# ca/Twain_Mark-Tom_Sawyer.xml.gz
# en/Twain_Mark-Tom_Sawyer.xml.gz

(src)="s1"> Source : Project GutenbergTranslation : Josep Carner
(trg)="s1"> Source : Project Gutenberg

(src)="s2"> Les Aventures De Tom Sawyer
(trg)="s2"> The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

(src)="s3"> Mark Twain
(trg)="s3"> Mark Twain

(src)="s4"> PREFACI .
(trg)="s4"> PREFACE

(src)="s5"> La major part de les aventures consignades en aquest llibre succeiren de bo de bo ; una o dues són experiments de la meva collita ; la resta pertanyen a minyons que m ' eren companys d ' escola .
(trg)="s5"> Most of the adventures recorded in this book really occurred ; one or two were experiences of my own , the rest those of boys who were schoolmates of mine .

(src)="s6"> Huck Finn és tret de la vida real ; Tom Sawyer també , pero no d ' un individu : és una combinació de les característiques de tres nois que jo vaig coneixer ; així és que pertany a l ' orde arquitectonic compost .
(trg)="s6"> Huck Finn is drawn from life ; Tom Sawyer also , but not from an individual--he is a combination of the characteristics of three boys whom I knew , and therefore belongs to the composite order of architecture .

(src)="s7"> Les estranyes supersticions a les quals hom fa referencia , predominaven totes entre nois i esclaus de l ' Oest en el període d ' aquesta historia ; és a dir , fa trenta o quaranta anys .
(trg)="s7"> The odd superstitions touched upon were all prevalent among children and slaves in the West at the period of this story--that is to say , thirty or forty years ago .

(src)="s8"> Encara que mon llibre s ' adreça sobretot al divertiment de nois i noies , espero que aixo no sera causa que el defugin homes i dones , perque part del meu proposit ha estat mirar de fer plaent memoria als adults d ' allo que un dia foren , i de com sentiren i pensaren i parlaren , i en quínes singulars empreses s ' esmerçaren de vegades .
(trg)="s8.0"> Although my book is intended mainly for the entertainment of boys and girls , I hope it will not be shunned by men and women on that account , for part of my plan has been to try to pleasantly remind adults of what they once were themselves , and of how they felt and thought and talked , and what queer enterprises they sometimes engaged in .
(trg)="s8.1"> THE AUTHOR .

(src)="s9"> L ' AUTOR ( Hartford , 1876 ) .
(trg)="s9"> HARTFORD , 1876 .

(src)="s10"> CAPÍTOL I
(trg)="s10"> CHAPTER I

(src)="s11"> -Tom !
(trg)="s11"> " TOM ! "

(src)="s12"> Cap resposta .
(trg)="s12"> No answer .

(src)="s13"> -Tom !
(trg)="s13"> " TOM ! "

(src)="s14"> Cap resposta .
(trg)="s14"> No answer .

(src)="s15"> -Que s ' ha fet aquest noi ? em demano .
(trg)="s15"> " What 's gone with that boy , I wonder ?

(src)="s16"> Tom !
(trg)="s16"> You TOM ! "

(src)="s17.0"> La vella senyora tira per avall les seves ulleres i mira per damunt elles al volt de la cambra .
(src)="s17.1"> Després les tira per amunt i sotja sota d ' elles .
(trg)="s17.0"> No answer .
(trg)="s17.1"> The old lady pulled her spectacles down and looked over them about the room ; then she put them up and looked out under them .

(src)="s18"> Poques vegades o mai no mirava a través d ' elles per una cosa tan petita com és un noi , perque les ulleres eren de cerimonia , i l ' orgull de son cor , i cavalcaven per gala i no pas per servei : igual hauria pogut veure a través d ' un parell de tapadores d ' estufa .
(trg)="s18"> She seldom or never looked _ through _ them for so small a thing as a boy ; they were her state pair , the pride of her heart , and were built for " style , " not service--she could have seen through a pair of stove-lids just as well .

