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OPUS-MT Dashboard: Benchmark Translations

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   SOURCE: Le président de la Société des protecteurs de la nature de Litoměřice est Lubomír Studnička.
REFERENCE: The chairman of the Litoměřice Nature Protection Society is Lubomír Studnička.
  MODEL 1: 
  MODEL 2: The chairman of the Litoměřice Nature Conservation Society is Lubomír Studnička.

   SOURCE: Il est actuellement en détention et risque jusqu'à trois ans d'emprisonnement.
REFERENCE: He is now under arrest and faces up to three years in prison.
  MODEL 1: 
  MODEL 2: He is currently in custody and faces up to three years in prison.

   SOURCE: Les bennes de tri des déchets ne sont pas au parfum à Brno
REFERENCE: Recycling containers don't smell so good in Brno
  MODEL 1: 
  MODEL 2: Waste sorting bins are not in Brno

   SOURCE: À Prague tout le monde peut trier ses emballages de boissons, alors que dans les villages de Moravie du Sud vous tombez sur des bennes de tri à chaque coin de rue.
REFERENCE: In Prague, normal people can sort their beverage bottles, and, in South Moravian, villages are recycling containers on every corner.
  MODEL 1: 
  MODEL 2: In Prague, you can sort your drinks, but in the villages of South Moravia you can find sorting bins on every street corner.

   SOURCE: Et à Brno?
REFERENCE: And in Brno?
  MODEL 1: 
  MODEL 2: What about Brno?

   SOURCE: Là, il faudrait que vous preniez plusieurs minutes avant de trouver les bennes adéquates.
REFERENCE: There, it will take you a good few minutes to find the right sort of bin.
  MODEL 1: 
  MODEL 2: In this case, it would take several minutes to find the right bins.

   SOURCE: Je ne veux pas dire qu'on ne trierait pas du tout les déchets à Brno.
REFERENCE: I don't mean to imply that garbage isn't sorted in Brno.
  MODEL 1: 
  MODEL 2: I'm not saying we wouldn't sort garbage in Brno.

   SOURCE: Mais j'ai l'impression que les conseillers municipaux de notre ville, deuxième plus grande ville du pays, ne s'intéressent pas suffisamment à ce problème.
REFERENCE: But it seems to me that considering we're the second largest city in the country, the authorities are not showing enough interest in this problem.
  MODEL 1: 
  MODEL 2: But I feel that the city councillors in our city, the second largest city in the country, are not paying enough attention to this problem.