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OPUS-MT Dashboard: Benchmark Translations

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   SOURCE: Et c'est loin d'être la fin du carnaval des transferts.
REFERENCE: But this is not the end of these transfers.
  MODEL 1: 
  MODEL 2: And that's far from the end of the transfer carnival.

   SOURCE: Le budget pour divers dédommagements aux victimes du communisme et de délits, voire même les épargnes logement, a diminué de presque trois milliards.
REFERENCE: The budget is almost three billion shot to cover various damages owed to the victims of communism and crime, to meet the cost of judicial disputes, and even to cover building society savings.
  MODEL 1: 
  MODEL 2: The budget for various compensation for victims of communism and crime, even for housing savings, has been cut by almost three billion.

   SOURCE: Il n'est pas certain que l'État puisse agir sans cet argent.
REFERENCE: It is still not clear if the state can get by without this money.
  MODEL 1: 
  MODEL 2: It is not certain that the State can act without this money.

   SOURCE: C'est une loterie.
REFERENCE: It's a gamble.
  MODEL 1: 
  MODEL 2: It's a lottery.

   SOURCE: Si nous perdons une procédure internationale, nous devrons de toute manière le payer, constate Janota.
REFERENCE: If we were to lose an international dispute, we'd still have to pay, claims Janota.
  MODEL 1: 
  MODEL 2: If we lose an international case, we will have to pay anyway, says Janota.

   SOURCE: Le ministre devra ensuite économiser du côté du département ou, au pire des cas, toucher à la réserve budgétaire du gouvernement.
REFERENCE: The minister will then have to save money within the resort or, in the worst case scenario, reach into the government's budget reserve.
  MODEL 1: 
  MODEL 2: The Minister will then have to save on the part of the department or, in the worst case, touch the government budget reserve.

   SOURCE: Il manque également cent millions au projet de caisse d'État d'une valeur de deux milliards, qui doit permettre de suivre en ligne quelles sont les dépenses de chaque administration.
REFERENCE: The two-billion-crown State Treasury project, which is already underway, is also lacking a hundred million, and what each office is spending can be followed on-line.
  MODEL 1: 
  MODEL 2: The State Treasury's proposed budget of two billion is also missing 100 million, which should allow for online tracking of the expenditure of each administration.

   SOURCE: La première étape démarrera en Janvier.
REFERENCE: The first stage will start in January.
  MODEL 1: 
  MODEL 2: The first phase will start in January.