(src)="s19"> Sembla un moment perplexa , i digué , no pas ferotgement , pero tanmateix en veu prou alta perque el parament de la cambra la sentís : -Bé , m ' hi jugo qualsevol cosa que si us atrapo us …
(trg)="s19"> She looked perplexed for a moment , and then said , not fiercely , but still loud enough for the furniture to hear : " Well , I lay if I get hold of you I 'll-- "

(src)="s20"> No acaba la frase , perque en aquell moment estava decantant-se i furgant sota el llit amb l ' escombra : així és que necessitava ale per al ritme de les furgades .
(trg)="s20"> She did not finish , for by this time she was bending down and punching under the bed with the broom , and so she needed breath to punctuate the punches with .

(src)="s21"> No desenterra cap cosa sinó el gat .
(trg)="s21"> She resurrected nothing but the cat .

(src)="s22"> -Mai no l ' he vist atrapat , aquest noi !
(trg)="s22"> " I never did see the beat of that boy ! "

(src)="s23"> Se n ' ana cap a la porta oberta i s ' hi atura , i sotja entre els emparrats de tomaqueres i herbes tauperes , que constituien el jardí .
(trg)="s23"> She went to the open door and stood in it and looked out among the tomato vines and " jimpson " weeds that constituted the garden .

(src)="s24"> Res de Tom .
(trg)="s24"> No Tom .

(src)="s25"> Així és que ella féu força per alçar la veu fins al grau exigit per la distancia , i crida :
(trg)="s25"> So she lifted up her voice at an angle calculated for distance and shouted :

(src)="s26.0"> -O-o-o Tom !
(trg)="s26.0"> " Y-o-u-u TOM ! "

(src)="s26.1"> Sentí una fressa lleu al darrera , i es gira a temps per a agafar un petit minyó per l ' extrem de son gec , i aturar la seva fugida . -Té !
(trg)="s26.1"> There was a slight noise behind her and she turned just in time to seize a small boy by the slack of his roundabout and arrest his flight .

(src)="s27"> Hauria hagut de pensar en aquest recambró .
(trg)="s27.0"> " There !
(trg)="s27.1"> I might ' a ' thought of that closet .

(src)="s28"> Que hi féieu , aquí dins ?
(trg)="s28"> What you been doing in there ? "

(src)="s29"> -Res .
(trg)="s29"> " Nothing . "

(src)="s30"> -Res !
(trg)="s30"> " Nothing !

(src)="s31"> Mireu-vos les mans i mireu-vos la boca .
(trg)="s31.0"> Look at your hands .
(trg)="s31.1"> And look at your mouth .

(src)="s32"> Que és , aquesta brutor ?
(trg)="s32"> What _ is _ that truck ? "

(src)="s33"> -No ho sé , tia .
(trg)="s33"> " I don 't know , aunt . "

(src)="s34"> -Bé , jo sí , que ho sé .
(trg)="s34"> " Well , I know .

(src)="s35"> És melmelada : vet aquí el que és .
(trg)="s35"> It 's jam--that 's what it is .

(src)="s36"> Us he dit quaranta vegades que si no deixaveu la melmelada tranquila us llevaria la pell .
(trg)="s36"> Forty times I 've said if you didn 't let that jam alone I 'd skin you .

(src)="s37"> Deu-me aquell fuet .
(trg)="s37"> Hand me that switch . "

(src)="s38.0"> El fuet fou brandat per l ' aire .
(src)="s38.1"> El perill era desesperat .
(trg)="s38"> The switch hovered in the air--the peril was desperate--

(src)="s39.0"> -Ui !
(trg)="s39.0"> " My !

(src)="s39.1"> Mireu al darrera vostre , tia !
(trg)="s39.1"> Look behind you , aunt ! "

(src)="s40"> La vella senyora es gira arremolinadament , i arrabassa les faldilles cap enfora de l ' amenaça ; i el minyó fugí tot seguit , s ' enfila damunt el clos d ' altes estaques , i desaparegué a l ' altra banda .
(trg)="s40.0"> The old lady whirled round , and snatched her skirts out of danger .
(trg)="s40.1"> The lad fled on the instant , scrambled up the high board-fence , and disappeared over it .

(src)="s41"> La tia Polly romangué sorpresa un moment i en acabat esclatá en una dolça rialla .
(trg)="s41"> His aunt Polly stood surprised a moment , and then broke into a gentle laugh .

(src)="s42.0"> -Diastre de noi !
(src)="s42.1"> Mireu ' s que és prou , que jo mai pugui escarmentar !
(trg)="s42"> " Hang the boy , can 't I never learn anything ?

