7 That night God appeared to Solomon and said to him, ‘Ask for whatever you want me to give you.’
7Nony alina, niseho tamin'i Salomona Andriamanitra, ka nanao taminy hoe: Angataho izay tianao homeko anao.
They are warned to remember that it was not their strength, but God’s that brought them to this land.
Nampanantena Andriamanitra fa hitahy azy ireo, indrindra fa any amin'ny taniny vaovao, saingy tsy tokony horaisin'izy ireo ho toy ny tongatonga ho azy izany fitahiana izany.
Salvation is completely a work of God’s free grace, received by repentance and faith.
Ny fahasoavana dia fitahiana omen'Andriamanitra malalaka ho an'ny olona izay mahazo ny famonjena sy fanamasinana maimaimpoana.
In the same way let your light shine in people’s presence, so that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven.”
Aoka hazava eo imason’ny olona toy izany koa ny fahazavanareo, mba hahitany ny asa soa ataonareo ka hankalazany ny Rainareo Izay any an-danitra.."
“This is the hill which God desireth to dwell in; yea, the Lord will dwell in it forever.”
Ny tendrombohitra izay no sitrak'Andriamanitra hitoeran'ny, dia any, ny Tompo dia hitoetra hatramin'ny farany.
Verse 12.”And He said”Do not lay your hand on the lad, or do anything to him, for now I know that you fear God, since you have not withheld your son, your only son,from Me.”
Dia hoy Izy: Aza maninjitra ny tananao amin'ny zazalahy, ary aza maninona azy akory ianao; fa hitako izao fa matahotra an'Andriamanitra ianao, ka tsy narovanao tamiko ny zanakao, dia ny lahitokanao.
As it says in Isaiah 8:18, “Behold, I and the children whom the Lord hath given me are for signs and for wonders in Israel from the Lord of hosts, which dwelleth in mount Zion.”
Ny Isaia 8.18 mampahalala ny mpamaky fa ny mpaminany Isaia sy ireo zanany ireo dia famantarana ("Indreto, izaho sy ireo zaza nomen'i Iahveh ahy dia famantarana sy fahagagana ao amin'i Israely avy amin'i Iahveh, Tompon'ny maro, izay monina ao an-tendrombohitra Ziona.").
Look at that, "He who sees Me sees the One who sent Me".
Ary izay mahita ahy, dia mahita an’ilay naniraka ahy.”
32 We and the holy Spirit which God has given to those who obey him are witnesses to these things."
32 Ary izahay dia vavolombelon'izany zavatra izany, ary ny Fanahy Masina koa, Izay efa nomen'Andriamanitra ny manaiky Azy.
But I saw no other emissaries except Jacob, the Lord’s brother.
Nefa ny Apostoly sasany dia tsy nisy hitako afa-tsy Jakoba, rahalahin’ny Tompo.
Abraham (known as Abram at the time) is called by God to “Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you."
3Ary hoy Andriamanitra taminy: "Ilaozy ny tanindrazanao sy ny havanao ka mankanesa any amin'ny tany izay hasehoko anao."
4 May God give you and your offspring the blessing of Abrahamc so that you may possess the land where you live as an alien, the land God gave to Abraham."d
4 ary homeny anao anie ny fitahiana an'i Abrahama, dia ho anao sy ny taranakao koa, mba handovanao ny tany fivahinianao, izay efa nomen'Andriamanitra an'i Abrahama.
But those who say ‘There was a time when he was not,’ or ‘He did not exist before he was begotten,’ or ‘He was made of nothing’ or assert that ‘He is of other substance or essence than the Father,’ or that the Son of God is created, or mutable, or susceptible of change, the Catholic and apostolic Church of God anathematizes.”
Izay rehetra miteny hoe: "nisy fotoana tsy nampisy azy: tsy nisy izy talohan'ny nahaterahany; natao mitovy amin'ny zavatra avy amin’ny tsy misy izy; sobstansa sy maha-izy-azy hafa izy, noarîna izy; mety miova sy mety iharan'ny fiovana ny Zanak'Adriamanitra", dia manozom-panamelohana azy ny Fiangonana manerana izao tontolo izao sy apostolika.
