OPUS - Corpus query (CWB)

corpora languages
acm af ain ang ar arq arz ast avk az be ber bg bn bod br bs ca ch ckt cmn cs cy cycl da de dsb ee el en eo es et eu fi fo fr fy ga gd gl gn grc he hi hil hr hsb hu hy ia id ie io is it ja jbo ka kk km ko ksh ku kw la lad lld lo lt lv lzh mg mi ml mn mr mt nan nb nds nl non nov npi oc orv os pcd pes pl pms pnb prg pt qu qya rm ro ru sa scn sjn sl sq sr sv swh te tg th tl tlh toki tpi tpw tr tt ug uk ur uz vi vo wuu xal xh yi yue zsm
CQP query (CWB) show attributes alignments
A CQP query consists of a regular
expression over attribute expressions.
Introduction of the query syntax
Example queries

positional annotation

worddeprel head hun


show max hitsvertical KWIC horizontal
(advanced search)