(src)="s43"> No m ' ha fet prou martingales , perque ara m ' emprengui de sotjar-lo ?
(trg)="s43"> Ain 't he played me tricks enough like that for me to be looking out for him by this time ?

(src)="s44.0"> Pero un vell ximple és el pitjor dels ximples .
(trg)="s44.0"> But old fools is the biggest fools there is .

(src)="s44.1"> Un gos vell no apren cap traça nova , com diu la dita .
(trg)="s44.1"> Can 't learn an old dog new tricks , as the saying is .

(src)="s45"> Tanmateix , en nom de Déu , ell no s ' empesca mai les mateixes coses dues vegades seguides ; i com pot coneixer un hom la que ha de venir ?
(trg)="s45"> But my goodness , he never plays them alike , two days , and how is a body to know what 's coming ?

(src)="s46"> Sembla talment que sapiga per quant de temps podra de consumir-me les sangs sense que m ' arribi a arborar , i sap que , si arriba a aconseguir de deixar-me en bitza per un minut o fer-me riure , jo m ' aplaco i no puc ventar-li patacada .
(trg)="s46"> He ' pears to know just how long he can torment me before I get my dander up , and he knows if he can make out to put me off for a minute or make me laugh , it 's all down again and I can 't hit him a lick .

(src)="s47"> No hi compleixo pas la meva obligació amb aquest noi ; i aquesta és la santa veritat , Déu ho sap .
(trg)="s47"> I ain 't doing my duty by that boy , and that 's the Lord 's truth , goodness knows .

(src)="s48"> Planyer el bastó malmet el minyó , com diu la Bíblia .
(trg)="s48"> Spare the rod and spile the child , as the Good Book says .

(src)="s49"> Deixo que el pecat s ' amuntegui , i pago la pena per tots dos , massa que ho veig .
(trg)="s49"> I 'm a laying up sin and suffering for us both , I know .

(src)="s50"> És un vailet endimoniat ; pero , caram ! , és el noi de la meva germana morta , pobrissona ! , i no tinc cor de ventar-li fuetada , sigui com sigui .
(trg)="s50"> He 's full of the Old Scratch , but laws-a-me ! he 's my own dead sister 's boy , poor thing , and I ain 't got the heart to lash him , somehow .

(src)="s51"> Cada vegada que el deixo anar , la consciencia em puny de allo més ; i cada vegada que l ' aporrino el cor se ' m trenca .
(trg)="s51"> Every time I let him off , my conscience does hurt me so , and every time I hit him my old heart most breaks .

(src)="s52"> Tanmateix , home nat de dona és de pocs dies i ple de tribulacions , com diu l ' Escriptura , i és la massíssima veritat .
(trg)="s52"> Well-a-well , man that is born of woman is of few days and full of trouble , as the Scripture says , and I reckon it 's so .

(src)="s53"> Fara campana aquesta tarda , i no tindré més remei que fer-lo treballar dema , per a castigar-lo .
(trg)="s53"> He 'll play hookey this evening , * and [ * Southwestern for " afternoon " ] I 'll just be obleeged to make him work , tomorrow , to punish him .

(src)="s54"> És ben dur de fer-lo treballar els dissabtes , quan tots els minyons fan festa ; pero ell té més rancúnia al treball que a cap altra cosa , i , no hi ha més , he de complir amb ell una mica de la meva obligació , o seré la seva ruina .
(trg)="s54"> It 's mighty hard to make him work Saturdays , when all the boys is having holiday , but he hates work more than he hates anything else , and I 've _ got _ to do some of my duty by him , or I 'll be the ruination of the child . "

(src)="s55"> Tom va fer campana , i va passar una gentil estona .
(trg)="s55"> Tom did play hookey , and he had a very good time .

(src)="s56"> Torna a casa amb prou feines a temps d ' ajudar Jim , el vailet negre , a serrar la llenya del dia següent ; i partí les teies abans de sopar , o almenys estigué allí a una hora escaient per a dir ses aventures a Jim , mentre Jim feia les tres quartes parts de la feina .
(trg)="s56"> He got back home barely in season to help Jim , the small colored boy , saw next-day 's wood and split the kindlings before supper--at least he was there in time to tell his adventures to Jim while Jim did three-fourths of the work .

