“And do you know what the dome is made of?”
अवसरले मान्छेलाई कहाँ कहाँ पुर्याउँछ

Serpents on their way to paradise -
चलचित्र क्षेत्रमा उनको योगदान अतुलनिय छ।

The Single Euro Payments Area (
अफगानिस्तान भित्र रहेका विश्व सम्पदा क्षेत्रहरूको सूची (

Serpents on their way to paradise -
मच्छिन्द्र लिगको शिर्ष स्थानमा रहँदा शेर्पा अझै जितको पर्खाइमा छ ।

Do you know what the evil things were that they craved?
न्याय दिने भनेर बसेकाहरुले उनलाई किन अन्याय गरेका छन ?

LastName, then by FirstName (on a LastName tie), then by OwnerID (on a
हुँदै प्रदेशसभा सदस्यहरुको शपथ, यस्तो छ तयारी

And what shall make Thee to understand how terrible the striking will be?
कहिलेकाहीँ सोच्छु– मान्छे किन दुःखी हुन्छ !

Allah says, 'I swear (by Al-Asr) by time (that's running out).
उनले भने, ‘तिमीले कसम खानुपर्छ ।

For example, swear by saying, “By Allâh!
उनले भने, ‘तिमीले कसम खानुपर्छ ।

Serpents on their way to paradise -
उनीहरुको भविष्य के होला भन्ने हाम्रो चासो हुनुपर्छ ।

And what shall make Thee to understand how terrible the striking will be ?
कहिलेकाहीँ सोच्छु– मान्छे किन दुःखी हुन्छ !

As the prophecy foretells, a wizard sits upon the throne.
पहिलो फिल्ममा सबैले एक खालको जादू देखाएकै हुन् तर त्यसयता सबैले त्यो जादू कायम गर्न सकेका छैनन् ।

Swear [to be] diligent; swear [to be] courageous.
हुँदै प्रदेशसभा सदस्यहरुको शपथ, यस्तो छ तयारी

Serpents on their way to paradise -
उनका अनुसार तुलसीको पात सेवनले कलेजोको कार्यक्षमता बढाउँछ ।

And what could teach thee what Al-Hotama is?
तत्कालै समाधानको कुनै उपाय छैन ?

Unto them be salutation and
उनलाई सलाम छ ।

'Swear it, by God!' he said.
उनले भने, ‘तिमीले कसम खानुपर्छ ।

Serpents on their way to paradise -
उहाँ स छ्वान प्रान्तको एक आबास क्षेत्रका चिकित्सक हुनुहुन्छ।

affirmed that by swearing, saying: By Al­‘Asr (the time).
उनले भने, ‘तिमीले कसम खानुपर्छ ।

A magician gives to the wind messages which are to be delivered.
उनको कामको प्रसंसा गर्दै पाण्ड्याले लेखेका छन्, ‘वास्तवमै तपाई जादूगर हो।

Serpents on their way to paradise -
उनीहरुको सेती अञ्चल अस्पतालमा उपचार भईरहेको छ ।

For those who would argue thus we present the story of Ibraheem's disavowal of his people.
हुती समूहले नै साउदी अरबमाथिको हमलाको जिम्मेवारी लिएको छ ।

Imam (a.s.) said, I swear by Allah!
उनले भने, ‘तिमीले कसम खानुपर्छ ।

SHALL SWEAR BY THE GOLD OF THE TEMPLE, HE IS A DEBTOR (or obligated to perform it-NKJV, or bound by his oath-NIV)!
प्रायः मानिसहरु मायामा सँगै जीउने र सँगै मर्ने कसम खाने गरेका हुन्छन् ।

It is the 'odd' [i.e., odd-numbered, Witr] by which Allaah swore in the aayah (interpretation of the meaning):
प्रायः मानिसहरु मायामा सँगै जीउने र सँगै मर्ने कसम खाने गरेका हुन्छन् ।

Allah says, “I swear (by Al-Asr) by time (that’s running out).
उनले भने, ‘तिमीले कसम खानुपर्छ ।

Waraqa said: ‘I swear by Allâh that he has received the same
उनले भने, ‘तिमीले कसम खानुपर्छ ।

Aschente (I swear by the pledges) Aschente!
कसले कर तिरेको छ वा

Serpents on their way to paradise -
त्यसो भएको हुनाले समृद्धि मात्रै अबको हाम्रो लक्ष्य हो ।

No magician may boldly go forth into that greater reality.
त्यसका पछाडि उनले देखाउने ‘ठूम्का जादू’ नै प्रमुख कारण हो ।

The gospel fulfills God's promise to Abraham.
कृष्णाष्टमी, भगवान कृष्णको जन्म भएको सम्झना ।

Serpents on their way to paradise -
उनको अहिले काठमाडौको कीर्तिपुर अस्पतालमा उपचार भइरहेको छ ।

All grown men (
२० भदौ (

Serpents on their way to paradise -
त्यो व्याख्यालाई हाम्रो समाजले अक्षरशः स्वीकार गरेको छ ।

I swear by the twilight,
कसले कर तिरेको छ वा

And fast from time to time (haven’t fasted in a while though).
उज्यालो हुन अझ केही समय बाँकी नै हुन्छ ।

They [the chefs] talked about how they trained their servers to make coffee to perfection just as they trained their sous chefs.
मैले उनलाई धेरै ढिला भएको तै पनि प्रशिक्षक र सेलेक्टरसंग यो बारे उनीहरुको धारणा के छ बुझ्छु।

And he said, “Swear to me.
उनले भने, ‘तिमीले कसम खानुपर्छ ।

Uqsimu billahi ta’aalaa – I swear by God, the exalted
प्रायः मानिसहरु मायामा सँगै जीउने र सँगै मर्ने कसम खाने गरेका हुन्छन् ।

Such is the path of the wizard.
त्यस्तै जनक गुरुङ्गको द्वन्द निर्देशन रहेको छ ।

When Moses asked for God’s name, God resisted.
केही समयपछि गाउँले भेला भएर भगवानको नाम जप्न थाले।

by people, by circumstances, by life; this Easter!
हुँदै प्रदेशसभा सदस्यहरुको शपथ, यस्तो छ तयारी

I swear by the Day Star of Utterance which shineth upon the world in its meridian glory!
प्रदेशसभा सदस्यहरुको शपथ आज हुँदै, यस्तो छ तयारी

Surely the net is spread in vain in the sight of any bird.
निम्न पृष्ठहरू म्यानमारका विश्व सम्पदा क्षेत्रहरूको सूची मा जोडिन्छ :

And he said: ‘Swear to me’.
उनले भने, ‘तिमीले कसम खानुपर्छ ।

I swear by al-Qur’an al-majeed..."
कसले कर तिरेको छ वा

and swearing to the words veracity.
कसले कर तिरेको छ वा

Then I swore off sewing.
कसले कर तिरेको छ वा

Trout (
मिथुन (

And I swear by the self- reproaching soul.
कसले कर तिरेको छ वा