confessed, and worshipped the Lord their God.”
Egli assentì: ed ella il suo signore

The hearts that you have made.
i cuori che hai creato.

No one receives mercy who is not merciful.
qui non fecit misericordiam; superexsultat misericordia iudicio.

And, in the end, you still may go home without a number.
E, alla fine, puoi ancora andare a casa senza un numero.

God's love is so merciful and forgiving.
Quomodo sit Deus misericors et iustus.

No one can claim to be as boundlessly merciful as the All-Merciful, All-Compassionate.
qui non fecit misericordiam; superexsultat misericordia iudicio.

And in this way she humbled herself and she exalted her Lord!
Egli assentì: ed ella il suo signore

the hearts that you have made.
i cuori che hai creato.

How do you do God’s will?
Como Fazer a Vontade de Deus?

No one is that merciful, that compassionate, that forgiving.
qui non fecit misericordiam; superexsultat misericordia iudicio.

Abw this is the genealogy of Aaron and Moses.
Iste est Aaron et Moses,

It is to the merciful that mercy is given.
quae illi [p] cuiuscumque misericordia fuerit attributa.

Or one of Satan’s demons.
Una dei altera diaboli.

It is therefore necessary for us, Christians and Jews, to be first a blessing to one another".
È dunque necessario per noi, cristiani ed ebrei, essere prima una benedizione l’uno per l’altro».

We shall see you soon
ens et verum [Om-Ens

Evils were multiplied on the earth.
Y se multiplicaron los males en la tierra.

No telling what sort of magic he might have."
numque magistrâtum cum iis habent."

It is therefore necessary for us, Christians and Jews, to be first a BLESSING TO ONE ANOTHER.”
È dunque necessario per noi, cristiani ed ebrei, essere prima una benedizione l’uno per l’altro».

This is not vindictive, but forgiving and compassionate.
Causam non dicunt, et misericordiam consequuntur.

It was- for 1000 years in God's sight is but a day; and a dayas 1000 years.
unus dies apud Dominum (est) sicut mille anni, et mille anni sicut dies unus,

For what thou knowest not?
Cui tu sapis, quid ei recte non sapiet?

Satan has a counterfeit for most everything.
et si Satanas Satanan eicit adversus se divisus est

It does not know whether it is true marriage and therefore refuses to consider it as such.
Esso non sa se sia vero matrimonio e pertanto si rifiuta di considerarlo come tale.

Then let them fight.
Lute essi occabo.

Cry out for God's mercy, He is merciful.
Patet ergo, quod Deus misericors multum est timendus.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”
Nel nome del Padre, e del Figlio, e dello Spirito Santo».

Then we will indeed see you there.
ens et verum [Om-Ens

He became of the jinn, and he defied the command of his Lord.
Egli assentì: ed ella il suo signore

Thus in the Lord’s Prayer we say “Hallowed be thy name.”
Solem in potestatem diei: * quoniam in æternum misericordia eius.

"The most merciful God" (Sale), "The merciful the compassionate" (Arberry, Bell, Palmer), "The compassionate the merciful" (Rodwell, Dawood), "The Beneficient the Merciful" (Pickthall, Muhammad Ali).
A misericordia incoepit, a misericordia finit, circa misericordiam ubique versatur.

Sir William Wyndham, [Henry] Campion and two or three more gave some opposition to it [paying the arrears], for which they are extremely blamed.
10,22), et omnia patris esse sua (Io.

But, for the most part, those warnings have gone unheeded.
et multos avertit ab iniquitate.

[Quran 84:16-18] I swear by the twilight.
[482] supremo ultimo: postquam eorum desperabat aspectum.

[ As Marc Fonda observes, God’s omniscience precludes self-awareness.
Cum enim hoc datur quod Dei est, sanctum dat etiam non sancta conscientia.

So we will see you then,
ens et verum [Om-Ens

He asked where they’d laid him; they showed him, and he wept.
Quem cum interrogasset, unde esset; respondit ille: Domine, de paupere domo.

God told Moses "You will be God to Pharaoh."
dicitur: "Ecce constitui te Deum Pharaonis."

Cry out for God's mercy, He is merciful.
Nam sicut Deus misericors est, ita et iustus est.

But magicians will not succeed."
Et magis est [et], ut et hic non totius dicamus.

between Aaron and Moses.
Iste est Aaron et Moses,

'Be thankful, be thankful, be thankful!
Sequere igitur misericordiam, ut merearis gratiam.

in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”
Nel nome del Padre, e del Figlio, e dello Spirito Santo».

(Psalm 2:11, “Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling.”
Et ergo dicitur in Psalmo [2,11]: Servite Domino in timore et exultate ei cum tremore’.

But listen to Zachary: " The Orient from on High hath visited us."
De quo et Zachariash : « Visitavit nos, oriens ex alto » {t.

Be patient and wait for God’s timing.
“Seja paciente e espere com confiança o tempo do Senhor”.

She’s better for you than seven sons.”
est melior quam septem filii ”.

The second is our Lord’s preaching on the forgiveness of sins.
Primo propter Dei Patris inhonorationem per peccata.

He’s got that taken care of, He is merciful, and He will be merciful.
Utilitas est, quia qui facit misericordiam, inveniet misericordiam.

“Say, ‘Thus says the Lord GOD:
dices: Haec dicit Dominus Deus: Loquere:

who ordained Moses to the Holy Priesthood; which Melchizedek
Quodque melos tibi Musa recens generosa profudit,