Your enemy has to be poverty.”
Vaš neprijatelj mora da bude siromaštvo.“

God's plan is for you to create anything -- everything -- whatever you want.
Jer, Božji plan za vas je da stvarate bilo šta – sve – što god želite.

God's plan is for you to create anything -- everything -- whatever you want.
Jer, Božji plan za vas je da stvarate bilo šta - sve - što god želite.

Bestow on us the grace of repentance, O merciful and compassionate Master.
Буди мени и свима нама због тога милостив и милосрдан!"

You see, Satan has lied to us regarding God’s character.
Vidite, sotona je lagao o Božijem karakteru.

Whoever my father was, for an hour or for a month — he must have been a happy man."
Ko god da je bio moj otac, tokom tih sat vremena ili tokom te jedne noći… mora da je bio vrlo srećan čovek.’

“Except the family of Lot, whom verily we will rescue all.
izuzev Lutove porodice, njih ćemo, zaista, sve spasiti,

'Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.'
Будите милосрдни као што је и Отац ваш милосрдан ".

And therein they have advantages and drinks; will they not then be grateful? (36:71-73)
I imaju oni u njima korist i piće; pa zar neće zahvaljivati?

“My people will be divided into 73 sects, all of them will be in the fire except one.”
“Podeliće se moj narod ( muslimani) na 73 skupine, sve će u Džehennem (Pakao) osim jedne!”

'It is the Valley of Fear, the Valley of Death.
Ово је долина страха, долина смрти.

The earth is God's and He has committed all things to His Son.
Zemlja je Božja i On je sve predao svome Sinu.

And atom is all that we are.”
A atom je sve ono što smo mi.”

[23:51:23 02/12/12] obsessedwithOUAT : she's Tink
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This is the ONLY way we will know we are living truly, living in God’s reality.
To je jedini način da znamo da zaista živimo, živeći u Božijoj stvarnosti.

And the next Sabbath almost the whole city came together to hear the word of God.”
A u drugu subotu sabra se gotovo sav grad da čuju reči Božje."

Your concord with unbelievers has provoked the Lord's displeasure.
Vaša sloga sa nevernicima je izazvala Božje negodovanje.

'You will find men like him in all the world's religions.
„Људе попут њега наћи ћете у светским религијама.

Return to court, for they have testified falsely against her."
Вратите се у суд, јер су они лажно сведочили против ње.”

This Verse is Bism-illāhir-rahmānir-rahīm (In the Name of Allah; the All-compassionate, the All-merciful).”[562]
To je stvar Milostivog koji mnogo oprašta!“

Magic gives him what he wants.”
Magija mu daje ono što želi."

Some companies do whatever they want (and will ask for forgiveness later).
Neke kompanije rade šta hoće (i da će tražiti oproštaj kasnije).

We do not wish to do so secretly in the night, but with your knowledge, and hopefully your participation."
Не желимо да то урадимо тајно, ноћу, него са вашим знањем и, надамо се, са вашим учешћем“.

Shortly after, the human era will be ended.’”
Ubrzo posle toga okončaće se ljudsko doba”.

And He is the Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.”
On je Onaj koji mnogo prašta i Milostivi.”[8]

'What was life before you, Stormi.
Šta je život pre tebe, Stormi.

The seventh said, "Who has been drinking out of my glass?"
Sedmi reče: “Ko je pio iz mog peharčića?”

Likewise shall the Son of man suffer of them."
Тако ће и Син човечији страдати од њих.«

This is enough to establish your claim to God’s answer.
To je dovoljno da postavi tvoj zahtev za Božijim odgovorom.

Inform My bondmen that undoubtedly, I am the Forgiving, the Merciful.
Kaži robovima Mojim da sam Ja, zaista, Onaj koji prašta i da sam milostiv,

My friend, do you think you can be kind to the people of this world, and then be unkind to God’s Son and not be guilty?
Prijatelju, zar misliš da možeš da budeš ljubazan prema celom svetu, a zatim da budeš neljubazan prema Božijem Sinu i ne budeš kriv?

'Lord, I would like to know what Heaven and Hell are like.
-Gospodine, bilo bi mi zadovoljstvo znati kako izgleda Pakao i Raj.

"Say, bring your proof, if you are telling the truth."
Ти реци: "Доказ свој дајте ако је истина то што говорите!"

Men's consciences shall be in torment in hell as well.
Ljudska savest će se takođe mučiti u paklu.

But no doubt Lord Estraven explained all that to you.”
Ali nema sumnje da vam je lord Estraven to već sve rastumačio."

The earth is not his friend, but his enemy, and when he's conquered it, he moves on.
Zemlja nije njegov brat nego njegov neprijatelj i kada je pokori on kreće dalje.

Had he used “invent”, his opponents might have had a leg to stand on.
Да је користио "измислио", његови противници су можда имали ногу да стоје.

The earth is not his friend, but his enemy, and when he's conquered it, he moves on.
Zemlja nije njegov brat nego njegov neprijatelj i kad je pokori on kreće dalje.

It will help me to know who is in which bedroom then I can plan better."
Pomoći će mi da znam ko je u kojoj sobi, da bih mogao bolje da planiram.“

Thus do We repeat the signs for a people who are grateful.
Tako razlažemo znakove ljudima (koji) zahvaljuju.

“The Lord will deliver him in the evil day.”
Господ ће га избавити у зли дан.

When you give something, it comes back to you many, many times.”
Kada nešto dajete, to vam se vraća mnogo, mnogo puta."

“The Lord will deliver him in the evil day.”
Господ ће га предати у зли дан.

You and your sons can live on what is left”.
Онда ти и твоји синови могу да живе на оно што остаје. "

Truly, He is most forgiving and most merciful."
On, doista, mnogo prašta i On je milostiv.'

And you are the compassionate and merciful
Али будући да си многомилостив и милосрдан,

'Lord, I would like to know what Heaven and Hell are like.
bilo bi mi zadovoljstvo znati kako izgledaju Pakao i Raj.

'Almighty and merciful God,
Милостив је и милосрдан Господ;(Хет).

'Almighty and merciful God,
Милостив је и милосрдан Господ; (Хет).

There may be other things in God’s way.
Na Božjem putu mogu biti i druge stvari.