Category Comfort, God's Presence, God's Provision.
L’unicitat de Dieu, aquí lo dògme.

And they said, “This is blood.
Que hica vin : "Açò qu'es lo menh sang !

The Qur’an calls him Eesa the son of Maryam.
Eth vocable dera glèisa qu'es Nòsta Dauna [o de la Nativitat de Maria].

How, then, can [people] call on the one they have not believed in?
Cossí invocaràn lo en qui non an cregut?

From God’s perspective, what is Baal worship like to Him?
Un omenatge d’amor, bèl atal coma Dieu lo vòl ?

And the punishment may extend to life and even death penalty.
a mort e a torment (à mort et à torment)

The true glory is to spare it."
La vraie victoire, c'est de l'épargner."

Those who are confident help those who are not.
ajudan los que n’an besonh.

From God’s perspective, what is Baal worship like to Him?
Un omenatge d’amor, bèl atal coma Dieu lo vòl ?

Align your will with God’s will.
- Te l'acòrde, respònd lo bòn Dieu.

The people of Noah's and Lot's day did not believe and they did not prepare themselves.
Eth dia n'ei pas mei e la nueit pas enqüèra,

God’s people are opposed.
Que hè partida deus qui son contra.

1807) and made possession of a suction dredge near such waters unlawful (Stats.
Lo 1807, la prussiana [[Frisa Oriental]] e [[Jever]] foguèron apondudas al reialme.

Call on them, and they will answer.
Lor crida la pregaria e cadun li respon ;

But that suffering is her chastisement.
Hélas ! ce fut son châtiment,

"Mi nuh have no issue with the people, none with the youth dem.
Eth dia n'ei pas mei e la nueit pas enqüèra,

They cause many to stumble and fall into error.
Que vàdem vielhs e que pèrdem lo crin ;

of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”
Do Filho e do Espírito Santo.”

They cried out to Him and He answered.
Lor crida la pregaria e cadun li respon ;

Who are we to argue with God’s Word concerning what Jesus did or did not say?
Quales sèm nosautres per dobtar de la Paraula de Dieu per çò qu’es que Jèsus diguèt o diguèt pas?

Let them be seen!”
Ací qu'ei lo vesin !"

I am praying with you for God's mercies.
de pregar per ieu lo Senhor nòstre Dieu.

The pharaoh's tomb was then the best preserved and most intact ever found in the Valley of the Kings.
Aquesta tomba es per ara la tomba de faraon melhor preservada e mai intacta que siá estada trobada dins la [[Val dels Reis]].

45 And he remembered for them his covenant,
45 la Tèsta [la'tɛstə] serà dit [latɛs'ta de (o "də") byg]

of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."
Do Filho e do Espírito Santo.”

'I have three ships upon the sea,
J'ai trois navires sur la mer Méditerranée

We have never destroyed a city without giving it prior warning as a reminder.
« E fasèm pas perir de ciutat abans qu'aguèt d'avertiments[9]. »

MMO Hell is Other People
l'enfer c'est les autres,

Love and Peace and God's blessings to you,
Peace & love et que Dieu te protége

Think back to when you were young(er).
Recòrda-te (remembra-te / sovenga-te) de quand èrem joves.

“We would also extend its terms to [protect] people who are falsely accused [of harassment].”
Que podem mentaver los dus (se non, la contestacion que demora possibla).

There are four or five people [who own] farms.
Ai desrabadas quatre o cinc regadas (regas) de trufets.

Take it to the right (west).
(E que i a ren de melhor per venir occitan).

found in Le Petit Robert:
Trobat dins Le Petit Robert :

When you believe in the kingdom, the kingdom commits itself to you.
Malgrat sas crentas, lo rei [[Alaric II]] engatjarà lo combat.

Six of them decided to continue.
Six d’entre eux décidèrent de continuer.

God’s love is like a cold shower or like a fire extinguisher.
Droits comme un trait d'amour ou la flamme du cierge.

God’s punishment is an abstraction.
Es una punicion de Dieu, a de bòn.

Noah-as-troll is not my favourite Noah.
Eth dia n'ei pas mei e la nueit pas enqüèra,

Mi nuh have nuh woman and nuh want none.
Eth dia n'ei pas mei e la nueit pas enqüèra,

God then takes the man’s 20 years of sin and forgives him.
T'adutz dempuèi trenta ans lo perdon dau Senhor.

He is God's vicegerent.
Es El nòstre Dieu.

Adam was unsuccessful, and the descendants of Noah were not successful etiher.
Eth dia n'ei pas mei e la nueit pas enqüèra,

45 For their sake he (A)remembered his covenant,
45 la Tèsta [la'tɛstə] serà dit [latɛs'ta de (o "də") byg]

But was that the cause of his punishment.
Hélas ! ce fut son châtiment,

We have never destroyed a city without giving it prior warning.
« E fasèm pas perir de ciutat abans qu'aguèt d'avertiments[9]. »

Neither Noah nor Erin have bothered thus far.
Eth dia n'ei pas mei e la nueit pas enqüèra,

And the Savior’s pleading cease.
Enfin, l'usurpator se proclamèt cesar.

(And the staff gave us wine most nights, which helped.)
Que ce soit la nuit, le jour, elle vole à notre secours,

They shall call upon Him and He will answer them.
Lor crida la pregaria e cadun li respon ;