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OPUS-MT Dashboard: Benchmark Translations

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   SOURCE: Heureusement ai-je trouvé l'endroit adéquat en allant prendre le tram.
REFERENCE: Luckily, on the way to the tram, I found the right place.
  MODEL 1: 
  MODEL 2: Fortunately I found the right spot by taking the tram.

   SOURCE: Ceci dit, les déchets en débordaient.
REFERENCE: But it was overflowing with garbage.
  MODEL 1: 
  MODEL 2: But the garbage was overflowing.

   SOURCE: C'est après tout le centre de Brno, qui est censé représenter le mieux la ville, non ?!
REFERENCE: Come on, this is the centre of Brno. Isn't it supposed to look good?
  MODEL 1: 
  MODEL 2: After all, it is the centre of Brno, which is supposed to represent the city best, right?!

   SOURCE: C'est probablement que l'écologie et un prétendu esthétisme n'intéressent pas trop les socialistes de Brno.
REFERENCE: It should, but ecology and aesthetics don't seem to interest the Brno socialists much.
  MODEL 1: 
  MODEL 2: It is probably that ecology and a so-called aestheticism are not of much interest to the Brno socialists.

   SOURCE: Eux préfèrent acheter à la ville une place en première ligue de hockey qui fait honte à la ville dans tout le pays, au lieu d'acheter quelques bennes supplémentaires et de proposer le tri de davantage de matières premières pour un Brno plus propre.
REFERENCE: They prefer to buy the city a new hockey extra-league, which puts us to shame all over the country, instead of buying a few more containers and letting us sort other garbage for a cleaner Brno.
  MODEL 1: 
  MODEL 2: They would rather buy the city a place in the top hockey league which is a disgrace to the city in the whole country, than buy a few extra bins and propose sorting more raw materials for a cleaner Brno.

   SOURCE: Je suis content d'avoir pu conforter mon impression avec des statistiques officielles après avoir traîné un moment sur internet.
REFERENCE: I'm glad to see that, after browsing the net for a while, my assumptions are confirmed by official statistics.
  MODEL 1: 
  MODEL 2: I'm glad I was able to back up my impression with official statistics after hanging around the internet for a while.

   SOURCE: D'après les données de la société EKO-KOM, Brno est vraiment la pire de toute la région Moravie du Sud.
REFERENCE: Figures published by EKO-KOM show that Brno really is the worst off in the whole of South Moravia.
  MODEL 1: 
  MODEL 2: According to EKO-KOM, Brno is indeed the worst in the whole South Moravian region.

   SOURCE: Le budget de Paroubek a ôté de l'argentaux retraites et aux congés maladie
REFERENCE: "Paroubek's" budget takes money for pensions and sick pay
  MODEL 1: 
  MODEL 2: Paroubek's budget has taken away from the silver pensions and sick leave