19 And he instructed the messenger, "When you have finished telling all the news about the fighting to the king, 20 then, if the king's anger rises, and if he says to you, 'Why did you go so near the city to fight?
18 Ary Joaba naniraka hilaza tsara any amin'i Davida ny toetry ny ady; 19 ary nandidy ilay iraka izy hoe: Rehefa voalazanao tsara amin'ny mpanjaka ny toetry ny ady, 20 ka tezitra ny mpanjaka ary manao aminao hoe: Nahoana no nanakaiky ny tanàna toy izany ianareo raha niady?
'When the place is far from thee which Jehovah thy God doth choose to put His name there, then thou hast sacrificed of thy herd and of thy flock which Jehovah hath given to thee, as I have commanded thee, and hast eaten within thy gates, of all the desire of thy soul;
21 Raha lavitra anao loatra ny tany izay hofidin'i Jehovah Andriamanitrao hasiany ny anarany, dia hamonoanao ny ombinao sy ny ondry aman'osinao izay nomen'i Jehovah anao, araka izay efa nandidiako anao, ary hohaninao ao an-tanànanao, araka izay rehetra irin'ny fanahinao izany.
Then Gideon took ten men of his servants, and did as Jehovah had said to him: and so it was, because he feared his father's household and the men of the city, that he could not do it by day, that he did it by night."
27 Koa naka folo lahy tamin’ny mpanompony i Gideona, ka nanao araka izay efa nolazain’i Jehovah taminy.+ Ary tamin’ny alina no nanaovany izany,+ noho izy natahotra mafy ny ankohonan-drainy sy ny lehilahy tao an-tanàna, fa tsy vitany ny nanao izany tamin’ny antoandro.
Thus the servant was successful in his mission, because he had God's blessing.
Ary isika dia hahazo valim-pitia noho ny asany, noho ny fahasoavan'Andriamanitra.
"When You did terrible things which we looked not for, You came down, the mountainsflowed down at Your Presence."
2 Raha nanao zava-mahatahotra izay tsy nantenainay Hianao, dia nidina, ka nihorohoro* teo anoloanao ny tendrombohitra.
cannot be God’s palpable self because God is obviously far, far greater than they are.
Tsy azo aseho an-tsary Andriamanitra satria tsy mifangaro fa ivelan'ny zavatra noforoniny sady avo indrindra.
They were familiar with God's law, but were themselves rebuked by God for their ignorance and self-righteousness.
21Nahalala an'Andriamanitra tokoa izy ireo, saingy tsy nanolotra ny voninahitra sy ny saotra tandrify Azy.
Their fruit will be for food, and their leaves for medicine."
Ary ny vokatra ho an'ny sakafo, ary ny raviny dia ho ho fanafody. "
1:24 God said, “Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: cattle, creeping things, and wild animals, each according to its kind.”46 It was so.
24Ary Andriamanitra nanao hoe: Aoka ny tany hamoaka zava-manan'aina samy araka ny karazany avy, dia biby fiompy sy biby mandady sy mikisaka ary bibi-dia, samy araka ny karazany avy; dia nisy izany.
In other words, it's not a righteousness because of my obedience to God's law, but it's a righteousness which is through faith in Christ - the righteousness which comes from God as a gift on the basis of faith.
Tsy manana fahamarinana avy amin'ny fanarahan-dalàna aho; fa ny finoana niainan'i Kristy no ahazoako fahamarinana, dia ilay fahamarinana avy amin'Andriamanitra ka miorina amin'ny finoana.
God will return you to Egypt in barges, along the route concerning which I had said that you would never see it again, and there you shall sell yourselves as slaves to your enemies, but not shall want to buy."
Ary ianao ho entin'i Jehovah an-tsambo hiverina any Egypta amin'izay lalana efa nolazaiko taminao hoe: Tsy hahita izany intsony ianao; dia hivaro-tena ho andevolahy sy ho andevovavy any amin'ny fahavalonareo ianareo, nefa tsy hisy mpividy.
God’s judgments and justice applied then (and still applies) to all people.
