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OPUS-MT Dashboard: Benchmark Translations

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   SOURCE: Lors de la cérémonie, Obama recevra également une médaille d'or, un diplôme et un chèque de dix millions de couronnes suédoises (environ 1,1 millions d'Euros).
REFERENCE: At the ceremony, Obama will also be given a gold medal, a diploma, and a cheque for ten million Swedish krona (around 24 million Czech crowns).
  MODEL 1: 
  MODEL 2: At the ceremony, Obama will also receive a gold medal, a diploma and a cheque for 10 million Swedish kronor (about 1.1 million euros).

   SOURCE: Il compte en faire don à des œuvres de bienfaisance, mais il n'a pas encore concrètement décidé lesquelles.
REFERENCE: He intends to donate this money to charity, but hasn't decided which yet.
  MODEL 1: 
  MODEL 2: He plans to donate it to charity, but he has not yet decided which ones.

   SOURCE: Son programme chargé l'emmènera ensuite ainsi que son épouse à un banquet incluant, en plus du roi et de la reine de Norvège, le chef du gouvernement et 250 autres invités.
REFERENCE: Their busy schedule will then take the president and his wife to a banquet, which will be attended by the Norwegian king and queen as well as the ministerial chairman and another 250 invited guests.
  MODEL 1: 
  MODEL 2: His busy schedule will then take him and his bride to a banquet that includes the king and queen of Norway, the head of government, and 250 other guests.

   SOURCE: Obama était plutôt réticent à ce prix au début.
REFERENCE: Obama has always been reticent in regards to his prize.
  MODEL 1: 
  MODEL 2: Obama was rather reluctant to this price at first.

   SOURCE: Il a mentionné par exemple avoir le sentiment de ne pas le mériter pleinement.
REFERENCE: He has said, for example, that he feels that he does not wholly deserve it.
  MODEL 1: 
  MODEL 2: For example, he mentioned feelings of inadequacy.

   SOURCE: Il a également répété plusieurs fois qu'il ne s'agit pas d'un prix pour lui seul, mais pour tous ceux qui défendent les mêmes valeurs que lui.
REFERENCE: He has repeatedly said that the prize isn't for him, but for everyone who upholds the same values.
  MODEL 1: 
  MODEL 2: He also repeatedly said that the prize was not for himself alone, but for all who share his values.

   SOURCE: Dès l'annonce, il a déclaré que ce serait pour lui une "invitation à agir".
REFERENCE: Right after hearing about it, he described it as a "challenge to take action."
  MODEL 1: 
  MODEL 2: From the outset, he said that he saw it as a "call to action".

   SOURCE: Un défenseur de la nature accusé de chantage
REFERENCE: Nature protection officers accused of blackmail
  MODEL 1: 
  MODEL 2: A conservationist charged with blackmail