution of the International Instruments .
(trg)="41"> POGLAVLJE 2 .

(src)="42"> CHAPTER 2

(trg)="43"> Osnovne obveze

(src)="44"> Basic Obligations
(trg)="44"> S obzirom na svaki proizvod naveden u Prilogu II . , Sjedinjene Države prihvaćaju , kao sukladne sa svojim , zakone i druge propise iz Priloga I. , bez ikakve daljnje ocjene sukladnosti , potvrde o sukladnosti koje su izdala tijela za ocjenu sukladnosti EZ-a u skladu sa zakonima i drugim propisima EZ-a .

(src)="45"> With respect to each product listed in Annex II , the United States shall accept as complying with its own legislative , regulatory and administrative provisions as referred to in Annex I , without any further conformity assessment , Certificates of Conformity issued by the EC Conformity Assessment Bodies in accordance with the legislative , regulatory and administrative provisions of the EC .
(trg)="45"> S obzirom na svaki proizvod naveden u Prilogu II . , Europska zajednica i njezine države članice prihvaćaju , kao sukladne sa svojim , zakone i druge propise iz Priloga I. , bez ikakve daljnje ocjene sukladnosti , potvrde o sukladnosti koje su izdala tijela za ocjenu sukladnosti SAD-a u skladu sa zakonima i drugim propisima Sjedinjenih Država .

(src)="46"> With respect to each product listed in Annex II , the European Community and its Member States shall accept as complying with their own legislative , regulatory and administrative provisions as referred to in Annex I , without any further conformity assessment , Certificates of Conformity issued by the US Conformity Assessment Body in accordance with the legislative , regulatory and administrative provisions of the United States .
(trg)="46"> Tehnički propisi koji se primjenjuju u SAD-u i EZ-u na svaki proizvod koji je obuhvaćen ovim Sporazumom , utvrđeni su u Prilogu II .

(src)="47"> The technical regulations applicable in the US and the EC to each such product within the scope of this Agreement are specified in Annex II .
(trg)="47"> Jednakost tehničkih propisa

(src)="48"> Equivalence of Technical Regulations
(trg)="48"> Uzajamno priznavanje obveza iz članka 3. temelji se na zaključku stranaka da su tehnički propisi koji se primjenjuju na svaki proizvod iz Priloga II. jednaki .

(src)="49"> The mutual recognition obligations referred to in Article 3 are based on the determination by the Parties that the technical regulations applicable to each product listed in Annex II are equivalent .
(trg)="49"> Utvrđivanje jednakosti tehničkih propisa stranaka temelji se na njihovoj provedbi odgovarajućih međunarodnih instrumenata u njihovim zakonima i drugim propisima , osim ako stranka smatra da bi instrument bio neučinkovito ili neodgovarajuće sredstvo ispunjavanja njezinih regulatornih ciljeva .

(src)="50"> Determination of equivalence of technical regulations of the Parties shall be based on their implementation of the relevant International Instruments in their respective legislation , regulations and administrative provisions , except where a Party regards the Instrument would be an ineffective or inappropriate means of fulfilment of its regulatory objectives .
(trg)="50"> U potonjem slučaju jednakost se određuje na uzajamno prihvatljivoj osnovi .

(src)="51"> In the latter case , equivalency shall be determined on a mutually acceptable basis .
(trg)="51"> Označivanje

(src)="52"> Marking
(trg)="52"> Stranke mogu zadržati svoje zahtjeve s obzirom na označivanje , numeriranje i identifikaciju proizvoda .

(src)="53"> The Parties may maintain their respective requirements with regard to the marking , numbering and identification of products .
(trg)="53"> S obzirom na proizvode iz Priloga II . , tijela za ocjenu sukladnosti EZ-a imaju pravo izdavati oznake i numeracije kako je propisano zakonima i drugim propisima SAD-a , a kako su dodijeljene od Obalne straže SAD-a .

(src)="54"> With respect to the products listed in Annex II , the EC Conformity Assessment Bodies shall have the right to issue the marking and numbering required by the US legislation and regulations , as allocated to them by the US Coast Guard .
(trg)="54"> Tijelo za ocjenu sukladnosti SAD-a dobiva identifikacijski broj predviđen Direktivom 96 / 98 / EZ , kako mu je odredila Komisija Europskih zajednica , a koji je dodan kraj oznake koju zahtijeva navedena Direktiva .