Ny olona rehetra novonjena sy navotan'Andriamanitra ka nomeny rariny teo anivon'ny fitsarana (and 4) no tokony hidera Azy.
9And David said to Saul, “Why do you listen to the words of a man who says, ‘Look, David is trying to harm you’? 10Look, your eyes have seen this day that the Lord handed you over to me in the cave, and one would have said to kill you, but my eye spared you, and I said, ‘I will not lay my hand on my lord, for he is the Lord's anointed.’ 11And, my father, look, and see the skirt of your coat in my hand, for when I cut the skirt of your coat, I did not kill you.
10Ary hoy Davida tamin'i Saola hoe: Nahoana hianao no dia maka ny vavan'olona hoe: Indro fa mitady hanisy ratsy anao Davida? 11Kanefa indro nahita maso hianao androany izay nanoloran'ny Tompo anao teo an-tànako androany tao an-johy, ka ny olona nilaza tamiko mba hamono anao.
25:49 or his uncle, or his uncle’s son, may redeem him, or any who is a close relative to him of his family may redeem him; or if he has grown rich, he may redeem himself.
49 na ny rahalahin-drainy, na ny zanak'olo-mirahalahy aminy, na izay havany akaiky azy amin'ny mpianakaviny no mahazo manavotra azy; kanefa raha tratry ny ananany, dia hanavo-tena izy.
28 For all my father’s house were doomed to death before my lord the king; but you set your servant among those who eat at your table.
Fa ny taranaky ny raiko rehetra dia samy olona tokony ho faty teo anatrehan'ny mpanjaka tompoko; nefa ianao nampitoetra ahy mpanomponao ho isan'izay mihinana amin'ny latabatrao.
Why should we not prostrate ourselves at the throne of divine grace, praying that God's Spirit may be poured out upon us asitwas upon the disciples?
Nahoana isika no tsy tokony hiankohoka eo anoloan'ny seza fiandrianan'ny fahasoavana, ka hangataka ny hirotsahan'ny Fanahin'Andriamanitra amintsika, tahaka ny tamin'ny mpianatra?
Nevertheless, God's solid foundation stands firm, sealed with this inscription: "The Lord knows those who are his," and, "Everyone who confesses the name of the Lord must turn away from wickedness." 20 In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay; some are for noble purposes and some for ignoble.
19Kanefa ny fanorenana mafy nataon'Andriamanitra dia miorina tsara; sady voasokitra eo ny teny hoe: "Fantatry ny Tompo ireo Azy", sy ny hoe "Aoka hiala amin'ny ratsy avokoa ny olona rehetra mitonona ho mpanaja ny Tompo!" 20Tsy dia fanaka volamena sy volafotsy ihany no ao anaty lapa soa anankiray fa misy fanaka hazo sy tanimanga koa; iretsy voalohany dia fanaka mihaja fa ireto faharoa kosa dia fanaka tsotsotra.
And when they had done it a second time, él dijo, “Do it also a third time.”
Ary nony efa nanao izany fanindroany, hoy izy:, "Ataovy izany koa ny fanintelony."
Polo tanto, it is better that you should be in the city to strengthen us.”
Noho izany, fa tsara mba ho ao an-tanàna mba hampahery antsika. "
Yet this is God’s situation.
Tsy izany anefa no toe-javatra eo anatrehan'Andriamanitra.
15As he came from his mother’s womb he shall go again, naked as he came, and shall take nothing for his toil that he may carry away in his hand.
14 Toy ny nivoahany mitanjaka avy tany an-kibon-dreniny, dia toy izay nihaviany ihany no hiverenany; ary tsy hisy na inona na inona ho entin'ny tànany ho valin'ny fisasarany.
Just as Yahweh is a surrogate father-god to Abraham.
Tamin'i Abrahama, ohatra (Jen.
4:18, “Against all hope, Abraham in hope believed and so became the father of many nations, just as it had been said to him, “So shall your offspring be.”
4:18 Ary nino, miaraka amin'ny fanantenana mihoatra noho fanantenana, ka dia mba ho rain'ny firenena maro, araka izay nolazaina taminy: "Izao no fara mandimby,."
