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   SOURCE: Cela va augmenter les problèmes de ceux qui vont gouverner dans la seconde moitié de l'année prochaine, affirme le ministre des finances Eduard Janota.
REFERENCE: This will bring problems for whoever is in office in the latter half of next year, said the Finance Minister Eduard Janota.
  MODEL 1: 
  MODEL 2: This will increase the problems of those who will govern in the second half of next year, says Finance Minister Eduard Janota.

   SOURCE: Quand les sociaux-démocrates et les communistes imposaient l'augmentation pour certaines classes, ils se basaient sur le fait que le gouvernement fera des emprunts pour les dépenses sensibles, les retraites ou les congés maladie. "Ça n'est que remettre les problèmes à plus tard, miner le terrain," a dit Janota.
REFERENCE: When the social democrats and communists raised interest rates for certain groups, they were relying on the fact that the government would loan money for susceptible expenses, pensions, and sick pay. "It's just a case of postponing the problem, laying a minefield," says Janota.
  MODEL 1: 
  MODEL 2: When the Social Democrats and Communists imposed the increase on certain classes, they relied on the government borrowing for sensitive expenses, pensions or sick leave. "It's just putting things off, undermining the ground", Janota said.

   SOURCE: Il faut savoir que sur l'argent emprunté les intérêts à payer sont de plus en plus élevés et qu'il faudra le restituer tôt ou tard.
REFERENCE: Higher interest has to be paid on loaned money, and, at some point, it has to be paid back.
  MODEL 1: 
  MODEL 2: It is important to know that the interest on borrowed money is increasing and that sooner or later it will have to be paid back.

   SOURCE: L'État n'a pas réellement le choix pour savoir où puiser de l'argent.
REFERENCE: The state does not have much choice where to find it.
  MODEL 1: 
  MODEL 2: The government has no real choice in where to get the money.

   SOURCE: S'il ne baisse pas les aides sociales ou ses dépenses, il devra augmenter les impôts.
REFERENCE: If it doesn't reduce social benefits or the costs of running the state, it will have to increase taxes.
  MODEL 1: 
  MODEL 2: If he doesn't cut social security or his spending, he'll have to raise taxes.

   SOURCE: À tous ceux que la gauche a actuellement augmenté : les pompiers, les instituteurs, les agriculteurs.
REFERENCE: For all those that the left just handed out money to: firefighters, teachers, farmers.
  MODEL 1: 
  MODEL 2: To all those who have been raised by the left: the firemen, the teachers, the farmers.

   SOURCE: Et par la suite, à leurs enfants.
REFERENCE: And later, their children, too.
  MODEL 1: 
  MODEL 2: And then to their children.

   SOURCE: Les gens les toucheront et ne doivent pas craindre pour leurs retraites ou leurs assurances maladie, dont 1,8 milliards ont disparu.
REFERENCE: People don't have to worry about pensions or sick pay, where 1.8 billion has disappeared from the accounts; they'll get them.
  MODEL 1: 
  MODEL 2: People will touch them and not have to worry about their pensions or health insurance, of which 1.8 billion have gone.