(src)="55"> The US Conformity Assessment Body shall be given the identification number provided for in Directive 96/98/EC , as allocated to it by the Commission of the European Communities , which shall be affixed next to the marking required by that Directive .
(trg)="55"> Tijela za ocjenu sukladnosti

(src)="56"> Conformity Assessment Bodies
(trg)="56"> U smislu izdavanja potvrda o sukladnosti , a u skladu s odredbama ovog Sporazuma , primjenjuje se sljedeće :

(src)="57"> For the purpose of issuing Certificates of Conformity in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement , the following shall apply :
(trg)="57"> SAD priznaje prijavljena tijela koja su odredile države članice EZ-a na temelju Direktive 96 / 98 / EZ kao tijela za ocjenu sukladnosti ;

(src)="58"> The US recognises the Notified Bodies that have been designated by the EC Member States under Directive 96/98/EC as Conformity Assessment Bodies ;
(trg)="58"> EZ i države članice priznaju Obalnu stražu Sjedinjenih Država zajedno s laboratorijima koje je prihvatila na temelju 46 CFR 159.010 kao tijelo za ocjenu suglasnosti .

(src)="59"> The EC and its Member States recognise the United States Coast Guard together with the laboratories it has accepted under 46 CFR 159.010 , as a Conformity Assessment Body .
(trg)="59"> Svaka stranka priznaje da su tijela za ocjenu sukladnosti druge stranke ovlaštena obavljati sljedeće postupke u vezi sa zakonima i drugim propisima iz Priloga I. :

(src)="60"> Each Party recognises that the Conformity Assessment Bodies of the other Party are authorised to perform the following procedures in relation to the legislative , regulatory and administrative provisions referred to in Annex I :
(trg)="60"> ispitivanja i izdavanje izvješća o ispitivanjima ;

(src)="61"> testing and issuing of test reports ,
(trg)="61"> osiguravanje kvalitete ili izdavanje potvrda sustava .

(src)="62"> performing quality assurance functions or system certification .
(trg)="62"> Regulatorna tijela stranaka odgovorna su za sljedeće postupke , ali mogu prenijeti neke ili sve navedene zadaće tijelima za ocjenu sukladnosti :

(src)="63"> The Regulatory Authorities of the Parties are responsible for the following procedures , but may delegate some or all of these functions to Conformity Assessment Bodies :
(trg)="63"> preispitivanje dizajna opreme i rezultata ispitivanja u odnosu na utvrđene standarde ;

(src)="64"> reviewing equipment design and test results against identified standards ,
(trg)="64"> izdavanje potvrda o sukladnosti .

(src)="65"> issuing Certificates of Conformity .
(trg)="65"> Prije stupanja na snagu ovog Sporazuma , stranke razmjenjuju svoje popise tijela za ocjenu sukladnosti .

(src)="66"> Prior to the entry into force of this Agreement the Parties shall exchange their respective lists of Conformity Assessment Bodies .
(trg)="66"> Svaka stranka zahtijeva da njezina tijela za ocjenu sukladnosti bilježe i zadržavaju detalje svojih istraga o sposobnosti i ispunjavanju zahtjeva svojih podizvođača i da vode registar svih podugovaranja .

(src)="68"> The Parties shall maintain on the World Wide Web updated lists of their Conformity Assessment Bodies .
(trg)="68"> Svaka stranka zahtijeva da njezina tijela za ocjenu sukladnosti , na zahtjev regulatornih tijela druge stranke iz Priloga III . , omoguće regulatornim tijelima dostupnost preslika potvrda o sukladnosti i s tim povezanu tehničku dokumentaciju koju su one izdale .

(src)="69"> Each Party shall require that its Conformity Assessment Bodies record and retain details of their investigations of the competence and compliance of their sub-contractors and maintain a register of all sub-contracting .
(trg)="69"> POGLAVLJE 3 .

(src)="70"> These details will be available to the other Party on request .

(src)="71"> Each Party shall require that its Conformity Assessment Bodies , upon request of a Regulatory Authority of the other Party listed in Annex III , make available to the Regulatory Authorities , copies of the Certificates of Conformity and related technical documentation they have issued .
(trg)="71"> Zajednički odbor

(src)="72"> CHAPTER 3
(trg)="72"> Stranke ovime osnivaju Zajednički odbor koji se sastoji od predstavnika svake stranke .

(trg)="73"> Zajednički je odbor odgovaran za učinkovitu provedbu ovog Sporazuma .

