Or behold the flowing years from the Sea returning?[13]
ali ubežna leta uzre, ko se od Morja vrača?[10] ”

And Ramadan is also the month of the revelation of the Qur'an.
Ramazan je tudi mesec Razodetja Kur’ana.

J : So we will see more and more stars in the sky ?
J: Torej bomo videli več in več zvezd na nebu?

Your Lord's words are perfect in truth and justice.
In izpopolnila se je beseda tvojega Gospodarja (Kur'an) z resnico in pravičnostjo.

the time of Musa (peace be upon him).
Vremenska napoved za Al Musa`adah

(19) And in the earth are portents for those whose faith is sure.
Znaki so na zemlji za tiste, katere vera je solidna.

The LORD’s eyes are on righteous people.
Gospodove oči pazijo na pravične

For them is a reward with their Lord, and God is swift in account.
Takšnim pripada nagrada pri njihovem Gospodarju, Allah pa resnično hitro obračuna.

'Almighty and merciful God,
Ljubi vsemogočni Bog,

We are afraid of God's surprises; we are afraid of God's surprises!
Strah nas je božjih presenečenj; strah nas je božjih presenečenj!

The earth is not his friend, but his enemy, and when he's conquered it, he moves on.
Zemlja ni njegov brat, ampak sovražnik; ko si jo podvrže, gre dalje.

to proclaim the Lord’s year of favour.”
svobodo in napovem leto Gospodovega usmiljenja .«

Through Moses, the Israelites were manutmitted.
Mojzesovih bukvah je Izraelcam zapovedano,

Say: Lo! my Lord hurleth the truth.
Reci jim: »Moj Gospodar je čist [od teh otročjih stvari]!

and the LORD's holy day honorable,
in sveti dan Gospodov častitljiv,

"Everywhere I have sought peace and not found it, except in a corner with a book."
»V vseh stvareh sem iskal mir, a našel ga nisem nikjer razen v kotu s knjigo.«

And Aad, and Thamood, and the inhabitants of Arras, and many centuries/generations in between.
(Ljudstvom) Ad, Semud ter prebivalcem Er-Rassa (lastnikom nezidanega vodnjaka) in mnogim generacijam vmes.

And this is the journey of life: walking onward to meet Jesus."
In prav to je življenje – hodimo, da bi srečali Jezusa.«

Blessed is the one who comes in God’s name – the King of Israel.
Blagoslovljen, ki prihaja v imenu Gospodovem, kralj Izraelov!

Thus does ALLAH seal up the hearts of the disbelievers.
Tako Allah zapečati srca nevernikov.

Moses' fast was for the intemperance of the Israelites.
Mojzesovih bukvah je Izraelcam zapovedano,

"They say the Lord's Prayer."
Rekli bodo: "Gospodova molitev je Božja beseda."

This is the LORD's gate--the godly enter through it.
To so vrata Gospodova, *tukaj vstopajo pravični. —

But I, your servant, did not see my lord’s young men that you sent.
Jaz pa, tvoja dekla, nisem videla mladeničev mojega gospoda, ki si jih poslal.

Say the Lord's prayer at the end of every day.
Molitve za odpuščanje grehov: na koncu vsakega dneva

They can be found near the Earth's surface or hundreds of meters below it.
Lahko se nahajajo blizu zemeljskega površja ali več sto metrov pod njim.

‘These are The LORD'S people, and yet they had to leave HIS Land.’
›Gospodovo ljudstvo so, pa so morali oditi iz svoje dežele.‹

o Fear is Satan’s form of faith.
Satanizem je verovanje v satana.

when God’s call found an answer in the hearts of people
ker je božji klic našel odgovor v srcih ljudi,

The earth is not his friend, but his enemy, and when he's conquered it, he moves on.
Dežela zanj ni brat, temveč sovražnik, in ko jo premaga, nadaljuje pot.

Other than a little area for the pharaoh.
Še nekaj malega o faraonih:

– having regard to the proposal for a recommendation to the Council by Ana Maria Gomes on behalf of the PSE Group on the European Union’s role in Iraq (B6-0328/2007),
Ana Maria Gomes v imenu skupine PSE: Predlog priporočila Svetu glede vloge Evropske unije v Iraku (B6-0328/2007)

And David's servants arrived in the land of the sons of Ammon.
Tako so Davidovi služabniki prišli v deželo Amónovih sinov.

"Now the Son of Man is glorified and God is glorified in him."
»Zdaj je Sin človekov poveličan in Bog je poveličan v njem.

To give each other our time.”[7]
Podarjati drug drugemu naš čas.«[7]

As it is said, “the devil too can quote scriptures”.
Kot je rečeno: 'Celo vrag lahko citira spise.'

Let us, then, consider some of God’s blessings that we enjoy today.
Zato si sedaj poglejmo nekaj Božjih blagoslovov, ki jih danes uživamo.

He also told me, “These are the true words of God.”
Rekel mi je še: "To so resnične Božje besede."

His mercy’s from age to age on those who fear him.
Njegovo usmiljenje je iz roda v rod nad njimi, ki se ga bojijo.

To give each other our time."[7]
Podarjati drug drugemu naš čas.«[7]

'Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.'
"Bodite usmiljeni, kakor je usmiljen tudi vaš Oče!"

to proclaim the Lord’s year of favour.”
in oznanim leto božjega usmiljenja.«

6|116|If you were to obey most of those on earth, they would divert you from God’s path.
In če bi ubogal večino tistih, ki so na Zemlji, bi te speljali z Allahove poti.

Today hipsters pay for their drinks with it.”
Danes Hipsterice plačati za svoje pijače z njo."

Then, perhaps you will be hidden in the day of the Lord’s anger.
morebiti se skrijete ob dnevu Gospodove jeze.

A man cannot be considered greater or worse for his beliefs.”
Človeka ni mogoče šteti za boljšega ali slabega s svojim prepričanjem "

Abraham Lincoln said, “If friendship is your weakest point then you are the strongest person in the world”.
Abraham Lincoln je rekel: "Če je prijateljstvo vaša šibka točka, potem ste najmočnejši človek na svetu. "

Was the flood of Noah's day worldwide?
Ali je bil potop v Noetovih dneh res svetovnega obsega?

In this way, also you, little children, grow in God’s love and carry it to all those who are far from God.
Tako tudi vi, otročiči rastite v Božji ljubezni in nosite jo vsem tistim, kateri so daleč od Boga.

In this way, also you, little children, grow in God’s love and carry it to all those who are far from God.
Tako tudi vi otročiči rastite v Božji ljubezni in nosite jo vsem tistim, ki so daleč od Boga.