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OPUS-MT Dashboard: Benchmark Translations

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   SOURCE: L'État va avoir besoin d'argent pour la repayer et il ne suffira plus d'augmenter légèrement la TVA ou de diminuer le congé maternité comme l'a fait le gouvernement dans son paquet anti-déficit.
REFERENCE: The state will need money to cover it, and it's no longer enough just to slightly bump up VATs or reduce maternity benefits, as the government has done in its anti-deficit package.
  MODEL 1: 
  MODEL 2: The state will need money to pay it back and it will not be enough to raise VAT slightly or reduce maternity leave as the government did in its anti-deficit package.

   SOURCE: Il va également manquer cinq milliards pour achever les constructions de routes et de voies ferrées à cause du transfert d'argent vers quelques groupes d'électeurs.
REFERENCE: As money has been diverted to several groups of voters, next year there will also be a shortage of five billion for building highways and railways.
  MODEL 1: 
  MODEL 2: The Commission has also proposed that the Commission should be given a mandate to carry out the work of the European Parliament.

   SOURCE: Il s'agit principalement de tronçons déjà décidés et entamés dont il n'est pas possible de modifier les projets pour réduire éventuellement les coûts.
REFERENCE: These are mostly sections that have been tendered out and are half-finished and cannot be redesigned or made any cheaper.
  MODEL 1: 
  MODEL 2: These are mainly already decided and started sections where it is not possible to modify the projects to reduce costs.

   SOURCE: Tout au plus les conserver, ce qui n'est pas gratuit non plus.
REFERENCE: At the most, conserve what isn't free too.
  MODEL 1: 
  MODEL 2: At most, keep them, which is not free either.

   SOURCE: Cela signifie retarder ou stopper trente grands chantiers, et le prélèvement des fonds européens est également en danger, selon la mise en garde de Karel Hanzelka, porte-parole du ministère des transports.
REFERENCE: This means that delaying or halting thirty major building projects and money from European funds is also at risk, warns transport ministry spokesman Karel Hanzelka.
  MODEL 1: 
  MODEL 2: This means delaying or stopping 30 major construction projects, and the collection of EU funds is also at risk, warned Karel Hanzelka, spokesman for the Ministry of Transport.

   SOURCE: Le ČSSD a proposé de résoudre le déficit financier très adroitement - il puisera dans les dividendes du ČEZ (fournisseur et distributeur d'énergie électrique), que l'État possède en majeure partie et alimentera le fonds des transports.
REFERENCE: The ČSSD has suggested that the deficit be resolved Solomon-style – it should draw on ČEZ dividends, which are mostly state-owned, and use those to top up the transport fund.
  MODEL 1: 
  MODEL 2: ČSSD proposed to solve the financial deficit very cleverly - it would draw on the dividends of ČEZ (the electricity supplier and distributor), which is mostly owned by the state, and feed into the transport fund.

   SOURCE: Le souci, c'est que le montant des dividendes n'est jamais certain et qu'il ne s'agit en aucun cas d'un puit sans fond.
REFERENCE: The problem is that the level of these dividends is never certain, and they are certainly not a bottomless resource.
  MODEL 1: 
  MODEL 2: The problem is that the amount of dividends is never certain and is by no means a bottomless pit.

   SOURCE: L'année dernière, ce sont 18 milliards qui ont été navigués depuis le ČEZ jusque dans le budget.
REFERENCE: Last year, 18 billion of ČEZ money went into the budget.
  MODEL 1: 
  MODEL 2: Last year, 18 billion was shipped from the CEEC into the budget.