(src)="s57"> El germa petit de Tom ( o , millor , germanastre ) , Sid , estava ja enfeinat en la seva contribució al treball ( arreplegant les miques de fusta ) , perque era un noi tranquil , i no pas de mena aventurera ni enquimeradora .
(trg)="s57"> Tom 's younger brother ( or rather half-brother ) Sid was already through with his part of the work ( picking up chips ) , for he was a quiet boy , and had no adventurous , trouble-some ways .

(src)="s58"> Mentre Tom anava menjant-se el seu sopar i robava el sucre en oferir-se-n ' hi avinentesa , la tia Polly li feia preguntes que eren plenes d ' artifici i molt pregones , perque volia atrapar-lo en revelacions perjudicials .
(trg)="s58"> While Tom was eating his supper , and stealing sugar as opportunity offered , Aunt Polly asked him questions that were full of guile , and very deep--for she wanted to trap him into damaging revealments .

(src)="s59"> Com esdevé a moltes altres animes senzilles , la seva vanitat predilecta era de creure que tenia un talent especial per a l ' ombrívola i misteriosa diplomacia , i li plaia de considerar sos enginys més transparents com a meravelles d ' extraordinaria trapelleria .
(trg)="s59"> Like many other simple-hearted souls , it was her pet vanity to believe she was endowed with a talent for dark and mysterious diplomacy , and she loved to contemplate her most transparent devices as marvels of low cunning .

(src)="s60"> -Tom- digué ella -feia bastanta calor a l ' escola : veritat ?
(trg)="s60"> Said she : " Tom , it was middling warm in school , warn 't it ? "

(src)="s61"> -Sí , senyora .
(trg)="s61"> " Yes 'm . "

(src)="s62"> -Molta calor : veritat ?
(trg)="s62"> " Powerful warm , warn 't it ? "

(src)="s63"> -Sí , senyora .
(trg)="s63"> " Yes 'm . "

(src)="s64"> -No teníeu ganes de rabejar-vos una mica a l ' aigua , Tom ?
(trg)="s64"> " Didn 't you want to go in a-swimming , Tom ? "

(src)="s65"> Tom es sentí ferit d ' un bri d ' alarma , d ' un toc de sospita inquieta .
(trg)="s65"> A bit of a scare shot through Tom--a touch of uncomfortable suspicion .

(src)="s66"> Escruta la cara de la tia Polly , pero ella no li digué res .
(trg)="s66"> He searched Aunt Polly 's face , but it told him nothing .

(src)="s67"> Així és que féu : -No sé … , és a dir , no molt .
(trg)="s67"> So he said : " No 'm--well , not very much . "

(src)="s68"> La vella senyora estengué la seva ma i toca la camisa de Tom , i digué : -Pero tampoc no esteu massa calent , ara .
(trg)="s68"> The old lady reached out her hand and felt Tom 's shirt , and said : " But you ain 't too warm now , though . "

(src)="s69"> I li fou cosa afalagadora , de reflexionar que ella havia descobert que la camisa era seca , sense que ningú s ' adonés que aixo era la cosa que portava al magí .
(trg)="s69"> And it flattered her to reflect that she had discovered that the shirt was dry without anybody knowing that that was what she had in her mind .

(src)="s70.0"> Pero , a desgrat d ' ella , Tom ara sabia d ' on venia el vent .
(trg)="s70.0"> But in spite of her , Tom knew where the wind lay , now .

(src)="s70.1"> Així és que preveié quína seria la vinent jugada .
(trg)="s70.1"> So he forestalled what might be the next move :

(src)="s71.0"> -Alguns de nosaltres ens mullarem el cap sota la bomba … Jo encara el tinc humit .
(trg)="s71.0"> " Some of us pumped on our heads--mine 's damp yet .

(src)="s71.1"> Veieu ?
(trg)="s71.1"> See ? "

(src)="s72.0"> La tia Polly va enrabinar-se de pensar que havia passat per alt aquell bocí de prova circumstancial i negligit una pista .
(trg)="s72.0"> Aunt Polly was vexed to think she had overlooked that bit of circumstantial evidence , and missed a trick .