(src)="74"> Joint Committee
(trg)="74"> Svaka stranka ima jedan glas u Zajedničkom odboru .

(src)="75"> The Parties hereby establish a Joint Committee consisting of representatives of each Party .
(trg)="75"> Zajednički odbor može razmatrati bilo koje pitanje u vezi s učinkovitom provedbom ovog Sporazuma .

(src)="76"> The Joint Committee shall be responsible for the effective functioning of this Agreement .
(trg)="76"> Zajednički odbor ima ovlast donositi odluke u slučajevima koji su predviđeni ovim Sporazumom .

(src)="78"> The Joint Committee shall make its decisions by unanimity .
(trg)="78"> Zajednički odbor je posebno odgovoran za :

(src)="79"> The Joint Committee shall determine its own rules of procedure .
(trg)="79"> razvoj i održavanje popisa proizvoda i s tim povezanih zakona i drugih propisa utvrđene istovjetnosti , a koji su navedeni u Prilogu II . ;

(src)="80"> The Joint Committee may consider any matter relating to the effective functioning of this Agreement .
(trg)="80"> raspravljanje o predmetima i rješavanje problema koji mogu nastati u vezi s provedbom ovog Sporazuma , uključujući zabrinutost da tehnički propisi stranaka koji se primjenjuju na određeni proizvod iz Priloga II. više nisu istovjetni ;

(src)="81"> The Joint Committee shall have the authority to take decisions in the cases provided for in this Agreement .
(trg)="81"> rješavanje tehničkih pitanja , pitanja ocjene sukladnosti te tehnoloških pitanja kako bi se osigurala dosljedna provedba ovog Sporazuma , a posebno u odnosu na odgovarajuće međunarodne instrumente ;

(src)="82"> The Parties shall take the necessary measures to implement such decisions of the Joint Committee .
(trg)="82"> izmjene priloga ;

(src)="83"> In particular , the Joint Committee shall be responsible for :
(trg)="83"> savjetovanje i , prema potrebi , razvijanje smjernica kako bi se olakšala uspješna provedba i primjena ovog Sporazuma ;

(src)="84"> developing and maintaining the list in Annex II of products and associated legislative , regulatory and administrative provisions that the Parties have determined to be equivalent ;
(trg)="84"> utvrđivanje i provođenje plana rada za usklađivanje i usuglašavanje tehničkih zahtjeva stranaka .

(src)="85"> discussing issues and resolving problems that may arise concerning the implementation of this Agreement , including concerns that technical regulations of the Parties applicable to a specific product in Annex II may no longer be equivalent ;
(trg)="85"> Zajednički odbor može osnovati Zajedničke radne skupine od odgovarajućih predstavnika regulatornih tijela i odgovarajućih stručnjaka koji se smatraju potrebnim za upućivanje i savjetovanje Zajedničkog odbora o posebnim pitanjima u vezi s provedbom ovog Sporazuma .

(src)="86"> addressing technical , conformity assessment and technology issues in order to ensure a consistent application of this Agreement , in particular in relation to the relevant International Instruments ;
(trg)="86"> POGLAVLJE 4 .

(src)="87"> amending the Annexes ;

(src)="88"> providing guidance and , if necessary , developing guidelines to facilitate the successful implementation and application of this Agreement ;
(trg)="88"> Nezavisnost regulatornih tijela

(src)="89"> establish and maintain a work plan for aligning and harmonising the technical requirements of the Parties ;
(trg)="89"> Ništa se u ovome Sporazumu ne tumači tako da bi ograničilo ovlasti stranke za utvrđivanjem , kroz svoje zakonodavne i druge mjere , razinu zaštite koju smatra prikladnom za povećanje sigurnosti na moru i sprečavanje onečišćenja mora , ili bilo kakvo drugačije djelovanje s obzirom na u rizike u okviru ovog Sporazuma .

(src)="90"> The Joint Committee may establish Joint Working Groups comprised of appropriate Regulatory Authorities ' representatives and appropriate experts deemed necessary , in order to address and advise the Joint Committee on specific issues related to the functioning of this Agreement .
(trg)="90"> Razmjena informacija i kontaktne točke

(src)="91"> CHAPTER 4
(trg)="91"> Regulatorna tijela stranaka iz Priloga III. utvrđuju odgovarajuće načine razmjene informacija o bilo kojim regulatornim problemima u vezi s proizvodima koji podliježu ovome Sporazumu .