And David's men said to him, Now is the time when the Lord says to you, I will give up your hater into your hands to do with him whatever seems good to you.
5Ary hoy ny olon'i Davida taminy: Ity no andro nolazain'ny Tompo taminao hoe: Indro hatolotro eo an-tànanao ny fahavalonao, ka ataovy izay sitrakao.
Then all Israel will hear that you have made yourself obnoxious to your father, and the hands of everyone with you will be more resolute.’
Dia toy izany no, raha rehetra ho ren'ny Isiraely fa afa-baraka ny rainao, ny tanany mba hery miaraka aminao. "
God’s kingdom is in power: for their confusion and punishment.
Andriamanitra dia fantatra any an-danitra noho ny amin’ny fahamasinany sy ny maha-Mpanjaka Azy.
God's Word is CLEAR .
Mazava tsara ny tenin'Andriamanitra.
9: And people were scorched with great heat (= the Truth of God's Word), and blasphemed the name of God, Which has the power over the plagues: and they repented not to give Him glory. (because they think God is already here, they are worshiping antichrist = Satan the great deceiver)
9 Ary main'ny hafanana be ny olona, dia niteny ratsy* ny anaran'Andriamanitra, Izay manam-pahelana amin'ireny loza ireny, izy sady tsy nibebaka mba hanome voninahitra Azy. [* Gr. nanao blasfemia; izahao Mat.
15 After the reading of the Law and the [writings of the] Prophets, the officials of the synagogue sent word to them, saying, “Brothers (kinsmen), if you have any word of encouragement for the people, say it.” 16 So Paul stood up, and motioning with his hand, he said,
15 Izao no lazain'i Jehovah, Tompon'ny maro: Andeha mankao amin'ilay mpanolo-tsaina io, dia ao amin'i Sebna, lehiben'ny ao an-dapa, ka ataovy hoe: 16 Manao inona etỳ ianao, ary inonao moa no etỳ, No manao fasana etỳ ianao, dia manao fasana ho anao ▼
Nothing will endure except God’s Kingdom which pertaineth to none but Him, the Sovereign Lord of all, the Help in Peril, the All-Glorious, the Almighty.
Aoka ho vavolombelona ianao fa, marina tokoa, Izy Ilay Andriamanitra ary tsy misy Andriamanitra hafa afa-tsy Izy, Ilay Mpanjaka, Ilay Mpiaro, Ilay Tapitr’ohatra, Ilay Mahefa ny zavatra rehetra.
20 In case YOU should leave Jehovah and YOU do serve foreign gods, he also will certainly turn back and do YOU injury and exterminate YOU after he has done YOU good.”
9 Fa raha miverina amin'i Jehovah ianareo, dia hahazo famindram-po eo anatrehan'izay nitondra azy ho babo ny rahalahinareo sy ny zanakareo, ka dia ho tafaverina amin'ity tany ity izy; fa miantra sy mamindra fo Jehovah Andriamanitrareo, ary tsy mba hiamboho anareo Izy, raha miverina aminy ianareo." (2Tant.
It is a covenant of salt forever in the Lord’s presence, for you and your descendants.
Dia fanekena mandrakizay asian-tsira eo anatrehan'i Jehovah, ho anao sy ho an'ny zanany. "
"I have let you see it with your eyes, but you will not cross over into it."
Efa nahita azy ny masonao, fa tsy hiampita ho azy. "
In any case, may Yahweh’s Truth be known, and may you be blessed with knowledge.
Dia ho fantatrao marina ny fahatahorana an'i Jehovah, Ary ho hitanao ny fahalalana an'Andriamanitra.
He is in God's loving care until that time comes.
Fiangonany ho eo amin’ny fanatrehan’Andriamanitra Izy, amin'ny fotoana iverenany,
25And Omri did evil in the Lord's sight, and he was worse that all those who were before him.
25Nanao izay ratsy eo imason'ny Tompo Amrì, sady nanao ratsy mihoatra izay rehetra talohany izy.
a) God's judgment against sin.
20). satria manoloana azy ny fitsaràn’Andriamanitra.