(src)="s72.1"> Aleshores digué , amb nova inspiració :
(trg)="s72.1"> Then she had a new inspiration :

(src)="s73"> -Tom : no us calgué pas d ' arrencar el coll de la camisa d ' alla on jo l ' havia cosit , per mullar-vos el cap : oi ?
(trg)="s73"> " Tom , you didn 't have to undo your shirt collar where I sewed it , to pump on your head , did you ?

(src)="s74"> Descordeu-vos el gec !
(trg)="s74"> Unbutton your jacket ! "

(src)="s75"> A la cara de Tom s ' hi esvaí la preocupació .
(trg)="s75"> The trouble vanished out of Tom 's face .

(src)="s76"> Obrí son gec .
(trg)="s76"> He opened his jacket .

(src)="s77"> Son coll de camisa estava solidament cosit .
(trg)="s77"> His shirt collar was securely sewed .

(src)="s78"> -Dolentot !
(trg)="s78"> " Bother !

(src)="s79"> Bé , ja podeu tocar pirandó .
(trg)="s79"> Well , go ' long with you .

(src)="s80"> Estava segura que havíeu fet el plaga i havíeu anat a nedar .
(trg)="s80"> I 'd made sure you 'd played hookey and been a-swimming .

(src)="s81.0"> Pero us perdono .
(trg)="s81.0"> But I forgive ye , Tom .

(src)="s81.1"> Tom : em fa l ' efecte que sou una mena de gat escaldat , com diu la gent … i millor del que sembleu , per aquesta vegada .
(trg)="s81.1"> I reckon you 're a kind of a singed cat , as the saying is--better 'n you look . _ This _ time . "

(src)="s82"> Mig li recava que la seva sagacitat hagués fet fallida , i mig s ' alegrava que Tom s ' hagués ensopegat , per una vegada , a servar obedient conducta .
(trg)="s82"> She was half sorry her sagacity had miscarried , and half glad that Tom had stumbled into obedient conduct for once .

(src)="s83"> Pero Sidney digué : -Bé , jo diria que li havíeu cosit el coll amb fil blanc ; pero ara és negre .
(trg)="s83"> But Sidney said : " Well , now , if I didn 't think you sewed his collar with white thread , but it 's black . "

(src)="s84"> -Oital , si el vaig cosir amb fil blanc !
(trg)="s84.0"> " Why , I did sew it with white !
(trg)="s84.1"> Tom ! "

(src)="s85.0"> Tom !
(src)="s85.1"> Pero Tom no n ' espera l ' acabament .
(trg)="s85.0"> But Tom did not wait for the rest .

(src)="s85.2"> En passar la porta , digué :
(trg)="s85.1"> As he went out at the door he said : " Siddy , I 'll lick you for that . "

(src)="s86.0"> -Siddy , aixo et valdra una pallissa .
(src)="s86.1"> En un indret segur , Tom examina dues grans agulles clavades a les gires del seu gec ; i estaven enfilades , l ' una enfilada de fil blanc i l ' altra de negre .
(trg)="s86"> In a safe place Tom examined two large needles which were thrust into the lapels of his jacket , and had thread bound about them--one needle carried white thread and the other black .

(src)="s87"> -Mai no n ' hauria hagut esment , si no hagués estat per Sid .
(trg)="s87"> He said : " She 'd never noticed if it hadn 't been for Sid .

(src)="s88.0"> Llamp !
(src)="s88.1"> De vegades ella ho cus amb fil blanc , i de vegades ho cus amb fil negre .
(trg)="s88.0"> Confound it ! sometimes she sews it with white , and sometimes she sews it with black .

(src)="s88.2"> Voldria , en nom de Déu , que sempre ho fes amb l ' un o amb l ' altre : no puc estar tan amatent als canvis .
(trg)="s88.1"> I wish to gee-miny she 'd stick to one or t 'other--I can 't keep the run of ' em .

(src)="s89"> Pero em jugo qualsevol cosa que a Sid l ' estaborniré .
(trg)="s89"> But I bet you I 'll lam Sid for that .

(src)="s90.0"> Li daré una lliçó !
(trg)="s90.0"> I 'll learn him ! "

(src)="s90.1"> Tom no era pas el noi model del poblet .
(trg)="s90.1"> He was not the Model Boy of the village .