(trg)="92"> Svaka stranka određuje najmanje jednu kontaktnu točku koja može biti regulatorno tijelo navedeno u Prilogu III . , kako bi osigurala odgovore na sve razumne istrage druge stranke i ostalih zainteresiranih stranaka kao što su proizvođači , potrošači , sindikati u vezi s postupcima , propisima i ostalim pitanjima koja se odnose na ovaj Sporazum .

(src)="93"> Preservation of Regulatory Authority
(trg)="93"> Stranke razmjenjuju i čine javno dostupnima popise kontaktnih točaka .

(src)="94"> Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to limit the authority of a Party to determine , through its legislative , regulatory and administrative measures , the level of protection it considers appropriate for enhancing safety at sea and improving the prevention of marine pollution , or otherwise act with regard to risks within the scope of this Agreement .
(trg)="94"> S obzirom na razmjenu informacija i obavijesti u okviru ovog Sporazuma , stranka ima pravo obavješćivati na svojem službenom jeziku ili jezicima .

(src)="95"> Exchange of Information and Contact Points
(trg)="95"> Ako stranka smatra da se informacija koju je primila mora prevesti na njezin službeni jezik ili jezike , ta stranka obavlja potreban prijevod i snosi trošak .

(src)="96"> The Regulatory Authorities of the Parties listed in Annex III will establish appropriate means of exchanging information on any regulatory problems concerning products subject to this Agreement .
(trg)="96"> Svaka je stranka suglasna staviti na raspolaganje javnosti svoju listu proizvoda za koje je izdala potvrde o sukladnosti na temelju svojih zakona i drugih propisa na Internetu i redovito je ažurirati .

(src)="97"> Each Party shall designate at least one contact point , which may be the Regulatory Authorities listed in Annex III , to provide answers to all reasonable inquiries from the other Party and other interested parties such as manufacturers , consumers , trade unions , regarding procedures , regulations , and other matters related to this Agreement .
(trg)="97"> Regulatorne promjene

(src)="98"> The Parties shall exchange , and make publicly available , lists of contact points .
(trg)="98"> Ako stranka uvodi nove tehničke propise koji su povezani s ovim Sporazumom , ona to čini na temelju postojećih međunarodnih instrumenata , osim ako stranka smatra da bi instrument bio neučinkovito ili neprikladno sredstvo za ispunjenje njezinih regulatornih ciljeva .

(src)="99"> With regard to the exchange of information and notifications under this Agreement a Party shall have the right to communicate in its official language or languages .
(trg)="99"> Svaka stranka obavješćuje drugu stranku o promjenama tehničkih propisa u vezi s predmetom ovog Sporazuma najmanje 90 dana prije njihovog stupanja na snagu .

(src)="100"> If a Party deems that information it receives must be translated into its official language or languages , that Party shall undertake the necessary translation and bear the cost .
(trg)="100"> Ako se zbog zabrinutosti za sigurnost , zdravlje ili zaštitu okoliša zahtijeva brža akcija , stranka o tome obavješćuje drugu stranku što je prije moguće .

(src)="101"> Each Party agrees to make available to the public its list of products for which it has issued Certificates of Conformity under its respective legislative , regulatory and administrative provisions on the World Wide Web and update it on a regular basis .
(trg)="101"> Stranke i njihova regulatorna tijela međusobno se obavješćuju i savjetuju , koliko to dopuštaju njihovi zakoni i propisi , o :

(src)="102"> Regulatory Changes
(trg)="102"> prijedlozima za izmjenu ili uvođenje novih tehničkih propisa kako je utvrđeno u njihovim zakonima i drugim propisima iz ili povezanih s propisima iz priloga I. i II . ;

(src)="103"> When a Party introduces new technical regulations related to this Agreement , it shall do so on the basis of existing International Instruments , except when a Party considers the Instrument would be an ineffective or inappropriate means for fulfilment of its regulatory objectives .
(trg)="103"> pravodobnom uključivanju izmijenjenih ili novih međunarodnih instrumenata u njihove zakone i druge propise ;

(src)="104"> Each Party shall notify the other Party of changes to technical regulations related to the subject matter of this Agreement at least 90 days before their entry into force .
(trg)="104"> obnavljanju postojećih i valjanih potvrda o sukladnosti ako se obnavljanje zahtijeva izmijenjenim i novim zakonskim i drugim propisima .