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   SOURCE: Le président américain Barack Obama s'envolera pour Oslo en Norvège, pour y passer 26 heures et être le quatrième président américain de l'histoire à recevoir le prix Nobel de la paix.
REFERENCE: The American president Barack Obama will fly into Oslo, Norway for 26 hours to receive the Nobel Peace Prize, the fourth American president in history to do so.
  MODEL 1: 
  MODEL 2: US President Barack Obama will fly to Oslo, Norway, to spend 26 hours there and become the fourth US president in history to receive the Nobel Peace Prize.

   SOURCE: Le diplôme, la médaille et le chèque de 1,4 millions de dollars lui seront remis entre autres pour ses efforts exceptionnels visant à renforcer la diplomatie mondiale et la collaboration entre les nations.
REFERENCE: He will receive a diploma, medal and cheque for 1.4 million dollars for his exceptional efforts to improve global diplomacy and encourage international cooperation, amongst other things.
  MODEL 1: 
  MODEL 2: Among other things, the diploma, medal and $1.4 million check will be awarded to him for his outstanding efforts to strengthen global diplomacy and cooperation among nations.

   SOURCE: Le chef de la Maison Blanche ainsi que son épouse Michelle atterriront au matin dans la métropole norvégienne et auront un programme chargé.
REFERENCE: The head of the White House will be flying into the Norwegian city in the morning with his wife Michelle and will have a busy schedule.
  MODEL 1: 
  MODEL 2: The White House chief and his wife Michelle will be landing in the Norwegian capital in the morning and have a busy schedule.

   SOURCE: Il se rendra tout d'abord à l'institut Nobel, où il rencontrera pour la toute première fois les cinq membres du Comité qui l'ont choisi en Octobre parmi 172 personnes et 33 organisations.
REFERENCE: First, he will visit the Nobel Institute, where he will have his first meeting with the five committee members who selected him from 172 people and 33 organisations.
  MODEL 1: 
  MODEL 2: He will first visit the Nobel Institute, where he will meet for the first time the five members of the committee who chose him in October from 172 individuals and 33 organisations.

   SOURCE: Le planning du couple présidentiel prévoit ensuite une entrevue avec le roi de Norvège Harald V et la reine Sonja.
REFERENCE: The presidential couple then has a meeting scheduled with King Harald V and Queen Sonja of Norway.
  MODEL 1: 
  MODEL 2: The presidential couple's schedule next includes an interview with King Harald V of Norway and Queen Sonja.

   SOURCE: La visite connaîtra son summum dans l'après-midi lors d'une cérémonie solennelle où Obama recevra la prestigieuse récompense.
REFERENCE: Then, in the afternoon, the visit will culminate in a grand ceremony, at which Obama will receive the prestigious award.
  MODEL 1: 
  MODEL 2: The visit will culminate in a solemn ceremony this afternoon when Obama will receive the prestigious award.

   SOURCE: Il sera le quatrième président américain à la recevoir, mais seulement le troisième qui se verra décerner le prix dans l'enceinte-même du Comité.
REFERENCE: He will be the fourth American president to be awarded the prize, and only the third to have received it while actually in office.
  MODEL 1: 
  MODEL 2: He will be the fourth U.S. president to receive the award, but only the third to be presented in the Committee's own courtroom.

   SOURCE: La Maison Blanche a informé à l'avance que Obama parlerait de la guerre en Afghanistan lors de la remise du prix.
REFERENCE: The White House has stated that, when he accepts the prize, Obama will speak about the war in Afghanistan.
  MODEL 1: 
  MODEL 2: The White House has informed in advance that Obama will speak about the war in Afghanistan at the award ceremony.